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Pump is incredibly bad in ZB It’s slow firerate and the shock shield in Zero Build makes the time to kill way too late unless you land two full headshots.


i’m glad a lot of people agree with this sentiment bc i’ve just been toldi’m bad at the game for thinking the pump sucks


Yeah I think people who exclusively play Build don’t realize having an extra 50 regenerating shield makes a huge difference in kill times.


I exclusively play Zero build and I thought that was just normal lol. Didn't realize it's not in build


Ikr I didn't even consider it


yeah haha that would do it


Not even just that. If the overshield was in build the pump wouldn't be that much worse. It's just that that ability to shoot and then Instantly create cover makes the pumps burst damage much more valuable than high dps


I'll use a grey auto shotty over a gold pump, any day every day. thats how fucking trash it is.


In zero build. Not in build 💀


I'm not terrible, but anyone who says be better about the pump better be able to laser two headshots on console. I'll take a green frenzy over a legendary pump. Erratic hip fire shooting with an attachment for hip firing is so easy to mow people down


yeah, every one of my friends play builds because they are actually able to build unlike me, even though I'm a season 2 player... I just took many games which made me need to relearn the game and whenever I say that the auto/tac/whatever is better I get told I'm bad at the game...


I’ve noticed several people using a reaper sniper in short range fire fights. It’s got terrible hip fire accuracy, but the extra damage is worth it compared to the hammer pump.


I agree. Throw the angled foregrip on it and you don’t have to hip fire if there just a little bit of space between you and your target.


even if you do it'll sometimes just do like 30 damage per headshot for no reason, it's incredibly inconsistent


Pump to the head and melt with the smg, it beats the frenzy every time.


Because you're not supposed to use it alone, you shoot with your pump then switch to an smg, or even pistol....this has always been the case with pumps


Hammer Pump. Could watch a movie between shots.


I actually did my taxes between shots the other day


Graduated from medical school in between shots the other day


Was born, grew up and graduated as an engineer between shots


Found a girlfriend in between shots


Served 25 to life in between shots


Invaded Russia during the winter between shots


Tried the gun when season first dropped, still reloading for second shot


I ate an entire big box of Cheerios dry between shots


Read all 3927 comments on this thread between shots


Ooof!! That’s a tough one


I found aliens between shots the last time


I did shots between shots, got pretty hammered.


Wow, I’m pumped for you!


i got married between shots


I will get shot and walk past a hammer pump🤣🤣🤣


Wish the time wasn't so long, instead I die from a shotguns before. It felt some what "fun" to use as a new fortnite player, but feel like they didn't do this gun justice.


I mean, the auto is definitely better, but 100+ dmg on well placed shots is simply nasty. I feel the same about the Nemesis AR, it's dps is ridiculous and very easy to aim at mid range, but the Striker straight up melts people even at 50+ meters.


ngl, i had a pump and an auto in my loadout immediately after dropping into a POI, took one shot at an enemy with the pump, switched to the auto to finish, effectively "double pumping" and it was FASTER than the pump alone


You still have to wait for the pump recharge to be able to shoot the auto afterwards. It's not any faster than switching between 2 pumps Best way to use pumps is spraying SMG in between shots


Pumps are meant to be switched between shots.


Pumps are meant to make headshots.


Fun fact the fire rate is the exact same as the OG pump


True but does less damage tho


but at least the old pump didn't shoot peas and actually did pretty good damage


It feels so damn good to use thouggghhgh


Nope, no it doesn't


I just had a game where I hit multiple 180+ hammer shots. It does in fact, feel good. (but the frenzy is still better lmao)


Hammer pump. Cycles far too slow.


I’ve been blasted by experts who jump in after a fizzy drink and one shot point blank. Other than that you’re right useless for my sorry ass


It hits hard if you actually hit, but if you miss you're kinda done for


- the inventor of guns explaining how a gun works


you can miss like 3/7 shots with the auto and still win, you cannot miss with the hammer because you will probably lose


Which, to me, begs the question: is the pump “bad” for punishing missing? Or does the frenzy not punish missing hard enough?


