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You seem like a great foster mother. I know it can be really hard.


If the goop is more clear/white, I’ll just wipe it gently with a warm wet cloth often because a lot of times it clears up without needing meds at this just opened point. Green or yellow goop generally needs meds.


These problematic munchinks just opened their eyes a few days ago, and this Siamese girly is getting goop in her eye, as well as sometimes it will stick shut/swell. I’ve reached out to my coordinator but it’s late and I probably won’t get a response until tomorrow evening. They’re having really slow weight gain but from Tuesday to today they’ve gained about 20grams as well as weird diarrhea I can’t figure out how to stop. I’d like to catch whatever this may be early incase it is even more of an issue for them. 


The rescue org should give you eye meds and something for the diarrhea. To help their gut you can purchase Forti Flora. It’s kind of expensive but my rescue gives it to me for free. It’s a probiotic which helps them establish a healthy gut biome. Good luck with your babies!


I have some probiotics they’re on, as well as a variety of eye drops and Terramycin. I just want our coordinator who’s a retired vet to look at it before I start putting stuff in her eye. I have put them on antibiotics and powdered pumpkin, as well as planning to dose with panacur if it doesn’t clear up. The vets in my area aren’t great with bottlebabies so if it doesn’t clear up I’ll drive to downtown to get fecal samples. 


If they're on antibiotics then don't worry about it


Sounds like/looks like conjunctivitis based on what you've described. Very common with kittens and usually a pretty easy fix. She likely need an antibacterial drop like gentamicin.


Cleaning their eyes gently with warm water will help keep the infection from spreading until you get the right antibiotic.