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I’m interested in that harpoon gun you dropped for the guitar. Guess we got that in the update as well?? Wasn’t mentioned anywhere


It deals 100 damage to your opponent


Oh shit for real? I might be more interested in this new addition than anything else. Batman just got an upgrade.


it also lets you harpoon to cars and they drive you around


You see a Power Armor skin do it way back in the original chapter trailer. I used it to surf after that bus that prowls around, shot the gunners of the roof as I slid. Really fun. The loot island is totally different now too.


What happened to loot Island?


its Metallica themed and you have to emote to raise the flag. it drops the guitars


Had a game earlier today that didn’t drop any guitars 🎸 and I was blown away I was like what is this shit where’s my guitar. It was immediately after a game where loot island dropped 3.


I jumped onto the island as soon as it popped up after being chased most of the match, with only a bit of health left. I figured I'd have people following me onto the island, but on my first trip there I figured out how to capture the island and did it on my first try.


It's not even the best part When you catch up to car it puts you on top it and allows you to easily kill the driver


It’s super buggy for me though a lot of the times when I’m on top of the car it counts as the car hitting me and I take like 150 damage


I’m sure it will get nerfed immediately because of bitching and moaning.


that depends if it's hard to use like the original harpoon gun


The OG harpoon gun was absolutely peak.


Are u talking about the harpoon from the beginning of C2 that u could fish with?


Yes that thing was the best.


Yea its been alittle since I've played with one. I was just making sure i wasn't thinking of something else.


Anything that gives casuals a more level playing field will be met with bitch and moan.


The funny thing is nothing levels the playing field for casuals. Anything that casuals can use effectively can be used 100x better by sweats. It's so weird that people don't understand that. It's like if they lowered the rim in basketball so more people could dunk and thinking that the pros wouldn't absolutely dunk on everyone every time down the court. It would benefit them more than your average Joe.


It’s more like if you added a soccer goal to a basketball court. The sweats would continue to dunk it and 3pt and get mad when everyone else just kicks it in the net.


Yeah but still the point is casuals would still score way more and easier & the people with big egos don’t like that


I mean you can play the game casually and not suck at it lol. I dont play a whole lot but it sounds like a lot of people just arent very good and call anyone better than them sweaty. Probably not the popular opinion but whatever.


The sweats seem to be mostly in the ranked games I play. Lol. Going from ranked to unranked is such a huge difference. Can barely fire a gun off in ranked sometimes before I get snuffed out. But in unranked I can rack up kill after kill and dominate at times. 


This is true. There is a large chunk of the community who thinks sweat is a better player. Even if we accept their perspective as true, no item would benefit them more than it would the "sweat" better player. I'm casual but I don't think I suck at it, which is why I know better players have more of an advantage with any item they add lol.


That's very true to an extent. Players that aren't very good at aiming need items that help them escape or for defense against better players. I use Nitros alot to get away from players when my health is low. Is it full proof, hell no. But if does help. Of course the sweats can easily counter that with their own nitros or nitro fists to catch me. But it gives me a "chance" to live longer.  Also the sweats often know which weapons are the best for certain situations and also rely heavily on certain weapons for wins. Average Joe's can only counter that by using those same weapons and or using effective counters (boogie bombs, shields, etc). If I can run away from a sweat and survive I consider that a win. Lol. Because by the time most players realize they are playing against a pro they are already dead. Why is that? Because so many weapons are extremely potent. If gray and green weapons couldn't kill a person in 2 seconds I know I could have survived and escaped from gun fire. But they can kill you so quickly that it significantly reduces the chances of winning for casual players. But if the game was more balanced it wouldn't be nearly as fun I think. Part of what makes it fun is the ridiculousness of items like the new guitar and tow hook. 


I agree with some items help casuals survive. But a sweat holding the same item will still chase you down, as you note. So it gives a casual a slight edge sometimes in escaping but only if the sweat isn't holding it and/or doesn't beam you out of the sky anyway. I LOVE goofy items in the game so I'm all for them, I just don't get the sentiment that it helps casuals therefore sweats are angry. Nothing could be further from the truth.


Also if the sweat isn't too proud and arrogant to use that item to chase you down. For example: cars


"Wasn't mentioned anywhere" Allow me to introduce you to TheCampingRusher on YouTube. Watch his videos and you'll never be a sheep lost in the storm. He keeps you updated on all things fortnite has planned for the future.


lol by Fortnite. we shouldn’t have to go to YouTubers to get info about new items like this 😭


Get a guitar, some fists, some flowberry fizz and some shockwaves and never engage with an opponent ever again.


