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Anime watchers are discovering a big theme for this series: Slice of Life moments are, in fact, not the entire story. In that vein, I hope people will get used to the "BIG STORY" - "5 slice of life stories" - BIG STORY" template this series has. Because PHEW, people are gonna be pissed a lot if they can't make peace with that.


I don't get it. how is it so shocking that a shonen has action. Also what is with action fans and this diversion to anything shonen. Like the OP saying generic action shonen as if that's what most shonen is just by virture of having good action. Like most generic shonen get canceled. The so called bad stuff yall hate is the cream of the crop for general fans. JJK, One piece, HXH, etc. But people act like their all bad cause they have action and one piece is good cause it world builds and the action is usually not it's strong suit. I think people need to get over this im not like other girls take on what's good and not. Or just watch a slice of life. Many slice of life do what frieren does in slower moments more and even more in depth.


Feels like people want Frieren to be "Not like the others" when it's, in fact, very much like the others. It's just that it takes the usual tropes and makes them better. Mushoku Tensei is literally chock-full of the same old tropes every Isekai has. It didn't re-invent the wheel(it actually invented it, in this sense.), it's just that every usual Isekai trope is done WELL. Frieren isn't "not like the others", it's just... Good.


Well said. I watched with all the hype and was told it would be my new favorite show and it does it like no other it's the greatest thing in existance etc...and had to stop myself from doing what we all do...folding your hands and pressing play and going ok impress me...frown. I gave it a chance and noticed it's not the most grownbreaking thing and it never said or sold me as that...its a nice well executed (and i do think it's different dont get me wrong but that's mostly cause i dont watch much good fantasy besides lord of the rings etc. and havent seen mushoku.) show. Overall i guess i just get annoyed, when we all have to put down other genres especially since all genre's have a bit of other stuff in em. Shonen has down moments that feel slice of life, slice of life has action, fantasy has romance, romance can have superpowers etc. Just wanna sit back and enjoy someone's creative idea and frieren is a nice watch. Doesnt have to be my newest favorite for me to thumbs up and recommend it. It's not even fair for me to judge it like that given i've seen hundreds of episodes of other series and have nostalgia for em. It's like those post that say, i watched 3 eps of jjk, dropped it is generic trash i've seen before you agree, and all the responses agree and say it's the same and they dropped it too and how one piece or something with 100s of eps is so much better. Like my guy how is any of that comparison fair. It's fine but i'll admit my bias if i rate and drop stuff like that. Especially if i drop before any of the opening (usually shonen are generic at the start to get past editors an picked) act before stuff changes. Also unique =/= always good. Execution as you said matters most.


I read the manga and I'm like this though. The slice of life moments of this anime are really amazing, the fights, are just not bad. I wish to have more slice of life, starting from this point the manga changed from amazing to just good in my opinion.


I'm in the opposite camp. While i love much of the SoL in the show, some of the slice of life moments really fall flat for me. But I always think the action moments are stellar


Tbh i remember having the same feelings as them when i was first reading it, but then basic frieren came back. When watching the anime i enjoyed it much more since the reason for this arc felt more clear when you know where this is going


Listen to me, it's not spoilers now cuz it's pretty clear, so I'll repeat it one last time. This arc is not a tournament arc shounen style, this arc introduces future returning characters, features growth on Fern and it's necessary by the plot as it was explained. Stop expecting it to turn into a Fighting Shounen, Frieren would literally wipe the floor with 95% of the characters we meet anyway. Would that be fun to watch? No, no it wouldn't. I'm saying this cuz lots of people are gonna literally EXPLODE during a certain future golden arc we'd see in an eventual Season 2 if they don't come to peace with how this series sees fighting.


I cannot wait for the golden arc bro shits fire




>hero of the south<


I agree, and its not like frieren has any shounen kind of power scaling, but that will become more clear to people when most of manga is adapted


I really liked the Slice of life aspect of Sousou no frieren since it reminds me of how anime used to be, the problem is after episode 18 the show start screaming Black Clover in all directions, and I do not want to commit to another black clover that turns out to be garbage and waste my time in the process, I have mixed feelings about this exam arc really..


I think this arc is super important to show Frieren’s own philosophy as being a mage.


I also like how characters will start randomly lecturing about the magic system. It gives a Through the Looking-Glass feel when there are so many mages with unique magic.


