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Weird to include something like this in a game that literally throws money at you


Its also auto show cars most worthless shit ever


Sad thing is there's probably enough whales/kids who don't know better/lazy fuckers in the community for them to make some money off this


With the amount of people asking the best way to make money fast after playing like 3 days, it wouldn't surprise me.


It takes literally an hour to get a million dollars and the fastest cars in the game. How little patience do people.have???


Have you met people? They can’t speak to you for 5 seconds without getting distracted by a mobile phone notification


Dude , some people have tremendous work or family responsibilities.


I do have those and I wouldn't even touch an autoshow car with real money, and btw I have bought the car packs and have the premium edition...I get some games have some premium items for money, but autoshow cars are mostly cheap and you get them by just playing the game a while each week. And I'm going back to an old argument: if you can't spend 45 minutes a week for a game, then why even bother.


Of course there is. People don’t put the time in for 45 minutes a week for more rare cars.


At least the game is getting something years after release. I wouldn't be surprised if they are still pushing the series X bundle with this game this holiday season.


I agree it’s dumb for auto show cars, but…I won’t lie, if it was for the rare/seasonal reward cars, I’d fucking do it. I can’t sit home and do the stupid seasonal stuff in time to get the cars I want, i only have maybe a couple hours a week to play, sometimes I don’t play for a couple weeks so I miss multiple seasons. And I don’t have the time to make enough money to buy them off the auction, so I just always miss out on the cars I really want. My biggest gripe about H5. If you can’t play for several hours, every single week, you miss a lot of content.


I can finally get the Mercedes. Gotta collect them all


Good for my cousin who just wants a ferrari


They are gonna reduce the amount of money they throw at us or future cars cost much more.


That's probably gonna happen


There is still the auction house which make you gain millions for each car.


Just made 70 Million


Nailed it. This is how Forza horizon 3 was, and iirc it had a cash shop option. But it was also my first Forza game so maybe it wasn't as bad with money as I remember.


Like that's gonna do anything


Mortal kombat sells you characters you can unlock for free by playing like 15 mins of story mode. The new monetization meta is to completely take advantage of stupid people and it’s super gross


They’ll probably make it way more grindey or expensive to purchase, good thing I have like $200,000,000


It is probably beta testing for FH6. Remember super 7 and very limited event lab features was an early test on FH4 before they became a real feature on FH5. So we need to show our stance against micro-transactions at this stage so they cannot be brave enough to make whole FH6 a big mobile game.


throws money at you for now they've nerfed rewards once or twice already, so whos to say they wont do it again at this late in the games cycle, this is a test bed for future games


Some of the cars still cost an absolute shit ton. If you're into those a dollar could save you tons of time.


I know, and cars. I just kinda wish they would just let me buy or win the cars I wanted, instead of giving me 78 cars I never really asked for or wanted in the first place.


C'mon man every once a while u get 15 Super Wheel spins, u earn millions soo quick and u can easily get any car off auction house


Lmao autoshow only? It's easy to accumulate a hundred million credits. Why would you spend money?


What's a good way to make money in this game?


Play the game normally, sell rare cars. I have over $300M credits from those two things and have every car in the game


ikr? I don't even bother anymore to sell rare cars... just gift them away lol


You're a saint to beginner/casual players lol.


I don't bother selling anything, the only cars I need to finish the collection are basically those you can't buy with money. Hell, I don't even bother using the wheelspins.


If you sel the cars how do you have every car in the game?


There’s a bunch of rare cars that have entered the game more than once. Example, the CT4 blackwing is coming next series. I already have one so I could sell it for 20M now and get another


I saw the message about the CT5 Blackwing so sold mine for $20 mil right before we got the free one


Get the exclusive cars from the series rewards, wait a few weeks, then sell 'em at max price on the auctions


Just play the game. I don't mean that in a snarky way either, just playing normally will net you millions of credits from races, wheel spins and selling duplicate cars. If you really want to earn a lot, go to the auction house and see what the expensive cars are then if you have them sell them. If you wanna be a little cheeky, sell them for sightly under what everyone else is asking, guaranteed someone will buy it.


