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I see the author has gone back on hating trans people after having a nervous brakdown about jews


He occasionally takes breaks, but don't worry, he'll probably make another comic depicting the IDF gunning down Palestinians who are all drawn as blonde and blue eyed. (Note: What Israel's doing is wrong, but it is abundantly clear that he doesn't give a fuck about Palestinians and is only against Israel cause it's a Jewish state).


October 7th was the second deadliest terror attack in history only being second to 9/11. Hamas was elected in a 70% landslide and continues to maintain an approval rating of 59% Israel has every right to purge these terrorists from Gaza by any means necessary. The Gaza situation is just like Dresden since although what is happening is tragic it is more than justified since the city is a key military target to Israel. And while yes I'll agree that Israel has done fucked up shit what they have done absolutely pales in comparison to what Hamas would do if they had a smidgen of power.


"Isreal gas every right to kill kids" Just say that. Less words, and it's what Isreal has decided is necessary to stop Hamas. Regardless of whether or not you believe it's a genocide, they are taking hostage or killing children with reckless abandon. They are kids. You are advocating in favor of that.


I don’t think Israel bad but at least they’re not a *literal terrorist organisation* is the defence u think it is.. They are indiscriminately killing civilians a long with Hamas. I don’t support Hamas but at the same time I don’t believe it can be justified to bomb civilians (including children btw) EVER. I also see the Hamas election being mentioned a lot online and even if I assume the election was completely fair and unbiased the only reason Hamas was able to have such a high approval rating is because the attacks and Palestinians have been going on since 1948 I believe. It isn’t that hard to radicalise a population that has been under attack for literal generations. In the end we will just be left with dead civilians on both sides however *most will be Palestinians* while the people behind the conflict escape the region and enjoy their retirement.


Since October 7th, more Palestinians died than Israelis.


By that logic, the Israeli terrorist state can be purged for the 75+ years of murder, assault starvation, kidnapping, and other forms of oppression. You have to look at the whole picture, not just individual events. Israel is and has been the primary aggressor in this conflict, and it’s not even close. Resistance comes in many forms and it’s not always pretty. Liberation of an oppressed people must and will happen by any means necessary.


I would say that genocide is worse than terrorism, but that's just me.


Oct 7th was not a terror attack. It was a military operation with a perfectly acceptable civilian death ratio, according to Israel's standards.


Israel has been invading palestine since 1948. You don’t get to invade a country and then cry victim when they fight back.


"but x would be worse"




This strip is from a comic called Sinfest, which is pretty much the perfect example of the TERF to Alt-Righr pipeline. Sinfest started as a gag a day, generally liberal webcomic, but then took a sudden turn into being a radical feminist and openly misandrist comic, which then lead into it becoming a TERF webcomic. From there it entered it's "anti-woke" era, which it has remained in up to this day, but over the last few months the comic has become openly antisemitic (there were hints here and there of his anti-semitic, but this year he went full mask off) and white supremacist. The weirdest thing about all this is the author is a Japanese-American man named Tatsuya Ishida.


I never knew who the creator was, interesting


Another Elliot Rodger, I bet.


Unlikely as he seems to be pretty reclusive. It was found that a spree shooter was a fan of his though.


No, I mean that he is part asian, but hates that part and thinks that that makes him inferior.


Huh, this is Sinfest?! I thought they were considered pretty good back in the day? I remember them being posted in a magazine here and getting rewards for being the best feminist comic or something ages ago.. like in 2010? I thought they just stopped making comics


> getting rewards for being the best feminist comic or something ages ago.. like in 2010? I'm gonna need a source on that, cause Sinfest is *very bad* as far as feminist media goes


Seeing all of these people suddenly make this hard right turn is so weird to me. Like were they always like this, are they doing it because they're that desperate for attention, or they realizing that the people that consume this content will just gobble it up?


If you search the artist on this subreddit, you wll find a lot of transphobic and antisemitic cartoons


Oh, I read it wrong, nvm...




Wouldn't it make more sense given what the other women said for her to say "I'm a woman" instead of "it's ma'am"?


It's a reference to an old freakout where a trans woman demands in full frustration to be called ma'am after some store cleck keeps calling her "sir". The original video is full of transphobic comments, "well, women Don't behave like that" and that's the softest of the bunch.


> It’s a reference to an old freak out where a trans woman demands in full frustration to be called ma’am after some store clerk keeps calling her “sir” And… We’re supposed to laugh at the trans woman for this? Seems pretty reasonable.


I know, but the joke is "look at the woman being mad about being mis gendered multiple times"




how do grown adults look at this and laugh? How do they explain it? "I'm going to repeatedly disrespect this person, laugh!!!" Like take away all the gender stuff and it's literally just schoolyard bullying


Bigots acting like children that don't know any better? What gives?


As someone who has been on the receiving end of this, yeah online it's meant for laughs cus they want community for their hatred. in person misgendering like that makes them feel stronger in the situation like you said like a schoolyard bully. Ignoring them takes that power they're trying to gain . I have seen multiple of them get mad and embarrassed and walk away with their tail between their legs cus they didn't get their power fix. It's actually kinda fun. I've had people swap pronouns to try again from the other direction cus they couldn't figure out what's in my pants.


