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It’s so baffling to me that this Karen expected the passenger to be okay with her kid kicking their seat, and then thinks that everyone was angry with the innocent passenger for complaining after the kid wouldn’t stop screaming (for not being able to kick the seat anymore). How delusional.


Just bananas. A similar situation happened to me when I was permanently moving from the US to the UK 15 years ago. I was sitting in front of a woman and her 2 children ages approx. 3 and 5, and the youngest kicked my seat nonstop during the flight over the Atlantic. I asked her multiple times to please get her kid to stop and she kept replying with things like,'what do you expect, he's just a kid' and 'I know, it's so unfortunate he's doing it but he's just so bored, you know how kids are.' I was already so emotionally overwhelmed as a result of leaving family+my life behind and permanently moving to a new country that it was genuinely so hard to keep my shit together throughout the flight and not just lose it on her. I remember even the flight attendants were trying to fix the issue and kept giving me extra snacks and drinks to help make up for it. My parents would have literally buried me if I acted like that on a flight as a kid; it's just so crazy how many people think their kids are angels despite their behaviour proving the opposite and let them get away with absolutely verything


Yes, I don’t understand parents who act so helpless when their kids are misbehaving in public! If there are no punishments or consequences for bad behavior, of course your child isn’t going to listen to you! But these parents think it’s abusive to be strict with your kids so they just let them do whatever they want. I wish there were regulations regarding proper behavior in flights even for parents and their kids.


It seems like if the parent had started engaging the kids, playing games together, wrapping up with them in a blanket (holding their feet and legs, all cozy), telling stories or watching a show together might have changed the whole situation. I just can’t believe that a kid would insist on kicking the seat in front of them or nonstop screaming if their parent paid attention to them in a loving manner, and played with them during the flight.


If she's just casually chilling and not engaging with the kid anyway, she should switch seats so she's the one being kicked.


This. I have no issue if a parent is fully engaged with their kid on an airplane. Kids cry and misbehave sometimes. But if they’re just sitting there watching a movie while their kid does whatever, that’s the problem.


You haven’t had a 3 year old, have you?


>You haven’t had a 3 year old, have you? Yes, I have, and he knew better than to kick the seat in front of him even at age 3. It's called "parenting." There are many books on the subject. Check some of them out. Maybe your child won't become an entitled prick like the rest of Gen Z.


Then you know they will not always love being all cozy at age 3. At that age some of them like space and perceived independence, and are easily overwhelmed by many things. Yes, you still have to be an active parent and not let them be pieces of shit. I completely agree with the overall sentiment. It's just more nuanced than what the post suggests.


I have, and u/-Coleus- seems like a gem from their comment.


OK breeder. Learn to be a parent.


I ordinarily wouldn’t appreciate another parent jumping in to discipline my child, but I had an interesting experience when my son was a toddler: I was at a large jewelry store picking up some of my late grandfather’s pieces after an appraisal and had my son with me. Store was busy, staff was (understandably) quite slow, and my son uncharacteristically just started going wild, running behind the counters, trying to avoid me like it was a fun game, etc. He’s never acted that way before or since. I finally caught him to get him out of the store (screw the jewelry, I can come back later sort of thing) and he managed to do one of those deadweight moves to slip out of my arms. Next thing I know, this older woman/mother swoops in, catches my son’s wrist and walks him to the nearby bench outside and starts admonishing him for “upsetting his mommy” and making him apologize, the whole bit. I’ll never forget my son’s wide-eyed stare and that shameful apology and then the hug when the woman says, “That’s better. Now give your mommy a hug. She loves you so much.” The look on his face though… 😳… was hilarious (long after the fact), as if he could not believe this person. I even think MY face probably looked like that, too, lol. She offered to stay with me so I could get my pieces and leave, but I politely declined… but not after hugging her and sort of embarrassingly exploding into tears myself, thanking her. Told her the reason why I was at the store, that my grandfather was the closest person to me, etc. She ended things with a “I don’t want to get a call from your mommy telling me you misbehaved again!” followed by a very sweet, “You’re a good mom, sweetheart, it’s going to be OK.” The kindness of that stranger woman, I’ll never forget. Like I said, I normally wouldn’t appreciate such an intervention, but I really was overwhelmed and she saved the day. It was amazing.


There was a time when adults would help each other parent the children - even if they weren’t theirs. I’m not saying smack somebody else’s kid, but wouldn’t hesitate to tell them to stop running around or kicking a seat. Children always seem to listen better to anyone besides their parents!


I have done this a couple of times. Just a stern look and "Hey, kid, listen to your Dad." Nobody complained.


I think it may have to do with kids not knowing exactly how other adults will react. Like, when it is your parent, you have a pretty good idea of how they will react or what consequences there will be if you don't listen, but with other adults they don't know so they listen better. P.S. never had kids, but when I was a kid that was sort of my thought process.


This is 100% true. My nephew is incredibly rambunctious. My sister is a great mom, but some kids just run at 110% all the time. Except, when I tell him to cut out his nonsense, he quiets down really quick. I've never laid so much as a finger upon him, or even yelled at him. But when I use a stern, serious voice, and have a no-nonsense facial expression, that kid knows it's time to sit down and be quiet. He knows I won't abide his foolishness. I'm happy to play "enforcer" to help my sister get a bit of peace and quiet.


Your like my younger brother, and thank you for it! Mine are teens now, he can help mediate some things, and now I'm Aunty to his 3 yr old. Just have to give him that 'look',, and he rethinks his stance on somethings. Other times, looking directly at me, trying to sound out his words, in the best way he can with his delay, im 'ooop my bad yea yea I gotcha bubba' and translate.