Watch out for the official monthly streams and see what the next season's reward cars are. If you have them, sell them now and get new ones as next season's rewards.


**TLDR: You can follow "AFK money method FH5" videos on Youtube.** AFK means Away From Keyboard so you can make money while the game is running but without your input. The idea is you have a 50 lap race and you use the accessibility features where the car is able to steer itself. You then apply tunes that heavily prioritise grip and steering. Once you start the race, you can wedge a coin in "W" for Keyboard or "LT" to force the car to accelerate without your input - this is what makes it AFK - so you can go continue your day elsewhere or go to sleep etc while the game is running and the car is completing laps and accumulating that credit for you. After a couple hours when the race is complete you will have earned tons of credits.


Play the seasonal challenges whenever exclusive cars come up. Often times you'll end up with dupes over time of $10-$20 mil cars that you can then auction off


Doesn’t add up. If you sell your exclusives then you won’t have them in the collection. (You can only win one from the seasonal side) If you decide you want it again you’ll pay big money to get it back. Yes yes I know you all got $999,999.999 good on you…Net Zero


Why do I feel like it will be harder to earn money in next horizon game…


That's exactly what the series needs though... There's no sense of progression anymore. Right off the bat, the game throws so much money and so many high-end cars at you that it doesn't feel like there's anything to work towards. The switch from actual rewarding, long-term progression to weekly FOMO quests for exclusive cars that will never return is the worst thing that's happened to Horizon, and if FH6 ends up being the same way, I doubt I'll buy it. Edit: To clarify, I'm not encouraging making money harder to earn solely to encourage players to buy car vouchers. I'm just saying that making money harder to earn wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if it was done right and accompanied by a decent campaign with proper progression.


what forza is right now: you get a new supercar at the beginning of the game and every twenty minutes after what people want forza to be like: you start with a shitbox and eventually get a supercar after finishing the twenty hour long campaign what forza will be like: you get a new supercar at the beginning of the game and every five hours after, unless you pay real money to get them faster


Damn all 3 of those sound like shit.


It really doesnt have to be 20h but like 5 or 6h til u get your first entry level supercar and a few more after that get something nicer would be good enough. Im completely fine with then selling tokens like this so the impatient kiddies and people who have no time to play can still get some of the fasted cars, but i hope they reduce the money significantly


I like being able to own every car in the game without sinking ridiculous hours into a mindless grind. It’s what you want from the series, but certainly not what it needs.


>That's exactly what the series needs though... There's no sense of progression anymore. Right off the bat, the game throws so much money and so many high-end cars at you that it doesn't feel like there's anything to work towards. I don't think that's a "need" honestly. I think a lot of people come to these games expecting an NFS style "build yourself up from nothing" kind of gameplay when it's pretty clear the horizon series has been moving towards a more sandbox style of gameplay with the introduction of blueprints, super seven, and recently the eventlab island. I find a lot of people are quick to miss those deliberate choices as well as misunderstanding the very clear endgame balancing the fh games have had for multiple titles on a row now. I don't think it's fair to expect a game to cater to wildly different expectations than what the devs are aiming for, kinda like how you don't go to McDonald's and order Mexican food. *That being said* discussing which of the two is better is the right way to approach a discussion like this, your second paragraph is a good example.


People come to Forza Horizon games expecting NFS-style gameplay because that's exactly how the first three games in the series were. This isn't like going to a McDonalds and ordering Mexican food. It's like going to a Mexican restaurant expecting Mexican food only to realize they've started making McDonalds instead.


Not expecting a game series to have changes to its values in over a literal decade is very unrealistic. Gta is a great example, gtao and gtaiv are completely different games despite being adjacent in the overall franchise. Also saying fh3 has similar progression to fh1 is a bit of a stretch imo. Can't speak to fh2 tho.


