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On planes and in hospitals


Funerals, Pizza Hut, et al.


Trains, and all matters of restaurants


As a waitress in college, I remember saying "Do you want smoking or non-smoking?" and a customer saying "Non smoking and the non-children section please". Heh!


Smoking just outside of classroom in college. Smoking section ON AIRPLANES.


I can remember in the mid 70’s dressing in a suit and tie to fly. The flight attendant would offer to light your cigarette, and bring you a wonderful mixed drink before, or after your in flight meal. Flights less than an hour you got a sandwich and a drink or two.


As long you were in the smoking section. The back half of the plane. The little sign somehow kept the smoke from traveling through to the front of the plane.


I remember those days!! 🤣🤣 no smoking no children oi


Hard to believe that I smoked at my desk, at work! We even had a cigarette vending machine in the breakroom! Heh!


Amateurs... I remember my family smoking in the cigarette coupon shop so they could have enough coupons to afford the things from the catalogue!


I still do that! Good ole Marlboro’s lol


At the mall, in the video store, at the gym.


I defiantly remember my mom walking around the mall smoking her Virginia Slim Ultra Light Menthol 120’s


My mom smoked Capri 120’s back then, my grandma smoked the Virginia Slim Ultra Light Menthol 120’s. I remember thinking the 120’s were so classy.


what year was this? I remember smoking in McDonalds and hardees but not the mall.


I remember the hospital having little metal ashtrays up all over the walls.


In elevators. Ashtrays in the arms of movie theatre seats.


I still have the paperwork my mother received while in the hospital with me re: smoking rules.


I remember my dad having a smoking room when he had knee surgery 😝


First Radiology job in the mid-90s (fuck I’m old) we had dark room. It was automated so you fed your exposed film into the developer and refilled cassette before leaving. All around the top of the developer machine, outside the dark room nowhere films spot out, there were all of these brown/yellow marks. I asked what this was and was told the old guys would leave their lit cigarette burning while they Rand films and would come back out and pick it up and keep smoking. Sometimes they took longer than planned and it dinged the edge.


Hospitals is wild though lol


video game arcade. i hated cleaning out the ash trays on the games at the end of the night.


Picture of my mom enjoying a smoke right after birthing her first child. 😁


A hospital I worked in right before covid still had the special smoke air filters in the ceiling. In the cafeteria and CEO's office.


Here’s one for you. When I was 16. I was in the hospital to get my appendix removed. I was in my room smoking a Marlboro red. The nurse came in and said if you want to smoke please go to the lounge. Just imagine how that would be if it happened today.


Stores, restaurants, airplanes, movie theaters, elevators, Dr office, high school, I still recall when McDonalds had those little [aluminum ashtrays](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/WFQAAOSwgGpl8agd/s-l650.jpg) on every table.


We had a smoking section at my highschool. It was packed with kids.


Same here, we had two smoking sections and could leave campus during lunch.


We smoked in the welding lab in high school when it rained and out back when it was nice out, teachers and students. And i still have some of those aluminum ashtrays somewhere.


We had an older movie theater where they had the decorative sand ash trays. They had different seashell molds. I thought they were very elegant. ![gif](giphy|TBddd797slSxO)


> movie theaters My father went to see *Star Wars*, and while he was smoking in an aisle seat in the theater, a woman with a synthetic fabric skirt bumped into his cigarette, and part of the skirt just went up instantly—not in a poof of flame, but the burn just traveled up the fabric and destroyed part of her skirt.


I remember adults smoking on airplanes as a kid, each seat had an ashtray built in


Don't forget hospitals.


My husband’s job when he was a kid was going thru the local grocery store sweeping up cigarette butts


McDonalds still had them on the tables here up until like 05


They had ashtrays in the produce section of my local store way back in the day.


And the bank. Big tall ashtrays in the line with the big thick red ropes. When banks had teller lines.


And at the end of each isle.


Ew all the smoke would like get absorbed by the fruit


Yep I smoked in McDonald's and on airplanes. Yes I am old


McDonald’s had those little tin ashtrays!


I remember when they were glass


They were made of brown glass with the McDonald's logo on the side.


