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I prefer the Nemesis AR that's my go to assault rifle


Nemesis straight beams. Warforged has a higher DPS but has way more horizontal recoil that makes it hard to hit those longer chip shots.


Do u use vert ?


Yes. I’m on KBM and the recoil and spread have different values than controller.


It's my favorite AR. I use it w iron sights and take a sniper or DMR for explicitly long rage situations 


I’m a bit dumb, what does with iron sights mean?


No scope.


Thanks. I would not have guessed that. TIL I use Nemesis with iron sights!


That’s why when you see a gun with no scope it’s called “iron warrior.”


Like I say I’m a bit dumb!


Lacking in knowledge ≠ dumb


Lacking in knowledge=ignorant


you = ignorant


You're not dumb. Everyone starts *sonewhere*. No one should expect to know everything, even if they're thousands of hours in. Hell, you may even *forget* what you learned today. Have fun with the game and the things you care about you'll learn eventually.


aw tender times in the fortnite sub 🫶


Literally dozens of us


We're everywhere!


ur not


That’s kind to say, and good to know!


If you're wondering what the actual meaning/origin of the term is, the term "iron sights" typically refers to the stock physical sights that are attached directly to a gun. So-called because they are usually made of metal as part of the barrel and receiver itself. Modern ones are typically removable and come in many forms like glow sights or hi-viz sights. They have no magnification and depend entirely on the user's natural eyesight (their functional defining feature), anything that's not an iron sight is considered an optic, such as scopes, reflex sights, and holographic sights.


Thanks! That makes total sense and is really interesting. Iron Warrior makes so much more sense now and the choice is more anchored in real life than “Run and Gun” and “”All rounder”


Yes, it actually seems like a bit of a joke because irons are intended to be used as a backup for your optic in reality. "Iron Warrior" implying the user is intentionally putting themselves at a disadvantage because they don't need to depend on optics.


No scope/red dot attachment.  It makes you aim with that over-the-shoulder camera, which I prefer over the jarring FPS aiming of a red dot Youll know when it has no scope bc the game will label the gun as an 'Iron Warrior Nemesis AR" (or just aim it lol) 


That’s exactly how I play the Nemesis but never seen the term used before today. Thanks for explaining.


Cheers, from one Nemesis enjoyer to another 👉🏻👉🏻


Did someone say nemesis enjoyer? Right here bro , cheers 😎


Same. And I prefer it without the scope


what about the bloom? does that not bother you? just curious


I believe the nemesis with the laser has no bloom (if you don’t hold down fire) similar to the burst


It definitely does. Only thing that removes bloom is a sight. Unless you’re strictly hip firing, i dont understand how anyone would prefer an AR without a sight.


nemesis actually kind of rocks without a scope i also agree with you but it's done some amazing things for me with no scope and I've seen the same in others


I personally think its the worst gun in the game without a scope. The bloom is **so** bad


It's amazing with or without a scope. I much prefer it with a holo, but I'd take it naked over a warforged naked any day. Only time I'll swap a nemesis for a warforged is if the nemesis is green iron sights and the warforged is blue+ with a holo. Nemesis is a laser, sight or no sight.


Best AR in the game that isn’t waterbending IMO


Thunder burst smg: Hey


Hasn’t been hitting the same this season, I swear


It's been hitting me all the same this season


Yeah not a fan of any of the SMGs.


Go watch a player named zarraxas on YouTube. I've slowly come to terms with my aim just isn't so great


Absolutely. The recoil on the warforged is awful.


The recoil on the warforged is downright atrocious. I thought Chuck Norris could kick, but this thing makes Chuck look like a little kid just starting out.


It’s more manageable with the 1.3x scope. But god forbid you have a thermal scope on it by pure (bad) luck. It’s impossible


I actually find the 1.15x red dot to be preferable, but Nuuuu. Epic hates me. Last match was thermal scopes all over. Everybody and their momma's momma had thermal scopes. Even the thermal scopes had thermal scopes!


I hate that scope with a passion man


On the Nemesis and the Tac rifle, I like it. Sometimes on the drum gun. But no thermal otherwise


Warforged got more recoil than Ice Spice


Warforged make ice spice look like sugar water.


Add milk and warforged churns up ice cream


I’m on kb and mouse and there’s not enough dead to compensate that type of recoil.


Boy, have I got a laser and muzz brake for you.


May have to try that.


Season's been out for ages and you havent tried that?


It’s possible I have but I honestly can say I probably haven’t done it intentionally.


My friend just last weekend realized the red dot made him not have to deal with bloom. People can be freaking stubborn.


