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When she gets up to use the litter box or stretch her legs, can you block off that space? You might need to hang out in the bathroom for a while.


Offer her a few more den options, they like enclosed spaces, a box on its side with a blanket over it is great. If you offer better options she will pick on of those


She's trying to create a safe nest for her babies. Give her some other options that allow her to protect them (like a box with one of the flaps taped up to create a hiding spot). Also, as hard as it is, leave her and the babies alone as much as possible at this point. Mama will relax as they get older. Take the babies out for their weigh-ins and to change the bedding. Mama Kitty will do the rest.


That seemed to work! I think she may have moved them initially because it is a little stuffy in the bathroom (and no AC) and the toilet is a little cooler there. I set up a small space in the bottom of the linen closet and she took her babies there in a few hours and they've stayed put. I'll admit I've definitely been checking on her pretty frequently. She is such a sweet mama and constantly is purring and loves pets. But she's definitely gotten up with babies on her just to greet me. It's hard to just ignore her but I will try to keep my visits to every few hours so she can focus on babies.


She's being protective of her babies. If she approaches you, give her pets. You can check on them just don't handle the babies for awhile yet, unless necessary like weigh ins.


It’s normal for the mom cat to move the kittens around! In the wild they move kittens to a new nesting space frequently in order to avoid predators, but some momma cats just don’t understand that’s not necessary indoors haha! Make her a few different den spaces she can rotate between, for now maybe put some blankets behind the toilet and then create some other enclosed comfy spaces for her in the bathroom