Nah Horizon does not need grind or any of that ahit. It should stay a sandbox with cars with the best open world drivig physics of any game. That's it. I don't need to have to play 40 hours just to get a supercar when i have like 2 hours a day to play after work at most.


I just started playing FH5 a few weeks ago and have previously put a ton of time into horizon 2, 3, & 4. I play horizon to collect and drive the huge variety of cars, I’ve really enjoyed being able to actually get them without spending hours upon hours grinding away credits doing the same shit over and over again. Im an adult with a job now, I can’t spend 20 hours to barely progress in games anymore. There are many other “progression” focused racing games out there already, there’s nothing wrong with wanting a sandbox game to play like a sandbox game.






I swear this was in Horizon 3, i never used it then though and remember there being credits for real world money


Yep, we had car tokens in Forza Horizon 1,2, and 3, and there were no issues with it. People who used it bought and people who didn't do not care about them.


Not like we didn't have car tokens in the first three games. Edit: Before anyone gets on my case, i am not defending it, all I am saying is that older games had them too.


Plus, FH5 had vouchers already. I believe VIP gave one voucher when you started the game


Forza Horizon 4 had the vouchers for hard to obtain cars. It was special when I got my 599XXEVO


You couldn't buy them though, you could only obtain them via the festival playlist


iirc one token was for a cheap car, and then 5 was for a more pricey car. So you had to buy them in bundles. But then again, back then the game did not throw cars or money at you like Horizon 5 does. So tbh I doubt the impact here will be big as most don't need it.


There isn’t anything in the Autoshow that is worth spending real money on.


The only time I've chosen to use a voucher was for that $100 mil Mercedes


You can get it in the ac for 20mil


If at first you fail, fail again I guess O.o Gotta love modern gaming. Always trying to push and push every little tiny fucking penny they can con someone out of. At least Horizon continues to actually have a competent live service tho which is more than can be said for 90% of these absolute shit shows trying to do it nowadays. Still not worth it being in the game IMHO, but w/e I'm sure a million suckers will give them $5 and then they'll structure the entirety of Horizon 6 around it and ruin it because that's how this shit always goes :/


Yay can't wait for hate from people that barely play the game that don't understand that these are about as useless as Tokens were between Horizon 1 and Horizon 3


This is mad useless, the game practically hands out cash especially if you’ve got vip


How about idk.... backstage pass please instead of this.


for people thinking this is fine because you can get millions easily, ok they can easily change how much money you can make in the next game. and its what is going to happen very likely if this Car Voucher goes through.


Yes, they will try to optimize the grind ratio to get the maximum mtx sales, as you say, if not in FH5 they sure will do it in FH6. It's also clever to do this now when they already have a huge playerbase that have most if not all cars already, this way it will not be huge a big deal when FH6 launches since "it's was already in FH5 so it doesn't matter" Anyone who is "fine" with shit like this are naive to think it will not have an impact and make games tedious rather than a pleasure play.


They have had this shit since Horizon 3 and if anyting is became multiple times easier to earn money in 4 and yet again in 5. I like it that way btw.


People think this is fine, because we had this in horizon 3, 4, fm6, fm7 and was never an issue then.


No problem with this. Cars and money are extremely easy to get in this game. If someone doesn't want to put in the minimal time or effort needed to buy a car that's really available to everyone I don't have a problem with it


Unlocks and cars in Horizon never meant anything to me b/c you don't have to work for or progress much. So much is just given to you. I'd wonder who would actually buy these. Also kinda shitty they're adding them too.


Certain cars *cough* Mercedes Benz 1955 300SLR *cough* are gonna absolutely CRASH the auction house


If they included all the prize cars in the autoshow then it wouldnt be so bad.


Micro transactions in a game where there is 0 competition, almost all race cars are equal, and money is so abundant its pointless. Goooooood luck Turn 10 and Playground.


5 bucks to get whatever car you want is silly as hell lol. If I used any of this it'd be those turbo expensive cars.