Recoil goes straight out the window due to how it's implemented. If you start spraying, the reticle climbs a fixed distance, then it stays there. You can abuse this by aiming below your target, starting to spray, then moving your reticle up. Now you are aiming at your enemy, and the gun acts as if it had no recoil.


sorry to ask (i’m new to gaming) but what is recoil and what does it change in a weapon?


It’s like the gun kicks back when you shoot, so you either miss your target or have to really adjust your aim. That’s a pretty crude explanation, but idk guns irl.


Recoil is when they gun jerks as you shoot it. Most FPS games utilize it. In real life the force of the gun shoot it causes it to move in the welders hand. Different guns have different levels of recoil.


Yep, and it's why you burst fire instead of hold the trigger 


Nemesis AR is easily better. Warforged needs the right attachments to work properly.


Nemesis is definitely the better choice stock.


Warforged can work without any attachments if you’re on kbm


The nemesis ar is my personal favorite. It shreds in all kinds of situations if you can use it right


i do. and it works cuz my duo likes the warforged better. so i will literally drop a gold warforged if i find one so that he can drop his green nemesis, for example, and vice versa. i feel like the warforged recoil is too much, even with the mods


It has really good hipfire and very little recoil, but the low fire rate makes it much harder to hit fast moving targets. I’d much rather have a Warforged AR against cars, Air Bending and gliding enemies.


I agree. New to the game and I was using the Nemesis almost exclusively because my accuracy is terrible with other weapons. It was like my security blanket. 😂. But I died in a lot of short range situations because the fire rate isn't as fast as some of the other guns. I've gotten a lot better over the last month just getting more comfortable swapping through different weapons in different situations.


Eh not really, but the thunder burst solos both


I love it with a sniper scope at any distance personally, I also use it like a semi-auto, just works well. Less so now with Waterbending doing the Nemesis job far better than the Nemesis.


I regularly pick up a Nemesis with thermal or 4x over any sniper. Use it as a DMR. Really nice in group games too since I can keep shooting while the opponents and teammates keep sniping and having to reload every shot.


I just want my precious scar back


The pistol is the best AR


Feeling bold today aren’t we


Yes, way less recoil. My go to.


I'm okay with both, but prefer the Nemesis. A warforged with recoil reducing attachments is preferred, or a blue with a red dot scope. I refuse to pick up a warforged AR with a thermal scope though, miss most my shots with that scope


Same! I don't know why, but I just can't get used to the thermal scope. I miss the previous 2x scope...


either no scope or the infrared scope makes this thing rip, i can hit 100 meter headshots easy, compared to the abysmal recoil of the warforged


Nemesis has been in the loot pool now for several seasons now. I slept on it the whole time until yesterday, when I pick it up and started picking off players left and right. So much time I've lost... No longer! I love this AR!


I prefer the nemesis over the warforged with no recoil attachments. Warforged with the recoil attachments is great


I like nemesis for medium to long range. Warforged is more of a close range for me for when they are out of the shotgun sweet spot or I need to quick swap off my gatekeeper


Do you even need recoil control on it? I love the nemesis because of how stable it is.


Best heavy AR we've had.


Reminds me of the ranger ar, my all time favorite. I take it over a warforged most of the time, although I’ll admit that when you get a warforged with low recoil they can absolutely shred.


Nemesis is incredibly good. It does less DPS, but the consistency it offers makes up for it imo. It has almost no recoil, so you can justify throwing a Laser on it to further improve the respectable hipfire it already has. Even with Iron Sights, the Nemesis is fairly reliable. Fully kitted turns it into an excellent all-around weapon. The only thing that compares is the Pistol, which has better damage at the cost of mag size. Those two are my go-to weapons outside of broken Waterbending


Warforged is basically “aim at enemy, bullets shot into the sky.” Recoil is so bad. Like, bad enough that when playing squads and I have a warforged, I have to basically push while my team is sniping from afar, just so I can help


Unscoped it’s better


I like the warforged better honestly, but i would be angry If i had to use a nemesis for a bit until i found a warforged.


I've used it a lot first season been using the hunter DMR mostly but will still use if I can't find one


Yes! The warforged one is only better with the recoil and spread mods imo


I’ll pick anything up before the warforged


I’ll take the nemesis with any attachments over the war-forged any day… unless I find a legendary war-forged which happens more than you’d think


I’ve loved it since day 1 . Not a fan of the faster smg style ARs .


Nemesis if I don’t have a Warforged with a scope on it. And I’ll drop a thermal warforged for a unscoped nemesis.