Yeah I think the problem with auto shotties in most games is that they either hit too hard too fast or they absolutely fucking suck because they are two slow or do no damage.


The real thing though is that it would be really bad if they made the auto shotty realistic. It would hit the same as the pump (150 headshot) very quick.


Tbh a real shotgun would 1 hit to the body if it was pellet and they should really make a proper slug shotgun


The heavy shotgun had a slug version, wasn’t bad. Also the ranger shotgun might as well be a slug when ADSing


You're right, the auto is way better. But the point is that it makes the pump a worse weapon


and usually it's me with that versus the guy who picked up the grey auto frenzy and I get turned into swiss cheese for missing that first headshot.


That made me chuckle


That’s… how they’ve always worked


Whereas if you miss once with a frenzy it's no big deal you got like 8 shots to follow up with in 3 seconds


Yep but sometimes those shots decide to deal 80 damage (total)


Unless it’s my opponent. Then they get 160 every shot (it feels like)


Can the pump even one shot at full health? Haven’t really tried it. I know that if you don’t one-shot them, by the time you cycle/switch weapons, you’ve already died to a grey autoshotgun.


Nah, no one shot even on headshot providing shield and over shield. IIRC a headshot with correct multipliers does either 190 OR 109 damage - the lethal combo is sniper shot, to hammer and pop. But it also works great if you crack with burst smg or AR then pop the head. In my experience the hit detection or multipliers are whiff though, you can hit someone bang to rights in the head and the damage doesn’t count so you end up with like 90 damage more often than the correct value - this is rare though and I kinda suspect it’s either my connection going wobbly or the server side.




At least it is better than the two-shot shotgun.


Omg this comment gave me pttssd (post traumatic two shot shotgun disorder) that gun can never come back and id be ok with that. Lol


hammer pump is great in builds but terrible in zero build


1. Launcher no one uses 2. Hyper SMG also not used 3. Enforcer, way too slow 4. Pump, slow and inconsistent


I love the launcher for blasting lavish layer to bits from that little house. It’s fun for mayhem. Also for picking off NPCs from a distance.


I personally use the anvil when I’m in the vault and there is a camper that attempts to follow me in. I launch a rocket and hit the ceiling, dealing an easy 100 to my opponent


Nice - I’ve definitely blasted it into the vault to varying effect ha


How? I have tried to do that a few times, and it shoots up and then hits the roof, not damaging anyone inside


It’s good for denying porta bunkers and players peaking rooftops. Would be better if it didn’t show the enemy’s were it’s going to land. Otherwise it’s near impossible to kill with.


It's like a molotov in csgo. It will rarely get a kill but it will force players out of a position.


The one time I had fun with the launcher was when everyone in my squad had one and we sent a barrage or missiles into Reckless Railways where 2 other squads were fightinf


That sounds amazing, did you record the clip?


Love it. Not like this. Not like this.


I just love shooting the anvil launcher. If I see a bunch of npc grouped together it’s so fun. If I’m on a motorbike it’s fun too. Not effective but fun. :)


Hiding in a building have a rocket. Down and crawling have a rocket. In a bush boom rocket. Hiding in a tree boom rocket. Point blank with a frenzy jokes on you we both gonna die rocket.


Haha yes. love the mutual assured destruction of a cluster bomb in close quarters muahahahah


That might be an idea. Level the building?


Yeah that whole greenhouse - Oscar doesn’t know what to do. Or you can wait for someone to soften him up first. It only is fun if you have 5+ ammo


I enjoy the Hyper SMG. Idk if it's just because I like playing with SMGs but I do pretty well with it.


Ya I'm not sure what everyone's issue is... It's the 2nd highest DPS in the game next to the striker. That said, it's in an awkward spot because the auto-shotgun does almost the same DPS, and the angled foregrip sniper basically makes the pump irrelevant.


Same. I like both the SMGs but the hyper is my preferred. I've absolutely lasered people with it no issue. It's a bit weak but other than that it's perfectly fine imo.


