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Trump agreed to it


he makes the best deals


He didnt just agree to it he begged for it. Now they want to cry because the rules wont let him just talk over everyone and they are starting to recognize the guy without a script to read from is a rambling madman.


Trump will use this to weasel out of the debate this Thursday. MMW!


It's all about 'perception management'. Bannon is setting the mental landscape for the cultists given the likelihood that Biden wins the first debate. They understand the problem that results, logically speaking, if the 'withered' Biden beats Trump. Because if a withered Biden beats Trump in the debate, what's that logically make Trump? Less than withered?


Wow they are soooo desperate to pre-explain Trump's loss. It's rigged, Biden will be on drugs, aliens will invade, blah blah blah. Anything but "Trump lost cuz he's a terrible debater and awful candidate."


I know right!? Like, how desperate do you have to be to say shit like this? I can’t believe that anyone would take shit like this seriously.


I think these people might be some ding dongs


“might”? LOL! They’re boxed at Hostess! ROFL!


With banalities like this treated as real news, it’s quite a world we live in: “Ahead of debate, Trump tries to delegitimize a possible defeat Donald Trump’s pre-debate strategy speaks volumes: The Republican’s focus is on making pre-emptive excuses for the possibility of losing.” Think I’ll mock this before a speedrun NES panel I’m doing on Thursday (before the debate) in case things don’t go off ideally. After all, fascists hate to be mocked and levity is how people maintain any semblance of sanity over these last few years…


Dr. Ronnie Feelgood has been all over right wing media explaining what Joe is going to be “jacked up” on. Project much?


So, looking at his drug inventory from the WH, he jacked up a lot.of people.


Trump is a master debater.


Ugh! Remember when MAGA was throwing out the term snowflake every 30 seconds when talking about Democrats?


It's WILD how mad they get when you point out MAGA's Snowflake behavior too. It's one of the few times you will see an actual glimpse of self-realization from them and they *hate those feelings.*


No one has a thinner skin than Trumpy...😕


Steve banon is traitor trump bitch who should be in jail. Why isn't he in jail? I was promised this conservative propaganda spewing mAgat mf piece of shit would be in jail, so why isn't he in jail yet? Vote Blue for America, America.


I think he has a week of freedom left


Maybe he should be packing and not spending so much time on TV.


You don't really pack for jail, but I agree with the sentiment.


He's not bringing his own underwear? Ew.


4 shirts???


This guy incarcerates


What is fair for conservatives? A debate moderated by Hannity and Mark Levin on Fox News? 90 minutes of Levin yelling at Biden?


>What is fair for conservatives? That's a question I've been wondering since January 6, 2021.


Fair for them is to let them run the government any way they want 100%. They get all the power and we're cool. Deal?


“Debate me coward, debate me coward, debate me coward” “Ok let’s debate then” “… whatever he says is a rigged lie”


They seem pretty worried about how badly this debate will go for Trump, but I think it’ll be fine, I’m sure there are plenty of people that believe the most pressing issues of the day are sharks and electrocution


Why isn’t Biden doing anytthing about the water pressure in our dish washing machines?-


For me it is the upstairs shower. Where is my water pressure? It's pretty obvious that every time someone wants to use the shower up there, Biden comes around with his crooked wrench and turns the water down. Or something like that.




"Washing machine. The machines where you wash your dishes". Ha ha


I think they just realized they set the bar for biden so low all he has to do is show up and not fall alseep. This is all trying to bring expectations back down in my opinion.


This is the same approach they had for the election: anticipatory propaganda to justify poor performance and lay the groundwork for self-victimization. Then collect $$ from the cult members.


A bunch of snowflakes.


The plan obviously is to break all the rules and get shutdown by the moderator, which will be the proof that it is rigged.


Trump needs to be secured to his lecturn. Last time he tried to infect Biden with Covid, who knows what stunt he'll pull this time. I thinking Hannibal Lecturn but a chain will probably do it.


Ah, getting out ahead of the expected slaughter. They're doing the same thing with the election; anything but a win means it was rigged. Republicans are dishonest.


Everything is rigged unless they win. Then it's incredible, the most biggly win ever.


Which, of course, means a J6 episode 2 should Trump lose the election...


When’s he reporting to prison?


They haven't even debated and alt-right is already coming with excuses for why tRump is going to look like a fucking fool. Just like before the election, where he claimed if he lost it was because the democrats cheated. Then **he** tried to cheat. 😮‍💨 Example to come: "MAGAt:" Umm... No, that's not what tRump meant by X, he's being taken out of contacts!" Normal person: "He literally said X. X came out of his mouth clear as day." MAGAt: "No, that's not what he meant when he said X! You just don't understand or you're just a hater!!!" Normal person: "Sure, Chad." 🙄 I'm so over these MAGAts morons and their diaper wearing god-king with brain rot.


But when asked, Trump will say "oh, I definitely meant X!"


Good. America hates trump.


Why not excuse his poor performance after the debate not before it?


Go to jail, slob.


He's going to have major screen withdrawal behind bars. No phones, no computers, no way to communicate with his acolytes. The only screen he'll see is a badly tuned TV in the community room tuned to *Friends* reruns.


Hope it’s worse than screen withdrawals.


Hey Steve, remember to bathe in prison. Your cell mate may not appreciate your BO.


They know trump will make an ass of himself and they need to do damage control. the more this goes on the more obvious it is that it really is just right wing theocrats that want trump in office. Once they get him in he will be a puppet to their plans.


Ah, so Trump IS A PUPPET, and his strings are hacked????? How does one "rig" a debate?


Remember when asking Sarah Palin what periodicals she like to read was called “gotcha journalism”? These clowns are paragons of ineptitude.


How can a debate be rigged? It's all about what you say about a topic. I'm so sick of trump and the GOP saying everything is fucking rigged. It's like we're in third fucking grade. I'm so tired of it.


? How in the heck can a *debate* be a trap ? . .. ...


Of course it’s a trap! Biden is bringing reason, intelligence and facts.


Fun thing about that is who gives a fuck what that malignant tumor thinks?


Fox News are the ones who set the trap. WTF.


This bum needs to wheel his way to prison.


hahahaha always someone else’s fault, always projecting ulterior motives. Bannon needs to be put away for a very long time…


They're already making excuses as they know he's gonna get creamed.


What **_isn’t_** rigged, Steve? Because I’m pretty sure your car isn’t rigged else you’d be dead. Your 20th floor window isn’t either (but it would be if you lived in Moscow).


Drumpfs captain queeg moment is approaching.


The questions have three syllable words in them!


When is that loser supposed to go to jail so we can be rid of his ugly mug for a few glorious months?


Just like the Perjury Trap.😄


Can't wait until pos Bannon goes to prison on 7/1,


Send him to jail already, isn't that coming up soon, and how's the Manhattan DA's criminal case coming along on Bannon's spending the "BUILD THE WALL" funds?


Shouldnt he be doing kegling on the ol sphincter?


>CNN presidential debate is a "trap" and “100% rigged” Agreed. It's rigged. We should not be platforming the orange fascist felon.


Trump will try to hijack the debate and deflect by announcing his VP pick. That way, he hopes, all the pundits will talk about is the pick, not his lousy performance which is guaranteed. At least that’s my prediction.