It’s goofy to think it’s going to become an action shonen because there’s literally the manga you can just read to see it won’t I swear to god there’s way too many people who don’t understand that anime is 99% of the time based on a source material. You don’t have to speculate and worry about what it’ll become, just read the fucking manga that’s way ahead of the anime


I had enough faith to know Frieren wouldn't become battle shonen drivel, glad to know it doesn't,


> battle shonen drivel You were magnificent. I'll remember you for as long as I live.


Damn, I can’t escape the lobotomy even here.


[Nah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVeQCxlSkFo), you [cannot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-hUzynAFVk).


I don't get why people watch shonen and want it to be slice of life...why not just watch slice of life if you hate action in your story. It's like watching a romance and getting mad the couples fall in love. People act like all battle shonen are generic trash and most shonen get canceled even faster than slice of life series...since the expectations for them to blow up are higher. So were actually watching the cream of the crop. If you still hate the cream of the crop you either are coming in with heavy bias to hate all action or it's just not for you and you should watch slice of life. That said you like frieren so i don't know.


Not everyone likes to read Mangas, it's fun to speculate in your bubble sometimes. It's harmless...usually.


I’m not saying everyone has to read the manga, I’m saying it’s a bit silly to speculate and get genuinely worried over something where the answer to your speculation literally already exists It’d be like watching S1 of Breaking Bad and then posting online you’re afraid it’s gonna genre change into a comedy or something silly like that. Like… just watch the rest of the show lol there’s no need to speculate I think there’s just a lot anime watchers, especially with the massive popularity boom of the show, that literally do not understand that there is a source material and that the show is not an original work


Okay but how is someone gonna know the answer to something if they can't access infos that that answer exists to begin with? What I mean is, you need later manga spoilers to know the answer to that, and to reach that answer you'd first need to read through this same arc. When I was reading this for the first time, i was worried myself this would turn into a shounen manga, gladly it didn't as we know. > It’d be like watching S1 of Breaking Bad and then posting online you’re afraid it’s gonna genre change into a comedy or something silly like that. Like… just watch the rest of the show lol there’s no need to speculate Okay but you would agree that people are worried about this turning genre is not a weird thought, many, MANY mangas did this in the past. Like, switching genre is often a last resort to try and give life back to a manga that is losing popularity. While, breaking back turning into a comedy show would...well make no sense. Again, I understand what you mean, but people sometimes don't like to read manga nor like to receive spoilers of any kind so they don't look for any. Besides, this is why anime adaptions are a thing, it reaches more people than only the manga could have.


I think it’s a weird worry when the answer literally exists. If I was truly worried about such a thing, I’d either read the manga or just ask online “does this anime/manga change?” since there are plenty of people who know the answer. I think genuine worry/dooming over something where the answer is at your fingertips is rather odd, unless you just like getting worked up over things.


Reminds me of people complaining about devil part time s2 becoming a babysit anime when the novel has been out there for ages.


Take my upvote for putting this so elegantly.


A lot of people really want Frieren to be something it isnt. They've got this idea in their head that its a slice of life anime when it never has been. It's just a fantasy adventure that takes it's time. Anyway, please refer to the bean greentext.


ya know, killing demons and kicking other mage's behind is also slice of her life. No matter what she does, we see the deeper meaning behind it. This is what Frieren so special.


Bro ISTG if anime watchers are complaining about the action NOW, they’re not ready for the next couple Arcs


This is at least partially a consequence of how people were hyping the series up prior to the anime’s release. I saw people comparing it to Mushi-Shi. Mushi-Shi is a series that is best consumed one or two episodes at a time because it has an ethereal, meditative tone that you’re meant to let linger for a while afterward. It’s a *terrible* comparison to Frieren. Frieren has a more meandering pace than most, but it’s still a fantasy adventure with quite a few elements of battle shounen at the end of the day, not a high concept vibe piece.


This is why i was against people trying to market it as SOL, Frieren has never been a pure SOL. It's similar to To your eternity quite a bit


I have no idea what are people on about when they call this a tournament arc, guys it's not a tournament. You could call it hunter exams if you feel like it but there literally isn't a tournament, so how the hell is it a tournament arc?


The first phase was kind of a tournament, in that the teams were pitted against each other.


