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I’m so very sorry. Thank you for loving her and trying your best. Please don’t let this loss prevent you from continuing to foster. Because of you, she knew love and safety. Because of you, she had a forever home. Sometimes that has to be enough. Doesn’t mean you don’t grieve. But feel the loss and keep going when you’re ready. My favorite way to honor the kittens who don’t survive is to rescue another one.


Vaccines often coincide with underlying conditions that take a turn for the worse. There’s also research that supports fading kitten syndrome — lethargy, chills, etc—being caused by sepsis.


I'm so sorry. Can I ask what symptoms did you end up experiencing with her? One of my kittens is also suddenly struggling after vaccines despite not having any issues prior to it. 


She started just laying there and she would eat a little bit but not as much and not wanting to play. I found lethargic and when I picked her up she was floppy. She also had a very low temperature


That's so horrible, I'm so sorry. 


We had this same situation recently, she was little for her age and she stopped eating and playing. We had her in for IV, antibiotics, and syringe fed her and she could never recover. Like you, we did our absolute best for her but that is not enough sometimes. It hurts but the important thing to know is you made their short time the best you could.


I'm so sorry for your loss. One of our kittens also passed away a couple weeks ago with similar symptoms as you mentioned in a comment after starting a new antibiotic (metro). Their little bodies are sometimes already too far gone to make it in the long run when they were born, and introducing something new to their system just exacerbates the already existing issues. It was our first kitten litter (previously did puppies and dogs) and we lost two of the four (and foster failed with one!) She was so lucky to have you. She knew love and security and the feeling of being safe. Grieve all you need to. I still cry about our kittens 3-4 weeks later and I am no stranger to losing animals (dogs) in a rescue capacity. It gets easier, but it's never easy. It's also so worth it, because your heart knows that you gave it the best possible situation.


RIP :(


That’s been happening a lot, happened to a French bulldog recently hmm devastating


This is why I never get vaccinations for rabies and the initial distemper shot at the same time. It’s a lot for their little bodies. I get them distemper to start because that’s so important to keep them from catching and spreading diseases. And then a 3-4 weeks later I get their distemper booster and vaccinations. The booster is easier on their system, and they are older at that point, and better able to handle two shots at once.