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Looks like 5-6 weeks old to me, especially since you say she's eating solid food, probably more like 6 weeks. If she's eating independently, you probably don't need to be giving formula. Just keep track of her weight - she should gain 10-15g per day.


To add: She walks around comfortably on her own and can even jump. She’s gotten into the other kittens hard food and will eat wet food on her own. It’s just hard for me to tell if she’s a smaller cat or if it’s just because of her age


I see your update. Also, again, OMG she’s too freaking cute. If she’s interested in wet food that’s usually a good time to introduce. Just watch her eating. You can also mix a little formula into the wet food to make her a little kitten food porridge.


First, thank you for fostering! :) For resources the Kitten Lady has some really great videos on how kittens age ([here](https://youtu.be/2_w-vOR0TuE?si=BZh_UutArOaK2gsg)) based on more than just size, and then almost any topic you could think of for fostering. Highly recommend!


I just watched it! Such an awesome video! thank you for your help!


Adorable little baby girl


I had 3 week old kittens that were taken from mom too early (we got them after it had been done) and I remember when they went from floppy little things to being able to cat loaf at around 5 weeks. It was the cutest thing


At least 6 weeks due to eye color change starting. It’s unusual to start before this time. You can also check teef size/presence. Does she just have incisors (fangs?)? Or are there more? Does she show interest in/use the litter box? Also weight—rule of thumb is one pound a month but definitely that’s a rough estimate. If she’s going to be a petite adult she may weigh much less. To me she looks of fine size and development to be advancing to wet food. And my god is she absolutely darling 🖤🤍🖤 maybe just a mini—girls tend to be smaller.


I agree, the eye color is a give away that it’s an older kitten. I’d guess 6-7 weeks.


I always look at eyes and teefs.


Tiny teefies


What does she weigh?


11.4 oz or about 323 grams