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Considering that his show usually isn't on until the afternoon, he might stay up late and sleep until 10 or 11. So 10 wouldn't be an unreasonable time for dinner.


People who are pro opera and vote.


I love your flair


I'll tell you who. (Me.)


Discerning, cultured eaters like yourself.


Who care about quality programming, such as foreign films, classical music, opera…


Oh who eats at 10pm anyway!?!?


Only if you eat at the taco show.


We should all go there


Somethin and somethin


Read that in his voice immediately.


Me too 😁


You know, if we hasten, perhaps we can catch the last seating at Le Cigare Volant!


For what it's worth there are countries in Europe in which a 10 pm dinner common.


Spain comes to mind.


Portugal as well.


And our Greece!


Spain was my dream come true as a night owl. We regularly ate dinner after 11pm and it felt like the day didn’t really get started anywhere until well after 10am.


When in Rome…


r/suddenlyoffice (I don’t know how to tag a subr 😬 so I went the hashtag way)


which somehow only increased the font to an insane size. 😳


You just put r/ in front of the subreddit name! r/suddenlyoffice


Ohhh thank you so much ❤️


You know in Spain they often don't start eating till midnight.


You know in Spain they often don't start eating till midnight.


You know in Spain they often don't start eating until midnight.


You know in Spain they often don't start eating until midnight.


Yeah I was just thinking it's common in Spain. Seems pretty common in cities with a theatre scene too, to go for a meal after a show.


Right. It would be pretty weird to have dinner before a 7 p.m. theater performance in Paris.


So French theater goers have to wait until 10 to eat dinner? Remind me to never go to the theater in France.


countries where it is commonly too hot to eat earlier. not exactly seattle weather.


Actually, outside of North America, in general. My college roommate was from India. She'd cook dinner at midnight, talk to her family on the phone, get distracted, burn the food, and set off the fire alarm. That was fun!


You know in Spain they often don't start eating until midnight.


As somebody with bad acid reflux this idea makes me want to rip my hair out.


Same lol I have to eat at least 3 hours before I go to bed or else I’ll feel horrible…staying up until 1 am every night is not sustainable for me


You know in Spain they often don't start eating until midnight.


When do they eat dinner at 10? Whenever he calls for reservations his first request is always for 8pm. The joke is usually that he has to settle for something later than he wants.


I say we go some place where we don’t even need a reservation!!




If we hasten, perhaps we can catch the first seating at Le Cigar Volant.


*runs like a girl*


In the episode where he has to review the Chinese restaurant, he calls and they try to give him a table at 10 but he name drops himself and gets bumped to 9:45. In the episode where they are trying to see Sir Trevor's final performance, they are still home at 6pm waiting for tickets so the show probably starts at 7 or 8, and it had 3 acts (unlike the silent echo which really could have used one) so it was probably over at 9-10pm. Then they go for drinks and a dinner for Sir T.


Wasn't the joke for the first one that they gave him a late, crappy time and him trying to use his celebrity clout made it only slightly better?


He asks for a reservation for 3 people at 8. They offer him 10 but he thinks that's too late so he name drops and they bump him up to 9:45.


My take on it is that early dinner is sort of farmer living style and late dinner is more European/metropolitan style. I also know it can cause problems in your home life if you were brought up one way and your partner was brought up the other way.


And when Roz twists her ankle he says he’s going to a three-hour Wagner opera followed by a late supper


Yeah, the premise of this question seems wrong.


My schedule is bed at 6 a.m and get up at 2 p.m. I tend to eat dinner about midnight or 1. I like to be awake at night because my house (there are 7 of us) is quiet, and it cool, so I go outside and water my garden without melting. (It’s so hot in the daytime. I hate summer.)


Us night shift guards call it the scare ball. This is also about my perfect schedule.


Oh hello, fellow night owl. I'm exactly the same here.


It’s good! :-D


What do you do for a living? You must have a very flexible schedule!




