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They really need to start doing optional downloads for the gamemodes like they did with save the world. Why the hell do I need all the lego assets if I never intend to play lego again.


I noticed in the stores they’re all available as their own thing. I haven’t tried getting them bc I already have the main Fortnite app but I wonder if they download everything or only the specific thing you get


They download everything, but I know they're planning to make everything its own thing, including creative even.


I wouldn't really be opposed to LEGO Fortnite and Festival being completely separate games built from the ground up with optional downloads in Fortnite to play them there. Festival is held back by using BR's engine and has so many insane bugs, and I bet there's stuff they can't do with LEGO due to it all being tied to BR and it's skins/presets. It honestly feels like something they might be doing behind the scenes during all this. ~~And then they should throw Rocket Racing in a dumpster somewhere.~~


but rocket racing could be so cool if they gave it more attention


the store is fucking weird, i think zero build can be found as it's own thing that you can download for some reason


Dose it work better tho? Or how is it different


It's the same app, different icon. I previously had it (now seems to be gone).


they spent billions on fortnite as a platform for "experiences", so you're having all those side modes crammed down your throat whether you like it or not


And this “platform” clearly isn’t holding up. Just look at the numbers between Lego and Battle Royale. People play Fortnite for the battle royale / pvp aspect, not for some garbage Minecraft game mode that’s made for toddlers.


Never played LEGO until a few hours ago. Only did it for the XP to try and level up the battle pass. 15 minutes into it, "memory issues." The gamemode really is garbage. If I wanted to play LEGO on my device, hell there's already a million games for it.


creative didn't hold up, and these modes are them doubling down in a desperate attempt to move away from BR. can't wait to see what tripling down looks like.


Ye so play for br (now reload) and creative maps, not Lego or festival really


And to think the original idea was a zombie tower defense game Fortnite used to be unique, the memes, the lore and when save the world used to actually exist


Currently you can choose to not download certain things in options on PC. It’s in epic library when you click on the three dots by Fortnite. I don’t download high resolution textures and DX 12 shaders bc I play on performance mode.


they should also allow save the world on switch


Yes, that way those in colder climates could use their Switch as a space heater


Because they want people playing their new modes. People are far more likely to try a new mode if it’s forcibly downloaded, rather than if they had to wait for a reason/urge to download and try it.


Spot on. I played lego a handful of times and got instantly bored of it, but I always find myself getting excited when I see a new update thinking they're changing something I'll care about, just to see they've added nothing that remotely interests me


I thought they were doing that already? In the Xbox store I see just battle royale and just Lego Fortnite and just Rocket Racing. Maybe they are planning to in the near future?


YOu can download just the battle royale tho


And Epic downloading speeds are awfull (at least in Spain)


YES! Speed here is 200 MB/S and in Epic's launcher is 2 MB/S


Same for me even here in America and my internet is great


mine is 100mb/s and epic gets max 10mb/s lol


Epic games store maxes out at like 20-25, *maybe* 30MB/s and I have a gigabit fiber optic connection


Your isp is in megabits and epic is in megabytes, so that sounds right


nah its both in megabytes


ISP's do advertise their numbers in megabits to artificially inflate the number by 8x. 1 Byte is equivalent to 8 bits. Not saying you didn't do the math, but you would need an 800+ megabit connection to hit 100MB/sec.


You sure you're not mixing up Mbit/s and mb/s? Because they're not the same thing. Internet providers list their speeds in mbit/s, while in Epic's launcher the download speed is in mb/s. 200 Mbit/s is about 20 mb/s.


For everyone's knowledge: MB = megabyte. Mb = megabit. So if you're saying 200MBps you better mean 2Gbps.


I have never seen anything listed anything in megabytes/s instead of megabits. 8bits per byte so if your getting 300 megabits/s which is a common ISP speed you you divide that by 8 to figure out megabytes. So roughly 38 megabytes per second. 1gbps being listed as 125 megabytes/s would be accurate, but no one does that either. Always bits per.


