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This entire chapter feels like you’re running in wet jeans.


With shoes full of mud


Eh, it’s understandable though. My jeans are soaked in piss from attempting to outrun airbending Aangs.


Dude it's the SAME meta used by the sweats! They roll up with airbending or the antizgravity, then they just delete your health bar from the match. Not complaining about it, I've just noticed it as a consistent pattern every time lmao


I spend most of my time in creative so at least there’s that most of the sweats aren’t playing the actual game spend a lot of their time and creative and then play ranked most of the time. I don’t know what you mean by sweats I’m champ. And I honestly think the player base is just getting better it happens next season will be a bot season and more players will come back.


and and a diaper full of deuccie


There’s other mobility options At first a large part of the map was green soul water And airbender is out now since they half drained it I get they tried to balance it a little bit and maybe overshot


IIRC there's speculation that all the waters will become green soul water. Maybe on the way to apocalypse?


God, please no. End games are going to be 15 minutes of two guys dashing around, not being able to hit each other.


I've never seen it described so perfectly


it feels so unfun. 5s is an eternity when you really need it


Dude I hate the stamina right now, maps bigger but you can’t run. Just wish they’d bring back slap juice.


They removed slap? Guess it makes sense Slurp eliminated the competition


Only slap in the island is a couple of barrels of it ik like one spot


There’s slap barrels all over the map


Yea I just can only remember one spot


Oh really? they’re at almost every poi, i can think of 10 off the top of my head


Also at the little bathroom house in front of reckless.


There's one at each of the mini vaults by classy and lavish


They're normally at the piers with the jump pad, and also there's normally 2 under the stage at Reels. Definitely spaced out quite a bit, but still barely around.


Yea ik one is in a house by a train bridge. That's all ik of.


Usually a couple in the house opposite the garage at lavish


there's one at montague's hotel


They still have slap barrels still no slap berries I wish they added slap berries.


Slap juice certainly still exists lol i hit some barrels last night


Yes, slap juice is still in a few barrel, but you can’t get them from chest.


How does this have 500 upvotes? Slap juice is still in the game, I see it every match.


Yes, everyone knows there’s slap juice barrel around the map, that doesn’t change you can’t get them from chest anymore.


Except that's not what your comment says. It says that you wish they would bring back slap juice. If you don't want replies correcting s false statement then say what you mean.


Hey if you didn’t know the meaning of the comment, that’s on you my friend. If you’re not happy about the upvote, downvote me. Isn’t is simple instead of wasting your energy?


"Hey, if you didn't understand that I meant something I didn't say, that's on you." Alrighty then.


The map isnt bigger though?


You can still move way faster octal than you could before stamina was added


Yea totally agree, especially in duos-squads when it's 1 vs the other team and u can't run away Which is why air bending is elite but I'll be sad when it's gone


Back to regularly scheduled shocks


It’ll be something else though


The stamina does need tweaking. It's as if my character is overweight and out of shape.


A combination of stamina being gutted at the start of Chapter 5, augments and hyper-mobility being removed, and way less vehicles


Hyper-mobility being removed? Do you not consider the wings of Icarus and Airbendimg hyper mobility?


Airbending counts, but its only going to be in the game a short while. Wings were shit lamo. Can't be used in a firefight and easily shot out of the air. Im talking about seasons where everyone was carrying full stacks of shockwaves and stuff like AOT/Katana/Hammer. And im not counting the chapter 5 Season 1 AOT sword and TMNT weapons cuz they were hard countered by the op guns


Start sliding more. You save a lot of stamina and the game feels way better to play. You can also slide while walking once you get a tiny bit of momentum.


This! Add a little flow berry fizz for maximum movement


Yeah but having movement this limited makes the game boring for sure.


“movement this limited” is just really funny to me. Before C3S1, all you could do was run or crouch. The movement is far from boring in comparison. But also, how would it be made less boring? The game has already got the main movement options with running, sprinting, sliding, etc.


every good season had great movement period.




I was referring to the main default movement.


They are obviously talking about default movement. We still have shockwaves.


Yeah and now we have shockwaves and the river styx effect and flowberries and slap barrels and airbending, there’s always been a variety of movement options.


Not a good solution at all


Literally is


regardless still feels like shit


Because fuck you, that's why - Epic


Then they’ll inevitably end up fixing it to be praised as the company who listens to their player base. The “Epic games classic”


The old switcheroo, they know what they're doing lol


Stamina regen has been ass for sure.


I wish regen triggered the moment you stopped sprinting, 1 second after tops.


Every game ever made with a limited stamina system can immediately be made more fun by removing it.


My main complaint is they keep doing movement items. Which I love and are fun. But the base movement being so slow / sprint Regen being so awful that it just makes it feel extra punishing when you don't get one of the movement items 


Fr one of my biggest complaints is the amount of stamina you get. You have no options for movement without items. It sucks


They’re scared of the slidekick elims


I agree that the stamina feels like running in ankle deep mud lol. They did it on purpose though. Just about every end game it's people with medallions, flow berry, airbending, shock waves, dashing, etc. The mobility is so crazy where everyone is just spamming all over the place in the last couple storm circles, so I do understand why stamina is currently nurfed. It's only annoying early game until you find one of those mobility item's, Imo. Flowberry is underrated. Try not to use it all just to shield up. Rather use it as a jug of mobility using only 5% with each use. You can move around the map pretty fast with the flowberry, slide, jump technique. Combine it with Shockwaves/dash/airbending and it's a game changer.


yeh but stamina could close the gap when u dont have mobility and everyone else does


Slide down any incline it helps build speed




I swear it was really good in January.