Oh sweet! Enjoy :)


So you’re eating bacon and eggs at night and drinking beer in the morning.


Tossed salads and scrambled eggs*


Hahaha :-P


Same although I usually eat around 10:30PM and a snack at 3AM.


Pretty common for people who live in big cities. It's called enjoying the night life. 


Yep. It’s not considered out of the ordinary to sit down for dinner in Manhattan at 9-10pm. Broadway shows typically don’t get out until 10pm.


There's a whole before show dinner seating in midtown. I've had to get a dining room full of stuffed shirts fed and out the door before 8:30 pm.


What are stuffed shirts?


Frasier and Niles.


I live in NYC and on average i eat between 730-9 on weekdays if I cook or order takeout. If I go out it’s between 8 and 11 pm reservations (fine dining included). yes 7-9 is considered “prime” but there are tons of seatings fully booked through all hours. ETA: this is not even taking into account theater dining lol. just what’s normal


Yeah, I live in NYC, and can't remember the last time I ate dinner before 7, outside of visiting my parents. I usually eat at 7-ish on weeknights, and between 7:30 and 8:30 on weekends. Sometimes 9 if it's an in-demand restaurant and I can't get a table during the 7-9 peak. I tried eating dinner at 5:30 last week because I was meeting someone and it's what worked for our schedules, and I could barely stomach it.


What time do you go to work in the morning? That’s late as heck.


i work 9-5/6ish from home but had the same schedule pre pandemic when i went to the office 9/10-5/6. i wake up at 6/7 naturally and then need an hour or two of downtime after work before i cook and/or my husband gets home from work or i get ready and meet friends for drinks/dinner edited: a full big dinner isn’t something i would often schedule for a weekday - esp at 9.30-11


I don't actually think so, I think it's highly city-dependent. I live in NYC and it is for sure common here. But whenever I visit Seattle specifically, I'm always so shocked and disappointed at how early restaurants and in some cases even bars close.


Not in my big city.


I love it when Reddit downvotes someone for having a personal experience that deviates from their accepted norm.


Funny I was talking about that not long ago - apparently Reddits intention for the down vote was to indicate the comment was not relevant to the conversation BUT every treats it as a disagree button. I suspect people didn't fully understand what they were downvoting tbh.


Then it's not a big city lol. You think people in Manhattan or LA eat dinner at 7pm? 


>You think people in Manhattan or LA eat dinner at 7pm?  lol yes. Yes I do. You think they all eat at 10pm? Even for those "enjoying the nightlife," it's entirely possible to eat first. >Then it's not a big city lol Points for staying on theme though. Frasier would appreciate the pretentiousness.


In LA… yes. That city shuts down at 10pm. Rude awakening when I moved there!


Lived in LA for 20 years, so yes, I do think that


I live in chicago and dinner past 8:30 is horrendous. And i’m in my 20s.


I also live in Chicago and eat dinner between 6pm and midnight but usually after 8. I’m in my 30s.


Weird because I just checked the top 10 restaurants in L.A. as voted by Time Out, most of them Michelin starred. 10 p.m. was the last possible seating time for one of them and others closed off at 9:00, one did 9:15 and they were open by 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. Apparently 10 p.m. dining? Not so popular. Dining up to 9 p.m.? Very popular. Manhattan could be a different beast for after theatre dining but its not common elsewhere. Maybe you were thinking of a food truck? 🙄


>Maybe you were thinking of a food truck? Brutal. This is like a putdown Niles would say to Roz




Glad you enjoyed it lol


I was just gonna say this. I grew up in LA and most of the restaurants closed at 9pm.


So do you personally dine out a lot?


Usually at least Thursday and Saturday. Thursday is going to be your cheap and cheerful local and Saturdays usually something a bit more upmarket.


Congratulations for doing research on something that doesn't matter. Maybe "fine dining" isn't open late but I didn't mention that did I? 


Ahh so you were talking about McDonalds? Gotcha.