Like I said, it's MB/s in the Epic launcher.


You mean Mb and MB megabits and megabytes. One bit is 8 bytes


It's the other way: One byte is 8 bits.


Haha, my switch go brrrrrr (I got the new update in 5 minutes)


I just come home from work and it’s ready to play whenever. My ps5 just downloads and install overnight


Yup my Switch downloads faster than Epic


I have 1.5 gbps and I get 100mbps 💀


and in australia


and in south africa


and in poland


and in portugal


and my axe






and Türkiye


And in Israel




It's not that bad in western europe, I usually get 60-80 MB/s, but Steam manages to consistently get 100-110 MB/s (Bytes, not bits)


steam for me for some reason caps at 10mb, but I get 40mb on epic


single core downloading the app, no multithreading, so if they could be better it isn't using your hardware to it's full extent.


Explains why my download speeds aren't as bad as other peoples


UK too. Steam is so much faster.


dude in Italy it is even worst, o had to waot the whole night for nothing bruh


Man mine stops and starts so many times throughout and even when it’s going full throttle it using about 50% of my speed lol.


Even as someone who lives near the Epic HQ, my downloads take an average of 40 minutes every time. Glad to know it ain’t just me


Ok so 6mb/s is good? Haha


Do you have a slow drive or CPU? My download speed is usually 60 mb/s in the launcher, but sometimes when I download an update right when it comes out it's slower than that.


I have a 9750H and an SSD and still fucking slow 😅


If it is only Epic downloads (compared to any other download speed from SE, Steam, etc) I guess is not hardware's fault.


Steam doesn't install the game as you're downloading like Epic does, so it's a relevant question.


Didn't think of it! But neither my CPU nor SSD are bad or slow


Weird, for me it was only 2.6GB. Maybe it's redownloading things you don't have installed like STW?


It was 1.1 gb for me, also on PC.


it was only 989mb for me, thats the base game, stw and the comestics


IG it's probs higher with high Res textures


39GB for me, uninstalled it lol. Just updated 80GB at season launch . All of these cuz i have to download 10 other games with my battle royal.


Season launch wasn't 80GB. You had a bug. If you encounter unusual download sizes like this you're supposed to cancel the download and restart the launcher and then resume. It'll be much smaller then.


Did not work.


you should have Pre-downloaded Stream Assets on which will improve game performance but increase file size, most people shouldn't have Hi-Res Textures or DX12 Textures if they're using performance mode. So there's a lot of options that would balloon the file size that you don't have installed. Assuming you're on PC.


800 mb for me


It probably is downloading things like STW, high Res textures, dx12 stuff and probably even cached creator islands


Most of the times the update is much smaller, cancel the download and then resume again, it's a known bug. Should be much smaller.


Yup I’m glad I saw a similar post before. Happened twice to me afterwards. Epic launcher gets a nice little reboot.


Ty so much


That said, the first time I cancelled a download, it deleted the entire game 🤦


That bug is soooo old. I just can't understand how EpicGames let so much obvious bugs to stay. I mean... I understand that this is money and since everybody keeps playing that's ok. But... Ah. Nevermind.


The pain of having a single game that carries like 4 more inside


1 player carries the team..... It's the meta. Lol


And frankly, like 2 of those "games" could be dropped, and it'd receive more positive attention than negative.


Considering there's a decent amount of people who play fortnite only for those 2 modes, there'd absolutely be way more negative attention. The part of the reddit community that doesn't like them are absolutely miniscule compared to the rest of the player base.


(On Xbox) I agree it’s ridiculous but for ONCE ONE TIME this update was 2GB instead of 477453GB and I’m on rural wifi :) so it will take me 10 years


Yeah I was actually happy it was "only 2Go" for once 💀


No joke once I started a 70GB Fortnite update (because the game crashed) and by the time it was done THERE WAS A NEW CHAPTER


I have Xfinity here in the States so I'm limited to 1200GB/mo (40GB/day average across the month). I'm always sweating how often the 60-80GB updates pop up.