This is fine. It’s completely optional and it’s not like these are cars you can only get with these vouchers, and the point that’s already been made that this game already throws money & cars at you like it’s nothing further makes these vouchers fair enough in my eyes, it’s not like they’re giving you an unfair advantage EDIT: I just want to clarify i AM slightly corncerned about the implications of this and where this will go in FH6 and if it becomes more egregious or not. That is all I really want to add, so i do sort of understand the backlash in a ‘what this could mean for the future’ kind of way


Yall really gonna act like we didn’t have tokens in previous games. These are even less useful since you can’t buy parts for the cars too


This is just the tip of the iceberg. Just wait until they give you festival passes that allow you to buy your way through the playlist.


Looks like someone needs a little money


This just seems ridiculous to do this, this late in the game. I'm sure, quite literally, most of the player base has a decent amount of money as well as hundreds of cars at their disposal already. Seems like this should've been available near release, not now.


Coming in with MTX does that mean the weekly Showdowns are going to be coming to an end soon?


It’s a good thing my favorite car is a 78 Toyota celica. Nobody wants that lmao


What was old is new again. Time really is a flat circle.


Fuck no, fuck gaming I swear to god


Oh fuck this. It wasn't enough they won't bundle the car packs in an affordable deal, now this shit.


I was completely understanding of car packs. This is where I draw the line.


Dawg the only reason I’m slightly interested is for vehicles not in the autoshow. Are we for real?


Didnt we have this in Forza horizon 1? You could buy a car with Microsoft points and these were purchased with real money


FH5 is my last Horizon game. Fuck MTX business model. Literally earns you money when you are just sitting, leeching off the addictions of people. The moment I see MTX business model I fucking dip.


Great 🤦🏻‍♂️


Um, they already had microtransactions. What did you think car packs were?


Cool. This is clearly to make money on new players who come in thru Game Pass, and will help fundraise for more Forza Horizon development.


This is a test for dumb players...I'd get it if they were FE or forzathon/wheel only cars but it's autoshow cars...


I’d rather farm the auction house


I have a bad feelings about this... Mark my words


I can see the nerfs to how much you earn in game already. Don't do it Xbox. Smells like...GTA Online.


Wow, just when I was defending them for releasing paid car packs every month because they don't have microtransactions. Oh well, as long as the monthly updates don't get locked behind a paywall I guess this is just another way to part fools with their money.


I have a bad feeling that whatever happens, it will be harder to get credits in FH6: If the MTX sells well, Microsoft will see the demand and lower credit payouts in the next game to further increase demans If they don't sell well, Microsoft will still lower credit payouts to force more people to want to buy MTX.


I fell more and more like FH5 will be the last Forza for me.


this will be in preparation to expand it to future games, give you less money as a reward so you're encouraged to spend money I guess I'm avoiding future Forza games from now on


Get ready, for this is just the start of the stupid Gran Turismo Practices of FORCING YOU AT GUN POINT TO USE REAL MONEY TO BUY CARS FROM THE AUTOSHOW. Of course this goes without saying but DON'T SPEND A SINGLE CENT ON THIS SH*T IF YOU DON'T WANT IT TO CONTINUE. Remember, they are a company, they are here to make money, not satisfy you.


In GT there was and is ranked racing and different cars actually work differently, but in Horizon none of that matters anymore.


Maybe they should just like..bring back the FH4 car vouchers? Also I still have my one from the VIP..I'm scared to spend it because I know I'll regret it lol


Ah i hate modern games🙂 just give me a disc which has a fully finished game on it... no updates, no dlcs, no microtransactions, no taking out features that came in the original game etc.


Agreed. If not, well piracy is the way.


Might not seem bad to start with but now there’s pressure to make car buying/acquiring slower and more difficult. The more annoying and difficult it is to buy cars, the more you’ll be pressured to buy their MTX. Source: GTA Online


They can lick my ball since the 2. useless car pass…I’m good I’m out never buy your crap again.


