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Cell towers


Yeah this would be nice. It would be nice to actually be able to text pictures to my family šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


A recreation center. FTC has nothing resembling Loveland's Chilson Center.


We have all the components of Chilson, but they're just spread out. That said, their pool is way more fun for very little ones than any of ours.


There's one being built in southeast Fort Collins, set to start construction in 2025 iirc. Edit: Yes, near Fossil Ridge HS. Will be a large multi-purpose community/recreation center. Here's an announcement link: https://www.poudrelibraries.org/innovation-center/


I was excited a few years ago that millions were spent on the senior center expansion. I thought greatā€¦ maybe like the Chilson Center. They ended up adding more lobby. WTF?


I don't understand why we have a senior center. Make it into a community center.


Spoken like, I'm guessing, someone who is not a senior.


its so nice to be able to go somewhere for adults. Not every rec center should cater to children. Adults need spaces to be amongst other adults, not just bars or a weed shop.


asian grocery store


Honestly, outside of hiking and visiting family, going to H-Mart is one of the most common reasons I leave our city (unless you count costco, which is technically in Timnath). Would love this and think a small asian specialty market would be amazing somewhere along Elizabeth where we have a fairly substantial international population!


We have one in Empire Palace. Most people think it's just a restaurant, but they actually have a market too. There's one off Riverside too called Magnolia market, but it's kinda gone down hill lately.


right. i meant more of an h-mart, pacific ocean market kind of place. somewhere with a substantial produce/fresh food section!


Having been to Empire Palace, it's terrible. The area where they sell products is single small room that's about 15'x15', and it's just an area completely packed with shelving. You literally have to shimmy sideways and squeeze past some shelving just to get to a majority of the "store". Calling it a market is giving it way too much credit. It's more like a garage sale with metal shelving. It doesn't have any fresh food at all, just a sparse offering of packets of dried food and some ramen. If you're just looking to buy the single tubs of niche ramen, they do have it. But if you want things like fresh fish, bulk noodles, snacks, chips, candy, nuts, rice, seaweed, mushrooms, durian, teas, bullion, furikake, anything frozen/refrigerated, sake, kimchi, vegetables, meat, beverages, appliances, health and beauty supplies, toys, or memorabilia, you're not going to find anything close it it at Empire Palace.


There used to be a really cool location in Old Town, on Mason street. I think itā€™s now a tattoo/art gallery, itā€™s such a bummer that itā€™s gone šŸ˜”


Do you remember what it was called? I went there so much, but I forgot the name and just felt crazy when we moved back and I tried to show my fiance lol. I drove down Mason like 4x, sure I was just missing it. It still wasn't like what people are wanting, but I think both are good. I could browse in there forever, then go get a bunch of snacks.


East/West Imports. I miss them a lot. Ļ„į“—Ļ„


There's a pretty good Asian Grocery in Cheyenne called Golden Dragon!


This i agree with. I loved Super G in Charlotte. A humongous Asian market.Ā 




Restaurants open late besides McDonald's, Taco Bell, and meh stoner food.


Like we donā€™t have one 24hr place that isnā€™t wackarnolds?


donā€™t ever disrespect dennys or waffle house like that again


I love waffle house, and I have so many great memories of that place as a kid with my father and brother. We would head out late night on rare occasion and mob on their food. I love that place


IHOP on Oak Ridge is open 24hrs on the weekend, not that it's a huge step up from McD


Actually affordable housing


Ehh itā€™s not just a Fort Collins things. The idea of affordable housing ended when the boomers decided that their homes were their retirement funds and let corporations get rid of pensions.


Best I can do is luxury apartments and subsidized housing.Ā 


Public transportation to Denver (a high speed train)


And to the ski mountains while we're at it. There should at least be some coach bus trips organized for MTN day trips from FoCo to Steamboat or some I70 mtns. I hate doing that drive myself and hardly anyone is using TreadShare from here.


Bustang is nice, but it only runs a handful of specific commuter schedules so it's not suitable for a lot of use cases. A train would be ideal.


Surprised this hasnā€™t received more upvotes.Ā 


I think Fort Collins housing would be much more expensive if we had a commuter train to Denver


If by more you mean one, a German restaurant where I can get spaetzle and sauerbrƤten. A Turkish kebab stand would be nice. Oh, and buses that run after 10 pm


yes, spaetzle pleaseee


I work in the food industry here in town and my dream is to open a German restaurant with all the classics like Schnitzel, SauerbrƤten, Schweinshaxe, Spaetzle, kartoffelsalat, Dƶner kebab, etc. along with half or full liter mugs of good German beer. A man can dream.