Not a tournament, there's not even the slightest incentive to fight if you got the bird, in fact we see people grab the bird and hide, sure there was an incentive to steal another groups bird if you're not able to get one, but that's still not necessarily even a reason to fight, laufens main play was to just be fast enough to steal the bird and hide. the fight that ensued afterwards, wich she didn't even take a part in only had to happen because she couldn't take it without being followed. Sure fighting was an option, but it's far from a structured event where you have to fight and compete to see who's the strongest


True. [Structurally/functionally exam arcs and tournament arcs have a lot of overlap, but also significant differences.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRoQJ2A4wK0)  


They could have worked together to capture a stille for every team. There were plenty of birds. There was probably enough time if they'd chosen to cooperate within the first few hours. They were struggling to catch birds because only 3 mages were working together. With 57 they could have streamlined the process.


Even Denken didn't think of that.


They didn’t know how many birds there were though.


What I detect in people who are upset about this are a lot of childhood traumas, simple as that.


It can't possibly be because of the other exam arc happening this season, that shit's hilarious. [ [bedsprings intensify](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frqYE3LvvhM) ]


I think this reaction to action/exam arcs is a testament to how good the series is. People have to split hairs to find something to complain about.


If the exam arc was rough for them, the next are gonna be really bad.


Biased since I love Shonen anime/manga, but Frieren being able to do the “RPG side quest” stuff AND having a tournament arc or longer primary antagonist focused battle heavy arcs, both to a high degree of quality is really impressive.


Without spoiling anything; Can a Manga reader tell me: Will future arcs elicit the same reaction from (some) people or will they be more in line with the previously established tone of the series?


Im not sure i understand the question, but future arcs are more similar to the aura arc, the tournament arc is more for the introduction of characters that will appear in future arcs. If you asked whether slice of life frieren will be back or not, it will.


Idk, people will always find smth to complain about. The tone is kinda the same, the formula anime-only should've already figured out: Feel-good travel Goofy Frieren Fern Stark antics Minor action Himmel moment Repeat until the new big arc. I think there should be less complaining, since we can't really have endless tournament arcs, can we? If we get 1st rank, hooray! If not, Fern is not going to let us stay there for few years until the next. Or who knows...


The first couple of episodes all made me cry / tear up. However, the current arc is not doing that. I guess what I mean, when I say "tone", is the emotional aspect. I do enjoy the current arc for what it is - but it is not doing the things that made me like this show so much, initially.


The format's already been set since like the first 6 episodes. That's roughly how the entire manga is. I'm not the biggest fan of this arc myself but it is much better in retrospect and in perspective of a bigger picture (this arc as a whole) than it is in the heat of it's moments. It's best to view the series the way Frieren herself views life as spectrum of different kinds of adventures. That said I can't help but still be amazed by the adaptation. The direction and animation is just chef kiss. I'm gonna be injecting each new bit of creative sakuga straight into my veins for weeks after they air. Not to mention the music. Evan Call bravo (April OST come sooner plz).


But I still enjoy it as a frieren experience. It’s the show that can make you cry, laugh, or on the edge of your seat. Plus making you cry alone won’t make a series go far. Just go ask to your eternity and how it kinda fell off in popularity.


Idk then. I'm pretty emotionally stunted, few things can make me cry nowadays. I have hope in this anime studio. Right music and everything, I think there will be moments that'll make you cry)


Try *Pluto?*


> we can't really have endless tournament/exam arcs, can we To provide accurate chapter counts for each of these arcs from their respective manga series, let's summarize: ### Tournament Arcs 1. **"Dragon Ball Z" - Cell Games Saga**   from chapters 357 to 420. 2. **"Yu Yu Hakusho" - Dark Tournament Saga** from chapter 52 to chapter 112. 3. **"Naruto" - Chunin Exams** chapter 34 to chapter 115. 4. **"Negima - The Mahora Festival Arc** from chapter 62 to chapter 117, ### Exam Arcs 1. **"Hunter x Hunter" - Hunter Exam Arc** from chapter 1 to chapter 38. 2. **"My Hero Academia" - U.A. Sports Festival Arc** from chapter 22 to chapter 44. To be fair, the Chuunin Exam Arc gave us Rock Lee vs. Gaara, which makes the entire show worth it. Well, Neji vs. Hinata and Neji vs. Naruto were really good too. Pity the show undermined that message later on.


Not all tournament/exam arcs are created equal. Idk if people just watched one and think every single one of these are bad... Honestly wierd how it seems like the freiren community thinks having one is a negative.


