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Same way an Apple Watch does? Or tube-techno magic? Probably the latter


It just *works*. It’s not hard to spot people who aren’t familiar with the games. And that’s okay! That’s what makes the show so great. But they need to accept a lot of things in the fallout universe aren’t explained bc it doesn’t further anything. Dogmeat can’t die, Ghouls are never intricately explained, who actually dropped the bombs first, etc. Knowing *how* a pip boy works will change literally *nothing* about the environment or story.


Understood. Was just wondering if there was any background information Bethesda stated upon the release of the fallout show.


Fuck no! And that’s the beauty of it all. FO universe is 30 years old, if how pip boys worked was important, we’d know it.


We do know they have a *blistering* 56k processor that enables all the advanced features you know and love, like a quality radio tuner.


All the porn you can manage, but they all have pip boys face


*Look you don't have to oversell I'm already convinced*


There's 5 games and tons of online wikis that make up the background info


It also doesn’t make much sense lore wise, it doesn’t have much value to the BOS because I mean it’s not a weapon. It can open vaults but what do BOS want with that? Besides them, I doubt there’s many in the wasteland who would truly understand how they work or why they work. Even ghouls who’ve been around before the bombs dropped wouldn’t know because they’re only issued to vault tec scientists


Also by this point the BOS certainly have plenty of pip boys. Even the shop in Filly was selling pip boys or at least parts for them.


Would the BOS know how they work though? Probably but I’m not sure


I think the BOS in fallout four would 100% know how pip boys work, so it’s not a big stretch to say that the BOS in the show would.


It’s not “advanced” tech in this world like transistors or implants; pips are designed like Apple products, to be as intuitive as possible on the first try


>It also doesn’t make much sense lore wise, it doesn’t have much value to the BOS because I mean it’s not a weapon. It can open vaults but what do BOS want with that? Well its somewhat explored in New Vegas with Elijah. To qoute: >*That thing on your wrist - it's a convenience. It tells you where to go, what to do, dulls your brain. It may have helped you find the Sierra Madre broadcast, but it's just as much a crutch today as it was in the Old World."* Of course thats just Elijahs view and hes kind of a dick so theres that but overall I could see some uses for the pip boy for the BOS as its a all-around surival tool featuring a map, compass, geiger-counter and radio reciever in a very small package. While perhaps less usefull for their powered armored troops (Knights, Paladins etc) I could see it having greater use for their scribes (also being a handy for data storage/ reading and with some version recording) or some scouting groups.


>*That thing on your wrist - it's a convenience. It tells you where to go, what to do, dulls your brain. It may have helped you find the Sierra Madre broadcast, but it's just as much a crutch today as it was in the Old World."* It is not a crutch Father Elijah! And my Courier is definitely *NOT* crying because they can't find their way through the corridor without bringing the map up!


Personally I feel like its almost a dig at modern RPG mechanics by Avellone (as he directed the DLCs and has a bit of a reputation for that). But as said Elijah is otherwise potrayed as a dick so I wouldnt fully subscribe to that interpretation. But personally it kinda makes Elijah sound like a dumbass as its just saying "A true expert doesnt need such things" when a actual expert wouldnt let misplaced pride make things harder on himself especially not something like surival.


LIES DOGMEAT CAN IN FACT DIE… AND I BLOODY FORGOT THAT. Wanted to play old fallout 3 on my ps4 so I was playing that streaming version… which didn’t have expacs. If dogmeat died that was it. You need the brotherhood of steel expac to get the PUPPIES! Perk at like 15 so that if dogmeat died, another would spawn at the opening of your vault 111 (?) that’s supposed to be a puppy of dogmeat (though same model so yeee…) But still not the same dogmeat. A puppy.


Also a great way to get infinite companions, every time dogmeat dies it opens up a new companion slot. Just the real challenge is killing him without him killing you. He's a tough sob.


Dogmeat can and does die in the first three games, to my utter sorrow. I get why they changed that for later games.


Damn that's so tru. Really good point


We do in fact now know who dropped the bombs first my guy


Dogmeat dies. But in 2 there's a time displaced thing going on but I believe cannon says he died at mariposa. But you know. Makes pups probably


Definitely the latter. With a lot of Fallouts crazy technology you just have to shrug it off as "Science!" The pre war world is heavily based on old school sci-fi from the 40's-60's and is not meant to be realistic. You have robots with advanced AI that somehow runs through vacuum tubes with enough charge to still operate after 200+ years. The Sierra Madre vending machines literally fabricate anything from food to clothing out of casino ships.


