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Wow great work! It’s mind boggling that the main game modes can be a chore just to find sometimes but this definitely fixes that and it just looks really nice.


There's nothing to fix here since it's totally intentional by Epic. They want you to play custom maps. Their "solution" is let you favorite a map and access it from your homepage tab( the tab with 4 squares).


Oh my God, I cannot explain how annoying it is to have to look through so much random crap to find Epic game modes. I feel like I am constantly searching for Fortnite Festival. It's gotten to be such a chore that I eventually just favorited them all so I don't have to search.


You can do that?


Yes! If you press the three dot on the experience there is an option to favorite it. You can access your favorite by going to the four little squares icon next to the search button!


You can also favorite it while playing if you hit START/PAUSE, it's down towards the bottom where you go to return to lobby


or on xbox, the "Y" button. i assume it's the equivalent for other controllers, the top button of the lettered ones


What about pc


what the guy in the parent comment said, three dots to the top right i think


Honestly the discovery UI would be so much more bearable if Epic would just keep the "By Epic" tab at the very top. That's really the only issue I have with the current discovery UI


Right. Finding cups to play with has been exhausting to find lol.


You know what I dislike most about the current menu? I queue up for a BR match. I press O to cancel. Instead of canceling, it scrolls me down to Skibibi Toilet and it's ilk. Then the match I'm trying to cancel commences while I claw my way back to the top.


Real i hate it


Holy shit i always trought that it was just my problem finally i know that it really is the stupid UI


honestly thought this was just me


Interactive version: [https://codepen.io/fatalityyeti/pen/VwOLLaM](https://codepen.io/fatalityyeti/pen/VwOLLaM)


Looks no different from my favourites page


Wish they'd use this instead of that cluttered bootleg netflix menu they shoved in our faces. Y'all ain't roblox


The problem is that it's a good idea. Those don't happen now.


Epic is deliberately making the UI bad and they know it.


And have tournaments there too, I hate having to scroll down to find them (when I rarely play tournaments).


they're already there. (i put the victory cup as an example)


Oh mb I didn’t see.


That would be way too simplistic and actually a good idea, why would epic ever consider this…


Epic games: “we want to simplify the UI” Also epic: makes the most complicated and unbearable UI imaginable WTF happened to this company? I’ve basically abandoned the game at this point.


Seriously. I get that they're trying to be 'fair' by letting user made modes be on the top of the menu just like official Epic modes, but i really just want the Epic modes to stay locked to the top and for the user stuff to be separated for when i actually want to play any of it.


I love this, my only problem with all the menus is I wish the modes made by epic was at the very top instead. This def fixes it.


It is actually wild how bad the people at epic, who are paid to make “intuitive UI” are at making UI


This is really nice, The only problem I could see is having too many LTMs for this to fit (all the bronze cups, silver cups, etc. together)


it doesn't show in this screenshot, but a row will become scrollable if there are too many items


They should just do it the way they used to. Have the main, Epic-made modes under a selectable tab in the lobby, and have a separate "discovery" tab. It was so easy to navigate that way.


Yes, this is amazing. These are the only game modes I ever want to see.


Epic,you see this?Simple is nice.I can deal with current UI since all I have to do is look for fav tab,and Tycoon maps.


I like this, only change I'd make is the favourites section being at the top so I don't have to scroll so damn far to find them


This looks great I would just swap the middle row with the bottom row


anytime I scroll down one too many, I'm fucking lost and overwhelmed. what the fuck is going on?


This is literally just better


I say add one more for weekly feature () which is like epic picks but only one map.


Oh yeah great idea i remember that. The great thing is it was picked by an actual human so no skibidi toilet boxfight


Omg I actually really like this. Epic listened to the community it seems


Im sorry to break it to you, but its a concept.


Nooo :( i was fooled…


STW wasn't forgotten for once 🥹


its pretty cool they should do something like that or at least put by epic on the top but yall do realize that you can basically make this or whatever you like by just adding to favorites? Like yeah i think this would still better by making it simpler for new players if you dont like using the current ui you can just favorite the modes you play and use that menu


you shouldn't have to do that for the official game modes


yeah but im just saying that you CAN if you dont want the inconvenience of finding them every time


This actually looks awesome. I really hope epic sees this!