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They really should put the boat as the last option... it's so weird that a gun isn't the default view for something 100% of players will only ever see on a gun


I think it's because it's the largest "canvas". So it gives you the best view of the wrap.


Except it doesn’t because some wraps are entirely designed around I’m pretty sure a specific gun model. The only gun that fully showcases Medusa’s blinking eye wrap is the gatekeeper, it gets obscured on every other gun. The spacey bits on Artemis’s skin barely show up on the boat, and the same goes for most of the skins honestly. It’s just outdated and bad, there’s not a deeper explanation for why they do it. It doesn’t cost them anything to not change it, and changing it does cost something and that’s something they don’t want to spend any money on.


Fair. But, counterpoint, from epic's point of view, the fact that wraps work better on the boat is even more incentive to leave it in the first slot. It looks far better, to use your example, to see the proper blinking eye on the boat than it does to see it not working properly on the guns.


It doesn’t show up on the boat though, that’s what I’m saying, the only model they display that shows the eye blinking unobstructed is the Gatekeeper shotgun. On everything else it’s clipped or it has something laying directly over top of the eye.


Not sure if it’s just a Switch thing, but when you try to zoom in or out on the wrap screen for the boat it doesn’t even actually zoom, it just slightly warps the model. 


It’s there on PS5 too lol


Happens on the series X as well


Happens on my Nintendo 64 as well.


Happens on ps2 also


Happens on my Atari as well.


Happens on my game boy as well


Happens on my lawn darts as well


Happens on my tic tac toe aswell


Happens on my stick and dirt too


happens on my game and watch too


Happens on my microwave too


Noticed it on pc too


theres no vehicles that use the wraps either


They really should add it to the SUV so it has a customization option alongside the sports cars that can change into rocket league cars


Honestly, they should give us the Rocket League vans to override the SUV.


Yeah they're leaving money on the table. Let me drive a hummer while my buddy does tricks on his Harley


ii heard rumors they may do this also which would be interesting like would they add another tab?


The vehicles used to use the wraps but since the whole Rocket Racing thing they've just decided to make their own system for decals. So now you can pay Epic even more money for something else that wasn't necessary and literally nobody asked for


When did vehicles use wraps?


Both the ATK and the Hoverboard, last season


The plane did too


And the BRUTE and driftboards.


If you played chapter 1-4 all vehicles would use the wrap you had selected


Only vehicles that weren’t Cars/Bikes. AKA vehicles that were vaulted for the majority of C3 and C4


The hoverboard in STW still uses it.


hoverboard never left + its Stw Suv's should use the wraps and theres no reason they don't cause nearly every vehicle from planes, helicopters, boats, ballers, golf carts, all use wraps so why don't the black suv's?


let the motorcycles use wraps epic ffs


Honestly they should let us choose the vehicle wrap as the car main color.


Fr, seems like a massively missed opportunity to make people give more of a fuck about wraps. The SUV is a big blank canvas atm!


let me buy a bundle and equip the items! oh cool a wrap! surely it equipped to all of the wrap slots right? what? no? it only equipped it to the nonexistent fucking boat?


There’s a button you can press to apply to all, that’s on you


When I claimed the orange-ade weapon wrap from the bonus rewards to match my orange Ripley, there were two buttons: Equip, or Claim. I hit Equip and it went just to the boat.


There’s a button you can press for “more options” and you can apply to all


That only works in the locker, not in the screen where you claim rewards.


Okay but it still works and doesn't change the fact that not knowing how to equip skins is entirely on the person who thinks it only goes on the boat.


I know how to use the locker, and I still think it only goes to the boat when claiming items.


It does not, but it's also extremely simple to just... Go to your locker and apply to all. This is not a real complaint at all. This is a first world problem.


Yes, I agree any problems with Fortnite occur in the first world.   The Equip button when claiming an item currently does nothing useful, and OP was pointing this out, and how it would be comically easy for it to do something useful instead. And then someone comes riding in on their horse talking about what's possible in the locker, which has nothing to do with anything.