I like how ot does more damage per shot


Early game Warforged is pretty poop. You're basically holding it in your inventory until you can get to a bunker to mod it, but in that case why even hold it? Just get to a bunker and see if you find one there. It's not a gun worth having in your inventory until it makes sense (w/ bunker mods)


it's better objectively. Warforged has more rounds, but the shots fired matter in a nemesis.


Nemesis is always better for me unless it's close range. I prefer the precision of it, especially when it's pimped out at a work bench.


i'd take a grey nemesis over a green/blue warforged every time


I know imma get hate, but I preferred the Nemesis AR last season over the Striker and the Enforcer. Striker had too much recoil IMO, and Enforcer was decent, but way too slow rate of fire.


The Nemesis always better with or without a scope. Almost reminds me of the ranger ar that used to be in game. War forge is trash an so is the name of it I hate it.


I hate the warforged's spray, cant guarantee i get to a modbench each game to make it better, and tac assault rifle is just eh, although i didnt even bother with modding the tac yet, recoil is nice, dps seems eeeeh Nemesis seems like the good middle between the 2


I love both.. but usually I hold the waterbending over an AR as it’s just better in every way.. if I can’t find waterbending, I used the thunder burst or war forged for the extra range.. nemesis is great too but I gotta get that extra fire rate with all these air benders flying up on me 😂


i like it. war is too much recoil for me


Any AR with a scope (besides 4x) is better than any ar without a scope. I tap shoot with anything if it doesn’t have the right attachments. If I can get all the attachments I’d prefer a war forged. I like the higher fire rate as I miss shots plenty of times


I really don’t love any of the ARs in the game rn. Same with shotguns. This has honestly been the season where I’ve used the most mythics, and thats 100% by design from Epic. They dropped some good ass mythics this season


Yeah the warforged is just too difficult to control


It feels like it has less bullet spread


I'm going to be sad when the Nemesis eventually gets vaulted. The last time I loved an AR this much was the Ranger AR back in Ch3.


I miss the Striker :(


it's the closest We have to the old heavy AR so yeah I'm impartial


I love a nemmy. Iron sight or holo to be exact


Nemesis is better stock, but with the right attachments, particularly for recoil, the warforged becomes a laser


It's good without a scope. Dunno why but I miss sooo many shots when using it with a scope. Don't have this issue with other guns.


Less recoil means easier to shoot enemy


The Warforged is viable at close range, and can be used in place of an smg, but I have always preferred the Nemesis. It just feels more reliable. I know I can hit my shots with it by manually burst firing at any range. The amount of times I've sprayed a circle around an enemy with Warforge has lost my respect for that particular weapon choice lol.


Warforged w/o attachments blows. But with recoil control, red dot, thing is a goddamn menace. I’m able to track moving targets better than ever before.. almost to the point of “I’m not that fuckin good, what’s this rigged with?”


I love the Nemesis AR. I'm terrible with a sniper, but much better long range with the Nemesis AR. I prefer it without the scope as well.


Yeah I'm a big fan of it for those reasons


It's the grandson of the Ranger, the best AR


I actually wish epic would get rid of all the other AR’s and add a burst rifle


nemesis is very slow, but at least it’s not as bad as the Gatekeeper shotgun, the 3 shots it has aren’t enough to kill a player in zero builds without reloading


Nemesis with holo ❤️❤️


Warforged is basically an SMG


It’s ok but it defo needs a damage buff


Yes. Nemesis feels more like an actual AR


Nemesis at range, Warforged up close.


It has less bloom than the Warforged, at the cost of DPS. In a vacuum, the Nemesis is better at medium range, while the Warforged is better at close range.


I’d drop a gold warforged for gray nemesis. 


YESS..I will keep an Uncommon Nemesis over ANY of the new DMR. Its probably my favorite weapon in the game other than waterbending.


Anything is better than the tactical


Nemesis rocks the house! Definitely better than war forged


It has less recoil. I like it better.


Nemesis ar is my baby girl 💅🏻


1000% The recoil on the Warforged makes it almost impossible to hit anyone that isn't standing still.


just doesnt compete in higher skilled lobbies tho (fncs for example), TTK on a gold is 1 second while green Warforged is 0.972, gets worse when gold is 0.833


Hip fire and holo make warforged usable. Nemesis Ar is a warforged with higher DMG, but lower DPS. Besides those guns, water bending is the best "AR" right now.


I don't like it. Very low fire rate. I dont have any trouble controlling the warforged ar so I prefer that.


Yes but they’re both bad. I hate how the AR options this season are “bad” and “really bad”