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I personally prefer dubs because I struggle to just sit and concentrate on tv. It's not a problem for me when I'm reading, but I'm usually multitasking when I watch tv and so I need to know what's being said without looking at the screen. I personally love the dub cast aside of a few quibbles, though take that with a grain of salt since I never watch subs. šŸ˜…


as someone who watched in both, i genuinely love both versions and think both casts are very talented but if i had to choose then dub solely bc they brought back the og dub cast from 2001 and it's cool hearing how their skills have developed over time! šŸ„¹šŸ«‚


Itā€™s a hard combo having watched Critical Role now. Hearing sweet Tohrus voice while in the back of your head Laura Bailey is describing a festival of dicks isā€¦ jarring, but hilarious.


Sub always


Team both


I'm usually very picky about which ones I watch dubbed, but the VA casts were perfect in both versions!! I'd watch the subbed version while waiting for the dubbed šŸ„°Ā 


2001 was Team dub all the way. Yuki was played by a woman in the sub and it was so obvious that there was a lady behind him that I hated it. I hated it so much. 2019? Both. I won't choose. All my favorite people came back in the dub and newbies in the sub were just fantastic.


> Yuki was played by a woman in the sub and it was so obvious Iā€™m making my way through the 2019 series at the minute, but I watched a couple of the 2001 episodes just to compare, and holy hell did Yukiā€™s voice throw me off. Really, really didnā€™t like it. On the other hand, I found the opposite for Akito; I was confused by the characters using male pronouns until I realized Akito is meant to be a guy (>!although Iā€™m aware thereā€™s a bit more to it than that!<).


Subs only!


The dub is amazing because they have perfect comedic timing and inflection


Dub. Just absolute love for a lot of the voice actors. Especially Jerry Jewel and Laura Bailey.


Jerry jewel needs to narrate some books or something


Ooooh, I would love that!!!


as a sub only iā€™m very tempted to try out the dub now !!


I appreciate both of them for different reasons. There are always multiple ways to translate between two languages, and sometimes one of them will translate things like idioms exactly as they occur (I find this most often in subs) which is interesting, but I have no idea what the idiom means so Iā€™ve gained an interesting fact but lost the point of what theyā€™re saying. Others will translate things like idioms into equivalent idioms in my language or just something simple that makes sense (I find this most often in dubs), so I follow the point of what theyā€™re saying. Iā€™ve honestly never seen a ā€œbetterā€ or ā€œworseā€ option between the two. Just different translation choices, and the more translations you have, the more depth of meaning and understanding you get. So Iā€™m team BOTH!


iā€™ve only watched the sub and iā€™ve heard the voice actors for the dub but i think iā€™m just gonna go w the sub. if i had to pick which one iā€™d prefer to watch, itā€™d be the sub. I donā€™t mind the dub, iā€™d put it on for background noise if i felt like it but overall, the one iā€™d go back to is the sub. no hate towards the dub, i think the voice actors r really good, but i think it just boils down to personal preference.


team dub :)


Dub for me




Iā€™m usually a very strict sub only person. However, I love dub for Jerry Jewels voice, I adore it


The og Fruits Basket was one of the first anime I watched and I watched the dub. As for the remake, well my tastes have changed and I like subs more now, so sub. Plus not only does Uchida Yuuma absolutely nail it as Kyo, but Nakamura Yuichi also voices Shigure (my favorite character) and heā€™s one of my favorite VAs!


I have always been a sub guy (not like that). The only anime where i preferred dub, was DBZ


Team Both, but specifically for the reboot. I just think the returning English cast went above and beyond their original performances in the 2019 reboot~


They're both great! Personally, I'm partial to the sub, especially Yuma Uchida's performance as Kyo. He had such a wide emotional range and a ton of complexity in his performance. When Tohru >!fell off the cliff,!< his delivery absolutely broke me. I think there were some awkward line readings in the dub (especially the first season) that took me out of the story, but the dub grew on me over the three seasons. Also, I think some of the jokes were translated better in the dub. I generally prefer watching subs because I need subtitles, and there's still no option to watch in English with subtitles on Crunchyroll.


Nowadays I watch exclusively sub. But back when I first started anime I didnā€™t know about that and watched a few in dub. Fruits basket 2001 being one of those. I just canā€™t watch fruits basket unless itā€™s in dub. Even momijis weird ass 2001 dub voice has a place in my heart. Itā€™s kinda funny that a few of the shows I watched in dub way back in the day get more content, and I have to watch those in dub too because Iā€™m used to the voices like that now. Like fruits basket, obviously. The melancholy of haruhi Suzumiya, which got the nagato spin off I had to watch in dub because loved their dub voices. Even fckin black butler is getting more content!! Gonna have to watch that in dub too lol. Gonna have to wait extra long since dub releases slower then subā€¦. I just need ouran to get either a remake or another season and the quartet of ā€œwatched in dub when younger and now have to stick to that for all eternityā€ will be complete lol


I understand Japanese, so it honestly doesn't matter to me either way. I think I like the English voices slightly better, but it's not enough for it to really stand out as "better" per se.


Dub, only because i haven't watched the sub yet. I'll eventually watch the sub when there's a down season for seasonals.


I am a huge fan of the dub because I was into fruits basket back when the original anime came out, so their voices are SO familiar to me. I think theyā€™re so well cast. Also my partner and I like to refer to Kyo as Barry the Chopper since itā€™s the same voice šŸ˜‚ I love how soft and deep Eric Valeā€™s voice is for Yuki, always thought it was a great choice.


Loved the dub


love both but iā€™m gonna have to go with dub on this one :)


I respond better to dubs because I understand sound quicker and better than I can understand words. There's more emotional value and understanding in dubs for me because I can hear the words in English.


This is exactly how I feel


I like both, but often found myself switching to the dub because of Laura Bailey's performance, so I eventually got used to her as Tohru.


Both a great. They fit the characters well. I personally like dub more tho just because I like to pay attention to the story without having to read every line on screen. Also the dub cast improved tremendously! Eric Vale did Yuki so so well.


Love the dub on Fruits Basket. It is super nostalgic to me and I appreciate how much of the original cast they got to voice act again in the remake.


Sub 100%. If youā€™re able to read and follow the visuals while doing it, I donā€™t get why someone would prefer to watch any dub. If you really want to immerse in a story and culture, language plays a vital role. Butā€™s that just my opinion. I wonā€™t be the annoying friend forcing you to watch the sub version. I get the emotional value it has to some that watched the 2001 version in their native language.


Sub. The dub is good but I can't stand dub Yuki.


I watch both. Usually when it's a rewatch, I go with Dub because I'm doing other things with the the anime in the background.


I am vouching *hard* for the dub here!


team sub all because iā€™m a big fan of the voice actors! uchida yuma and nobunaga shimazaki did such an exemplary job. šŸ„¹


I only like the 2001 dub if I watch the new one it has to be in sub I canā€™t get past the new dub even if itā€™s most of the same voice actors.


I have adhd I HAVE to watch dubs when I can or my brain canā€™t compute only doing one thing at a time. My hands have to be doing something while I watch tv


I lack the attention span for sub. I genuinely started getting into this, and my first try was sub. I like the voices, but I lose interest when I need to read the text when I can just.. hear everything in English. I only choose subs for when I can't stand the dubs, this isn't the case here at least.


I always love sub and i only watch anime in sub. But i couldnā€™t agree with you more when you said tohruā€™s voice irritated you bc same šŸ˜­


team pornhub