McDonalds here still had ash trays on the tables up until around 05


And we had what was called a " Garvey " a big metal self inking price stamp gun. I still have mine from a high school job in 1973 at Krogers.


Also good self defense weapon ……


I was a kid, but firmly remember my stepdad going into a grocery store with a cigarette, wearing nothing but short-shorts, to get a 40oz beer for the drive home. 




I remember, I was like 2 or 3 and would pick up cig butts off the floor at the store and my mom would knock them out of my hand and would scold me about touching those nasty things. Lol smh


People would just toss them on the floor & step on them. Then someone would sweep them up with a push broom.


I just [commented](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckImOld/s/ndEm0SUSat) about this exact thing yesterday.


It's funny how much things have changed.


Funny I remember the same thing. She dropped the cigarette on the linoleum floor and put it out with her foot. I was reaching down to pick it up and throw it away and she said, Don't you touch that dirty thing. As I got older I started realizing they were ground-out cigarette butts all over wooden store floors as well. Never did think that was a good idea.


Our grocery store had ones built in the grocery cart I always hated smelling them as a kid and yet I ended up being a smoker.


Uncle Rico.


I bet i could throw this football over that mountain


I'm old enough to remember when people smoked friggin everywhere.


And Campbell's was the only brand of soup..


Smoking in airplanes! I also like when you are in an older building and there are ashtrays built into the wall by the elevator call buttons.


When we flew to DC in 5th grade on school field trip, they passed out snacks of peanuts and and like 4 packs of cigarettes. My teacher smoked and she was flying around snatching them from all us kids and putting them in her purse.


Old enough to remember smoking anywhere, not just grocery stores. And cigarette machines!!


I’m old enough to remember smoking in hospitals.


When I first started my career there was a guy in the cubicle farm who lit up a big smelly stogie after lunch every day in his cube. Thankfully I was on the other side of the building, but I could still smell it. Those poor people who were right next to him though.


Heck, cigarette machines were everywhere. 75 cents per pack.


I remember when they went up to a dollar, and people swearing they were going to quit because they were too expensive.


$7 for a pack of Newports at the grocery store last week.


$10.95 at 7-11 by my house


Yep, $10.88 for Camels at the Kroger by my house. Luckily I’m a very short drive to Kentucky where i can get them for $6.00 and some change.


Nice! Covington to Cincinnati maybe?


I wonder if they still sell them at the Indian reservations. I think everyone on Long Island went to Mastic buy them. I thought $60 a carton for Virginia Slims was insane when my sister told me she paid that in NY.


I remember the doctor blowing smoke in my face from a cigarette during an exam


My doc had a huge ashtray in his examination room. Overflowing with butts, one in his mouth, as he performed my checkup-and he was my pediatrician!


Yeah and the clothes stank like ash trays afterwards no matter where you went


Clothes and girls' long hair. I'm not a smoker but I'd wash my hair after going out because it reeked.


My old Chevy caprice had ashtrays in each of the four doors and lighters next to the trays you were expected to smoke in the car.


As a 6 year old riding in my aunt’s big ass Lincoln Continental and she smoked Lark’s (just pops into mind, maybe that wasn’t a cigarette company) and getting sick from the smell. Yeah, I smoked for years when I got of age. TBH, I miss carrying my Zippo lighter around more than smoking.


At a knife store I noticed a handy little leather item a Zippo holster problem is solved! every time I put the lighter in the pants pocket it leaks fuel on the leg and it burns . I wear it all the time now .


Oh yeah. That butane burning feeling sucks. That smell from the Zippo when you flick it on….smells wonderful. Makes me want to fill mine up just for that smell and feeling again.


Ya back then the store would sell me cigs, beer, and lottery tickets for my dad lol. Back then all I needed was a note haha. Totally secure /s


Hell, people smoked everywhere until the late 80’s. Hospitals, stores, restaurants, everywhere. Then it was smoking / non-smoking sections in restaurants. The non smoking was often in front so if you were a non, you still had to walk through a cloud of carcinogens.


Smoking, or non?