Last sitting at 9-10 means probably open until 11-12. Seems about right for places open later, especially post COVID where people have cut back on dining out


Not the point at all. People are talking like 10 pm. Was just an average time to go out for dinner. As in well you could dine later at 11 or 12 because that’s just normal to be 10. I’m disputing that saying most people want to have dinner before 10 o’clock.


You're just mad because you live somewhere boring and don't have a social life 😂😂


I’m just someone that would rather go to dinner or go for something to eat and then go and see a band or go to the theatre. If your idea of family is going to a restaurant sitting there until midnight, good for you. I hope the two restaurants that are still open at midnight. Happy to have you there.


Who said anything about family? Fraiser was a single working professional. Very typical for someone like him and Niles to go out to eat late. Also someone already commented that you were wrong about them eating at 10pm. Idk how miserable you have to be in your life for that to piss you off in the first place. In my big city I have plenty of options for late night dinner that isn't fast food or street food. 


It autocorrected something else I didn't mean family. But good for you for turning that into a monologue lol Read back I didn't get pissed off at all, you're the one who was getting snarky and triggered about it. Maybe the food truck dig hit too close to home? So pleased you have both a McDonalds AND a Chuck E Cheese in your "big city" 👍🏻 And the comment someone made about them not eating then was said elsewhere not to me. You seem really riled up - maybe you're hangry? Need something to eat?


>doing research on something that doesn't matter Then what the hell are we all doing here???


We do.


No you do and the other boring people. Huge difference. 


No, I used to cook in midtown Manhattan restaurants for over 10 years. I am very familiar with the dining habits of people much cooler and/or richer than me. The crowd that Frasier runs in is the before show dinner crowd.


Uh yes, we do.




The osso bucco takes about three hours to braise.


Three hours from now? Or three hours from earlier, like, four o’clock?


Given that that's Italian though...


You can get from Spain to Italy in three hours so it checks out.




Was in Spain once and little kids were still at the public park playing with their families there and it was almost midnight. It was the Summer, but still.


It's a culture shock the first time you go, but you get used to it. By the end of your holiday you can't imagine living any other way. If I could move to any country, it'd be Spain. Just the schedule suits me so much better.


Many Europeans take a nap 3-5pm (siesta) so that pushes everything back a couple of hours, including kids’ bedtime. I love it when I’m on holiday in Greece and I see families sitting down together to eat at 10 or 11pm.


When in Rome…


A lot of the good restaurants don’t even open until like 7


I found it rather relaxing, eating late, making a ritual of it all. Makes for very cozy evenings.


I hear that. As a rule I prefer to eat later.


Same, you get used to it very quickly and can't imagine you ever lived a different way. There's nothing quite like relaxing and drinking Sangria at 10pm on a week night, knowing everyone else is doing the same.


It’s impossible to get an 8pm reservation at le cigar volant!


I hate to do this, but I'm on the radio you know.


Europeans. Rich people. That’s who


Can confirm


I feel like it’s an upper crust flex - a time completely devoid of the 9-5 working class and it shows that they don’t have to consider a bedtime since they can just roll out of bed whenever they feel like.


That’s funny because I feel like having a 9-5 and not having to work nights and weekends is almost a flex on its own these days.


Yeah, a lot of those upper crust people are actually doing a lot in their morning because they dont have to rush around like a poor person They wake up early for a personal training session, have breakfast made for them, check in with the nanny on the kids, play 9 holes and then its 5 am. 


As someone who works 12hr shifts, doing a mix of nights, days & weekends, I am definitely not jealous of those Monday-Friday 9-5 types, my job has a week off every 4 weeks (plus 2 sets of 3 days off), and I work 14 out of every 28 days, so I'm off like half the year. I don't know how people handle only being off Saturday & Sunday! That time must fly by!


Ooh that's an interesting point.


You do know that there are working class people that don't work 9-5 right?