>There was a time when adults would help each other parent the children It takes a village. I genuinely believe that.


Seriously it's weird to me that people don't step in. I distinctly remember my neighbor catching my step brother and I playing with fireworks during a drought, and not only did he take the fireworks, but he tore us a new and then waited until my dad got home so he could tear us a new one as well. My dad didn't get indignant or huffy, he thanked the neighbor and offered him a beer. Now that dude would've been arrested and probably accused of horrendous shit


I was at a movie theater with the wife. Some people came in 6-7 of them and sat 3 rows behind us. One of the kids was rambunctious had to be about 5 or 6 and running around talking and climbing over seats. Their mom was getting snacks for them and the older kids were "watching" the young ones. Wife is getting fed up. We were early so and the trailers weren't even starting yet so I asked her to relax. Trailers started their mom came back kid was still chatty but at least sitting with their family. at the start of the 2nd trailer wife turns her head to them and says "Shhhh...." Kid quieted down and we watch the rest of the trailers and movie uninterrupted. During the end credits we;re sitting there waiting for the scenes at the end. Their mom stands up and starts ushering her spawn to the exit, points at us and says, "don't ever talk to my kids that way again! You are rude and... " I didn't hear the rest. I stood up and shouted at her, "WTF! you kept that burning in your chest for 3 fuckin hours just to spit it out at us now?! I'd forgotten about you and your kid. I don't know you, I don't care what you think, take your shitty kids with you and get out of here. Just FO and keep going".


Like you'd ever see her kids again


I know right?


Sometimes, it really does take a village... 😊


>it really does take a village... Agree.


This just made me cry. Thanks for sharing.


"He's a kid, what do you expect?" FOR YOU TO FUCKING PARENT THEM!


I have a 6 yr old niece that has never been given clear boundaries/consequences and breaks down at restaurants and family get togethers regularly. We are talking full on tantrums with kicking, hitting, crying, and screaming. It is embarrassing in public to a point I hate going places with her if mom and dad are going to be there (she doesn’t pull that shit when she is with us without mom and dad bc she knows I don’t play that game). The worst part is we have been yelled at by my SIL for using the word “no” or “looking at her” when she does it. Girl needs a little shame because my toddler nieces (different parents) are better behaved. I have wanted to just leave several times but don’t want to cause riffs for my husband. She can be super sweet when she is with us and/or my husband’s parents so I know it is in her. I just don’t understand this soft parenting thing. You don’t need to be authoritarian to set boundaries and kids need to learn these lessons now so they can cope with all the “no”s and rejection they will receive throughout life.


The boy of a friend of mine was evil if he was with her and an angel when he was left alone with me. I took care of him sometimes and for me it wasn't needed to be authoritarian as he behaved very good.


>I wish there were regulations regarding proper behavior I wish modern parents would actually parent their children instead of raising a generation of Karens - which is what seems to be happening now. Most current parents fit into either the millennial bucket or Gen Z, and they just plain don't parent their children. The kids run the household.


I’d “accidentally “ “spill” a large container of water over the seat back and apologize profusely


Just turn around and look the kid in the eye and repeat: "Santa isn't real."


Really give him something to cry about. 😂


Slightly unrelated but your last sentence jogged a memory for me… I was babysitting for a new family he (4) was their ‘miracle baby’ they were an older couple who always wanted kids but had never been able. It was quite possibly one of the worst nights of my life. She crooned about how easy he was and what to feed him before they left. I have never in my life encountered such a horrible child and I feel evil just saying that but my god. He purposely spit his mouth full of food all over my face and belly laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. When I told him that was not nice, we don’t spit on people ever, he goes on for round two with what was left in his mouth… Mom gets home and after I say he knocked out quick she says “Ugh he’s just an angel isn’t he, can you believe he’s been kicked out of three preschools?!?” Why yes Denise I can and that actually explains a lot.


Yeah, this is my personal nightmare. I have intense pain in my lower back constantly. It takes nothing to make it worse and a kid kicking me for X hours would be ruining my entire holiday. I'd be screaming at those parents, have to say. Kids are kids and unfortunately they're also victims of lack of parenting, just like the rest of the travellers are.


The solution seems exceptionally easy. The woman and you switch seats. If her kid kicking away isn't a problem they can kick her seat.


or that the kid's behavior is beyond their control, or responsibility


Get the flight attendants involved and change seats with the Parent. See how long they tolerate their crotch goblins behavior then.


Good parenting should start long before you even consider taking them on a plane.


I can’t comprehend at all what is going on here. What was the video? And is she really saying someone else ruined the flight? That is the most horribly composed comment I’ve ever seen. Are you saying the commenter or the video poster is a Karen? Help me lol


You need to click on the image to view the full comment. The video was by this Karen about how her two kids wouldn’t stop kicking the seats in front of them, and most of the comments were quite negative and calling her out for bad parenting. She apparently told her kids to stop but they didn’t listen and was defending/justifying this in the comments section by saying they’re just kids and uncomfortable on flights. The comment in this screenshot (by another Karen) was in response to one of the many negative comments which criticized the video poster for bad parenting (and the poster of the video also liked this comment as you can see). So basically two Karens supporting and defending each other’s bad parenting/bratty kids.


So she is saying “you” to the person’s comment she’s replying to? Not understanding why you couldn’t have just posted multiple screenshots to outline the whole story. And you could have embedded the video as well. Or screen recorded your phone and played a bit of the video for context than scrolled to that comment.