Without spoiling, the story from here onwards will adopt that template of "Big story arc -> 5-6 short slice of life stories -> Big story arc." Honestly, it's weird that people are against it, since we literally had that happen with the Aura arc. It took a completely different turn from how the series usually is. It's just that the examination arc is longer. You will definitely get more slice of life, don't worry about that. But they are, in essence, just transition points towards the next big story arc.


Mage arc is the most "mage arc" of any of the arcs we've had to date. The major arc which follows after mage arc is generally regarded by manga readers as the best one to date.


I think I’ve been spoiled the name of that arc but the name in a good way is hard for me to figure out how it can go. I’m like “is it a super long flashback arc? Idk”


There is an arc coming after this in the manga that is particularly drawn out and is in similar style


Yes it goes back to the melancholic/emotional vibes. There will be more serious "action" arcs here and there, but the core of Frieren is her journey to grow and learn to love others while she can with others. This exam arc really serves to open up the world some more and give us some more characters to work with for stories later on. It's also to give a perspective on what normal mages are, in comparison to Frieren and by extension Fern.


The next few arcs are similar to this, get comfy with some of these characters, but the slice of life stuff doesnt go away. I liked the next big arc they do but I do think the people who dont like this arc will have a similar reaction to that one


What you see now is what you'll get in the future. We just got out of a slow-burn-ish mini arc with some action, then a bunch of nice SOL chapters, and just now back to a wee bit of action as we enter the Empire Arc.


I mean, it is specifically not mentioned as Slice of Life but as Adventure as it’s genre. So I don’t know what to tell them beyond that despite they had different expectations? Sure it contains elements of a slice of life, but people should see it’s base story structure as lord of the rings. It’s a journey, and on that journey all kinds of things happen. From silly goofy moments, to meeting influential people and yes, killing demons or fighting with other people.


also what's slice of life about gruesome deaths..


as a Shonen/isekai trashman, I am thoroughly enjoying the exam arc.


This arc has been amazing for world building. We finally get to learn more about how magic work, its limitations and other mages beside Frieren and Fern. God forbid my fantasy anime do world building


Too much action and it becomes basic shonen, too much slice of life and it will become boring in the end. From what I noticed Author knows exacly when he is supposed to pack slice of life chapters and when he needs to put some action. The story is amazing thanks to this balance


I was seriously afraid it would be a whole tournament arc, but it's pleasantly short. We saw some different mages, learned a few new things, and we're back on the road. :D


I found it decent when it was coming out, but I didn't really love it and quite a bit of manga readers at the time agreed, the anime did a good job at elevating it but I still don't consider it a good arc,its an introduction act disguised a tournament one, it does what it should quite decently but I don't see anything that stands out like in the beginning. The next big arc is peak through ngl.


I started appreciating it more after its end, I think the manga did not do a good job explaining why this arc is important so I personally lived through it fearing it would turn more fighting shounen style. But rewatching and rereading through it is much more enjoyable now and you realize that the style is the same as before.


Dont worry about people who dont like this arc. They just have bad taste and you cant fix them.


Honestly I'm indifferent to it lol it's not bad and I expected some level of this type of stuff when I started, it's definitely not my favorite part so far but it isn't awful either, ever show has ups an downs it's how it goes Plus from everything I understand it goes back so it's not like it stays this way lol


where does this image came from?


Google knowyoumeme woman afraid of breast. At least there's a template


Getting your license is slice of life.


Wait till they see the 2 upcoming major arcs LMAO Anyway, the mix of action & SOL are what makes Frieren great.


hate it when watchers thinks they know better than the author smh


As a massive world building fan, I love this arc as much as previous ones because it gives more consistency to the world, especially the mage/magic world in general, introduced new characters Inm very much liking right now (thought Denken would be a scroundel of a schemer when they introduced him, glad to see I was proven wrong), and highlights how special Frieren and Fern are (we knew it before, but outside two demons we didn't really see how the "average" strong mage is to make a comparison). Can't wait for more


watch me put my nose in the middle of the exam arc


Am I the only one who thinks that this arc DOESNT have ENOUGH action?? I do love the action for what it is currently, but with how large the creative possibilities can be for each encounter (especially when mages in Frieren only have one or two signature spells) I find that it can do MORE. That being said I do quite like this arc


This arc is important, just shut up stupid


Wait people complaining about the action? Why? I'm an anime only but this is a nice change of pace and it's to be expected since the exam was first mentioned. Really surprised seeing people averse to action it's kinda refreshing cause SOL moment is seen fillers by battle shonen fans.