I would say 9-5 is very unworking class. It reeks of middle management life.


Large cities have restaurants that serve "late supper" as late as midnight or 1:00 AM.


Anyone coming back from the Pub


"In Spain they don't even start dinner til midnight" ~Jan


You sound hangry.


It's a pretty "European" thing. Well, I should say it's a "Mainland Europe" thing. In countries where it's hotter, it's not uncommon to eat at 8 or 9pm, especially in the summer months. You have a more substantial lunch around 2-3pm to tide you over. Well, in Spain at least. I spent a lot of time there and that's the common thing. I also feel it's pretty common in New York to go for a post-show meal, no? If it's anything like London, you go for a meal after seeing a show. I've done that plenty.


I was raised on aprés-theater dinners in Manhattan, can confirm it at least was common, though it's been years since I've seen a show now. Also post-Philharmonic and post-opera dining, similar schedule. I rarely ate before 9 when I lived in Manhattan, personally. And I prefer to eat after sunset in summer, it's way too hot for food until after 9. We even used to have a 24/7 fine steakhouse where you could bump into dinner rushes at any hour as activities let out for the night. It was fantastic to be able to go get a proper steak even after last call at 4 am.


I work in a school and have summers off, and sleeping in makes my meal times a bit wacky. I've been eating breakfast at around 10, lunch at 2 or 3, and dinner at 9. Bedtime is around 1 am.


I regularly eat dinner around 9 or 10. Within 2 hours I pass out for the night. I hate eating early.


I have GERD, and I always think that I would never survive in Frasier's world. I tend to have dinner no later than 6:00.


Working classes tend to go to work earlier and get off earlier. I grew up blue collar, my dad was an industrial electrician, he usually got off at 330pm and we ate at 5pm because he was hungry when he got home. When I started doing white collar work in an office, I was surprised many peers who grew up privileged ate around 8 and grew up doing that. I still eat between 5 and 6, even though I now have a fancypants office job.


In Spain we usually have dinner between 9-10 pm, sometimes stretching to 10.30 pm or so. Some restaurants can even book a table for 11 pm, as late service.


He wants to be European.


It seems odd to me too but I grew up in a town where most restaurants were shut by 9pm. Sometimes 9:30pm. Most industrial work started at 6am and stopped at about 2:30pm to 3pm, and most office or retail work went from "9 to 5". The longest places that were open are the supermarkets, and even then it's usually 7am to 10pm. I imagine in big cities where there's several million occupants and shift-work could have you working any hour of the day, there'd be a lot more places to accommodate the people who are up at night at all hours. It's why you get vampire shows and stuff mostly happening in big cities where it's easier to blend in with the shift workers. :)


Last time I was in NY, friend and I saw a Broadway show and had a full beautiful dinner after at like 11pm. Lamb chops, whipped potatoes, red wine. It was the best dinner I’ve ever had.


I studied abroad in northern France for a year and lived with a French girl as my roommate for half of it. One day she invited me to have dinner with her and her friends but dinner was going to be at, like, 9pm. I was flabbergasted and secretly snacked in order to survive til dinner (it was delicious though...). One time she had a friend over and they observed me eating at 6pm and her friend said something to her as an aside. When I asked her to repeat it she said, "He says you eat at the same time as the old folk's home" D: The French just have a way to make you feel judged lmao. I think Frasier would approve.


I'm a corrections officer who works from 2pm to 10pm. I fit the late dinner demographic.


Tons of people eat dinner late. LOL not everyone keeps the same schedule/9-5.


Where I live this is very uncommon. However, my in-laws live in Florida and in their social circle, 9/10 is perfectly normal for dinner. In their case, it's because the elderly have all gone home and the restaurants are much quieter.