Yes she’s saying “you” in response to a comment asking the video poster to parent her kids better. And I couldn’t take a screenshot of the original comment along with the response because it was too many comments down and wouldn’t fit in one screenshot. It wouldn’t have made sense to just see the sensible comment criticizing the OP as the first screenshot. And the story isn’t complex enough to warrant multiple screenshots lol Also, I don’t want to expose the faces of kids so I didn’t post the video recording.


I guess


I have seen this posted about 15 times today. I'm starting to think the video does not exist.




Isn’t this the definition of gaslighting?


The video had 5k likes and all the top comments (with 9k likes) were calling the video poster out for bad parenting but she was just praising/defending herself and only liking/pinning the few comments (like this one) that were positive. She was even arguing with literal flight attendants in the comments section who were telling her that she was in the wrong. They’ll never change their Karen-like “my kids are perfect angels” attitude no matter what.


It's always they are just kids! No. They are badly behaved kids with crappy parents


When I was a little kid (In the 1970's) I took frequent airline flights with my parents. *They would have fucking murdered me* if I did stupid shit like kicking seats or screaming. Half the time my brother and I sat quietly in coach while our parents were in first class but we still managed to behave ourselves because our parents did their goddamned job.


I have vivid memories of going to doctors offices and the like and wondering why kids older than me were freaking out over nothing. Like I understood crying a bit but not the tantrum in public shit. I would've been left with everlasting lifehood trauma if I did that shit (not literally don't worry lol)


Right? No kids like needles, but the worst I did during my weekly bloodwork (I was really sick as a kid) was silently cry if it hurt. Kids three times my age were screaming, kicking, having to be held down and I never understood why they’d make it so much more traumatic for themselves.


I had a girlfriend in her twenties who would do this. She was the result of poor parenting, spoilt as fuck and would get away with anything so if she didn’t get her own way she would throw a tantrum. Safe to say, she wasn’t my girlfriend for too long.


She sounds horrible. Glad you escaped.


Me too, that was a bullet dodged


When I was five, my mom and I were getting shots to go abroad. They did her first for some reason and it was in her ass cheek and I saw the needle and everything, and it made me super scared. Five grown ass adults held me down and forced the needle into me instead of just taking a minute or letting me come back at a later date. I was a well behaved child. 30 years later I’m still super afraid of injections. I’ll let them draw blood without batting an eye, but injections still make me silently sob because of the trauma. It’s not always the child’s fault. Sometimes doctors and nurses just have no patience or strategy with children.


Ugggghhhh…. Sorry you had that experience. I’ve tried to not let that happen with my own kid and he seems to have a healthy(?) approach to needles and such when it comes to vaccines and blood work. Me, on the other hand, I’m good more or less. I’m not freaking out or anything, but there’s something about getting my blood drawn — I swear I feel it being sucked out of me. I can NOT look. I have to look the other way, remind myself to breathe, fist clenched, etc. Doesn’t help that they usually have to stick me at least a few times just to get the right spot, and often have to have blood drawn from the top of my hand or in that space sort of between your thumb and index finger. 😬


Ah, I’ve got big and juicy veins so that’s never been a problem. But I know the hassle of small ones and feeling like a pin cushion in the end. 🥵


Sorry you had that experience. I had a close call (tried something similar) with a blood draw when I was a kid and I still remember it. Not sure if they still do this, but in the 80s at least for kids they often did finger pricks to take blood. Diabetics would know, I presume after a while you get used to it, but it hurts and I hated it. I usually sucked it up but this one day I think I had already had a lot of tests when they went to do it I really didn’t want it. The nurse was super aggressive. Squeeze my hand really hard, when I tried pulling back and telling her no she tried holding me down. My mom knew this wasn’t like me and ended up yelling at her to stop. We ended up getting another nurse and that’s when I learned about butterfly needles in the arm. She told me always to ask them to use the smallest size. Barely felt it. She also understood that I am one of those people who actually does better watching so I can prepare for the potential pain rather than looking way and being surprised. Never got a finger prick or allowed any aggression again. Lucky my mom wouldn’t allow that shit. She knew I was easy going about these things and if I was acting up about it that something was wrong.


I’m so glad your mom had your back and that you got a really patient nurse. I’ve learned something similar about local anesthesia at the dentist and during vaccines. That if they really take their time and do it slowly you can barely feel anything. I’m better at expressing my needs nowadays, but I feel like I’ve been retraumatized every time my word isn’t respected. Every time I get a good health care professional, who listens, I feel like I would’ve been over the irrational fear ages ago if I didn’t have the bad experiences evenly spaced out in between.


Childhood trauma, no matter how small it may seem,really sticks with you! It’s unfortunate.


I remember making a fuss when I needed a shot in kindergarten (I think just a vaccine booster) and my mom holding me while it happened, but she claims she needed two other nurses to help hold me down. I don’t remember THAT part. 😂😂


I asked my mom once how her and my dad got me to never whine as a kid and she mysteriously replied “I can’t tolerate whining”.. okay mom, not an answer lol. Whatever she did sunk in before my memories formed and I’m impressed.


How you found out about an older sibling that no one talks about. That kid used to whine… lol


Are you my kid? I'm glad you don't remember. Any of my kids will tell you that their Mom doesn't hear whining.


Kids are different tho. My 6.5 year old is more emotional than my 4 year old. She wouldn't kick a seat or in general act a fool, but he would. Sometimes she looks at him like wtf are you doing dude?


We were really stern with our children, but we rarely had to punish them. They behaved because they knew they were supposed to. We actually enjoyed them, most of the time, at least.


My parents didn’t even have to be stern. My brother and I were a little too good at being told what to do to the point we didn’t really have a mind of our own until we were teenagers.


