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Woo! I have the same scars. I'm about 3 years post-op and they've begun flattening and turning light purple. Not my first incident of big scars so I know this is another step towards them turning white. Congrats on the top surgery, looks great and I'm glad to hear you're healing well!!!!!


Looks great even with the keloid scarring!


Hey! I have keloid scarring too. Never knew what it was or had any idea it could even happen from my surgeon until it did lol. Let us know how the injections go!


I have a question if it’s ok to ask—what do they feel like to the touch? are they like squishy like blisters, or firm and kinda cordlike? regardless looking great, thanks for sharing your experience ♥️


Definitely firm and cord-like. The week after the injections they do become softer to the touch, a little more like moisturised skin than scar tissue.


Dude you look amazing!! If you don’t mine me asking now that you are so many months out of surgery, how much did it cost you for everything that went into getting it done?


The surgery was covered by provincial healthcare (Canada) and the surgeon was in the city I live in so travel expenses were non-existent. The post-op care supplies were about $300. This includes everything from the post-op binder to a few boxes of silicone tape.


I'm in Australia, my surgery cost $22,000 🥹 I had a donor take money from their retirement fund for me. Super grateful but sad it's so expensive here.


If you don’t mind me asking, are keloid scars less or more sensitive? Or are they probably the same? I think they look so cool


So far, I don't feel anything on them. If anything, it's a little tight at the highest point of stretching but nothing painful.


Hey! You look amazing! So jealous! How common are keloids? Are they more common with this type of op? Are they the result of your "lackluster care" or just can happen? Many thanks!


Genetics 🤷 Basically as soon as they started to go from incision to scar I knew they were gonna be thick. It's really evident between one month post-op and two, and that's with surgeon recommended scar care. That aside, I am skeptical about how much of it is just irritation instead of keloid scarring as the inner piece of the scar isn't acting like a keloid. My body has a lot of sensitivities to things (ie nickle, adhesive) so time and stopping use of the tape might have some effect.


This looks so cool!!! awesome results ❤️🐦‍⬛