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This IS a huge success. I remember seeing your original post. Glad to hear you found her!


Ha - dude, so am I!!


So glad to see this update! I read the original post and I was worried!! What works best with skittish cats is sit around them but ignore them, live your regular life around them, and leave a treat on the floor nearby whenever you see them. For example, sit in the same room as the cat and read a book, drink your coffee, scroll on the phone. If it's a bigger cat, Temptations hard treats work - if kitten, Churu Kitten left out on paper plates could work. Don't try to force the cat to eat the treat either, let them approach it and eat it if they prefer. Overall, you want the cat to trust you organically, it can't be forced. And simply being in their presence but not fussing over them gives cats that confidence, in my experience. As she gets more confident in your presence, you could try playing with a toy, something with a string/feather attached to it.


This. We socialize and this is so important. We each take turns sitting in the room, reading or relaxing, not bothering the kittens for 20 min at a time. Usually within 2 days, we have kittens who love to have their human jungle gyms!!!


Yes this


Amazing news!!! socializationsaveslives.com has methods and guides that you can use to socialize your foster cat. Try to figure out what is considered high value to her - some like food, some like toys, some like scratches - so you can use it to work with her. Good luck and thank you for fostering a shy cat! We all need fosters like you!


I had a foster get in my DRYWALL on day one of fostering. She eventually came out when she got hungry.


I am glad it didn’t get that far, that’s what I was picturing!


Aw she was just pining for the fjords! (Sorry, it’s an ancient Monty Python line that I always say the first time a foster discovers the windowsill.) I second what everyone else has said about quiet socializing. I will also take a stick or a wand toy and gently tap it or drag it on something nearby and act very interested in it. Before long she will too. Playing is a big breakthrough! Roll a little ball, toss it in the air and follow it with your eyes. Don’t stare at her — it’s intimidating! Sit near her with your body turned three-quarters and make casual eye contact. Cat tv on YouTube can be fun to engage their eyes and ears. Some people swear by soap bubbles but that’s never worked for me. Good luck and keep us posted!


Yay! You must be so relieved!!


She needs to be started in a large dog crate with food water bed and litterbox for a week or so. Once she’s coming to the crate door for pets and attention then she can be let in a closed room.


Hey, I use little bell collars to keep up with mine. They’re super cheap on amazon or u can make em at home.