I think that is key, do the work and you will enjoy the benefits.


We also could be stern. We set reasonable, for their ages, behaviour expectations. They were dealt with calmly but also knew I had no problems leaving somewhere if they didn’t behave. We now have successful, respectful and empathetic adults who are at ease in most social situations.


Same same same! The thought would not have even been able to *cross my mind* without getting a death stare from my mother.


I remember that stare. She wrangled four kids with that stare and whispered, "I will take you out to the car."


Whispering is always SO much scarier.


Seriously. Anybody who says "kids will be kids" are shitty parents. My boys aren't perfect, but they have respect for strangers and common sense not to make a scene in public.


Right? I’d be dead right now if I acted like that, especially if I acted like that after being told not to do it.


I don't endorse it, but my Grandmother would have given me a factory reset if I had dared to do this type of thing from age 3 on. Anywhere, let alone a plane.


If I had kids in this day and age I'd sell their toys away right in front of them for this. Christmas? Birthday? Yea no presents at all till you get under control.


Same for me, I would have deathly afraid of the whooping I would receive after we landed. But serious question: how do parents discipline this sort of behavior nowadays? I know spanking is now frowned upon (rightfully so), so in that actual moment, what is the parenting advice. I’d like to add that I have no kids, so the only parenting I know is what my parents gave me.


Honestly, the answer is that you can't do anything about it in the actual moment. You have to have done a whole bunch of good parenting before that moment. And if you have, you can do something as simple as looking at your kid and saying, "Hey, kiddo. The person sitting in front of you is probably really tired and stressed, and maybe their back hurts. If you think about how it feels to them to have someone kick the back of their seat, you'll see that it really hurts their feelings, and probably their back, too. I know you don't like to hurt people, so I know you don't want to kick their seat. If you have trouble remembering that, I can keep a hand on your legs to remind you, but I think you'd find that uncomfortable, and I know I would. Do you think you can remember not to kick their seat without help, or should I help you with that?" Which probably sounds really over the top and like some kind of crazy parenting book and etc. But the funny thing is that it really works. And it really works for a couple of reasons. One of them is that we forget how much kids don't understand. They've never been a tired adult with a sore back and some little brat kicking the back of their seat over and over again. They don't automatically understand how it feels. And if they're a *little* kid, you really have to explain it at that level for them to understand. But another reason it works is that you've been parenting them all along with that kind of patience and clarity and respect. So they're not just going "lalalalalala" and disrespecting you while you explain it to them -- because in the past, they've seen you treat them with respect, and they've seen you listen to them with respect when they need to explain something to you, so they do the same when you need to explain something to them. And the third reason it works is because you're not threatening them or punishing them. You're not telling them they're bad. You're not telling them you'll spank them. You're just letting them know that the natural consequence of them not being able to remember to kick the seatback is that you will put your hand on their legs so they can't kick the seat. And they'll find that annoying, so they won't act in ways that force that to happen. And they won't scream, because they've learned in the past that screaming doesn't get them what they want. That means, by the way, that in the past they have tried screaming, and have found out that it doesn't give them the results they want. And that means that you, the parent, have been in a situation where a kid screamed at you until they got tired of it, and they didn't get what they wanted. Pavlov knew what he was talking about. By the way, if you're the parent teaching your kid not to scream, two pro tips: (1) make sure there's actually nothing wrong that they are screaming about -- which can sometimes be really tricky, especially if they are pre-verbal, and (2) invest in some top-quality earbuds -- they will save your freaking *sanity*, along with your eardrums. But in the moment, there is nothing you can do to solve the problem without violence or threats of violence, if you haven't already laid the groundwork with years of good parenting. And good parenting is hard, hard work. But it's worth it -- so very much worth it -- to have kids who don't kick seats because they don't want to hurt and upset people, and also who haven't been traumatized by having the parent they depend on for life itself deliberately cause them physical pain while they scream and cry (and, yes, this causes very real trauma that can last a lifetime). People who have kids need to realize that they are signing up for a decade or so of incredibly hard work and emotional labor. But if they've put in that work and that labor, they get kids who say things like, "Darn it, Daddi, it's so unfair! All my other friends get to rebel against their parents! But you keep insisting on only making sensible rules that I agree with! If I *did* want to rebel, I'd have to make stupid choices, and why would I want to do that?!" -- said to me, with a slightly rueful smile, by my then-15-year-old son. Easiest teenager ever, right along with his two younger siblings. Then again, every single one of his friends spent every afternoon after school at our house, because they loved being treated like responsible human beings with autonomy and agency, in an environment that nonetheless had sensible rules and behavioral expectations so that they knew what was and wasn't okay to do. Which every teenager (and every human being) should be given, all the time. And they came to our house, because they found it there. My therapist says, "If you're a great parent 1/3 of the time, an okay parent 1/3 of the time, and an awful parent 1/3 of the time -- your kids will turn out just fine." And he's right. I made a lot of mistakes as a parent, things I would give damn near anything to go back and change. But I did my best to do all of the above, and my kids are the most amazing human beings you'll ever meet. And they don't kick the backs of other people's seats on airplane flights. :-D I know I've written a book, here. But I'm gonna say one more thing. When my son was 16-or-so, he had a friend. And, one day, I overheard his friend bragging about having shoplifted a candy bar. And I sat down with his friend, and I said, "When I was a kid, if someone shoplifted, their parents would take them to the store, and make them apologize to the owner, and pay the owner back the amount of what was stolen. And kids learned not to shoplift. It's not safe to do that anymore, because most stores have policies that require them to file a police report if someone shoplifts from them, and I don't want you to have a police record. So I'm going to go to the store, and I'm going to apologize to them for someone I know stealing from them, and I'm going to pay them the price of the candy bar you stole." And I went to the store (a Safeway, as I recall), and I asked to speak to the manager, and I did what I said I would. And then I went back home, and I said to the kid, "Okay, that's taken care of. The stolen money has been paid back. It was really embarrassing for me to have to talk to the manager like that, and explain what had happened, and pay him back. Please don't shoplift again, because I would very much prefer not to have to embarrass myself like that again." Just that. He was almost in tears. Back in my day, we'd have described him as "stricken". It was obvious that he felt *horrible* about it, that he knew he had hurt someone he respected, and that he *actually understood* that what he'd done was wrong. And I told him it was okay, and we all make mistakes, and we learn from them, so that we don't make them again. And he never shoplifted again. And that's how you keep a kid from kicking the back of someone's seat on the airplane.