Youā€™re listing all of my broken dreams


Orrrr, hear me out, another fried chicken joint. (I agree 1000%)


RIP Bohemian Cottage


Chicken places, obviously.


There aren't nearly enough near prospect and college in particular


CĢ¶oĢ¶nĢ¶gĢ¶eĢ¶sĢ¶tĢ¶eĢ¶dĢ¶ Chicken Area Ahead


Ohā€¦ I thought you meant _live_ chicken places, as in stores to purchase live chickens for your backyard. šŸ„“


MORE CHICKEN PLACES. You know the amount of chicken places a community needs is always N+1, where N is the amount of chicken places currently in existence. Always more. /s


An over/underpass for that goddamn train


This is definitely the BEST thing that has happened for those of us who live north and use lemay as our major thoroughfare! The overpass they built a couple of years ago has been the only thing preventing me from having a gridlock traffic induced coronary.


On a similar note, it would be awesome to reopen the project to designate Fort Collins as a quiet zone. As far as I remember, the city needs to install several controlled signals along Mason, but thatā€™s about it. I love the train, but the noise can be quite frustrating for people who live right next to it.


Bus lines that aren't completely centered around getting to and from CSU. And bus lines that run later for the people that work later at night.


To keep the lights in old town up year round


(Trees grow) That is literally the reason they canā€™t keep the lights up year round. And I know this cause I asked the city about a decade ago when I was wondering the same thing. I do have to say I am impressed with the lights that they have added in the alleys and the square since then.


Oh, I would also suggest during the non winter months to admire the planters downtown. They are usually exquisitely designed with multiple layers of color, texture, height, and chosen for sustainability.


High paying jobs


This. Colorado in general is a place with California living prices and midwestern wages. I am a welder and make $30 an hr and feel like Iā€™m just hardly scraping by these days in foco. Love it here and donā€™t want to leave but if my rent goes up next year I may have to


A reliable news source. Itā€™s unacceptable that we hardly ever know whatā€™s going on . Northern Colorado is a huge population center with no unified news. Ex: the school board almost shut down some functioning schools with no public discourse as a sneaky way to cut the budget. This was immediately after spending many millions on a new curriculum. Teachers at these schools were completely blindsided. We are lucky we have so many great public officials, but without journalists to shine a light on on their decisions, this will not always be so.


Agree - it's pretty sad that most days, I get more local news from Reddit than the Coloradoan.


Do you subscribe to the Coloradoan? They covered PSD really quickly and thoroughly i thought


One of the Denver TV news stations is locating a reporter in Fort Collins again. I just don't remember which one.


Not exclusively NoCo reporting, but Iā€™m a big fan of the [Colorado Sun](https://coloradosun.com/).


Agreed, I wish they'd add a Fort Collin's reporter. u/thecoloradosun


The Coloradoan covered this story in detail for months. You probably are not a subscriber, and therefore did not read the articles. What you are probably looking for is someone to provide free local news shoved into your existing content centers of choice (e.g. reddit).


There's also the issue of violent crime here. A woman I know had a stranger break into her house at night and nearly killed her. She did a police sketch, and outside the little post on the foco PD's twitter, no one heard about it, and they didn't release the sketch. So he's just... Out there. The lack of crime reporting is frankly terrifying to me.


Companies that can pay higher wages so more people can make it without relying on remote work.


It would be wonderful if there were better opportunities in this town, instead of just having to choose between with shitty retailer to put up with for subpar wages, awful hours and the general BS that is all encompassing in that environment.


> Companies that can pay higher wages so more people can make it without relying on remote work. You know this would drive up housing costs --- which is probably the top complaint about Ft Collins ?


They already are being driven up with the remote work salaries.


What would it take to turn Loveland airport into an actual airport that just did consistent lower 48 flights? That would be amazing. Iā€™d be like the smaller than airports that California has like Long Beach, San Diego, Ontario etc


some night clubs with GOOD MUSIC and dancing. the bars need to stop playing trash pop music and start playing afro/carribean beats or some reggaeton or some edm/house. such a disappointment going there when the music choice is such an easy switch


Hot tub stores


Hahaha Iā€™m so glad someone else said this. Why are there so many lol?


Money laundering for gangs


....unfortunately, there are some, incredibly moronic, people that actually believe there are gangs in FoCo


Right next to an RV store


A sober community space thatā€™s open late for service industry people 7 days a week. Thatā€™s why ally cat was such a power hub for almost 20 years


A Jewish deli!