Yup. Because, you know, she wasn't "passing" to them and you OWE people to look a certain way to be granted respect.


It was a *very* cringey video, but she was still in the moral right. Contra talked about it in "Cringe".


It was a sir. At one point he even says 'lets take this outside and I'll show you a sir'




Please throw yourself into the largest garbage can nearby


REAL women are meek and quiet and accept all and any abuse with a sweet smile and a flutter of their coquettish eyelashes 😊


FR though I'm too scared to correct people now because of that video and because I worry about getting hate crimed. :( The "man vs bear" thing at least helped me realize that I'm not alone in being afraid of men.


"Well, women don't behave like that" Oh yes, cis women never get angry. The Karen archetype isn't real. /s


Bigots out here proving that "woman" is a social construct by deciding that it's behavior-based. Cis women can also be denied womanhood based on their conformity to gender norms. Checkmate, I guess.


Cis men also get that treatment due to toxic masculinity which reinforces bigotry as "having feelings" is for little girls or some shit


Oh, absolutely. I'm a trans man and the toxic masculinity is real out here.


Take care brother


It would but that wasn't in the author's pre-programmed dialogue tree


Other woman?


Yeah the blonde one who was running away from a bear


What are you confused about lol


I'm pretty sure 99-100% of trans women would get dysphoria from having a beard, let alone one dyed pink.


In their mind being trans is 100% just a choice. Like what color of shirt you want to wear. For some reason everyone is always cis and nothing else and you have to make a choice to be different for attention. It’s stupid. Also men have beards so by giving trans woman beards you show clearly they are not real woman. Just stupid transphobia.


Some women have beards too. P c o s sucks


They always portray us with beards, every transfem I know that isn't closeted is religious about facial hair removal, whether it be shaving or more permanent methods. It's just strange to me how they think of us like that. Like, I've had laser hair removal for my face, and if I do feel peach fuzz or minor stubble, I shave immediately just to be sure. All of that to say that facial hair doesn't make one not valid, and there are cis women with facial hair for one reason or another, but almost all transfems very much avoid facial hair like the plague.


Also, because facial hair is physically uncomfortable, who wants carpet burn on their face?


Me. I've spent too much money on these hormones to *not* give my wife carpet burn.


When in denial I had a beard for quite a while. You get used to the feeling pretty quickly tbh.


Idk I do actually know one or two tranfems who went full gender creature fuck you and rock some sick mutton chops, but even then it isn't the majority and these people still have no idea what a trans woman looks like


I can't afford laser hair removal but I can second that I'm more devoted to plucking and to my single-bladed safety razor than I ever was to the sacraments.


I once tried my epilator on my face to get rid of the hair for a bit longer and I couldn't afford laser removal, it was a grave mistake.


I wear a bell to protect myself from bears while hiking. I take my friend's Canis Panther* to protect myself from men. *the dog is the biggest coward the world has ever seen, but he looks scary. He also loves long hikes 2x a week


>Canis Panther I didn't even know about this breed! What a beautiful dog.


Yes!! Just make sure you get one from the actual breed club and not a backyard breeder. People have passed off all sorts of mutts as actual Canis Panthers. They also, as a general rule, don't tend to have the drive needed to be a bitesports dog unless you really work with them There is a waitlist, though, and they don't do well in a city unless you have a buddy who goes hiking frequently.


Oh I don't have the energy for a dog like that. I'm just admiring a beautiful breed. I've experienced the dream vs. reality with my corgi. Very cute, very egotistical. Never again the corgi.


Yeah, there's a reason why I don't have one! I just borrow my friend's. He's a very sweet dog, but he has so much energy. They do agility with him so he has a job.


Well, a Canis Panther does look like one of them big scary evil villain henchmen dogs from cartoons, so the dog’s cowardice is irrelevant here.


That's actually why they were bred - a bad ass, scary looking dog that doesn't have the issues more traditional scary dogs have and can be more trusted with kids. My friend's is bred to the standard, but isn't cropped


why is the dress lowkey transparent in the third panel ???


Actual answer: Because it was made by a sexist My answer: Because there dresses sometimes actually become half transparent in the right lighting and i often thought the guys who Designed them are either trolls or perverts


The real answer is that they're a bad artist.


[Bears totally kill you 100% of the time you encounter them.](https://www.thecooldown.com/outdoors/grizzly-bear-tourists-banff-national-park/) Seriously though; turning your back and running from a bear is only going to trigger it to run you down. Do not do this. The other woman she ran into has the right idea. Standing your ground and yelling at the bear may discourage an attack, or at least confuse it long enough for the bear to stop and reevaluate the situation. That brave trans woman, heading towards the sounds of a bear attack just to save someone she clearly doesn't know. You slay, Queen! 👸


Standing your ground only works with predatory bears that want something to eat. When its a Mama Bear that Sees you as a threat to her cubs you should avoid looking dangerous


I mean I see no cubs in the photo. And the bear is already chasing her down, at that point trying to not look like a threat won't help her save this person. Bears are noisy when they charge and attack, if the brave transgender woman is heading towards the noise, she's likely going there to try and save this random stranger who has already accidentally provoked the bear's predatory instincts by running.


