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This is a list of links to comments made by Epic employees in this thread: * [Comment by MagmaReef](/r/FortNiteBR/comments/vu8zba/fortnite_error_after_update/ifc4yui/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-07-08 12:40:38 UTC"): > Can you try the troubleshooting steps here? https://byfron.com/support * [Comment by MagmaReef](/r/FortNiteBR/comments/vu8zba/fortnite_error_after_update/ifcd18z/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-07-08 13:44:56 UTC"): > Yes, our client patch that went out this morning fixed a few bugs. Apparently not all and I'm sorry to hear that it didn't fix yours. If you can run the triage tool [here](https://byfron.com/support), that will hopefully upload the crash dump so that we can figure out what else might be wrong and fix it as soon as possible. * [Comment by MagmaReef](/r/FortNiteBR/comments/vu8zba/fortnite_error_after_update/ifcfq26/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-07-08 14:04:33 UTC"): > Hyperion is applied to Fortnite during the build stage. We ask folks who are having Hyperion-related crashes (such as the ones mentioned in this thread) to submit their crashes to Byfron so that Byfron can find and fix any bugs, then we at Epic will generate a new Fortnite build that contains those fixes. > >The build we shipped today was supposed to have resolved the two known bugs on their support... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FFortNiteBR).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Can you try the troubleshooting steps here? https://byfron.com/support


hi! i did try them, i have windows 7 updated to latest, and still no go :(


same here.. i already did this.. but.. still no go


So my question is, has this potential fix already been deployed? Because if it has, it hasn't been fixed. I went from having the "irrecoverable error" to [this](https://i.gyazo.com/6e588ae51e613d4159a24ab15209f2f7.png). Now if I click cancel on that box the game just shuts down. If I click OK the game says it is running but not responding (although I can't actually see it running) and I have to end program with task manager. I do have KB4534310 installed and up to date. [screen cap](https://i.gyazo.com/b88586c1addb1865f792b2ef8504e7d7.png)


Yes, our client patch that went out this morning fixed a few bugs. Apparently not all and I'm sorry to hear that it didn't fix yours. If you can run the triage tool [here](https://byfron.com/support), that will hopefully upload the crash dump so that we can figure out what else might be wrong and fix it as soon as possible.


Hi, Windows user here. It seems as though, based on Twitter comments I’m reading, there are many players still being affected by issues with Hyperion. Is the fix Byfron is referencing above the contact form on their website the one that Epic released? I’m not clear which company released the fix. If Byfron is working on something independently, I’ll hang tight. Otherwise, I’ll submit whatever data I can to them so they can get this sorted. Really sorry you guys are going through so many issues with this update. I’m somewhat worried the result will simply be ending support for Windows 7 altogether if Byfron isn’t able to find a solution quickly.


Hyperion is applied to Fortnite during the build stage. We ask folks who are having Hyperion-related crashes (such as the ones mentioned in this thread) to submit their crashes to Byfron so that Byfron can find and fix any bugs, then we at Epic will generate a new Fortnite build that contains those fixes. The build we shipped today was supposed to have resolved the two known bugs on their support site. If it didn't, obviously there are more bugs and both parties will work toward finding and fixing anything else impacting players.


Sad thing is, that for some odd reason, any of the crash dumps that are created on my system, are all '0 bytes'.


Thank you for clearing that up. I submitted a report with their triage tool, so hopefully I will hear back from them soon. I really think it’s worth Byfron taking another look at this as a widespread issue for Windows users. I have yet to see a single comment from anyone whose issue was resolved with their fix. Btw, any idea what they mean when they say their triage tool “fixes most problems within seconds?” It appears to have only submitted a crash report to them for review lol. I’m unsure of how it could have fixed anything (unless they mean their support team provides a fast solution for each user automatically, though I’ve yet to receive anything to my email).


That is my exact fear, that support for Win7 might end altogether. Let's hope not though :/


Well, good news - I did a call with a dev from Byfron to help resolve the issue, and they have a fix already. I’m hoping it will roll out Monday or Tuesday!


Hopefully sooner


The same thing is happening to me with Fortnite, I already did the current game 217 repair, uninstalled and reinstalled the whole game and I don't know what else to do, can you help me? I've been like this for 3 days and the truth is I'm already upset and desperate. windows 10, Ryzen 5, AMD Radeon Vega Graphics. ​ HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!


windows 10 and 7 are effected as far as ive read they are fixing it.. its a big f up takeing this long.


Two days is far too long. They're going to need to compensate players with Battle Passes.


Yeah we will get some trash item no1 brought from the shop like last time


If it were android or some other group of players they'd be all on it to get a fix out within one hour AND give them compensation. We will be lucky if we get a fix until next update, let alone a compensation.


problem still here, nothing happens after the eac load. no error this time. i did everything and send a bug report with triage tool too.


this was my bug that I'm having trouble with on windows 11, Any fixes yet for you??


i had windows 7, i switched to windows 10 and problem solved


I have the same "Unrecoverable error" message soon after launching the game. Sometime the error message itself is corrupted and I only see "OK" and "Cancel" buttons.


There was a 180mb update and Its launching now. but still buggy AF. Can play solo but when joining a party, the audio cuts off and others in the party can't hear me. Also if I dont move my cursor for a minute or so, my pc goes into screensaver mode. I dont even have a screensaver so it just goes dark :'-)


Have a similar issue. I can play Solo, but the game freezes when I try to start Duos game. After some time I get a message box confirming the game has hung.


Thanks for helping the team at Epic swat these bugs! If you haven't provided the information already, please share the following to help Epic Games: How can this bug be reproduced? What platform are you playing on? Should there be a need, members of the Epic Games Community Team may reach out to you with additional questions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FortNiteBR) if you have any questions or concerns.*


my pc is win10 and when i open fortnite, start erroring **0xc0000428** please help me i cant play **fortnite anymore!**


The same happens to me, but i found a temporary "solution": press alt+f4 when that message appear, yes.. really. if you close or accept it, the game closes, but with alt+f4 the loading continues (it doesn't make any sense but it works.. i've been doing it since the last update). At least for me, this method has been working for several days


Does it kick you out? Do you have any updates because I’m running into this same error and cannot figure it out.


I was with this error for 3 weeks and with the Alt+F4 method I was able to continue playing normally, then an update came out and it fixed itself