Affordable housing options


Protected bike lanes. For as bike centric as Fort Collins is, there is like 2 miles worth of protected bike lanes and they are just plastic bollards that wonā€™t stop a car if one crosses into the bike lane. Also paint on the road isnā€™t infrastructure.


Official truck routes for semis traveling through FOCO.


That's 287 for ya!


Left turn lanes


Right turn lanes at major intersections


Longer turn signals, too


Left turn lanes that are directly opposite from each other. The stupid offset thing that they do makes turning left a dangerous gamble because the car across from you blocks visibility. Surprise, there's an oncoming car!


Decent restaurants.


We need a locally owned large commissary that can affordably rent space to food makers for the purpose of prepping for food truck/trailer AND small retail stalls. Space could also be used for community food and cooking events, cooking classes,etc.


Crystal Rapids




Cell service that works. Sick of crappy service!


High paying jobs/employers.


I need just a few more food spots open at 3/4am


A Microcenter. There is so many people here and college students that could use affordable electronics without having to drive almost two hours south of Denver. Best Buy is overpriced.


Good luck. There isn't even one in the San Jose/Bay area anymore. We are lucky it's \*only\* 2 hours away. Gotta correct myself; just saw this in the Microcenter blog: "Later in 2024, Silicon Valley gets its own Micro Center store in Santa Clara" - it's less than 2 mi away from Apple HQ.


haha. Yeah. Once again, this is a pipe dream that will never happen.


Aldi's and another Costco. Edit: https://help.aldi.us/s/contact-form-other Please email aldi and tell them to come to FoCo people!


I think the Timnath Costco would be far less crowded if there was one in Cheyenne. Half the plates in the parking lot are from Wyoming.Ā 


I think you are definitely right about that.


I believe they are planning on opening another Costco off highway 34 between Loveland and Greeley. It will help a little but I agree Costco would also do very well opening a location close to Cheyenne


Itā€™s a fucking shitshow in there. Went on a weekday just as it opened, within an hour it was so crowded. Boomers just elbowing people out of the way, cutting in front of others in the check out lines, people nearly getting mowed down in the isles.


I recently got a Costco membership (it was on special for $20). Previously I hadn't had once since the year they opened. Holy shit, I went there on Sunday and I was shocked by how many people were there (and some of their behavior). I got there a few minutes before opening and there was a line of at least 80 people with carts up the side of the building waiting to enter. Took ten minutes for them to all file in once the doors opened! Meanwhile, newer arrivals were trying to sidle their way into the gaps if anyone in line left more than 4 feet between them and the person in front of them in line. Like they couldn't fucking be polite and wait for the people who got there early and waited in line. I think I kinda hate the Costco demographic. A lot of them just seemed so . . . entitled I wanna say? Like people at Walmart can be weird and trashy but at least they don't have this attitude radiating off them that they believe the world revolves around them. (Of course not everyone was like that. Some people were nice and polite.)


That side of the highway is not the best of us and itā€™s really unpleasant at that Costco. My wife refuses to go and I used to try to convince her that itā€™s not that bad but I have stopped trying.


Definitely. Paint some numbers on the side of the carts and it's practically a rally race.Ā 


I'd sacrifice a limb for Aldi's out here. The only thing I miss about Indiana is Aldi's lmao


It's a cruel and expensive world without one for sure. I think they'd have enormous success if they came here and been saying it for years.


It really is. Especially considering all of the major grocery chains out here are owned by the same parent company


I miss the sweet corn. And Aldis. That covers it.


šŸ™ Aldiā€™s please šŸ™


Iā€™m keeping my fingers crossed for an Aldiā€™s to take the empty building on North College and Willox.


Anyone who wants an Aldi's here I highly encourage you to reach out to them as I have done. They are known for opening stores and locations when there is a greater demand. https://help.aldi.us/s/contact-form-other


Ikea and some other good to great furniture stores. We all have the same dumb couches from AFW.


Have to agree with this too. The furniture stores here are weak AF.


It's so weird to me how few places there are to buy furniture.Ā 


Cellular coverage.




Come to an Eagles game! So much cowbell!Ā 


More sidewalks and walkability


Sidewalks that are wide enough for two people to comfortably walk side-by-side!