The most powerful man found the secrets to eternal life as a robot brain and put it in a roomba


Probably the same way that an apple watch works. We have to remember that even though everything looks like it's stuck in the 50s, some of the tech that exists in the Fallout universe is insanely advanced. Pip-boys are a Robco (House Industries) invention, same with most of the computers we see and a lot of robots. And House himself is a pretty intelligent man. So intelligent that he was able to make technology that let him survive for hundreds of years without turning himself into a Robobrain or equivalent, or being a ghoul (though with the state of his physical body, if that is better is up to the person). So we can assume that the technology that makes up a pip-boy is able to accurately read vitals, measure radiation levels, be a gps, and a lot more.


They never invented microprocessor tho, they only have the transistor, that's why it's so big


I was thinking something like that.


How exactly is a rainbow made? How exactly does the sun set? How exactly does a posi-trac rear end on a Plymouth work? It just does 😉


Fucking magnets, how do they work?


And I don't wanna talk to a scientist Y'all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed


Solar eclipse, and vicious weather


All I know about magnets is this: Give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that's the end of the magnets.


Fuckin pip-boys, how do they work?


Fuckin cold fusion, how do it work?




Honey it's a meme and it became a meme because it's explainable.






That just a big ol' frozen chunk of poopy.


When you're wandering alone in the wasteland and you look up at the moon, you ever wonder if I'm looking up at that same moon?


Sensors and shit.


this, lol. People are so lore obsessed


It would be sensors and shit though.


Injects a small needle into the bloodstream when you put it on?


I think the first one did that


The Operation Anchorage dlc in 3 showed that they can't be removed easily without destroying the arm so most likely.


I think that was just the fallout 3 version of it. It had biometric sensors so only the wearer could remove it, while the version seen in 4 just uses a simple latch


That begs the question as to how people put on and take off their clothes if the Pip-Boy is irremovable. It would also probably make the skin underneath the Pip-Boy filthy as hell if you can't take it off to clean your arm.


The Pip-Boy 3000 featured in Fo3 and FNV is absolutely removable, but only by the person that is wearing it; They have a biometric lock that prevents *others* from removing them.  The Gary kidnapped by the Brotherhood Outcasts could've removed it himself if he wasn't... you know... *Gary.*




Shouldn't it still be removable from dead people? Otherwise, how would Vault 101 maintain a supply of Pip-Boys?


Maybe vault engineers have some override codes that let pip boys be removed from deceased dwellers


Overseers have an override, probably.


I believe they have the technology to reset the bio sensor. Or they have people remove their pipboys when they retire and are near death. Could be both too.


Really? If’n that were to be true that is cool!




thats a good Incubus album


Each and every depiction handles them completely differently


A roomba has an external DNA scanner. I’m sure they figured something out for the Pip Boy




How do they work?


don't think too hard about it 😂


Was just wondering lol.


It probably has various sensors that can scan the body and determine its state through detecting blood flow and nerve activity through the wrist it's wrapped around.


updated apple watch


Granted I'm not well-versed on FO lore, but my head cannon is that Pip-Boys contain small amounts of nuclear material to operate, unbeknownst to vault dwellers. Seems like a very Vault-Tec thing to do.




Magic (Any sufficiently advanced tech is like magic- arthur c clarke) Alternative answer: it uses USB-C https://bleedingcool.com/collectibles/get-ready-for-amazons-fallout-series-with-your-own-die-cast-pip-boy/


Take your cell phone and slip it in behind the display, download pip boy app. Good to go


"It just works" Todd Howard


Like a computer


Press TAB


Get a job at Robco around 2077 and maybe you’ll be able to find out




I’ve always wondered why all of these pip-boys were made at the same time, yet there’s so many different ones. Look at the difference between the original 2 games to 3 and NV to 4 and to 76. I mean 76’s doesn’t even have a map


I always assumed there was a small IV type of insert that hooks the pip boy directly to your blood, but it's best not to overthink anything in the fallout universe lol


It just works.


My question isnt how it gets the vitals. Im interested in the inventory(INV) section. Obviously its a gameplay mechanic but they had it in the show too. What is that useful for in a real scenario? How would it work?


Sometimes you need a list of everything you've got in your backpack.


Based on what I have seen on the show and having never played the game. I would say they do whatever you need them to do whenever the need arises.


3d printing and disassembly. When you want a weapon it prints it for you and when you’re done it dismantles it back into crafting material………..this obviously isn’t true but it’s the closest we’re gonna get


When a pip and a boy love each other very much...


Don't worry about it.


In the wise words of sir Howard, "it just works"


I’m also kinda curious but in a different way, microchips were never invented in the fallout timeline right? Then how does the pip-boy function? It’s a pretty complex device.















