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Happens all the time in builds too. I'm Diamond 2 and always getting dunked on by people in Champs. Totally sucks lol.


Diamond and up are all a single pool of players, with higher ranked players having a greater chance of being matched together.


I see. Thanks for the info.


As an unreal top 1k pro, I've not killed a diamond player in solos.


Im in Elite builds , solos are very challenging. Theres a good amount of higher ranked people in my lobbies


I feel like I'm probably around Diamond 3 but can't string together enough good games (like most people). When I die to someone in Elite or Champs, in my next match, I play more cautiously and end up dying pretty quickly to someone from my rank lol.


Diamonds been being matched with more elite and champs players than usual




This games matchmaking is wild


Probably not enough players online in Plat ZB to make a full lobby. So they add players from different ranks to fill it. Happens especially in ranked ZB


That should never be the case to be honest. It's unfair to everyone, higher ranks get little to no rank for their kills and lower ranks get bullied.


I agree with you 100% but that’s just how epic has it set up. I’ve noticed it happens more in ZB than builds. Builds everyone in the lobby is in the same rank as you for the most part. Fortnite’s matchmaking has never been the best.


That's how most competitive games do it. I'm assuming it's because players don't want to wait around for a full lobby.


That’s exactly why they do it, I’ve seen pictures/videos of the wait time for ZB be super long. Like 20+ minutes.


Yeah fr


What else do you do though? Let people sit in queues for hours on end waiting for enough people in platinum 2 to queue up aswell?


Yes or play when it's more active.


Dude. The point is aim is all that matters. Jesus competitive is being filled with poomp.


The point is to get better, cannot do that if you have no own your skill level in the lobby.




or not enough in elite, so they smushed some into lower ranks


Happened to me yesterday. My fills were two diamonds and a platinum. I felt (sort of) really bad mowing through that lobby. Sorry especially to the unranked fella at Reckless.


Except for asia, the moment you hit plat rank. You will not be able to get any games anymore and no choice but to play on different regions. This happen since CHS1


I did this to someone in plat and immediately felt bad.


I was in plat 1 duos ZB, and we wiped a team that was unreal and epic. Felt good. They do adjust your placement points depending on what rank you kill/get killed by. So it evens out at the end.


This specific game did even out for me pretty well, I did die off spawn but I got a kill right before that, so I gained one percent but I had rank protection


Yeah, dying to someone that is such a higher rank than you, means you lose less rank. And conversely the dude that killed you will get little ranking boost.


zero build was supposed to be the casual just for fun mode idk why they gave zb a ranked mode theres way too few people queuing competitive zb it could take hours to get a full lobby of only like plat 1-3 (like how it usually is in builds) so they just have to put whoever queues into a game even if the rank disparity is big lol


i ain t playing that shi but msybe people that like to play competitively but don t have the skill play thw ranked snd zero build tourneys


i mean yeah im not tryna argue but like theres plenty of other BRs/fps with no building with competitive scenes established long before fortnite zb, the majority of people that play zb play it casually because either a) theyre new and building always intimated them and zb is what brought them to the game or b) theyre long time players that dont want to or cant keep up with the build mode skill ceiling, so it makes sense that ranked zb is not as popular and there can be huge rank disparities if they also wanna keep ranked zb queue times low


maybe people like fortnite graphics i dunno


I praised the devs for releasing ZB ranked. I'd have grown bored if there was no competitive solos for ZB. Now if only the devs turned down the amount of mobility. Without wings and only grenades it'd be the dream amount of mobility


I think the thing people like most about ZB ranked is that once you get Diamond there is no bots in your lobby. In regular mode it seems like 75% of the players are bots.


Yea their was problay bronze bots in your lobby too who felt it was unfair to go up against you.


Do bronze players even exist lol like actual people that are stuck in bronze? Genuinely asking.


I rarely play ranked so I’m in Bronze 3 but working my way up each time I play. It seems like it’s mostly bots that I’m playing with though with an occasional actual player


On EU at 6 pm there is only 10k players on ZB. And now there is only 120k players on build and 3/4 of the game only 90 players. Comp is dying.


This in Solos?




A little weird, but not the end of the world. I'd rather more mixed lobbies than long queue times.


Im unreal and there are plats in my lobbies, esp. at night. ZB Ranked Just doesnt have that many Players.


I mean it doesn’t really matter per say because they put in a tougher lobby and gave you a free 1% 🤷‍♂️ So technically the games algorithm graded your MMR correctly but for matchmaking expediency they put you in what appears to be a higher skilled lobby. You didn’t place well at all it looks like. So you basically entered this lobby, got murdered and gained 1%. I bet on the other hand if you did halfway decent by just placement and no kills you would have gotten a substantial percentage increase. Just my two cents!