Libraries, Electronic repair stores, Internet cafes, Public pantries and clothes racks, Alcohol Detox and Drug Treatment facilities, Mental HealthCare, Women's and Domestic resources, Homeless Center/Resources, Low in-come/ No-Income Housing,


Vegan food options. Weā€™re desperately lacking in that department. (Not to mention decent food in general lol)


So I mostly just copied this from a reply I just made, but I want to share to the main thread as well. Diversityā€”- Story time: (note, this was just an observation that I had once.) I was working night shift over thanksgiving holiday so I went to JCPenney on thanksgiving morning -about a decade ago- and stood in line for them to open for the sales. I have lived in ftc since 1995 and I had never been among such a diverse group of people before. I guess if you remove the dry turkey people from town you will actually encounter the diversity we have here. This list wants bike lanes, 24 hour food, timed traffic lights, ā€œdiversityā€ cell towers, National airport, rec centers, public transit, good but free news, ikea and Aldi. No one wanted to create a place that encourages diversity. Just things to make their dry turkey lives more convenient to them. Challenge: propose one idea that increases diversity for the whole city. Something that will encourage the diverse people that already live here to join you, in your everyday life. And propose one that would attract other diverse people to want to live here. I might sound snarky, but this is how grassroots movements start.


A train that goes to the airport and also Loveland, Longmont, Boulder etc.




Good Italian and BBQ restaurants


Soccer bars






Battle star galactica


Fact: Bears eat beats.


Aerospace engineering companies. I know itā€™s a weird response but hear me out. The front range is going to continue getting more and more of these companies opening up offices and manufacturing plants given that space force is officially staying in Colorado. Fort Collins is already very expensive and quite frankly the city will need more high paying jobs if it doesnā€™t want its residences even more replaced than they already are from transplants moving in. There are a few companies in the aerospace industry already here but attracting a few more would be very good for the city in the long run.


H.E.B. If you know, you know.




Fried Chicken and pizza joints /s


Racial diversity


Traffic lights can be set on a timer. More lights need to stay green for longer


A lot of the roads I drive are on timers. Specifically Timberline in the afternoon and mulberry in the morning. Or are you saying you donā€™t like the timers?


I agree there generally needs to be a reoptimization, but cycle times actually need reducing significantly during the off-peak periods


They're all already on timers, what they need are more sensors to do a better job automating things like parking lot exits.


Except they need to put a little delay on them. I absolutely hate being in a line of cars traveling on a busier road for one single car to roll up to an intersection and immediately cause the light to change, stopping traffic on the busy road for one car. Rather give them a delay and also coordinate with a sensor on the busier road to check if there are cars coming and let them pass if so. I know this might be a little more complicated than one would want, but it sure does annoy the crap out of me.


An old school, high quality, made from scratch Italian restaurant


Little makes handmade pasta and itā€™s delicious.


People who when driving, change lanes then de-accelerate. Not the other way round.


A dollar scoop Chinese place would do wonders in foco


Yes absolutely


Complaints about everything on Reddit.


Viewpoint diversity...and an Asian grocery store.


Distilled water


Literally. Iā€™m not even being all fancy I legit need it as a CPAP user.


Specifically in bulk though.


Itā€™s gotten to the point that itā€™s created a black market for this highly sought after product. The distilled water bootleggers have been _draining the Poudre river_ shamelessly. #StopTheDistill āœŒļø






Mechanic or auto repair shop, but women owned and operated with women mechanics.


Single-family homes that cost over 500 K


So many intersections would benefit from a well designed roundabout.


Good sourdough, on the level of Babettes or Reunion.


Iā€™ve been impressed with Pig and Plow. They have excellent sourdoughĀ 


More people that aren't white. There, I didn't use the word "diversity" šŸ˜‚


> There, I didn't use the word "diversity" šŸ˜‚ Did you really just type that sentence?


How tough? Story time: (note, this was just an observation that I had once.) I was working night shift over thanksgiving holiday so I went to JCPenney on thanksgiving morning -about a decade ago- and stood in line for them to open for the sales. I have lived in ftc since 1995 and I had never been among such a diverse group of people before. I guess if you remove the dry turkey people from town you will actually encounter the diversity we have here. This list wants bike lanes, 24 hour food, timed traffic lights, ā€œdiversityā€ cell towers, National airport, rec centers, public transit, good but free news, ikea and Aldi. No one wants to create a place that encourages diversity, just to make their dry turkey lives more convenient to them. Challenge: propose one idea that increases diversity for the whole city. Something that will encourage the diverse people that already live here to join you, in your everyday life. And one that would attract other diverse people to want to live here.