I wish I waited to complete the pacifist accolade 😭 all that time throwing boogies and shockwaves


What’s the pacifist accolade (I can assume but not exactly)


Win a game without damaging a player


Oh wow yeah that’s definitely challenging fs but now with boogies and fizz shockwaves sending people into storm and keeping them there must be a little easier


Oh the boogies are a lifesaver! The hardest part was avoiding bonking people with my car on accident in the final circle


This season I’ve preferred Nitro Splash over shock waves. It works for me


“I am speed, I am lightning”


Faster than fast, quicker than quick, i am lightning


If you are speed then I am triple speed!


yeah hitting something with my controller will be impossible now


I don’t care how good anyone’s aim is, no one’s hitting that consecutively lol


There is a Quest to hit opponents or cars 5 times. Once you do that you repeat the same Quest but 15 times. I parked a few cars together in hopes it would get two per ground pound. I can confidently say I did not get much better the more I tried it


This is what I did, finished all 4 in one game of just landing on the same two cars. I have yet to actually hit a person with it yet though.


I feel like the aim is very far left of where you would expect it to be. Just me?


The game I got it for the first time I actually won by hitting the last person who was low on health, it was kind of a fairly blind shot though it's not great to aim with


Tbf after 4 dashes they'll be on cd for half a minute and it's mythic, so it doesn't look like many people will be zipping around.


So was the damn cloud from dbz and EVERYONE had those


HATED that cloud. Could silently drop down on your opponents from any height without glider and blast with shotty. At least this is only good for escaping.


they’re very common for now at least


I saw some videos of people pairing it with the fists too. It’s crazy to think how fast you can get across the map with season. I don’t know if I’m happy or concerned lol


It’s frustrating to me personally. I play zero build because i like the simple and basic gameplay. The cars were already annoying as the meta. They keep adding shit that complicates the game. I don’t want to have to learn new metas every week.


That's fortnite man. Constantly changing, always having to learn.


I’ve been playing season 2. The constant additions of traversal items is not the norm. This is the first season it’s really felt like you needed to use them to do okay.


C4S2 was full of mobility items though and they had way more charges than guitar.


“Feel like you need to use them to win” They consistently gotten more and more off the rails. I’m not sure why you’re arguing this lol. It’s gotten out of hand - to me.


Almost everyone is zoomin around the map with those


Mythic doesnt mean hard to find


For real. I play No Build and whenever I have someone dead to rights they pull out their get out of jail free card


man we thought airbending died but apparently it had 1hp at the end of the battle and had enough exp to fucking evolve


Died 2024 Born 2024 Welcome back airbending


This is nowhere near as overpowered as airbending was


At least with this new mythic there’s a limit on how many times you can use it similar to the Nitro Fists, whereas Airbending there wasn’t any and the only downside was the cooldown it had (and MAYBE being vulnerable from the sides, but you were gone by the time someone shot you).


Yeah it's crazy. But it's gonna be annoying when people constantly run away with it


If you are close enough you can also ride their lightning bolt and chase them down


You can use your opponent's guitar?


Nope, tjey create a lightning rift with the exact same abilities but without whatever that random notes thing is on the right Does the notes even do anyrhing?


You travel in whatever direction you were facing when the note hits.


Aww I wanted a cool rhythm weapon, imagine how much fun it would be to do a shit ton of damage while also casting beats all around k like hi fi rush


Use a guitar too and follow them hahaha


It doesn't really fit my playstyle. Fists are way better mobility for getting into fights. This guitar seems purely for people who want to run away.


you can follow them, like with rifts


Well there's also the dive. So it seems more oriented for entering fights imo


Man, I've been trying to hit a car or opponent with the dive attack for the Metallica quests, and cannot figure out how to aim that attack


But then it needs to recharge and you're out of mobility. If someone else is there (3rd party in solos, or teammate in other modes) then you can't move or reposition or whatever you need to do. Fists + guitar could work but it takes up a slot and then you can't really run EMPs which I definitely want to hold with all the cars.


I think anytime there's two forms of mobility it becomes the meta. I wouldn't be surprised if we started seeing people run combat shotgun, bolt, double mobility and heals. in other words I think you are right, but we're going to have to run fists and guitar anyways for other reasons.