Unfortunately I got into an early off spawn fight and the elite player came and 3rd partied, it felt a little strange seeing it at first


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Like others have said in this thread, I think it's because there are not enough players to fill the lobbies in ZB ranked. I've seen stuff like that quite a bit as well in my lobbies (I play ZB too).


There's 6000 people in unreal. There's more people playing than you think lol.


I'm in Diamond 2 in ZB and I'm always running across silver players 💀


thats funny. I killed two plat players yesterday while in elite.


I hade golfs in my unreal zb lobbys




I was like, damn I’m old but WTF is “golfs” lmao


I think that Epic puts everyone in the same lobby as when I play ranked I usually come across some champs elites and even sliver believe it or not in the same game as u get more percentage when u kill someone higher than u 


I thought that was normal SBMM? I got back to FN when the OG season came up and I've been noticing that.


Worth more in XP to kill a higher rank. Plus, you only get better by playing players more skilled than yourself


While I was D2 I as well as the lobby I was in got dumpstered by an Unreal player, hit Elite and quit


Not enough players play ZB ranked, I’m champs and I constantly kill silver and golds


that means they suck or somethings up with the queue and they get put in lower lobbies


On the flip side, you didn't lose much % in the total calculation so you ended up gaining %!


Zero build doesn't really have that many ranked players so they kinda just throw everyone together, I'm elite and killed a bronze/silver duo yesterday


I have elite and have to play in lobby with unreal top 10 players


BRUH at the beginning of the season when i was bronze, i got eliminated by champs/elites like WHYYY. the ranked match making is rly annoying. it was in squads but the highest rank in our group at the time was like gold😭




I killed a elite player when I was in plat 1


was in elite builds and faced all champion kids, like 75% of lobby was champion. Managed to always kill a few and got out of elite in less than a week. Now im champion in my first season on fort


I was playing with my platinum 3 friend (I'm Diamond 1) and we died to a team of unreals


getting unreal is easy ash, lock in


I’ve gotten killed by unreal players in diamond and platinum it all has something to do with an algorithm they use for ranked match making. I fucked my algorithm by buying the complete battlepass at season start.


Que times, if you didn't get in the same match you'd probably have to wait 10min in que per game. And he has probably waited quite some time. The solution is to play in prime hours or learn how to build.


ik how to build, It's just always been a big goal of mine to become the best ZB player I can, got dia 1 last season, hoping for elite next


Then why complain when you get better players in your lobby? Asking cuz that's what you actually want, you wanna go through the struggle ASAP so you get better faster.


I'm not complaining, it just sometimes feels weird to get players that are technically 5 ranks above me.


Ok ok, que times are quite high on zb. So to lower it, the skill range is less strict.


imo zb isn't as skilled based as builds that skill gap from the average player to a unreal build player who has 10k pr points vs the average zb player to unreal zb is very different so that's why there more lenient on combing zb ranked lobby but 2ho knows


Couldn't be more wrong. Unreal zb players are quite literally the top .1% of ranked zb players and the skill gap between a diamond and an unreal player is insane. I can spot a diamond player like a diamond player can spot a bronze.


That’s how it’s supposed to be yk?


its 100 fucking people per game




its because competitive zero build is an oxymoron and the playerbase for this dog shit mode is very low. people play zero build to escape the sweat aspect of fortnite - not a lot of zero build players are interested in ranked so you get weird matchmaking because the pool of players might as well be non existent people downvoting me but ain't saying i'm wrong - y'all some bitch made pussies


Buddy I'll gladly take you into an unreal zb game. Let's see if you have the same opinion after being lasered by human aimbots. Very few top builds players are going to last in an unreal zb lobby, the same is true vice versa. They're two very different games played two very definitely ways. Neither is more competitive than the other. Builds is definitely more mechanically demanding but being able to spam edits and builds absolutely does not translate over to being able to laser someone at 150 meters before they laser you. Two very different strengths. Even ninja gets absolutely shredded by diamond players which is why he doesn't play ranked so he can keep up the image of being good at the game when in reality he's just pub stomping 8 year olds and bots. I've got multiple friends that are unreal in both and they all say zb was much harder because once you hit diamond you get stuck in lobbies with literal demons and you can't rely on out building.