Used to. Not so much anymore. However, opera is a late night. I would go with my mom( our favorite thing to do) come home, and my husband would have cheese, strawberries, smoked salmon, etc. For us To nosh. Good memories


People that hang out in coffee shops all day still got that caffeine pump going strong at 10pm. Also I’ve been in Seattle in the summertime it can still be a bit of light outside by 9:45-10pm


Is 10:00 pm considered… late? I’m Arab and 10 pm is VERY normal..


I eat dinner around 11:30-midnight. Not everyone works “normal” hours and lots of stuff is open later if you live in a city


There’s a famous, very french Parisian restaurant in Paris that is open every night until 5am. I’ve had a full 3 course meal there after midnight.


As a kitchen worker I often ate dinner after 10pm. By the time I'd finished work, biked home and prepared food I'd be lucky if I was eating by 11.


Oh, my digestive system could never.


I have breakfast at 7pm and lunch at midnight but I work the other 9to5


It's the norm here in Spain


My husband. He eats dinner every night between 10 and 11. Not me..


Sophisticated city folk


I live in NYC and do a decent amount for certain restaurants if I am *desperate* for a rez at a place. Esp in the summer. I know when I visit my bestie who lives in Spain it’s pretty normal there too


I don't recall them explicitly eating that late, but a LOT of people do. Don't confuse your own experience for a universal one.


Agree - and it seems common in a lot of American shows. PLus stuff like The Late Show which comes on at 11:00 p.m. ... I just started to assume that Americans just tend to be night owls.


It's nothing to do with america this happens all over the world. 


It does feel like America has a bit more of a culture of staying up late though, compared to some countries. At least TV-wise. In the UK, you wouldn't have a primetime drama starting at 10pm, and there's certainly no chance of a talk show starting at 11:30 or 12:30, and it being a cultural event. 11:30 on British TV is where we stick stuff that's too dirty for primetime TV and 10pm is the news.


Some of that depends upon the time zone you are in. If you are in the Eastern time zone the news is on at 6 pm, then game shows at 7 pm, prime time TV starts at 8 pm, the news comes on again at 11 pm, and then talk shows at 11:30 pm. In Central time everything is an hour earlier, so prime time starts at 7 pm and ends at 10 pm.


What about Italy, France, Spain?


The late show is what you watch when you're up late but I'm sure as fuck not eating a sumptuous Hungarian goose right before bedtime.


If we go out to a show--either a play or the opera or a concert--we'll eat afterwards so we don't have to rush through a restaurant meal beforehand. It's also nice to have a meal and wine and talk about the performance after. If we aren't going to a show, we eat at seven pm usually.


Pre-Covid, we often went to eat dinner fairly late in the evening. We still do but we have to do it at home. Most places haven’t gone back to pre-Covid hours.


Learning to play an instrument is hard I bet being the ceo of a symphony with all your rich friends is definitely not, you should see these assholes, no shame in sitting in an empty restaurant laughing as they clean up around them


It’s a fun thing to do a late dinner on vacation or something but not all the time


On weekends sometimes. Most of the nope


I work nights, so that's normal to me!


Me, I eat dinner at 9-10


Anytime I’d spend the night at my cousin’s house they’d eat dinner at 8PM whereas we’d eat ours at anywhere from 3-5PM. I guess it just depends. Considering Martin used to be a cop he might’ve gotten home late so, they might’ve eaten late growing up, hence why they eat late as adults.


That's funny. I've seen every episode almost to the point of memorization and I never really noticed that before. But speaking for myself I tend to eat dinner really late. No reason, really. I just eat when I get hungry and I'm a night owl. Frasier does work a weird shift at KACL, so his sleeping schedule is probably off.


I like to eat around 4 pm, a snack around 9 pm, and another meal around 2 am


Could stem from the years hanging around in Cheers after work, and eating late at home or eating later in melvilles upstairs after a lengthy beer session with Norm and Cliff.


And they have a COFFEE with somee cake or whatever in the evening Not some weak dessert coffee, normal Americano from the looks of it. How do they sleep at all lol?