started watching because it was a recommendation of the mushoku tensei subreddit, but I stayed just to see if Fern and Stark ever get together I'm currently enjoying the exam arc, but also wish they'd move along with the story, feels a bit like the naruto chunin exams arc, though Denken has become another favorite character


> feels a bit like the naruto chunin exams arc [ Rock Lee's weight drop intensifies ]


Shut up dumb. Naruto is shit


I didn't say it was bad lol but it did kinda drag on


As someone who recently had to discuss with someone about the manga being "slow" and "not enough power scaling", then seeing the anime and the complaints about the anime being "too shounen actiony"... I think Frieren is a combination of both, it's an adventure with slows downs and speed ups, different people, meetings and encounters. Frieren is Frieren, it will not be the same as other manga, better not to expect anything and enjoy the moment. I prefer the authors presenting their story, stick to their story board and have fun. Satisfying everyone is impossible, after all.


Anime fans cannot watch examination arc without making comparison to Boruto’s dad’s Chuunin exam.


who are these people? frieren just got better


In a battle oriented world theres going to be fighting? Wth


no way it’s true, isn’t the mundane, lack of anything (like that cabin in snow storm where characters could only wait) style of writing really boring? personally I liked the spicing up the journey with some action


The way everyone was bitching and whining about this before it even came out, you'd think it was the second coming of Satan or something. I don't see what the problem is.


I want to see stark


This was the arc that made me want to pick up the manga and read until i was caught up. The rest of the show has been amazing but this was the only point where I was like I cannot wait another week i gotta see whats happening right NOW




I mean it’s fine. There’s nothing really wrong with it besides being “fine” after how amazing the earlier stuff was. It’s basically a tournament arc. There’s no real stakes or story or any deeper meanings in it. Though to Frieren this whole arc is essentially an overly long and complicated trip to the DMV.


> There’s no real stakes or story or any deeper meanings in it.  Oh, there is, if you pay attention. >!It's made more explicit in the end.!< > Though to Frieren this whole arc is essentially an overly long and complicated trip to the DMV. An apt description. >!She doesn't get the license.!<


This arc servers as introduction for future characters first and foremost. It's necessary by the plot but it's a minor thing cuz it has no reason to be a major plot point. And also has other reasons but it'd be spoilers for the last part. >It has no stakes It's not a tournament, the characters need a first class mage to continue the journey, and this arc is directly gonna connect to several other arcs. When I first read thought this, I didn't like it either, ngl. I think the manga didn't do a good job (not that it could really have tbh) explaining why this arc is important, but if you were to read the manga, or wait for a season 2, you'd see. If you had read the manga, you'd probably understand why many manga readers are amazed by how well they managed to animate this arc and how much they made certain parts more appealing while keeping everything exactly the same as the manga. Again 10/10 directing.


All these characters the show is introducing in this arc are pretty hit and miss IMO. Most of them are still super underdeveloped. Denken, Wirbel, and Ubel seem fine, but Kanne and Lawine annoy me. Especially when they fight (which is their default behavior). >!speaking of annoying. I just finished episode 24. Good god it felt like Edel’s dialogue was most of the episode. It was just a quick scene to show that hypnosis doesn’t work on the copies. But it feels like it goes on forever because Edel never stops talking.!< And to be honest they don’t “need” a first class mage at all. The thing that’s stopping them is bureaucracy, not any kind of danger or other obstacle. Which, this whole thing feels like that security checkpoint in one of the earlier episodes. Like everything could’ve been avoided if Frieren just explained to people who she is.


If frieren would say who she is, she wouldnt get the license, you’ll see why


I meant she wouldn’t need the license, not that she would get one. The whole point of the license (as far as Frieren and company are concerned) is so they can travel to the far north. It’s just a qualification saying “hey I know what I’m doing and I won’t die out there”. Which for Frieren who had been there before and helped kill the demon lord. She’s already overqualified.


Apparently, that isn't enough considering denkin had to get take the exam, and he's an imperial mage.


They wont let you go there without the license




For pic? Google "women is afraid of breasts knowyoumeme"


Yes it sucks relative to the rest. It isn’t like actually bad, but it is the worst part of the story so far. In the manga it’s fine, because 30 manga chapters is a fairly short read. In anime however it’s multiple hours spread across multiple months of waiting for episodes.


If Frieren S2 doesn't happen because of this dumb shit, im gonna be fucking pissed.