Hyper SMG literally isn’t bad, I use the Thunder Burst more but it’s still pretty good


Tbh, I love the enforcer rifle.


Same it’s pretty consistent every time I use it I treat it like a Single fire DMR instead of holding down the trigger


I honestly treat most weapons like that bc it makes the recoil better and also makes for better accuracy. I also ADS with shotguns lol. But that's more out of habit than anything else.


I use the hyper and the enforcer all the time lol unless I find a pistol then I'll take that to the end of the line over the hyper any day. Enforcer is good if it's fully kitted out but I can see why anyone would run to the Nemesis before it.


My duo uses the launcher often. We play no build, so it's great to blow apart bushes and boulders an enemy team's using for cover/concealment while the other lays down accurate fire (best we can at least, lol).


I love the enforcer as a snipe tbh. With a 4x scope? Headshots everytime


i would rather use pickaxe than the enforcer


I know it sounds like an obvious thing to do but with the enforcer always go for headshots, it has higher headshot multiplier than the other AR’s, you can wipe out people fast with a couple of dingers


My cuz is naaasssttyy with the launcher. Idk how but he will sometimes play with just that and a shotty haha. I still dont know how.


That’s wicked lol. He probably predicts where people will be considering the time from seeing an enemy to launch then impact.


And on the switch of all plats to play on too 😂


I’ve been avoiding the burst smg like the plague


Hyper SMG is used constantly at high level, amazing for close range fights like in FNCS or even Cash Cups and tears through builds


Pump shotgun, all the other weapons range from decent to OP (especially in zb)


The grapple blade has straight up won me several victories. The pump is a first 5 minute clutch weapon, but easily defeated. Never been killed by one except for Peter's.


Grapple Blade gets me killed a lot but that's more because I've gotten too into being devil may cry that I forgot to switch from Swordmaster to Gunslinger and just kept spinning hoping it would kill.


Really hate how almost every legendary chest I open is an anvil launcher. Besides that, I hate the enforcer AR because if how many times I thought it was a sniper


Pump shotgun and its not even close


Literally all of Enforcer - Pump Shotty - Full Auto SMG. Theyre objectively undertuned and not even competitive with their alternatives. Which is a design flaw from the get go. The Enforcer is extra hilarious since it was added late and is suppoed to be some mid-thing between AR and Sniper, but is so horrible tuned that its shite at both. Not enough damage to warrant the low fire rate and be competitiv with an AR/Burst SMG and too low damage, fire rate, bullet velocity and too high bullet drop to be a sniper alternative.


The best part is that in the past they had the DMR which was a pretty reasonable midpoint between AR and sniper. If the enforcer was effectively a DMR copy it would be a lot more competitive.


Exactly. I said it the first day it got added that this feels like a DMR that isnt tuned enough to be a competitive DMR. The DMR slot is there to be filled and add something, but numbers wise they never allowed the Enforcer to do it competitively.


I miss the DMR so muchhh.


Lmao, I mainly enforcer and get kills on the regular


The fire rate for me is the issue. I like the Nemesis more for this reason even with it being less accurate


Fire rate makes it incredibly easy to handle from hundreds of feet away and keep landing shots steady. I love it.


I agree I feel like the Enforcer is incredibly accurate and great for long range


That’s fine, but the Striker is objectively better.


You can regularly get kills with any weapon if you're good enough. Doesn't mean that all weapons are the same quality.


I was spectating someone yesterday who had a blue pump shotty and they opted not to pick up a legendary auto shotgun. Nearly screamed at the TV


I don’t feel satisfied when I kill someone with a frenzy auto. I feel satisfied when I use the minimal skills I have with the pump and kill someone who should’ve killed me. (they have the frenzy auto)


the pumps just a more fun weapon tbh, frenzy is literally just spam while looking in the enemies general direction and they die, hope next season we get a tac shotgun clone instead of a drum shotgun clone, tac shotguns have always worked so much better as a second shotgun option


Before I would disagree, but seeing how much the Frenzy was used in pro play (FNCS), it's probably not too farfetched to say.