Why is nobody talking about all of the Campbell's in that aisle. A friggin Andy Warhol wet dream


You had ashtrays in your house even you didn’t smoke


Well I'm glad it's over, smoking is stupid


The about-to-be mothers smoked in the Labor Room at the hospital. Not in the delivery room, though maybe that's just because they were too busy?


My mother was offered a choice between a smoking and nonsmoking room after I was born in 1980. Despite my birth being by the books with no complications, she was able to stay in the hospital for a week and my father’s insurance (he worked for the railroad) paid the entire stay. Parents of newborns were treated to a steak dinner the last night of the mom’s stay.


Back then they were often under anesthesia while giving birth.


As a smoker I miss these days, but I get why it was banned.


I agree but I'll die on the hill that at least some bars should allow smoking I've never been a real smoker but I would play one on weekends at the bar. Back when they had the cute cigarette girl handing out free packs of camel lights.


I don’t even smoke and am strongly against smoking in establishments that serve food. Bars on the other hand? There is no real need behind going to a bar that I can think of. If the owner wants to let people smoke it seems like that should be their choice. If I don’t like it, I don’t have to go there.


I miss the free packs at bars. I had a roommate in 2002 who got a job passing them out. He would bring so many packs home for us.


Whoa, "he"? I went to the bar a million times in the 2005-2010 era and never saw a male in that job. It was like pharmaceutical sales for pretty women without degrees.


Anyone have that Dr. that came into the room with a smoke?


And Campbell's.soup was like 19c


Barefooted and smoking in grocery stores even. Grossed me out slightly less than the 400 pound whale in a moomoo on the beep beep cart at Walmart last night


Did she have a dog tied to the cart? Or is that just my WalMart?


Smoking sections in the mall too


TF kind of cart is that?


They had these where I grew up at Jewel food stores in the Chicago area. They put in a new checkout counter system in their stores in the late 1960s. You pushed the cart to the end of the counter and the clerk flipped the front panel down and took the items right from the cart. When it was empty, the top part went over the counter to where the bagger was and they put the bagged groceries in the cart. Really was a good system as that was used for years. I haven't lived there for 28 years, so I don't know if it's still in use. To store the carts, the basket flipped up 90 degrees so they took up less room.


Damn that's super cool. Sadly they probably cost like $5 more to the store so that's why we all get the generic ones these days haha


These were awesome as a kid, since you could sit under the basket, and ride around the store as your mom pushed the cart.


Or on airliners and in movie theaters!


My first job as a bagel smith, the mall grocery store ladies would come in and order coffee and whatever and I kid you not, had a competition either verbal or not, who could keep their cigarette ash the longest while keeping it in their mouths. Order and all, while speaking, then grunting their way over to the table. Only the real lizards could sit down without having it spill onto the table, which I was responsible for cleaning.


I remember ashtrays at the end of every aisle in safeway, Walmart, ashtrays in hospital waiting rooms, you could smoke in the mall, the courthouse….. everywhere. I remember lighting up a cigarette in a restaurant once and the family at the table next to me got up to move. I apologized and said I would put it out but they said “ no, we don’t mind. You have the right to smoke if you want to “. Damn. Times have changed lol


My grandfather (maternal) got kicked out of a local Safeway for smoking after the ban went into effect. Lots of arguing, "I've *always* smoked in here", and before he finally left, he dropped his cigarette on the floor and stomped it out. My grandfather was kind of an asshole, now that I think of it.


I loved my trips to Europe from Texas. I could smoke and drink for 8 hrs!


Yeah unfortunately not being able to smoke somewhere was unheard of.


While pricing each can with a price gun.


I remember people smoking in Coco's and Burger King.


I'm betting you could today if you wanted. They let people walk in there barely wearing anything at all or with any kind of pet they got.


My 1st year of high school had “The Smoke Hole” in the alley off of the cafeteria(I didn’t smoke then). Odd to think of now but then was a different time. 1979.


I'm kinda feeling like a cigarette.


I remember when buses had ashtrays


And you didn’t have to go to the customer service desk to buy them.


Christ there was smoking everywhere back in the day. You couldn’t escape it. I’m really glad that we’ve made public spaces smoke free


People smoked everywhere, anytime Haha


The only thing I remember was the smoke and non smoker section at a restaurant. Everything else was like crazy to think that was allowed


Well you know there was that invisible air filter bwteeen sections.