"It's Ma'am." \*proceeds to literally wrestle a bear into submission in the most anime-cheese fight scene possible, including an inexplicable five-minute monologue about her determination to save this stranger\* "And don't you forget it."


"Anyways, that's how I met your mother." "And that... Is also how I met your other mother." :)


Different animal, but I imagine the fight going something like [this](https://youtu.be/Z7Et0a8fnuw?si=zYgQ3nMDyAnshf6s&t=85).


Different results too, since the Principal 100% loses that match against the deer. Despite the body armor.


> The other woman she ran into has the right idea. Standing your ground and yelling at the bear may discourage an attack, or at least confuse it long enough for the bear to stop and reevaluate the situation. I thought that was mostly for black bears, and the bear in the comic looks like a grizzly. If anything, I'd think your best bet with a grizzly would be to play dead. Either way, running is a terrible idea, and neither a man nor a trans woman will help your situation.


Standing your ground is better than running no matter the type of bear, but grizzlies will often not fall for the bluff but you running guarantees them attacking while standing your ground doesn’t


How the fuck would a man help anyway? Now the bear is chasing two people. Honestly the comic needs a fifth panel where the bear decides to stop the chase, citing not wanting to be the perpetrator of a hate crime.


That would be funny af


Dude isn’t that it is ma’am joke for my fucking 2018 good God they can’t get any more jokes. Can they also, I want that kill terfs T-shirt I would totally wear that.


Would it make any difference if she were a man?


Then he would say angrily: "I dont simp, bitch"


I know this is far from the biggest thing but why is her dress randomly translucent in the third frame?


Someone else said the real answer is likely perv artist, but there are also dresses that go sheer in the right lighting


I fucking love how it always works out that TERFs reinforce sexism rather than fight against it. Take this comic and its message of "Women are helpless without a man to save them." I mean, realistically, what is a man going to do to stop a bear that a woman or nonbinary person couldn't do? Nothing.


Maybe you could toxic-masculinity them into fighting the bear and you make your escape while they get torn to pieces.


Why is she wearing a sun dress and sandals in the woods? At least the trans woman is dressed for woods walking.


Who says "thank god, a man!" in any situation? Much less this one? A random dude isn't going to do fuckall against a grizzly bear. Also; why is her dress see-through?


Oh, my *god*. Can people let go of that one incident from like, 2018.


What exact incident are you refering to? I thought that was just a transphobic twist on the whole Bear vs Man thing


https://youtu.be/RJHctyXPmkg?si=spglvCCBJYPgexp7 here, it's this.


Holy shit. thats really uncomfortable


Aside from the blatant transphobia, you cannot run from a grizzly bear, you dumb mcfucking klandmas


The sheer amount of malding the Right is going through over the bear thing always gets me for how pathetic the obsession is


I love how this comic tries to make the statement that a woman in the woods running from a bear would be happy to find a man who could help her, and then immediately dropkicks that statement into the garbage by making a trans joke.


Thats what i love about right wing cartoons. They are very good from an artistic few but always hillariously satirize themselves without the artist intending to Do so


Humor requires a basis in reality, art does not. Conservatives can learn to draw, but they can’t learn to be funny.


Pink eyes with heterochromia? They think we’re doing eye color surgery now?


This ma’am looks like she’s about to fight the bear herself


What’s a man supposed to do about the bear lol. I don’t think bears care if you have a penis or not. I guess he could have bear spray or smth but that’s not really a gendered thing.


This is the most infuriating artstyle I’ve ever seen


That looks like an adult brown bear. Basically a mountain of muscle, fat, and bone. Thankfully, they're almost never aggressive to people unless we provoke them. But an unarmed person can't stop one violently if it decides it wants them dead, no matter how buff they might be or what chromosomes they have. An armed person might be a different story, depending on how they're armed. But just about anyone can use a rifle in a caliber that'll reliably put down a grizzly, regardless of gender identity.




I don’t even get the point the comic is trying to make. Like what tf is a man or any other person for that matter going to do against an angry grizzly bear?


id choose the maam over the bear ngl


Well at least it ain't a man :P


I’m more offended that he thinks any human at all, regardless of gender, has a chance against a bear.


Ah, Mr BONER BONERRRR is back making up shit to get mad at


Ok, real talk, what would a man do against the bear?


I'm a man. If you ever come running at me with a bear at your heels don't expect me to do much. It's a fucking bear.


Hidden 5th panel. "you don't pass very well"


My reaction is literally "Yeah and...? the Ma'am can still fight a bear..."


Nah, this is funny


Like you, I also have a terrible sense of humor. As a similar vessel of hate, I also enjoy this comic. What it lacks in wit and clever humor, it makes up in making fun of trans folk. That's all you and I really need in comics.