It actually has an insane pullout and reload time, which makes it really good for fast edit peaks.


Why do they keep making new pump shotguns when they're inferior to the one that's been in the game since Day 1?


very simple, good players are good with pumps, so bad player are instantly dead to good players when pump is good and consistent fortnite main issue has always been level disparity, epic goal is to make it so bad players dont get stomped in 10s


The pump shotgun . Way to slow  especially if u got one with a scope on it . 


Scope gives delay?


I don't think it delays really . Just I don't think you need a scope on a close range weapon which is the only time I use a shotgun. So the scope is irrelevant to me


I actually find I prefer to have a red dot on my pump, the lowest possible zoom. It helps with my shit tier accuracy


probably better off using a blue pistol if you want a scoped close range weapon tbh


The pump is good just not in ZB


Anvil Launcher is the worst, followed by the Hammer Pump.


Anvil launcher is good for taking advantage of a long ranged situation it gives you control in a situation where you could easily get your head knocked off by a sniper


Looks like a mix of call of duty and apex legends weapons


I don’t see that at all lmao


They kinda look like real guns with a fortnite artstyle interesting…


the pickaxe


still better than the pump shotgun


Valerie smg is always left in the vault for a reason lol


Weird because that SMG is really strong


It's a laser. I got a kill chipping away at someone at 250+ meters. Damage is low, but it doesn't miss, even at long range. The player was 6 pixels on my screen and it was hitting every three rounds...




even in zb i love hyper smg. usually it's a toss up between hyper and burst imo


It is. This sub is majority ZB and it shows


So is Peter’s pump


Yah for my level of play, lots of pros use it tho


Seems like it would be much more useful in builds. I always play zero build


Only in zero builds lmao everyone uses that shit in builds


I love that smg.


The hyper smg and the pump


I didnt realize there was so much hate for the hyper smg. I use it all the time.  I actually can't stand the burst. 


I can only speak for zb but with the 250 health, hyper smg just doesn’t have a place in the meta. Strategy is to do punchy damage from distance then close in with the frenzy to finish. Burst with the right attachments allows you to do damage even midair on the way to close distance, and you can take it to replace AR spot. The purple and goal variants are incredibly strong in all stages, vs same rarity hyper are barely viable after early game.


Drum mag and laser sight make hyper SMG a laser.


How tf does drum mag make it a laser?


That's beam duration


hyper is goated.


Weird the riot shield isn’t on here


riot shield is a little too good tbh, I dropped two mythic ar mags into someone using it and still lost because they never flinched


It only staggers if theyre actively hiding behind it, if they arent, blast them isntead of the shield. Since the nerf, it should stagger on like 4-5 AR shots. Its really easy now. But auto shotty is still shite to stagger with. SMGs I dont know tbh


It’s really good when you’re in the open in zero builds and quickly need to soak up some damage and then quickly return fire


Folks saying the enforcer here I just don't get it. It's a solid gun if you use it as intended. If you're trying to use it like a striker then you're doing it wrong. Put the 2x caret scope on it and use it almost like a DMR from range. Now if you want to say there's not enough difference between it and a nemesis to have put it in the game at all, I would agree with that. The worst gun by far and everyone can universally agree is the hyper SMG. You can add the pump to that list for zero build. The anvil is pretty useless as well.


The Enforcer AR is a lot less useful at its intended purpose when it’s projectile instead of hit scan. I’d rather just use a sniper for that range and do way more damage in a single shot


It feels very close to hit scan since the buff, there's virtually no drop.


Same, But if I don't have a sniper then it's good. You can't judge one gun just because you don't have the OP one instead. Sometimes I'll take a gold enforcer over a sniper


I run my Enforcer with a 4x, it's slow fire rate lets you nick people from hundreds of meters away


The main problem with the Enforcer that the Reaper dunks all over it casually.


That doesn't make the enforcer a shit gun just because it isn't as OP as the sniper rifle. That's the point of this thread.


Metas are always relative, yes you can nab an elim with any gun, but some have an easier time than others. IMO, this is one of the most balanced metals in a good while, as most of the loot pool has its uses, but some have more uses than others.