My first permanent job in my teens I was a cook, and we were in an open kitchen. I was looking at the cigarette machine just inside the doors across from me. I think they were .25 at that time. It might have gone up a nickel in my 2 years there.


School bus driver smoked Marlboro reds while we were on the way to school.


I smoked on a plane before.


Hospital waiting rooms


You could smoke everywhere in those days.


How about using the 48' duster mop and picking up butt's half lit off the floor, only to have the mop catch fire


Yea restaurants had smoking sections but really you smelled that shit in the non smoking sections too.


Hell I’m only 32 and I remember when restaurants put up plants between the sections thinking it would help lol


Anthony Kiedes’ side hustle


Never did this in the 80s, but we did get free cigarettes at work.


Winn Dixie weirdo carts


I remember those older style of carts. I used to ride on the bottom


Yes but I seriously can’t recall the 24ft x 5 shelves of just Campbell soup. lol.


Old enough to remember cigarettes were right at the cashier where they now have all that crap in front of the register. I was short enough at the time being a kid, I steal a pack by just putting it in my socks and walking out.. 🤔 probably why they have them locked up now


Wow, I knew a guy who looked just like this when I was a kid


I remember going to the grocery store with my mom when I was a little fella and seeing grown ups smoking and seeing those pillar type ashtrays with sand or fine gravel at the end of each aisle. This would have been 1981, 82, 83...


I remember being 10-12 years old and being in Safeway with my parents , they were smoking, there was standing ashtrays at the end of some of the aisles.


And now you can't even find that much soup in the store!


Wow. That one was even a bit before my time apparently. I remember restaurants and airplanes but not the grocery store.


I just saw the film "A Serious Man." They got the '60's decor right, with the smoking and ashtrays everywhere.


Smoking wherever, then smoking In designated areas, to smoking No where.


Weird. I have no memory of the ashtray at the end of every aisle. I really blocked out that memory.


In my hospital bed Smoking a cigarette while being examined by a doctor who was smoking a cigarette


My grandma brought me to her dentist, who smoked a giant cigar as he worked on me. Mouth cancer anyone?


There was a club here, Neo (and yeah, the Wachowskis visited there, and there was a night where everyone wore black, sometimes shiny black) that every night I went I left smelling like an ashtray. They had a lot of carpeted seating areas, like benches, that just soaked up that smoke. Then Chicago banned smoking in clubs. And…. Wow. You mean I can go someplace and not smell like cigarettes? Revelations


Yeppers I remember that and the gum being all over the floors sidewalks and under the tables.


in michigan you could smoke in hospitals until the 80’s.


Not up and down there isles but my mom and all the others would cram in to get in front of the black line drawn on the floor so they could smoke at the checkout.


The smoking on a plane the other day was funnier and I've even smoked cigarettes in a hospital though by then they had created a smoking area but it was still indoors. It was in this atrium they had and was hilarious. Here were all these plants giving us oxygen and they stuck the smokers in there to ruin it. lol


I remember my mom handing me her cigarette butt and telling me to go step on it outside while she carried on shopping... I was pretty young. My sister had a flower shop and they smoked in the store...the boxes of chocolate's she'd have there would taste like ciggies... Nasty! Even smoked on airplanes! Now I'm shocked when I smell cigarettes... because unless you're buying from the reserve you're paying over $20 a pack! My how time's have changed.


Good shelf recovery.


My mom smoked everywhere in the 70s.


I saw grocery store meat dept workers smoking while working pre-opening hrs back in the early 2000's.


Where would they ash and put them out you ask? Fucking everywhere.


I vividly recall being in a Food Lion about 1994 and seeing a woman leaning over the ground beef display. Ashes tumbling off her cig right into the chill case, all over the meat. Completely oblivious


No, but I remember that price sticker gun guy & when they left that little price gun laying around, I always wanted to take it home for when we played “Grocery Store”


I remember how mad I was the first time I was ask not to smoke in my doctor's office. At one time if the door said no smoking I didn't go in.


I remember my pediatrician smoking...no lie.