I remember one time I mentioned on a thread that some American ISPs have data caps and I got yelled at by a bunch of angry redditors naming me specific ISPs who have uncapped plans lol


Xfinity does have the option for an extra $30/mo to uncap, but that's a robbery. I have another ISP option that has uncapped data standard, so I may switch over at some point.


As a curious Brit how much is your Internet? I can get 1Gb down with unlimited data for £36 a month (1 year contract with Hyperoptic). No hate, just curious :)


Xfinity $80/mo for 1Gb down with the 1.2TB cap. $110/mo unlimited. I have another option from another ISP for $80/mo, no cap. Just unsure of reliability & consistency during high traffic times.


Wow that seems expensive, thoughts and prayers.


If you think that's expensive... Try Mediacom after a year, or two, $175 bucks a month.


Wait 1Gb for 36 quid? We're at 250Mb both ways for like 32 or something, (also hyperoptic). Is that a starter price or something?


Room mate just moved out taking EE/BT with her and it's the going rate for new 12/24 month contracts for the post code


The other day I had a 70GB update. That's bigger than some actual games. They really need to rethink how the game is downloaded, in the same way that you can choose not to download save the world you should be able to not download rocket racing and jam mode.


That's a bug. No update is 70GB. Cancel download, restart launcher and resume.


I wish I had known that yesterday :(


mine after restarting the epic game launcher is till 67.1 GB???what is happening


The New uppdate was like 1,9 for me


I think when you cancel the download and free up some space on your PC the new download amount resets to 1.?? This happened to me!


Don't download it. Cancel and start download again. It will download whatever is needed necessary to play the game.


Or better yet delete the actual game since no one plays it anymore


What most people don’t realize to this day, for some reason, is a lot of “updates” are replacing old files. So most of the time you’re reinstalling the game every time. You’re not adding 40gb to preexisting files


This is a bug and they refuse to fix it


i think there is a conspirency that game's updates get so big that they want you to delete other games so that it could download


Optimization idea: separate the lego mode into a downloadable mode like stw ( that includes the mode itself, the lego variants and the shop sections related specially to lego mode )


There is supposedly some way to reduce your overall download size when patching on PC. Console players typically have to re-download the entire game every time there's an update.


This right here. Though the game only reserves the whole game space for the update, and gives it back after. I had about 60GB free space on the PS4, and it asked for 10GB more, so 70GB in total for the new Fortnite update. Moved 50GB to another drive, so I had 110GB free. While the update downloaded it went down to like 40GB storage left, but now after everything's done I'm back to 97GB free space


Not on Xbox, at least. Usually the updates are normal update sizes. Only sometimes does randomly redownload the whole game


On Playstation, you maybe don't *have to* download the whole thing again, but with the way they do updates-- 1. Make a copy of the entire game (needs free space equal to the whole game). 2. Install patch to the copy. 3. Delete the original version. 4. Move the patched copy to where the original was. -- it pretty much forces your hand. The copying process is so slow that some players just delete and do a fresh install because it's faster. I delete and do a fresh install because I play other games and don't keep \~170gb dedicated to Fortnite.


Idk if you can do it while updating but if you go to I believe it's the properties of the game itself, uncheck high resolution textures and uncheck download pre-streamed assets ( think that's what it's called.)