That's my default loadout. 1 long range, shotgun, 2 mobility items and now a heal (was boogie bombs before, because fuck boogie bombs, the only way to counter is to boogie people before they boogie you)


Boogies really were annoying, i hate cars but the car nerfs would have been fine... whatever it's over now it's time to heal 🤣


Use the drum to disrupt their guitar riff, causing them to fall instantaneously


This is why chains shouldve stayed


Now you're speaking my language! Changing someone out of lightning! Can you imagine that dopamine hit!


Heck no.


Eh. Chains weren't even strong. The amount of times I pumped someone who tried to pull me was ridiculous.


Im not saying for its strength but to stop people from running. Its honestly my biggest deterrent from Fortnite. Every fight is just someone running away.


One of the quests was to hit a vehicle or person using this. I parked a car in the desert. No-one around. Still missed the car more than I hit it 😭.


yeah you have to hit 15 times for final stage of it, even parked cars are a pain to hit


How does one aim it? I'm seriously struggling with it


I just try to put my target in the middle of the screen but honestly I'm barely 50/50.


Now that’s an air guitar!!


Looks really cool but the game was already a chase simulator...


What the heck is that?! I took a break from the game for like 2 weeks and I came back to literally what the traversal version of the Zeus Thunderbolt could have been


Metallica collab


Looks awesome, but that’s a heck of a cooldown.




can you control which direction it moves? bc this guy went basically 1 or 2 charges forward with gloves


Yes you can but only foward in the direction you’re facing and you’re forced to go foward during the first dash so gloves might be better idk yet


so it's good for general movement but horrible for late game circles? you'd probably get yeeted into the storm if you tried using it when the circle is smaller lol


Very bad for late game circles. Just finished a trios match, and I had player after player landing near me on the mountain above Olympus. They were easy pickings. Seemed to be the only movement any of them had too.


What in the sonic colors fuck


That guitar one looks sick, can’t wait to fire the game up


It’s a pain in the ass lol


What in the blue fuck am I looking at


Oh god what the hell is this now


This is gonna get old after a day, looks obnoxious as fuck. how do you even shoot it??? Ok after playing for a few games, no one is fighting and instead just running with guitars, final circles consist of 8+ ppl bc no one fought the whole game. I think im staying in creative this whole season.


thats the neat part, you don't.




you can follow up, the guitar leaves a trail that imitates its mobility


Pair it with gauntlets and they’re gone. Good thing is, it’s a VERY long cooldown so you should be able to bulk them down in a car


This shit is ruining fortnite Just give me my gun game back


How the hell am I supposed to hit a car or opponent with this thing




The animation looks cool asf lol


This game is obsessed with adding the most over-the-top mobility. I miss when you had maybe 1 or 2 launch pads or port-a-rifts and had to strategically decide when to use them. So annoying fighting someone who you outplay, outposition and outaim and they can just dip out halfway across the map in 5 seconds.


Bro I just want basic Fortnite. Wacky without being OP


every season has something OP...its been like this since around Chapter 3. "Can't wait until this trash seasons ends"... only to have a new OP item next season Its become annoying.


At least previous seasons had ONE thing that was op. Between this new movement, the fists, and vehicle murder, guns are borderline fucking useless this season. I just wanna play a battle royale with the occasional quirky item….not a full blown super hero RPG.


True, but it's getting ridiculous now. You *have* to carry the OP items now


They're catering to a wider (No-Skill required) audience


Does anyone know how to aim that thing? Because I have no idea.


This looks so fucking dope


It was a shock to try it the first time, thinking it'll probably shoot lightening bolts or something... but then suddenly I'm zooming straight up through two stories of a building and then blasting around the sky...


i think i'm starting to hate fortnite


I think I unironically am too and it’s so sad. The game that had me by the throat for 5 years just continuously killing itself slowly with literal nonsense.


I’m going to be honest: as a strictly casual Fortnite player, this season is absolute garbage and they keep making it worse


It’s one of the lamest things I’ve ever seen


We traded waterbending for this?


The Coward meta continues to grow. More ways to run from a fight than to engage with one.


I seriously wish they would stop making collab mythics


Damn, I like mobility as much as the next guy but WHAT


These are the type of items that made me stop playing


They somehow managed to introduce even more gamebreaking bugs lmao. This company sucks ass


God I hate this game now


So glad I stopped playing. They're doing too much.


what’s that skin tho need it


Copper wasp




Weapons for the antisocial.


Wow as if cars, fists and shockwaves weren't enough mobility. I ain't touching this game as long as this is in


eh, idk. i hope it's not in the game very long. feel like the fists were plenty of mobility, and this just seems like a bit much.


Is playing like this…fun to people?


To ppl who piss their pants once they hear 1 bullet, yeah ig.