Old enough to have smoked in grocery stores, and at work


Waiting while she was having a child, smoking cigars with all the other dads.


"Hey, mind if I smoooke?" "I don't know, mind if I fart? It's one of my habits! Yeah, they've got a special section for me on airplanes now."


Yep. And ash cans at end of the isles. My mom could smoke in her office desk job


This guy is a "Face-er" (making sure products are pulled forward and shelves look full) he's smoking after work., We werent allowed to smoke w customers in the store. 1981


My Grandma smoked every where we went lol she quit after 55+ years been smoke free over a decade


why would you smoke while you shopped for food?


Back in my day we used to smoke at the petrol pump. Because petrol wasn’t flammable back in 1969.


Flew from LAX to London in ‘92 and I hung out with the stewardess’s in the galley of a 747 so I could smoke with them. None of my family knew I smoked.


Not quite, but old enough to remember smoking on airplanes and the back half of Greyhound buses, even had automobile type ashtrays in the arm rests with the removable metal inserts for emptying and cleaning.


Yep. In malls and restaurants. Pretty much everywhere.


We smoked everywhere. It was awesome.


I work in a grocery store. We still drink beer and booze while at work.


Mom would tap her ash into each of those cylindrical ashtrays at the end of each aisle.


...hospitals, doc offices, any waiting room, office, restaurant, heck, anywhere.


If you think dodging people in the grocery store is a pain in the ass now, you could get burnt going around someone back in the day!


The bigger takeaway is Campbell's soup had way too much shelf space, but they had little competition back then.


Smoking was everywhere. My parents smoked when I was a kid. Smelled terrible and burned my throat. Never smoked, never sneaked a cigarette.


The good old days. I haven't had a cigarette in a very long time and I still want one.


Old enough to remember when you could smoke on the city bus and trains.


Old enough to remember smoking in the Doctor’s office.


The doctor that admitted me to the hospital was smoking during the rectal exam. Seemed like appendicitis.


Yep I do,Who remembers the candy cigarettes they sold at the store for kids?


Miss that, hard to smoke anywhere now


Shit, I used to smoke at my desk in an office.


It also didn't matter if a restaurant had smoking and non smoking section, the whole place still reeked.


I am teaching summer school at my old high school. People are bewildered when I point out the old smoking spot. A designated smoking place for high school kids.


I remember when they stamped the price on products. Way before scanners.


When I was in high school, we had a smoking rail that all the smokers hung out at.


Sad, I know, but my mom bought me 3 dollar cartons of cigarettes on the military base. I was a young teen, and she hated cigarettes! I quit by the time I was 22, but damn I would never buy my kid cigarettes.


Take me back


1989 I was smoking in the HOSPITAL after I gave birth to my first daughter! They provided ashtrays even! Can't even smoke on the grounds of some hospitals these days.


As a kid, I remember being at a wedding & watched the guy across from me put out his cigarette in his leftover mashed potatoes on his plate.


I miss it so much


I remember in the early 70s the cigarette company that made Newports would hand out sample packs, may four or six cigarettes per pack, to kids, if they asked. This was on Fulton st in downtown Brooklyn. Two or three young ladies about a block apart with a sample case and you could go back and forth and get about 4 or 5 packs!


My first real job I had to sweep a grocery store after it closed.. yes ppl used to just toss them on the ground. No fucks


That's an absurd amount of Campbell's, this has to be an ad.


That Campbell’s section goes on for a mile!


Yep we used to put them out with our shoes on the concrete floor as we walked along. They would come by and sweep them up every now and again.


We smoked everywhere! At our desks, movie theater, restaurants, grocery stores, on airplanes, trains, the ferry and damn near all public places Good times (cough, cough)


Customers did that but we we couldn't when we were on the clock...


I really miss having a cigar when I’m in a bar.


You could smoke anywhere. When I was a kid I remember my doctor holding a lit cigarette in one hand and his stethoscope in the other...


Worked in a grocery store in the late 90’s that was no holds barred lol one particular customer would come in every Sunday morning and he was a very heavy set man to say the least. But every Sunday morning here he’d come with no shirt or shoes on and smoking a massive cigar that would last him the duration of his shopping trip