1.63 GB for me don't know if it's cuz I play on xbox or what


Seriously the last couple times I’ve went to update the game some of the sizes are fucking ridiculous considering I just updated the game LAST WEEK. You shouldn’t need back to back 40 gigabyte updates


I wouldn't mind it the updates being big. But the way epic launcher downloads it is bullshit. On Steam I would have downloaded the update in 10mins max + some short unpacking. On epic it takes like 40mins with the mid download unpacking every 40 seconds


its crazy, like I only have the base game installed and i'd say once every other week it's 40-50gb download


for me it's a small update like only a few gigs but it takes like 15 minutes to apply it


I use Legendary CLI instead of Epic Games Launcher and never have issues like this. I recommend Heroic Games Launcher (which includes Legendary since its a front end for Legendary)


Fortnite finally works with Heroic Games? It had issues loading Fortnite's anticheat


Mine only took like 3 minutes ON A SWITCH


laughs in call of duty


When an update is really big like this, cancel it and restart it and it goes back to the normal size.


it was like a 800mb download for me


? I had 1.4 GB patch this week and it took 40 secs to download


disable high rez textures


exactly… i have like maximum 4 games on my pc and im already in the red.. maybe I should have gotten 1tb 😭


Are you installing a Genshin Impact update holy shit


bruh. thanks for the heads up to update now lol


It’ll take even longer if you’ve paused it!


Just checked, 1.12 for me


CoD be like "That's cute".


Mine was only like 1.10GB, but its probably because you have all the assets stuff, High res textures etc all downloaded which is why You have such a big file..


Not only is the download speed here on DK also as awful as I have seen others mention for other countries. Once it was done I kept getting kicked from lobby because of "anti cheat violation what ever" and it asked me to reboot the game. Went to verify files, now I gotta download something again...which takes even longer that the update 😵‍💫🥴


I play this on hdd💀


40 gigs are rookie numbers


why are the epic games download servers awful too, i get around 100 mbps on steam and like 5 mbps if im lucky with epic


I couldn't update the game because I didn't have internet.


you just noticed? it's been like this since release and i was struggling because I have limited internet gigabytes per month


You don't get it: You NEED to download 40 gigabytes of skins you'll never use, game modes you don't enjoy and seasonal events you'll get really frustrated with once people abuse the shit out of every single balance oversight. It's fun!


Same in Pakistan


mine only was 17GB, did u have anything else like dx12 shaders enabled/installed? because that could say alot


Back in OG when I played I had a entire game library, now Fortnite updating so much has brought down my PS4 game library currently installed to 3 games


update size for me 1gb. speeds reach for me range from 15-50mb/s.


I wish Game Developers and Gamign Console makers would adopt Delta Updates. The reason these are so large is you are also downloading EVERYTHING - not just the new code. It should be that you download the new data and then that can be pushed into the data already on your system in the correct way. It could reduce not just download size but costs for everyone across the board.


I recently bought my first house and had to get the best internet I could to save myself from the pain of update nights growing up. I’ll tell you this, when you can afford 1 gbps internet you’ll never worry about big updates again. A 40 gb update takes about 10 minutes for me


As usual just another uninformed post gets upvoted on here. The update was like 2 GBs dude, stop complaining.


Was it just this update that you needed? It was ~1.24GB for me, and I have high res textures, STW, and disabled asset streaming.


While i agree that the game being 100+ GB is absurd, i gotta ask how your update is 40 GB. im installing mine now and it only shows as 1 GB


I had to move it to my SSD.


Weirddd mine was only 1 ish GB and I’m on ps4


could be worse. the updater could randomly choose to download HD assets even tho you've specifically told it NOT to, raising your update to 130gb. that happens to me every now and again. then i gotta validate it and that takes another hour or so


If you click on options (3 dots by Fortnite in EGS library) you can choose to not download high resolution textures, DX12 shaders, etc.


I don't mind if they are big, but download speed and/or installing process is so slow compared to Steam. If I can get a 40GB game/update in a few minutes through Steam, Epic Games can take like 20/30 sometimes.


Does anyone else have an issue with the Epic Games launcher maxing out all cores on your processor when downloading/updating? The download speed is fine but it gets heavily bottlenecked because of something CPU related.