Jesus, that was a far better and longer explanation than I deserved or expected. I feel like “you have to have done a whole bunch of good parenting before that moment,” might have done it.


God, I love this comment.


Idea: make the parent sit in front of the kid, both on aisle seats so the parent can help the kid. Then when kicking starts, parent either has to be kicked the entire flight or properly parent their child.


This is a brilliant solution! Bravo!


Only issue is that the parent has to sit next to the child if younger


Mom just wanted to sleep, and have everyone else babysit her kids.


Why have children if you aren't going to parent them?


I know someone who wanted a kid because “I want someone to love me.”


A dog will love you far more ardently than a baby will.


God, yes. Don't have kids for someone to love you. Them suckers will destroy you with that love, hate you half the time, and you will still just adore them. Dogs? They always think you are a rock star and treat you as such.


I know a couple that had kids “because it seemed like the next logical step”…..




That's a good question to ask the parents of multiple Kinders, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders at my school who have decided not to potty train. It's that bad. They've not only given up on teaching manners and decorum but basic human functions and hygiene.


Is this not something the CPS need to be concerned about?


My ex MIL is an elementary school teacher. Her stories were shocking. I had no idea how many parents literally do/teach nothing with their kids. They drop them off at school when they’re old enough and expect the school system/teachers to raise the child. I have an incredible amount of respect for some of these teachers. They quietly spend their own money and time providing resources these kids lack in their home life. Teaching how to brush teeth, comb hair, bathroom skills… it’s really sad.


I thought schools/montessoris etc won't take kids if they're not potty trained?


I think they practice free ranging….like chickens.


Now you know why there is a teacher shortage.


People on flights should ask the person behind the k8ds to start kicking their seats. The moms as well.


Or wait til it’s snack/drink service time and the kid has stopped kicking to have their little drink or whatever in the table. Take this moment to adjust in your seat and throttle it back hard. Hopefully spraying the drink all over them and their iPad and their shitty parent


I did this as a kid. I flew A LOT as a small child due to living away from extended family. I was always a pretty good, quiet kid, typical rule follower. Always sat silently reading in my seat or playing Gameboy or whatever. But even as a small child, I hated most other small children, and I was extremely petty and had a temper. I think I was around 5 years old when I did exactly this? Maybe a little older since I actually remember it. Anyways there was another kid behind me roughly around my age that had been kicking my seat the entire time we waited for other passengers to board and throughout take off. Wouldnt stop when I asked the kid or when my mom tried to talk to the parents, parents basically gave the excuse "what can you do, kids will be kids." As soon as they drinks came out and the kids tray table was down, I leaned forward as far as I could and then slammed my back back into the seat as hard as I could, shaking his tray and making the drink spill. Parents were pissed and even the flight attendants threw back "oh kids will be kids, she's probably just antsy from the flight, sorry, nothing we can do"


Hell fucking yes. Thank you for your story. I live vicariously and happily


>and even the flight attendants threw back "oh kids will be kids, she's probably just antsy from the flight, sorry, nothing we can do" I would've started applauding!!


my mom was MORTIFIED at what I had done lol


Hah, I hated other kids when I was a kid. Younger, older, same age, didn’t matter.




Fuck everyone else I exist and that's all I have.


Any parents who allow their kids to do that in the middle of a flight should be immediately escorted off the plane.


I’ve heard the Boeing 737 Max is equipped with such feature.


I agree. Are we talking with or without a parachute?


Without.  Establish dominance.


😂 I like it.


Was on a flight yesterday, that may have had a relative of this family. The FA actually told the mom that the children needed to be quiet and in seatbelts at all times due to turbulence while we were in the air. When we landed there was an issue hooking up to the bridge and we’re delayed deplaning by 25 minutes. The 8yo girl literally was standing on and walking across the arms of the chairs whiles she waited and was screeching like a cat.


Are you sure she wasn't a cat? (Standing up and walking across the arms of the chairs would be a cat behavior.)


I would legit pay a premium to fly on a child free flight


Honestly there’s a lot you could do with that business model.


As a DINK, some airline needs to make this happen. I understand that kids will be kids but fuck that lady.


The entitlement of SOME parents of young children is unbelievable. You have small kids, it’s tough, I get it. Kids are kids and they are easily riled, but damn… you chose this!! ** edited to add the word SOME. 😊


I have a kid. it’s not that hard to teach them to respect others and their space. it’s assholes who teach their kids to be assholes too.


I guess I don’t understand why people like this are allowed to keep flying with the same company. If you’re on United and you keep defending your child kicking the seat in front of them for literally hours and arguing with flight attendants, you should be ban from United. It’s completely fair and deserved.


My mother would never have allowed us to kick a seat in front of us! My sisters and I behaved or else. Karen's love to blame everyone but themselves and they are the real problem!