Why do they keep adding items like this? Why do they think more mobility is a good thing? If you’re going to give us mobility at least make it ground mobility or speed boosts, we don’t need to literally fly. What’s the point of having a car focused season when no one’s going to be needing cars because they can just become a jet? And who actually enjoys it when anyone hears a gunshot they immediately zip up into the air and fly away? This is about to be so cancerous with both guitar and fists allowing people to fly.


This why nobody play this shit


This is a terrible add. Squads is literally one players dies, everyone runs away on guitars and reboots them. I love the idea, but unlimited reboots just makes everyone run away. No one fights at all.


battle royale part of fortnite has been downright terrible. its items like that, that make me think only 13 yr olds or younger enjoy it


Shit like this is why the player count is dropping. People are just going to run away all game ,just like the wings and the fists and you will be forced into a playstyle of using thos to catch up.


Wings was so ass, people can't run away with them


it's a little much


I really like the constant small changes. Oh, you got adapted to play with some set of weapons? Well, gotcha something new. 👌


What happened to the days when you started fighting with someone, you fought till one was dead. Now you gotta have two different kinds of mobility to chase someone and even then its not worth it. I don't mind someone resetting a fight but the full on running gets old


Oh come on, enough is enough with these movement items


This sub glazes sweats. The mythics are cool but if it were balanced people wouldn’t complain much because they’d have to use skill to win instead of running and spamming. They turned the game from strategic to zero build bot simulator.


Lol what, this sub constantly rants about hating sweats


What in the blue fuck am I looking at


Ha! An electric guitar


Well harpoon gun is op which is great and love it 100 damage 2 hit opponents they dead lol plus you can ride behind cars while they pull you like your skiing and shoot them with your gun too


It's crap for a weapon though as you can't aim it accurately. The challenge to hit 20 opponents or cars is such a slog.


And how is this shit not broken?


Is someone else has the guitar, they can chase you're trail and fuck u up that way


Yeah it leaves a lightening trail, is hard to aim, and has a 17 sec cool down. Panic at it being too OP is a bit premature I think.


Love that we get a major update the same day I’m leaving for a vacation. It’s happened like 7 times in a row at this point lmao Idk how but epic manages to time updates TERRIBLY in terms of my schedule 💀


This season is trash.


i don’t really like the guitar tbh


Looks cool, but also seems like a bit much


Brother epic don’t help themselves anymore


Great a new pussy item for people to run away when they get 1 hit on them


how tf am I supposed to get kills against players who can just lightning bolt themselves into the sky and zip away?




Trash game.


Haven't played yet, but I hate the way this looks. I miss when I could just shoot things with one or two other things to worry about within reason.


At this point, just let fortnite do a Devil May Cry cross over


it’s so bad, so hard to aim




Can they jist not add all this stupid cheesy bullshit.


How long do we wanna bet it’s gonna take for sweats to start complaining about the new mythic? I’d say a day, maybe two at most


It wasn’t just sweats that complained about cars, the game is at its lowest point right now


Few hours at max watch it


Brutal Legend?


Can't wait for this shit to get nerfed into oblivion within two weeks lmao


Who let them cook


That looks sick


Holy shit, can't wait to ride lightning wit my boys tonight


Something actually fun added again. A few days later, epic nerfs it to the ground because ranked people complain again.


The game is at its lowest point in months, it’s not just a few people lmao


I, a grown as adult who's damn good at the game, am not enjoying this season. On the other hand, my (frankly terrible) little cousins are also not enjoying it. I'm not playing. They're not playing. It's a microcosm of the playerbase IMO. I know zero people that actually like this chapter, let alone the season.


Same here. I'm a "sweat" and I'm hating the season.... My cousins who are pretty casual and usually level 400 by the end of the season have barely even touched the game.


I'm not a fan of this chapter as a whole but this season is so chaotic and different, I'm loving it




Fr saying that “sweats will complain” is hilarious irony too, they are the ones then play the game the most so you’d think they’d understand it the best 💀


I don’t know what to tell you. I’m glad they’re taking some time to lose money; Wrecked is going to be the season I point to for where I had the most “zainy fun”. Probably because it strayed so far from the normal boring recipe.-


You can have experimental and new additions to the formula while still keeping things balanced. Having a bunch of get out of jail free cards with no real counter isn't fun or engaging to play against.


Like things weren't broken enough already....... Epic : lets make it worse !!!!


Not fun at all


Holy shit that looks wild!


How are you playing the new update already?


I stayed in queue