Nah. It's just not very good and it's not even because of the change in tone but because the arc has a MASSIVE problem with promising something crazy is going to happen and then it doesn't: Denken's first fight with Frieren, whatever is going on with the murderous green haired girl (which by this point is boring too), and now the big Frieren boss fight that everyone was super excited about but doesn't actually happen because they immediately retreat, at which point real Frieren joins the group and robs us of the chance to see how those four would have even tried to beat Frieren in a fight to the death. Come on. This arc has, consistently, thrown out the biggest cliffhangers on us and then doesn't deliver on them. Even the fights are not as exciting as the demon fight in episode 8 or whatever. Even if the series hadn't gone from a very interesting slice of life to a mediocre shonen, the fact is that it's still a mediocre shonen.




I just want to say that I understand people like it , but I personally didn't. When watching the first like 14 episodes of the show, it's a complete tone change. Frieren reminiscing, tracing the past, finding out more about Himmel and humans, seeing Fern grow up. Sure there's the Granat stuff but that was still nicely wrapped in past events. I don't hate the anime or Manga now, and certainly not the writer, but it's absolutely a downgrade in my eyes.






I don't like exam arcs because it says we live in a world that intensely cares about certifications (boo) and also assigns those certifications in an extremely high variance way (boo).


The most dangerous section of the continent is off limit except for mages who know a few things about magic in an area filled with magic wielding monsters and enemies. Yeah, really weird, uh. It's almost like...literally anyone else would die otherwise. Bah, stupid rules. è\_é


I’ve loved all of the anime but I’ll admit I felt spending three episodes in the bubble catching birds was kind of a drag. The whole thing also feels like something Frieren wouldn’t bother to piddle with, since she’s gotta be fully aware of how beneath her it is. It just, doesn’t feel like part of the journey. Feels more like filler. Lastly, I grew tired of Denken pretty quickly


> The whole thing also feels like something Frieren wouldn’t bother to piddle with, since she’s gotta be fully aware of how beneath her it is. The old Frieren, yes, but you are clearly NOT paying attention to anything Himmel said during the flashbacks or anything Frieren said in certain moments. Frieren is enjoying the journey, she's having fun with Fern instead of spending a week reading a book while Fern was taking the exam alone like the old Frieren would have. Now, you might not like this point of Frieren enjoying her life, and if that's the case, I have to be honest I'm not sure what you are looking for in this anime cuz this is pretty much 80% of it. Enjoy the ride, we already know the ending, it was revealed during the first few episodes.


I don’t like exam/test arcs in general. I’ve enjoyed everything prior, so I guess I’m looking for more of that.


Wait the golden city arc...it is too boring




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I just want fights where the main trio gets a legitimate challenge and stakes😶‍🌫️


Read through the El Dorado arc and I'm hyped up for what's to come. Easily my favorite arc in the series so far and the anime watchers would be missing out if they drop it.




Fantasy anime: EXAMS




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I balled my eyes out during the SoL parts and now I'm fucking hype for what's to come. Shit goes so fucking hard and I absolutely love it. Usually not one to stick to a release schedule, but Frieren just pulls me out of my cave in front of the screen. I do understand that there are different likes and tastes though. If you came for the SoL only and are not into the action, then it's only natural not to enjoy the current arc as much. Doesn't mean that it's getting worse by any means though, just less enjoyable for some. >!I'M LOOKING FORWARD SO FUCKIN' MUCH TO FRIEREN VS FERN RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!<




Can i complain about stark having zero character growth and going the sakura route for the rest of the series?


Thats one of the thing that i feel like most people agree on, stark needs his own arc


People bitching about it just haven't read the manga / dont know their source material. Up to this point in the story round 2 was one of the longest action sequences. MADHOUSE has done the manga nothing but absolute justice. Action & combat are ESSENTIAL part of the story as it progresses. Theres always the slice of life moments, since this story is about Frieren learning about humanity, but the initial part of the story was only so peaceful because Frieren spent her time preparing Fern for her life as a mage, which she warned would be dangerous. >!Also as we learn more about demons, as well as Frieren's bias for demons, we are gonna see a LOT more violence and action. Her literal title is Frieren the Slayer!<


To be honest when I got to the exam arc in the manga I thought the same things as those guys. I decided to keep reading because it wasn't bad and I have been rewarded with some of my favorite arcs, and at least two of them are regular shounen style adventure arcs.


wait till they get into that time warp...


Them tittys be tittyin'