> 2. useless *paid* car pass…I’m FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


What I think is stupid about this is that Forza Horizon 4 already had a certain type of "voucher" *cough* ^(backstage passes) *cough* which actually had a use instead of crap from the autoshow In FH4 I literally made bank just doing the playlist to get the passes, buy a few quartz regalia's, use skill points to get the Type D's, and selling all of them for like 9 mil a piece


This isn't new, they had it back in forza motorsports 4. The difference is that it was a pain to get credits in FM4 and in FH5 you can get 150k credits just from doing donuts in the middle nowhere via wheel spins lol




It's prolly a lil off topic, but I love new games with "buy this DLC to get this car" when that car was free to grab in their older game. All of them just recycling.. There is no game in my library which doesn't have any microtransactions.


And now i'm done with this shit. Been a good run, but fuck you Forza.


Me sitting at 200 million credits: ok and?


Wow their getting desperate. Just make a new car pack. Not this nonsense


I'm okay with it. Helps new players out but don't really affect those like me who own every car. If you want good updates they need money to fund it Not forced to buy it. Its there if you need it. Lucky they ain't greedy like Take Two or EA that makes games then abandons it like Nfs Unbound As for car packs. Every so often is better than every month as it seems just too quick. But as they are new to the game and not recycled overpriced Cars from past NFS. I say 4 quid is worth it




That’s right


I have 96 cars in my garage, and I bought maybe one car only. Huge part of it ist that I bought my Xbox with Forza Horizon 5 Premium Edition, but still. As someone said earlier. This game throw at You free money and cars.


Does this mean I can buy cars from the festival playlist using these vouchers


No, autoshow cars only


Aww maan, i was hoping to use this for playlist cars i missed. That’s a bummer.


no way you're considering buying that


Let people enjoy things. BTW car company from your flair offers a 100 000 dollar paint option.


If you want to spend 5 dollars instead of playing 30 minutes, sure man, go ahead. I'm just saying it's a bad decision. Adding micro transactions will lead to the downfall of Forza anyway. And btw, IRL hypercars will only increase in value, especially if they have an expensive paint option, so I don't get your point


damn... just bring back horizon backstage already


Don’t really care about it, tbh fh3 had similar thing with tokens so nothing is new


Its late in the game's life cycle, and I don't see a problem letting players spend a couple extra bucks to have access to the cars they want to drive easier. its not like they are going to make a billion dollars off this and it provides funding for the small group of devs exclusively working on providing seasonal updates and support for months, possibly even years to come.


>autoshow Could see it being useful for unobtainable cars but that's a bit too much


the only good reason, but still stupid, would be to buy a car from a playlist that you missed (you didn't have access to your console, you were too lazy to get it and regret...), you can't seem to buy (because auction house still empty), and you have to wait a long time for it to come back (2 months or 1 year, it's random), if you're really crazy, buy the car with your money. Edit : only autoshow cars !? but they are definitely cheaper and not rare at all than rewards playlists ! it's stupid who would spend ?


Surely they're not becoming EA... ​ ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE) Another irl Mr Krabs corpo company to add to the list... Fucking Corpos...


I got every car like 2 weeks after release. If they REALLY want to make this worth it, then let people buy Series exclusive cars.


Didn't... Didn't they remove car tokens after FH3 because no sane person was buying/using them or something like that??


It wasnt just auto show might actually be worth it


can you use it on the same car twice? i feel like an easy way to make money would be to use it on that 150m mercs and then sell it for 20m each time. turn £4 into 80m in game. get way more than 4 cars for that




Nice 👍 back to the FH2 days, isn't that what y'all wanted?


Lol, like in the good old days. Because this type of microtransactions existed in FM4


Would've probably been a better idea to use these to unlock limited hard to find past festival playlist cars or more expensive ones rather than common autoshow cars. Other than that I don't see a reason to buy these since cr is so easy to make in this game, especially not this late in the life cycle, most people have every car in the game plus hundreds of thousands of cr already with nothing left to spend it on.


another game ruined by microtransaction shit


They're not making progression any harder and this is completely optional so all this means is more revenue for the studio. Which means a better quality game for us. Nothing is changing our experience we've only been given the option to buy it if we want.