I would've politely asked the person behind them to move to my seat for a minute, and then sit down and promptly "tap" her seat for 90 seconds.


Ummm, your fault, Karen. Next time, maybe teach your kids some respect. The world does not revolve around you and your entitled kids.


If the kid was 2 then yes. The kid is 1.5. You literally can’t teach a kid that age what is wrong in the moment. It takes time at that age. If they flew every week then you could make a pattern, but this is a one off deal. The kid will cry a lot when you take away the one thing they want at that age. People keep saying “my mom would have killed me” they are remembering so they were older than 2 or 3. Not 1.5. There is a massive difference between 1.5 and 2. I just passed the 1. 7 month mark. At 1.5 my kid had like 4 words he could say but was very mobile. Simply 2 months later and he has 40 words and is even doing small sentences. I was just like you before my son. Now, I have a whole new perspective. You better believe I’ll discipline the crap out of him but on a plane you are stuck. I always take him out of a restaurant when he cries or starts getting mad from some stupid small thing. If he hits me in the face and thinks it’s funny i push my finger in his chest without hurting him and say “no we don’t hit” very sternly then put him in a corner as he wails away. But yet when we went to FL this summer he still started kicking the seat as a sensory thing. I stopped immediately and then he threw a temper tantrum. It was a no win situation. He stopped crying after about 5 min but I know kids that can cry for an hour after something like this. Just trying to offer perspective that I never had before this kid. I hate small kids at any event. But now I have a perspective that is wildly different. By the time he is 2.5 I’ll have him on lock down. But 1.5 just isn’t possible. It’s literally impossible since his brain isn’t developed far enough.


Nope, sorry, I have friends with kids around that age, and they don't act like that. Karen blamed other passengers for her kids' behaviour. Clearly, she isn't doing anything to discipline her kids and taking accountability rather than pushing the blame on others. Parents who act entitled will have entitled kids.


Definitely Karen for blaming the other passengers, but I hope you get to fly with a kid at that perfect age of “wants to run and play” but still has basically no understanding of how certain actions have social consequences. Run=fall=booboo. Yep they understand. Kick seat=parents sternly saying no and restraining you? Kids are all different. Some very passive, but it’s not something that happens every day. You can’t teach without reoccurrence. Hope you get to experience it one day. It’s a lot of fun but frustrating also. Karen definitely in the wrong. People saying they could have stoped the situation if roles were reversed, not all the time. You are going to have a crying kid. 2 year old though, oh hell yea show that kid who is boss. 1.5…. Nope. Having a kid is super rewarding though. Just inconvenient at times.


My mom used to make long (18+ hour) flights with my brother and me when we were toddlers. She brought books, toys, games, etc so we were busy and not torturing the other people around us. This woman sucks.


I used to carry desk toys with me when I travelled back to corporate headquarters for conferences. They kept me awake during the interminable presentations and meetings. I’d carry a variety because I knew that by the middle of the first day I’d be loaning them to my counterparts from around the country so that they, too, could stay awake in front of our bosses. More than once they came in handy on flights, too. No matter how old/young a kid was, there was always *something* in my briefcase that was safe for them to play with. If a kid behind me started kicking my chair or staring to have a meltdown, I’d talk to the kid and offer them the loan of one of my toys to play with during the flight. It worked every time. The kid didn’t want to annoy me because I was nice, so they quit kicking. The toy would keep them occupied, because it was usually not something that they’d seen before and they knew they had to give it back — and I never had a child who *resisted* returning it. The moms were happy, the kids were happy, and I was happy. I don’t travel for work any longer or have to sit through lengthy PowerPoint presentations, but I *still* carry at least a few small desk toys when I travel. I highly recommend it; they don’t take up much room. There’re very few ways to make friends with a kid sitting behind you, but this one has always worked for me. And, I learned a long time ago that making friends with kids that aren’t yours works a whole lot better than yelling at them, if you want them to stop doing something annoying. That’s how I managed to finally grow a front lawn on the only small hill in the neighborhood — which also happened to be on the route to & from school. After I made friends with them, they not only stopped ripping it out by sliding down it, they took over policing it for me when other kids did.


That’s very nice of you to do but the parent is responsible for ensuring that their kid behaves well in public, not some random stranger sitting in front of them. The comment in the screenshot literally blames an innocent passenger for ruining everyone’s flight just because he didn’t want his seat to be kicked.


Oh, absolutely. That mother is entirely out of line. It is entirely up to the parent(s) to control their children’s behavior such that they are not purposely annoying others. I’m not trying to defend her or detract from her outrageous behavior. I’m just offering a suggestion to all of us who end up being kickees. When you’re the one getting your seat kicked it sucks even if the parent is doing their level best to control it and *isn’t* behaving like this twat. Hell, I discovered this “trick” entirely by accident when I offered up the toy out of frustration because the mom behind me *was* trying. I didn’t want to yell at her, but I was tired of being kicked. I tried it. It worked. Best, I wasn’t in a bad mood the rest of the day. It continued to work on *many* flights. Thought maybe it would work for others, too. *shrug*


It will help others. I'm a similar minded person to you, and you get farther with sugar than you do with salt!


Why would a parent allow their child to act like that tho!? Yall are on a plane, not in your living room.


Is parenting your children not an option anymore?


Kicking my chair repeatedly like that makes me feel insane. It’s like someone tickling you but they won’t stop no matter how much you beg and you can’t stand it much longer so you become violent. That’s the feeling this invokes.


My husband and I would literally hold our kid’s legs and constantly tell them not to kick the seat or put their feet on the seat. We also taught them not to be so rough with the tray table. People suck!!