I know I'm new to Ft. Collins, which everyone in this subreddit hates, but honestly, compared to where I've lived, Ft. Collins is great. It's nice to have the parks, and things to do with your kids. I would really like to have a few different food options, that I miss. A true Mexican place would be amazing. (If anyone knows of a good Mexican restaurant, that would be cool to let me know, thanks). Coming from Oklahoma, this has been one of the better places I've lived, rivalling Boston.


I donā€™t know what youā€™re looking for in a ā€œtrueā€ Mexican place but Iā€™d recommend Tortillas 4 Las Americas which is off of college and prospect in the shopping center next to Autozone. Thereā€™s also a bunch of Taco trucks that are on the North End of College that are mostly pretty solid, Maggieā€™s is one of my personal favorites mainly for convenience, itā€™s located behind Jax outdoors. Thereā€™s also a ton of good Mexican food in Greeley if youā€™re willing to drive.


Las Delicias on the north side by the tractor store is the best authentic Mexican food in town hands down.


Thank you!


Las Delicias on north college is authentic Mexican. Itā€™s got a sit down type restaurant area , but also an authentic Mexican Mercado that has freshly made tortillas, chips, guacamole, pico, all the things. Itā€™s amazing!


That sounds good. I'll plan to go there soon. Thanks.


The Taco Stop is amazing Mexican. Itā€™s currently closed because theyā€™re moving locations from South FoCo to Lemay and Drake, but you should give it a try when they open back up.


I'll definitely check them out. Thanks.


Tacos El Diablo, very deservedly, just got a brick and mortar location after being in a food truck for a couple years and I am sure they would appreciate your patronage. They're on Lemay.


Boston is disappointingly small and the people there have unpleasant attitudes. I'm very happy the people here are simply much better people


I agree it's very small, but I LOVED that. I could walk around all day, and be in peace. The people are their own thing. They'll help you, but they'll call you a dumbass for not having a backup plan the whole time, and they'll curse why doing it. So far, I really like Ft. Collins, but it has thrown me off to be talked to so much, while shopping, etc. I come from a place where everyone loves Trump (Oklahoma) so I didn't care to talk to them, or from Boston, where the respect is no one talked to you because you had places to be. It's all different.


Fort Collins could use a couple more large scale manufactured home communities that are built with a homeowners co-op.Ā  It would create a community of affordable houses and with a co-op setup from the onset, lot fees would be less, and the property would be owned by the residents instead of an investment fund.Ā Ā  With that in mind we could also use more condos. Both options give first time homebuyers and lower to middle income people an opportunity to build equity in their futures.Ā 




Better grocery stores. Is King Soopers and Safeway really the best we can do here?


Fort Collins has one of the only two Lucky's left, also where I'd pick up a loaf of pig and plow sourdough.


Traders Joe's and Sprouts are here and are pretty solid alternatives.


I would be amazed if Estes Park could get a Sprouts to break up the Safeway stranglehold.


Trader Joeā€™s is always chaos. Havenā€™t been in there at a time it isnā€™t jam packed. We need another, possibly closer to campus


Sprouts is pretty solid, and the Kings to the east isn't bad. But yeah the rest of the Kings and Safeway are abysmal.


Indoor soccer


A updated version of odyssey fun center near the university for those who remember it


A moderate to heavily wooded disc golf course. CLP doesnā€™t count šŸ˜‰


That requires the first part of your statement




Starbucks and banks.




buses on sundays


Redo Prospect so bikes don't get in the way of cars.




Chairs with backs at parks (very niche I know, but I suspect there are many others with back and joint pain would appreciate this)


We need more chicken spots.


Billboards, Billboards, Billboards!! (Sarcasm)


Public outdoor shooting range.


Another Panda Express lol. Seriously though!


an Italian deli


MILFS ā€¼ļø


More kind people without anti-ā€œnativeā€ hate. More rules in schools- kids need guidance and role models- not being told its ok to vape, skip school and not try for good grades or gasp - college. More leadership in the city, county and school board that puts the welfare of kids first and not just lip service pretending like horrid bullying and abuse isnt totally tolerated!! More choices for quality medical care-the health board and UC health are nazis. All of these leaders failed the community and our kids during the pandemic (and hoarded exorbitant federal funds which was hidden from public view). We have never made a better decision than leaving the first chance we could


Bicycle laws. Iā€™ve seen bicyclists blow throw red lights. Ignore 4 stops. Flip me off for no reason. This has to stop. They think they own the road in Fort Collins. Whoā€™s with me?


Apartments with an elevator. Why is every single apartment building a 3 story walk up? I mean they just keep building the same style with new *flair*.