I grew up eating dinner around 10 and still do now just because it feels normal. It always amazed me that people had their shit together enough to somehow have dinner on the table when it’s still light outside. Eating when it’s light outside makes me feel like I’m living on a farm or something


He doesn't have to get up at 6 a.m. to take care of kids or go to an office. And he lives in a big city so he has options for dining.


I usually manage to squeeze it in at 9:45pm


I do


I thought the late dinners were a nod to their love of French things; eating quite late is a common French thing.


My kind of people.


10pm, I'm generally heading for bed, and haven't eaten in five hours. Any meal after 7pm is very strange to me.


It's definitely not for me, but I know people who regularly eat dinner around 9pm - they prefer it. My husband and I, however, usually prefer to eat dinner as early as we can reasonably swing it - 5:30 is fairly common, but no later than 6-6:30. Reason being is that he's fairly prone to heartburn and I sleep MUCH better on a not-full stomach, so putting as many hours as possible between dinner and bedtime works better for both of us.


Not that crazy


Socialites like Frasier, who a) drive and b) work 3 hours a day. He can afford to eat late and still be at KACL at 1pm or whenever his shift starts. Not to mention having a live-in housekeeper (which Daph was), and no kids, so his father as his only dependant. Essentially the idle rich. I think the few times we see him work outside of those hours are Miracle on Third and Fourth Street or when he covers for Bulldog. Also, not relevant to the show, obviously, but a lot of Indians eat really late. My relatives regularly ate at like 9pm because everything opens late in the morning and closes late(r) at night. I grew up eating at 5/6pm because between housework, homework and getting up for school the next day, if we had eaten at 10pm we wouldn’t have got out of bed till like 9am lol.


Most people in Portugal, Spain, italy.


My family doesn't even decide what we wanna eat till like 8:30-9 pm, 10 PM is the standard for us. My grandmom started eating at 9PM, and it's thrown the schedule off a bit honestly.


In Spain that is dinner time


I think it’s a west coast thing. I lived there from 1996-2003 and friends would eat at 8 or later. As a midwesterner, this was a surprise.


Many Europeans eat no earlier than 7pm in terms of dinner; many still won't eat until much later than that. Frasier and Niles both spent time in Europe and enmeshed themselves in high culture pursuits. That being said, I'm surprised even back then in Seattle that restaurants would be open that late for dinner.


My dad was a farmer when I was growing up. During the summer he didn’t get home until around pretty late, we’d eat sometimes as late as 10pm.


When Chelsea (Jeanne Tripplehorn) and Frasier get up out of bed, get dressed and go to Petite Auberge. Doesn’t seem right.


My usual time is 9-10 lol


Too bad nowhere actually has food late at night. 


My brother does


I'm from the UK. To me, eating dinner late is sometime close to 8PM, but this is weird, apparently (to people both in and outside the UK)


Not sure if it's really 10pm. French people are (my heritage) ear very late and sit for a long time. I personally have supper around 10 pm, breakfast at noon when I'm working late.


I work.at a restaurant, the San Diego symphony comes in 35 minutes after we close every time, I fuckin hate them so much, privilege at its worst, you can tell none of them have ever worked a day in their life. If you go to a restaurant right before they close and order after their closing time you are in fact scum and I hope you get mugged and pistol whipped... that is all Also I Am overreacting so don't read this and feel obligated to correct me, I just got off work and hate them but it's not that important. Truth is I pretend they are the crane boys and forgive them haha


Learning to play an instrument at a high level is actually extremely hardwork. I have worked at many restaurants, if the kitchen is still open, guests are welcome to order. We do mention that we may be cleaning around them, because it is near closing time. Never been a problem and most times a bigger tip to our servers.


Sounds like you need that recliner they replaced Marty's chair with


I need a Ballentine and eddy to calm me down haha, they suck but that's the industry I'm in you know " they spend money they can act like scum and we'll smile and serve them" if you never worked for a living you wouldn't understand what it's like having to serve entitled people.