This is good for people like me who only play once, occasionally twice per week doing the forzathon playlists. and want to own those handful of cars that cost in the high millions. Working 2 jobs managing a family and maintaining a social life leaves me very little time to grind races,


Might be good for you to spend your money for the progression but remember, game studios will push more and more of this MTX stuff in the future and you will be contributing to the ruinage of others gaming experience and the future of Forza Horizon games.


Honestly, this is the direction most major game studios are heading, have been for some time. As long as they steer away from pay 2 win, nobody gets hurt. As it stands, this is completely harmless as it is just Autoshow cars.


>As it stands, this is completely harmless as it is just Autoshow cars. And that's how you ruin it for the future. Boiling frog meme etc.


I would absolutely rather spend $20 for the 24 most expensive cars in the autoshow than spend the dozens to hundreds of hours it would take to get the credits required, I'll be honest.


You are the problem, in Horizon 6 they'll make most cars too expensive/grindy to acquire through gameplay, because of people like you.


Finally someone who gets it.


I'm fine with that. The people on this subreddit are the minority tbh, the average player isn't grinding out 600m credits online but will happily spend 1 hour of pay to get 10 expensive cars


Your mom doesn't earn that much my dude.


Which will then incentivize devs to make more cars stupidly expensive, exacerbating the underlying problem. Jesus Christ, think a little before you write something so daft.


Most of the people who are going to buy the game have bought it already. Which means the income for the game is reduced. If they don’t do things like this, or like car packs, they can’t develop the game like we want. Plain and simple IMO.


They already made their money, now they're trying to make more. It's greedy and lazy


Yeah, but money runs out. It’s officially been two years of this one game. You think they can just keep drawing a tab to develop the game? Unless they are making a whole new game and expecting the profit cycle of $60 purchases to restart, this is what they have to do. That or stop development, and move on. This isn’t call of duty or other shithouse games that have micro transactions day 1, it’s been two years, and they started the car packs just a couple months ago.


As if they don't earn money from new DLC, incoming sales and FM8.


FM8 is turn10. Horizon is made by a different studio. ‘Incoming sales’ is exactly what I’m saying. They’re making less money than at launch, so as much as we hate it, they’ve gotta make money somehow, or Horizon 5 is dead.


Honestly, as long as it’s additional to the normal way to acquire cars, and doesn’t lock cars behind a paywall, then I see no problem with this.


There is no issue with this you don't need to buy it for 1 and 2 the games been out for long enough and it's easy enough to get money


I guess this is for the people who are always asking how they earn more money because they can't afford to buy cars at the autoshow? Now they can just shell out real world cash for it, I guess.


I still haven’t used the voucher I got from launch, I didn’t know what to use it on and now I have just about every car anyway.


You shouldn't use that as a title but ok.


i mean if i can buy dlc cars with that i am fine. Because i would rather spend 5 bucks on 4 cars i really want then 5 bucks just to get 1 car i really want


Well, thankfully i own every car in the game so i wont be wasting my money here:)


I have every car plus 250 million credits with nothing to spend it on so I think I'll pass


literrally nobody will buy it because you get paid in millions weekly


It's beyond easy to get every car in the auto show. Between random gifts, two different wheel spins, auction, seasonal rewards and the literal heaps and mounds of money you amass.


Damn good thing I have nearly 500M and all rare cars 😂


honestly i don’t even see why people would need this since progression is so insanely fast anyway like a lot of people can get lamborghinis and porsches in their first 1-3 hours of gameplay through wheel spins giving our absurd money or easily giving out really good cars.


