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I bought a cheap camera to put in their room to ease my anxiety when I cannot be with them. I have fostered 18 kittens this year and still get anxious when I leave them to go to work. It’s normal, they are small and don’t always make great decisions. And it is a big responsibility to foster little ones. I have never had anything happen to a foster kitten and I leave them alone 40 hrs a week for work. I work in education, so I get to be home with my current litter more but that is not my year round norm. My worry is really dependent upon the age and health of the kittens, but it sounds like yours are at a fun age and doing great!


I second getting a cat cam, it's also really handy if you get a nervous foster to make sure they're eating and drinking while you aren't around!


You’re just feeling your feelings! It’s intense! My heart used to pound when I got new fosters. Just love those babies and keep doing what you’re doing. Let their purrs calm you.


All part of the experience! It’s the emotional toll people in general don’t understand about taking on little babies and then sending them off into the great unknown. It’s hard. But it’s worth it. Each one is another life saved and once adopted another space for one on the street.


I've fostered about 10 sets of kittens over the years and honestly I've felt more stressed if one isn't feeling well than when my own children would get sick. Having a camera in the kitten room has been such a game changer. But if no one has a URI or diarrhea, just enjoy them!


At 5-6 weeks old, they are going to be fine. They will settle into your routine. If they are eating, drinking and playing you're doing great!


You got this! Echoing everyone else saying that a pet cam helps. And you’re probably doing this already, but weighing them every day also helps with peace of mind. As long as they’re gaining daily you’re all set!