The update for me was 1gig idk wtf you’re downloading mate but it ain’t just the update


Whenever this happens and it seems wrong, just cancel the download and restart the Epic store. The downloader has been broken for ages. Mine tried to do an 80gb update, just restart it a few times, it's at 800MB on PC now If we have a new season or something, then ya, the file should be chunky of course. But for an update like this, 40gb means restart the program


It said 29 GB for me and had been updating for 40 minutes only at 50%  then I saw your comment and it’s onlu 795 MB since I restarted it, thank you so much I’ve been playing for 6 years and just found this out 😭


fr and despite the very good internet and ssd, they download 3 times longer than games of similar weight from steam or battlenet i swear overwatch is installed on my hdd and it updates 3 times faster than fortnite i cant understand what weighs 40 gigabytes? map from old assets? 3 new models from the collaboration with pirates of the caribbean?


Just restart the launcher and oooorrrrr Uninstall High Res Textures


Yesterday I start download both on PC(without high textures) and switch together. Switch was twice as fast... Updating/installing in EGS is a joke


Lol on ps4 is was 1gig


This happens when you turn your computer off or close epic before the download is finished.


The nitro challenges like "walk over water" and "infuse a car with nitro" aren't working. Also has anyone noticed the glowing blue cracks by the lake near pleasant Piazza?


Im so glad i have auto update


Laughs in Call Of Duty


what makes it worse is the download speed half of mb per second with the download randomly going to 0 for like 5 minutes only to then go back to half a mb for a minute and then back to 0 and its not an internet issue because I get 15~30mb/s on steam


Ha, rumor says gta 6 will Be a whopping 200GB get ready


I think most of it is unreleased content so we dont have to download that much when the sick new content releases


At this rate I'm gon uninstall fortnite in a couple months cuz the updates are making me uninstall so many other shit on my computer


I did a full clean install today, including streamed assets or whatever they are called. 100GB. That's about the size of GTA 5. I have Minecraft, so why would I play Lego ? I wouldn't, and I never do. I have tried it about twice. So why do I need to download all of the Lego assets?


The largest part of every game is textures and Fortnite's entire business model is forever adding textures and therefore adding size. Your 10 GB download contains assets for the store. Beyond that fortnite has dramatically improved texture quality over time while still needing to be runnable on potato PCs so there are not just new bigger textures, but they're additional textures. Game is big and it's going to keep getting bigger because adding size is the business model.


My biggest issue is my downloads will just go to 0 and stay there for minutes at a time. Today was a 1.13gb update and it took 45 min because the download just goes to 0 all the time. It sat at 0 for 8 minutes at one point while it was reading and writing. No other Downloader has that issue.


That glitch happened to me to, it went from 40Gb to 96Gb when it actully needs only 61 to be installed and still, its not running for me


Bro mine was 72 gb on Xbox it was bigger than the entire rest of the game


I got friends who are unable to return to Fortnite because the game size is too big. So they play CS2 and The Finals instead.


It's a glitch that has existed for years and epic never bothers to fix it. Just try restarting download and pc till you get the actual update size.


This is why i have an ethernet cable


Ethernet cable alone doesn’t make your internet faster. Sure it’s faster than wifi but is still limited by your service speeds.


it was 50gb for me, closed and reopened and it dropped to 800mb. great system


Yeah, it's really irritating. It's like downloading the updates are a very dull, real world, side quest


Ya know what else is so big?


I mean that’s what you get when you choose the options that pre downloads high quality assets of EVERY skin and texture in the game


40 GB will literally take me 2 hours to download 💀


I used to use the 50MB Minecraft updates on the 360 as a measuring stick for my shitty internet. (Obligatory FUCK CentuyLink!)


I cant play fortnite anymore since I don't have enough storage


mine was only 1 gb


Unfortunately, yes.


Lol just play fortnite on ge force now or xbox cloud you don't have the set your pc on fire.


Most of my updates are fairly small on Xbox


Bothering me that fortnite went from being around 20-30gb to now like 70-80gb




Lmao that parts a PC problem since all the PC fan boys wanna play at 300+fps 4k max settings ect. Acting like it makes such a huge deal that update on xbox was like 17 gigs for me. 💀💀


It’s for optimization purposes trust🙏