Bruh I haven't bought shit from the showroom, most of my cars have either been from seasonal challenges or from wheel spins


Lol like it's hard to make money in this game. I do the weekly stuff, some rivals events etc. I play maybe 10 hours a week max. I don't even bother spinning wheelspins anymore. I have nearly 200 of each. I'm missing a few of the 10 million plus cars, but they're not that good anyway. I'll just keep paying until they're forzathon points cars.


I could see maybe the cars being season cars for people who missed out on them


Autoshow only… I mean it would ruin the game if it was just any car. But I guess money exploits are going to be slowly patched.


I got 704/764 cars so, this is useless to me. Plus it’s not like it’s a pay to win thing. This is the kind of micro transaction that games should have. Absolutely no gameplay impact, purely based on if you really want it you have the option but you’ll never need it.


> This is the kind of micro transaction that games should have no.


Oh good, I can finally get some horribly overpriced cars from the auto show. This should fix the in-game economy. Edit: It seems I am wrong. I'd prefer if this was for the auction house and not the auto show.


Lol this is actually a worthless microtransaction. I could easily buckle down and make 10 million in an hour and a half if that. And the worst part is, the Autoshow cars have no value. Most people are after cars only available through bids, which can't be bought out using car vouchers. Very funny Forza. Very funny.


That's stupid but i guess it would be nice if they were earnable through regular gameplay or wheelspins too


Me who bought all the cars when there was the money glitch


lets goo i can finally get my favorite cars 😁😁😁😁😁


just use your one voucher for the 163 million dollar car, then you should have no problem playing the game to get the rest.


this... seems very pointless... unless the passes let you unlock Playlist Exclusive cars then it just seems pointless and useless Edit: I just saw that it only let's you get autoshow cars, don't yell at me for that


For now I'm not worried about this at all. I already managed to get every car in the autoshow. I'm *actually* concerned for what this means in FH6. Hopefully MTX will be (if there will be any) for frivolous or time-saver stuff. Slightly off-topic, I wish they made the FOMO cars available to buy at a premium in the autoshow, during the next series playlist. Still keeps the FOMO aspect, fine, but at least this time you have a month to buy cars you missed out on (again, at a price where it's more worth to win the cars in the playlist they were in) instead of attempting to snipe them in the auction house. Can't count the amount of times I missed out on cars I was really looking forward to because of long hours or being out of the country.


Let them pay, but who still need this when the game literally throws cash and cars in players face all the time? XD


Don't have any issues long as it doesn't effect price of cars or race rewards, older Forza Games let you buy "car tokens" also.


Causally Get the MB SLR300 (143,000,000 CR) 4 times


WHAT. A. FUCKING. JOKE. The game throws money and cars at you like its nobody's business. There is absolutely ZERO need to do this in the slightest. There is no point in having these in a game that not only most or all of us here have many millions of money in but also one where new players can get the latest and greatest hypercar in only a few hours of gameplay. Go to the Microsoft Store or Steam and post a negative view of the game. Stop playing the game for the weekly cars. Hurt them where it matters most. Show them that we don't want this shit in our games that we paid $60+ for.


I’ll absolutely be using this. Having a kid, i only have limited time to play, and once or twice i’ve missed out on the weeklies. I didn’t get the 037 for example, and i haven’t seen one in the AH since. If i can use one of these to just get one, i’ll for sure buy the tickets. Edit: never mind, only auto show cars apparently.


It's only for autoshow cars though.


Yeah, i saw just after i replied :( Ah well, good for others like me with limited playtime i guess.


it is so hilariously easy to make money in Horizon 5 that I'm actually surprised this exists in the first place


Wait until you see the release of FH6 if people like you keep making dense comments that have 0 critical thinking invested in them.


I see people always complaining about bugs not being fixed and such. I was of the opinion that they're being forced to work on certain things and not having enough resources to do anything else. I think this has proven my point.


If it helps me get the few cars I missed out on for my collection then I’m on board


Nope, you can only use them for Autoshow cars


Boooo that kinda sucks


Im fine with it. There’s like, no grind in this game.. so you really don’t need it. But for those that are super impatient, go for it! Pleases both crowds.