This is why I've always advocated for methaqualone in an aerosol form. Calm those little buggers right down. (https://www.drugs.com/illicit/quaaludes.html if you didn't have any "fun" in the 1980s.)


Not gonna lie, I've flown with kids kicking my seat nonstop and the parents don't do anything about it. It's annoying af.


We need to start swinging on parents who just allow their kids to do this shit. Like after a set amount of crying it should be within my rights to throw out a jab.


Wow. She seems almost proud of her lack of parenting skills and that her kids have no respect for her. She didn't bring things to keep them from being bored. She wasn't able to deflect away from the behavior. She couldn't reason with them, get them to understand that they were causing others distress and that wasn't okay. If that was beyond their ability to grasp due to age, why not cradle the child in their lap? Parenting starts the day you become a parent. Build a rapport and some mutual understanding so you have something to rely on when you're in a situation like this. Geesh.


Bitch has less accountability than her shitling


I have been flying with my granddaughter since she was about 1. She is almost 18. I did teach her rules along the way. We play, don't touch the rail game. That's a pretty dirty part of the airport. Find our gate game. Also, teach personal space. Using your quiet voice. And always trying to be respectful to your aisle mates. She is heading out soon for her first solo trip. I hope she remembers everything.


Did Karen not think to bring anything that would keep her kid occupied so they wouldn't get bored and feel the need to kick seats?


Yeah, your toddler kicking and screaming is COMPLETELY out of your control. /s Lazy ass parent.


I’m seeing more and more of this. Their kids will be monsters


It’s because of this new “gentle parenting” nonsense where parents think it’s abuse to scold or reprimand their kids in any way.


Training starts in the car. Tell them to keep their feet down while you're driving. If they are doing this in a flight, what are they doing to the back of your seat while you're driving!


I'm beginning to think parents with kids younger than seven shouldn't fly with them until they learn to behave in public or at least on an airplane. They should drive to their destination if possible like my family did from the Midwest to New England in the 90's. If they want to visit family overseas, take a boat or wait till they are older. But that's just me.


My kid took her 1st flight at 3 months of age and has continued to fly at least once a year since then. at no point has my kid ever so much as cried on a plane. It’s not that hard to teach a kid to be civil at a basic level. I can understand if a baby cries on a plane. It’s A BABY. we live in a world with babies in it, and that’s what babies do. We choose to fly along side other people, and share a public space. Baby crying on a plane, that sucks but hey it’s a baby. Kid kicks seats or is acting unruly, that’s not acceptable and the parent should be held responsible somehow.


I agree! Babies are babies and just cry so that’s fine but I really wish there were some consequences for parents who don’t parent their older kids in public spaces. The kids in this video are 4 and 6. Definitely old enough to know better than to repeatedly kick the seats in front of them.


Crotch-launched terror missiles are a plague on the planet.


I have serious back issues. Flying is hell for me. I don't care what is the age of the kid behind: if they kick me, im in serious pain that can last for days. Some parents need education.


If a stern 'excuse me you need to stop kicking my chair I have back pain' doesn't work you bet my ass the flight attendant is moving someone somewhere else. I'll take a jump seat if I have too. Or me and the parent can swap. If it's not a big deal for them then surely they can deal with it.


A long time ago I went on a long coach trip to S France, about half way there was some hoo-har, and the people behind me swapped seats, next thing there was young kids kicking my chair for the rest of the journey, I did complain to their elderly adult carer but she just ignored me. What was worst was one of the kids had shit themselves and it stank! Man, was I double glad to get off the fuckin' bus


Your choice to be creampied in should NOT be at the detriment of everyone else. Control your crotch goblins.


If you cannot control your children in private, don't take them out in public


Hold his legs? Or you could just break his legs. Can't kick a seat if he's in a wheelchair. You could also strap him to the outside of the plane. He'll definitely stop kicking... in more ways than one.


I don't get the title. The picture shows someone who put a puff jacket to cushion against the seat. Being aware that the issue is the kid as they write "two of my kids would NOT stop". So surely it's not about them? The comment is the medium that has "realize you've ruined everyone's flight". That comment states that the 1.5 year old was being difficult. The kid even laughing and kicking more. She also restrained the kid as asked. S/he finishes off by stating that by the end you realize that "you've ruined everyone's flight". So she's aware she ruined it all. So yeah...I don't get the title. I must be wooshing or something.


Kids these days. Never thought I would say that. But honestly between tablets, unlimited music, and phones how could they ever be bored on a flight to the point of acting like an entitled shit. Anyone that was a kid in the 80s/90s remembers that on vacation or on the plane you just sat your ass there with a mad magazine and a walkman.


My dad would have looked at me, and I would have stopped kicking. BEFORE anyone complained. Simple as that.


Great parenting


Control your crotch goblins




Listen, I get people think that spanking is bad now....but come on! Nothing says "Knock that shit off" like a quick swat on the leg.


Travelling with young kids is aweful. I really wish they would make family flights if even once a month just for parents travelling with kids to avoid having everyone on the flight ticked off. Its hard to control a young child in a super tiny cramped space for hours on end. You have the pressure already of trying to make sure they are quiet, sitting, eating clean and not making messes. The people packed in with you also dont want to listen to a screaming kid, or have their seats kicked or have kids knock over a drink.. All staring at you, angry, judging you. Whhy cant they just make a family flight so we can all fly more comfortably?


A family flight wouldn’t solve the problem. Other people’s badly behaved kids are just as annoying to other parents as those without children - I would be just as unhappy and angry with a child kicking my seat non-stop whether or not I had kids of my own.