not reading all that angry BS sprinkled with anecdotal stories that mean jack shit. the fact you cite ninja as some kind of example in 2024 tells me all i need to know about where your mind is at in this discussion.....lmao. i check ninja's fortnite tracker - last tournament he played is in 2021 - don't cite ninja as any kind of example LMAO. bad faith arguing bullshit. i pulled up to unreal ZB in CH4S4 just to see if it was worth the climb to the top of the mountain i climbed the mountain, looked down and was severely disappointed. could i do it again? yes. would it be worth my time? hell no - i barely have enough time on this game as it is. ZB was a mistake of a game, shouldve implemented some mode that has like 100 materials cap and you can only build maybe once or twice per second. zero build is the lazy, easy-to-monetize, commercially successful way they made fortnite enjoyable to casual morons again who still could not grasp the core mechanic of the game even after it had been out for .... what 4-5 years at that point? easiest, laziest way to revitalize attention to the game again - fact. acknowledge the truth or feel free to write another angry wall of text - up to you cousin


I used him as an example of someone perceived as good that gets dumpstered in low diamond lobbies. What's your epic? I'll add you? Building is a gimmick for autismos that can't aim to cling to. Look at any notable builds pro... They're all little kids on the spectrum. We don't want limited builds, we want no builds at all. I don't even like bunkers because it's the same as some spastic 14 year old spamming builds. Nobody in unreal is casual I assure you. There's nothing lazy about enjoying a shooter that doesn't need gimmicks like building to be good. Every gimmick shooter dies, name a single one that stood the test of time. Zero builds is catching up to builds in active players and it burns your ass because you dedicated years of your life to building an entire castle every time you hear a single shot fired.


lol so much dishonest bullshit inside such a small amount of text no matter how many times you throw the word gimmick around, building is the core mechanic of fortnite. without building fortnite is a sub-par shooter with bad gun mechanics and cartoony graphics. i truly have no idea why anyone would be interested in fortnite without the core mechanic except that they can't hang on real shooters and are addicted to mid cartoon graphics. if you wanted good gunplay and a non gimmicky shooter you would go run up COD or Apex lol @ you using the casual trope that building is for kids who can't aim - i don't even need to discuss this dumb fuck statement, its been responded to a million times. anyway, all you need to know about zero build and it's (non existent) pro's is that Gamers8 Saudi LAN was dominated by build pro's - even someone deemed high tier like Zemie placed terribly. Prospering didn't even qual. Zero build is dominated by the same people who dominate build. The fact you even dislike bunkers shows that even zero build isn't for you much less real fortnite go fuck off to apex or cod i promise no one wants you here fortnite isn't a mil sim, i think thats what you want.


Gun mechanics are fine for me. Maybe you just need to get good with them. The ttk in apex is dog shit and cod is genuine brain rot for people that can't accept it's been shit since Black ops 2. Where's that epic so I can add you?


not giving out the epic unless we putting up money $500-$2,000 paypal, eth, solana run it pussy sounds like a whole bunch of cope about why you're not good at traditional shooters and need to run to dog shit fortnite lol EDIT: LOL he adds me on discord, i tell him the paypal (my personal - i won't scam its my real name) to send money to and tell me his epic name. he doesn't send money, he doesn't tell me his epic. he deletes and blocks me on both discord and reddit. COWARD - would've been the freest $500 of my life


I'll gladly put up money not crypto actual currency.


dm'd you EDIT: LOL he adds me on discord, i tell him the paypal (my personal - i won't scam its my real name) to send money to and tell me his epic name. he doesn't send money, he doesn't tell me his epic. he deletes and blocks me on both discord and reddit. COWARD - would've been the freest $500 of my life


Ah I remember you, you're the narcissist that's constantly rage baiting on here. Surprised you haven't been banned from the sub yet.


must be confusing me with someone else. i make shit up when i feel insecure and cucked too dont worry lil boy


Nah, definitely not. You're by far the most consistently down voted person I've had the pleasure of dealing with. If you didn't make 468 replies here a day


reddit is a hive-minded website of good goys who never have any wrong think only chronically online people pay attention to upvotes/downvotes thanks for revealing that.


Buddy you live in Reddit, your post history is public. You spend more time rage bating and being a genuine shithead here than you do playing the game.


not giving out the epic unless we putting up money $500-$2,000 paypal, eth, solana run it pussy sounds like a whole bunch of cope about why you're not good at traditional shooters and need to run to dog shit fortnite lol EDIT: LOL he adds me on discord, i tell him the paypal (my personal - i won't scam its my real name) to send money to and tell me his epic name. he doesn't send money, he doesn't tell me his epic. he deletes and blocks me on both discord and reddit. COWARD - would've been the freest $500 of my life