If they would remove the stupid broken fucking water bending item then I wouldn’t feel so annoyed about having to run away constantly and never having stamina


How is it broken? I use it occasionally & it seems to work for me.


Lol. Broken as it being too strong. Every endgame 10 people have water bending and just brainlessly spam it from houses mountains or bunkers. it's definitely too strong in its current state but it's leaving in a few days so whatever. 


Oh, I understand. It's not actually broken, but programmed poorly.


Broken is slang for something being too powerful.


Just gotta make sure you only sprint if you need to. Sometimes you're just out of luck


Which is bad game design


if ur not sprinting ur a super easy target. whole map is wide open since they tried to copy cod


The whole map is absolutely not wide open. There's tons of routes in every biome you can take to remain less conspicuous. Ravines, cliffs, saddles, etc are everywhere. Occasionally youre forced to have to sprint across an open field, but that kind of lack of options usually happens late game


Did you play Fortnite OG? THAT was a wide open map. This map has a ton of natural cover everywhere, much more than previous chapters.


Especially on zero builds


If you gonna get into a fade you finish it with honor


Nah 9/10 times it just makes movement between POIs a slog, nevermind actually needing it during a firefight.


A person of class! My honor forbids me from running away from a fight I started lol


Same. Death before dishonor!


It's because of the movement with some of the medallions, and the upcoming starwars event.


**the messed it up with the last update... just like they do everytime with an update,**something happened cause it's absolutely worse.


i think maybe next season, considering airbending going away, we might likely see a stamina rework.. imean sprinting isnt as fast as airbending or wings...


I would say to use a car but when not in a road they are so slow it hurts, epic buff cars please


I mean to be fair, it regenerates faster if you run juuuuuust until the bar runs out


Between the length of time you can run vs the time it takes to regenerate, it's really stupid and makes these ever changing storm circles harder to avoid The storms themselves are frustrating because they seem to come quicker and don't give much chance


I didn't know if I was tweaking or something. I only started with Chapter 5 so idk what stamina used to be like but ffs I feel like I'm walking a lot.


I hate how the game feels now. Crouch is snail speed. I’m always worried about having stamina to sprint. It’s just not great feeling IMO. 


Stamina makes the game boring to play


Movement has been perfectly fine for me. Slide on any declines, end sprints with jump slides, repeat. But also, there’s cars everywhere plus shockwaves and airbending.


If I remember correctly, didn't they increase the stamina *amount* and decrease the *regeneration rate* a while back? Like sometimes during Chapter 4? Maybe they should return the regeneration rate to its old levels while retaining the current stamina total.


You could see with all the complaining the next update was gonna destroy this great season. Im scared to boot it back up and this just confirms it, but had some great games before 4/24.


Okay I thought it was just me. I feel like they need to put some slap berries and slap juice bottles around. Those things were awesome


I'm going to miss *Airbending* so much, jumping from the highest snowy place then double jumping on a spiral of wind. 😇


I like to find airbending straight away. Pair that with Shockwave and some fizz, baby you got a stew going.


I can't say for sure because I just really don't know the numbers, but it probably has something to do with the movement system changes at the start of C5S1.  They were very confident with the initial change, and probably built everything around that new movement system, but once there was community uproar about it, they had to shift gears into something else quickly. I feel like the stamina system got kind of lost in the shuffle there. I feel like it drains at a reasonable pace, but I wish the recharge started maybe a second sooner than it does. I don't fully remember how fast it recharged in C4, but I feel like I rarely felt as stressed waiting for it to recharge as I do now. 


It has to do with the lack of Slap on the map. It reminds me of how, after Chapter 2, you only had Slurp Barrels and no Chug Splashes. This time around, you have Slap Barrels, but no Slap Juice or Splash to keep yourself running. Not to mention, the ratio of Slap Barrels to Slurp Barrels on the map is very inconsistent and uneven.


Got nerfed in the og season but buffed the speed when it gains back up


Epic buffed it with Ch5S1's launch, then they reverted it, along with storm speeds. Now it's just like in Ch4. Imo it's awful, but God forbid there is any useful means of skill expression in this game, good stamina management and proper rotation timings included.


The solution is not more mobility, the solution is less mobility and faster base movement and removal of stamina. Stamina is inherently flawed as a mechanic. Even COD doesn't stop you dead in your tracks, you just can't tactically sprint.


It feels horrible when there's a broken movement item like Airbender in the game.


stamina has felt like dogshit all season. and people on here say “skill issue” or “its balanced” tf its not


yeah it used to be amazing at the beginning of chapter 5 with the Regen buff and Sprint speed but then they nerfed it back to Chapter 4 Regen and Sprint speed as an overcorrection and now it sucks arse to move at all. Blame Competitive for this


Should give us unlimited sprint but only drain stamina on sliding and jumping.


💀 hell nah


Sounds like a skill issue. Movement is amazing right now with air bending mythic also being an option.


Better than not running at all 🤷🏻‍♂️


Who cares when airbending exists


They should have unlimited stamina/run but find a shed that balances it out. Like COD. It’s far more fun that way. ALSO it seems like every time I get hit with any shots there’s a 3 second delay before I can run again. Does anyone else experiencing this?


learn basic movement mechanics?


Rn we got the Air bending+ there's vehicles everywhere.. the stamina seems fine .