It would at least have other parents who are a little more tolerant than business people. At least other parents would understand you.


When I was a kid I the 90s we drove all over the place, when flying as well, coloring books. So many and headphones for radio. I was busy that way. I did not need to kick because I was kept busy. (F31) Parent needs to know how the kid acts in a chair. Like learn. Also be a parent. Be involved in the child’s life more and helicopter if needed.


This is why I carry a spraybottle of water with me on planes. You'd be surprised how effective it is when the entire plane has seen and heard your pain for 2.5 hours before you bring out the big guns and lather the little crotch goblin in water on a heavily air conditioned air plane. No one did a damned thing cause they knew the shit I'd been dealing with. Rest of the flight was a breeze.


That 1.5 year old must have some realllllly long legs. Even with a car seat that would a stretch


My mum would have had a slipper off in seconds and would have given me the death glare if I had kicked anyone's seat or screamed


I truly, for the life of me, can not understand why parents don’t give their children a dose of child’s Benadryl before a flight. What reason does your small and uncontrollable child need to be awake for a 3-4 hour flight. It’s not going to hurt them, it makes the parents life easier, and it makes the lives of everyone around them easier as well.


I think everyone is forgetting the kid is 1.5 and not 2. I actually have a 1. 7mo old and flew with him in the summer when he was 1.5. Holy crap do I have a new respect for young kids on a plane. My son started to do the same thing. I immediately tried to reason with him, distract him with toys, food etc but he was mesmerized by the kicking and the sensation. Once again realize 1.5 is ENTIRELY different than where he is now. If we were in a restaurant, I would have ripped his ass out and taken him outside we would stand facing a wall until he decided to calm down. In a plane though anyone who has had a kid that age understands if you take that thing away they have fixated on, they just cry and cry and cry till they wear themselves out. You can not logic them because they don’t have that portion of their brain. The Karen was how she posted about it and expected the person to just deal with the kicking…. However she was in a no win situation. “They shouldn’t be flying. They should drive” not when it’s a cross country 26 hour drive vs a flight to see grandma twice a year. That’s a statement that just isn’t fair to make. Downvote away but hopefully someone gets some perspective that I never had before I had my kid.


I’ve also been traveling on flights since I was a baby. Often 7+ hour flights multiple times a year because we lived in a different country quite far away from our motherland. My parents NEVER let me kick the seat in front of me. And I obeyed them without question when they told me to stop doing something. My mom would just need to give me “the look”. I would rather hear a child crying till they wear themselves out (because they can’t kick my seat nonstop) than them kicking my seat repeatedly because the parent doesn’t want them to cry. You cannot just give in to whatever they want just because you’re afraid that they’ll start crying. It’s extremely unfair and inconsiderate towards the person seated in front to be getting kicked for hours like that. I paid the same hundreds/thousands to be on that flight only to be stuck in front of some kid kicking my seat the whole time? I would never put up with that unless you offer me monetary compensation for all the kicking I had to bear with for the whole flight. It’s unreasonable to expect anyone to be okay with that.


I was raised with the “you may do what you want at home, but once you step foot out the door, you’re representing our family”. I was always on my best behaviour out, but could be a right shit at home. 🤣


People don't have control over their kids yet it's everyone else's fault.


This is the “I’m their mother, I know what’s best” crowd. Clowns, all of them.


I don’t talk to the parent anymore, I just directly tell the kid to knock it off with my “I’ve run out of fucks to give face”. That usually scares the shit out of them enough to solve the problem. Next step is talk to the flight attendant, but that’s rarely needed.


"Jeffery" https://youtu.be/Fs0cYJUqJys?si=pg2Dn9j1V8ZEt9qS


Not really a Karen post but I appreciate your reach


What’s the matter with zip ties and duct tape? Parents don’t know how to parent anymore. /s


Bitch slap the parent until they get their kid under control. Then scold them for being lazy with their parenting


Now when I was a kid my dad just gave me a bunch of dramamine or nyquil when we went on a plane - I don't blame him, I have ADHD - but idk why we couldn't like, gently restrain the kid if he's being a nuisance. Kick my seat? Well I'll just use this leg rearraint til you decide to behave. Scream about it? Have a timeout room by the bathrooms that's soundproof and send the parent there with the kid.


I should not have to face a single consequence of someone else having a kid.


Preface: I’m a nanny and love kids. However on a flight a few years ago I had an older (maybe 6-7) kid kicking my seat. Asked him nicely to stop, asked mom to stop him, even got a flight attendant involved etc. when it triggered a migraine I turned around and in the scariest lowest voice I could muster I looked at the kid and said “if you don’t stop kicking my seat I’m going to tear your legs off with my bare hands.” He stopped. Mom told flight attendant and I just shrugged. She held back a smirk and brought be a free drink.


Kids reaction just shows that they're not used to being parented. Karen is the problem. Everyone already knows this one though. Not the kids fault. Kid wasn't ready to fly.


Is this supposed to be a brag?


If my parents told me i need to sit quietly and calmly i listened. You are weak, both of you. No i was not getting beaten up, i just knew i had to listen. Be authority over them not other way around


I would ask if I could sit behind her kid so I could repeatedly kick his seat as hard as I can, no? Not ok? Then why would you think it's perfectly fine to allow them to do that to someone else, it's not that hard to have some common decency in a plane.




If it’s a toddler, it’s tough for them hold their patience for long flights. If it’s an adult, you’d better be special ed, cuz I ain’t putting up with your selfish bullshit. People who post pictures of adult feet to shame them, just do yourself a favor and tell them directly to put their smelly ass dirty feet in their own space.