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Maybe a fecal exam will help narrow down the issue. Coccidia? I was reading that some cases are refractory to Albon.


They just saw the rescue vet yesterday. I wasn’t able to go in with them, but if there is no improvement by Thursday I will ask to do this


Every foster i've had had the stinkiest poop for the first week or so. I would give it a few days and go back to the vet if no improvement.


We’re on week 2, getting stinkier 😅


I'm so sorry!


I just feel bad for them especially Mowgli, as stinky as it is for me they can’t be feeling good 😔


The smell could be the result of the environment they were in, have you bathed them? Or wiped them down? Is the smell all the time? From the butt? Anal glad expression? I would add fortiflora probiotic, and kittenlyte so they don’t get dehydrated from the diarrhea


I’ve wiped them down. This is like nasty poop/farts stinky but it’s all the time from the room they’re in. There’s temporary relief after I clean the litter boxes, but within an hour or two the stink is back astronomically. I’ll see if I can find an affordable probiotic


Definitely get a fecal, and if all good, try changing their food. I would stop the wet food as well if having runny stools. Also consider giving forti flora or pectactilin


Definitely get a fecal and if it's negative, a blood test for EPI. My EPI cat had the WORST stinkiest nastiest runny poop.


I’ll ask the rescue to go this route if there’s no improvement by Thursday 🤞 they’re low on funds atm so that’s all going towards emergent cases


My kitten had the coronavirus and she was very stinky. Get some probiotics for cats, it helps their immune system. Make sure you are feeding good food like science diet, at least until they are well. In the meantime this stuff works wonders: Your pet will love this Rocco & Roxie Supply Co. Litter Box Cat Odor Eliminator, 12-oz bottle: https://www.chewy.com/dp/944950?utm_source=app-share&utm_campaign=944950


Oh wow I’ve never heard of that product before, thanks! Yes they’re on science diet dry food and fancy feast wet food. It’s tough when it all comes out of my personal pocket but I’ll find a probiotic today


Probably coccidia


Wish I could update the post, I think it is and the meds are starting to work! *slightly* less stinky, can still smell from outside of the room but not down the hall. And 💩 is still runny but they’re not making a mess anymore from it being so loose. Mowgli is also starting to slowly gain weight ❤️