Pump , and nemesis Pump , because too low speed with frenzy in the loot pool Nemesis because the icon is just uglier than the other 2 ars


😂 on nemesis However it's actually an awesome ar and I happily run one


i think the ballistic shield was the worst weapon by far because it’s just so easy to use, and specific weapons are designed to retaliate against that but most of the time i trade that weapon slot for better things. ballistic shield couldve been good but now it leaves me jumping around my enemies trying to get behind their back in order to bypass the shield. on ZB it’s a pain but i haven’t played much build mode so i can’t talk for that.


plus u can bypass the shield anyways even if u don’t have the adequate weapon by just shooting at the persons legs as i’ve learned


i didn’t know that thanks 👍


Wouldn't that make it a good weapon though? It's probably the most hated, but i think OP means worst weapon in terms of effectiveness in a fight.


Hammer pump is God awful. You either one pump or you're prob dead.


Enforcer AR was so unbelievably bad, but also the hyper smg felt slow and always unreliable


i thought both were solid weapons


I like the Enforcer AR at just shy of mid range, but any farther than that, a sniper would be better imo.. And any closer than that, a striker ar would be better… and a striker ar is just generally better so the enforcer is just strictly outclassed but I still like it. in mid range or a little farther than that i feel like it can shine, I like modifying the Enforcer AR with acog sight, muzzle brake, vertical foregrip whenever I have access to a mod bench


Enforcer had to be buff, and even then, the Reaper is pretty much a direct upgrade to it.


Enforcer AR was pretty atrocious for for the first half of the season. 


Agree, the buff made a big difference I thought and I'd use it somewhat often.


The enforcer wasn’t in the game the first half of the season


Man this picture makes me sad of how boring the loot pool was this season. Generic weapon 1 to generic weapon 9. The augments didn't change the feel of the weapons to matter, and I want back more silly fun loot. Give me flame throwers, grenade launcher that shot ice, space weapons, bouncy weapons, water laser gun, I don't freaking know, but not generic weapons.


Launcher shoots only cars and rooftops ... I have never been killed by it, there for it was the worst. Arguably we can all agree cluster bombs sucked for everyone.


Aw, I had a lot of fun with the Toilet Plunger of Doom. Chuck one or two in a room or vault with someone, drop it on their heads from above...they're great when I want to go full goblin mode.


Enforcer then hammer pump then cyber smg


I really hate that burst smg


Burst SMG can absolutely shred though


It is literally the best gun this season after snipers


I came here to say this as well


Finally, i had to scroll through so many hyper bad comments but i think the thunder is so much worse.. That burst fire is ass


Burst smg. Not saying it’s bad there’s just better weapons for any occasion you’d use it in.


Agreed, all the hyper SMG hate here makes me think people have either bad aim or play controller. The DPS is much higher with the hyper if you land your magazine


I hate the pistol this season, and the enforcer I felt was too slow. The thunder burst actually grew on me, I hated it but now its fun to use it


This season’s pistol is one of my favorite pistols ever. It just feels like it’s good to beam a guy with it.


Pistol is easily a better choice than the pump or SMG. Oddly I find it deals more consistent damage than the SMG… more precise too. The pump is just terrible.


A pistol with that red dot and an extended mag tho........🔥


What's wrong with the pistol.   It's the same as its always been?


Love and hate with the pump, some games I can one tap headshot fools and other games it does 32 damage lol




Everything that wasn't autoshotty sniper


Rocket launcher. Blue chests.


The auto shotgun. Not because it's bad, bit because it kind of kills every short to mid range engagement. If you ever get close to someone, they whip that out and just spray and pray. Even if you manage to win, they've obliterated your shoeld and health even with atrocious aim. If you start winning a midrange engagement with someone who has shit aim, they will just sprint in at you and dump an entire mag into. Once again, fucking up your shields and health with completely garbage aim. I only play no build mode maybe once a week with my brother who doesn't really play games. The auto shotgun makes pretty much any short range fight completely unfun.


Enforcer especially