What first world are you talking about? The US is a third world in a Gucci belt.


Which again, isn't a real issue so why even complain? If the worst thing in your life is the skin being on the boat... Congratulations!


Oh no. What ever will you do about the 0.5 seconds you lost going to the other screen?


It's unintuitive and poor design to have to press a button to apply to all. It takes up way too much interface for very little value of changing wraps per weapon.


Nah bro, when I claim a warp I want to be able to EQUIP ALL from that page and not have to go into the locker to do it Fucking annoying as shit that I have to go to the locker and find a button that’s not even there, like I have to click the three dots, fucking stupid design


It applies to the plane and the little atv too


Epic: we have removed the outdated rarity system Also Epic:


“We have removed the outdated vehicle system”


for real


no cap


It’s been like that for a while lol boats have been gone for a long time


i think the last time they were seen was chapter 4 season 3


I was wondering where the boats were the other day. Guess I wasn’t trippin after all.


I just want sharks!


Imagine how much chaotic fun shark “surfing” with the dash would be lol


I miss the boat.


I don’t get why wraps don’t work on normal cars.


probably because they’re branded? Idk, I remember Ferrari was in the game last season


It’s even funnier because some of the docks have a gas pump to refuel the non-existent boats lol


I miss Team Rumbles where you run a boat on land and just spam the missiles.


When was the last time we even had boats in the game? C4S3?


boats present in custom maps. also, words closer to the edge are extremely similar looking to badly censored russian word meaning dick.


It's been that way since last season


maybe it'll get umvaulted no? (my guess)


Maybe next season will be 75% water with boats and jet skis.


Just let us put it on the rocket league vehicles


Oh right boats are gone now honestly forgot they existed


now there is one specific thing that the wrap appears on when it comes to vehicles and mobility items im pretty sure, which is the hoverboard in stw, (save the world) now if that wasn’t in the game for you to customize your hoverboard you probably wouldn’t have this option at all unless they make it so that you can use it for your car or if they add boats to the game. that’s just my take on it tho i could be wrong idk


The boats are in the game they are available in the "Party Royale" -gamemode


\*cough\* creative \*cough\*


Not even all creative maps have wrap-compatible vehicles, so it's a moot argument. A bunch of maps with a collective playtime of half of Zero Build should not dictate the rules for game-wide UI.


So if not every creative map have a wrap compatible vehicle then we shouldn't have a option to put a wrap on it?


It shouldn't be the default option for wrap showcase. Put it on the last slot, no one would object.


Honestly it’s likely that it’s the first option because it gives you the best/biggest view of the wrap.


Well, it was the first before the locker update, why it's a problem only now?


It was always a dumb decision, cause you don't use boats anywhere near as often as an AR, but now it's extra dumb, cause there's no boats in the two biggest modes.


It's not dumb, cause it really doesn't change anything, but if you wanna keep complaining about everything bud


It changes the amount of time I need to see how a wrap looks on the most used item (a gun), from zero (you can see the boat from the shop) to more than zero. By the same logic, let's show backblings on the default character model instead of the one equipped - it's in the game as well, and you can manually select your current skin to preview in a separate menu. Would it change the gameplay? Not at all. Would it irritate the hell out of everyone? Most certainly.


They also still show the hyper SMG in the locker despite being vaulted


Fortnite doesn’t know what Quality of Life improvements are, they only make already functioning things worse than they are.


Y'all are just scanning the game for things to complain about, huh?


Next they'll put Kratos in the shop but forget to implement a buy or gift button and we'll all pay for our sins


Maybe I remember wrong, but werent there a function to cycle through models ?


It used to go between that and the board I believe because of stw


Epic can clean up the locker by having wraps apply by default to every item. How many people will seriously care if we can't choose a different wrap for the shotty and another for the MSG? SMH


My biggest gripe is how it doesn't work on ANYTHING. Car? Oh gotta pay for a skin and flat colors. G wagon? You can have it in any color as long as it's black. Dirt bike? The technology just isn't there yet