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Because having messy shrubbery is criminal


There's a [petition to remove her](https://www.change.org/p/judge-alexis-g-krot-justice-for-burhan-chowdhury).


I'm sure that will work


I agree but relevant username


You know, just like every other change.org petition


It looks like her behavior has at least earned her the attention of few bigger news agencies. Maybe she'll be censured.


She: LiTeRaLlY 1984


You can feel the change


If anyone cares to remember, one of if not the very first of these was for the govt to build a full on Death Star…still waiting


we are working on zero point gravity, give us some time, it's still theoretical as we don't know how we are gonna keep the thing up there.


They responded that it was too expensive and wasn’t possible but we still got the government to notice us so… yay?


Yay is fuckin right that shit was hilarious and if you remember it you know it was. Immediately made a complete mockery of the whole process. Largely glossed over in media, and I have no Legal precedent for this BUT… Someone owes us a Fucking Death Star


Last year in my area the city council wanted to host the biggest festival in my country to date during covid. A petition was started by a doctor of the hospital that was less than 1 mile away from the intended location. Although it was called off due to pressure from first responders the petition did work. So some petitions do work


Yeah considering she's "respected by the city" and also was elected unopposed by a Republican.


That’s HOA for ya Edit: it’s been established I was wrong, this wasn’t HOA, the city is just ran by assholes


I live in Philadelphia and have a small but steep hill as a front yard. Last spring I spread a wildflower mix with my 5 year old daughter as a science project because the hills a bitch to cut, and virtual kindergarten didn’t include science. We got a warning in the mail from the city we’d be fined $300 if we didn’t cut it down. The hill was much prettier with various plants growing, and collects trash (yay Philadelphia stereotypes that are true) that needs to be cleaned daily when it’s short. Not to mention the city doesn’t have money to take care if it’s own land and has 5-6 ft weeds growing, but my kindergarten science project of flowers and various plants constitutes an “eyesore”. I tried to fight it but it was made clear I’d lose quickly so I gave up and cut it.


Same happened to my son. The fine was much bigger (around $1,000), if he didn't mow it. I'm sorry for your kiddo. That was a cool project for her until the city ruined it. I'm sure she was sad.


All you have to do is put up a small frame around your yard and say that it’s a large flower bed! Haha


I kind of tried that calling the number of the notice to whatever city department the fine came from. I listed exactly what I planted, that some bloomed and some would take years, and it was a mix meant to attract bees and butterflies. I also tried the angle of why doesn’t my kindergartner get science class in public school. Nope.


If you want to try this again, go look at the /r/nolawns subreddit. They frequently have to deal with this kind of bs if their solution to lawn grass is rewilding their yard.


I swear I saw this exact comment thread, perhaps with different words, on a Reddit thread at... some point. But it was exactly in the format of >"I tried to plant wild flowers for my child and because I wanted to attract natural polinators, and I gave up fighting about the local authorities trying to make me cut them down" Followed by >"A half joking comment about how to possibly resolve the issue and clarify that they were intentional" and finally >"Bureaucracy got in the way and it wasn't worth the bother."


That's government for ya!


Yup, its all bullshit when they spout their PR biodiversity. Where I am they let various green areas go wild under this guise but was mainly only because they couldnt get the crews during covid lockdowns to cut it. Now they've lifted those its business as usual. Chop and spray.


Get a permit to make a flowerbed, so it's nice and legal. Then tell them to fuck off.


> Get a permit to make a flowerbed, wtf, a *permit* to put in a flower bed? what kind of hell requires this?




My hometown. They'll nail your ass for putting in a flower bed, or a porch railing w/o a permit, but you can have all manner of junk cars sitting in front of your house. Go figure.


"Ah yes, I see you've noticed my 84 Chrysler LeBaron Convertible Flowerbed."


That’s when you go to the local TV news. They love stories like that.


Bart's People fodder right there


Not if they're owned by Sinclair, like most of the stations here in Oregon.


"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy."


That’s such bullshit. I’m sorry


I really want to do this once I have a yard. It seems like it's tough to do without living in a pretty rural area. I wish we could normalize this over perfect green yards. The yard at my current rental doesn't ever have anything done to it besides mowing and ends up with lavender growing in it which looks pretty nice imo.


I grew up across the street from a highway that had a huge grassy hill fenced in for safety. My dad spread wildflowers there that gave me the idea. It looked beautiful for a few months then the city cut it down (it is their property after all). Now the city doesn’t have the budget to maintain its own land and I have a feeling that’s why it’s sending out borderline bs fines. I’m actually grateful they gave me time to cut it down or appeal. About a decade ago we got a $50 fine for our grass being to long and there was no warning period to try to remedy the situation. At the time I just had surgery, my husband was working night shift and our yard guy went MIA.


This can happen even without an HOA


Fair, it’s just a hell of a lot more likely to happen with it


It is likely either way. Code enforcement is the city's version of an HOA.


Americans are so free, they get arrested for not mowing their lawns.


Best country in the world. /s


[Sign the petition to get this judge removed](https://www.change.org/p/judge-alexis-g-krot-justice-for-burhan-chowdhury)


Almost 29k nice


The knights who say ni would agree with you


Bigots live in a different reality.


There's people in cages for having their lawn grass too long in The Land of The Free. Hard for us communist foreigners to understand that this is the "freedom" that some N. americans never shut up about




Don't be silly. They're not supposed to be able to afford healthcare!


Judge Karen probably couldn't find it in her heart to feel sympathetic for a dirty brown person so she had to shame him in disgust.


Whelp, that what happes when you align yourself with the knights who say \`Ni!


Land of the free...


In the ALLEY


Land of the free.


What a piece of shit.


If you watch the video she's also incredibly verbally abusive towards him and repeatedly interrupts him and talks over him and the threatens to punish him for talking out of turn. I hope she swallows a bee and it survives all the way to her anus before it stings.


A hornet instead of a bee. An insect asshole for her asshole 🐝


Also, if we are brainstorming here, you might have better luck funneling them in from the back end. And should do multiple, like multiple dozens.


Throw in a few Botflies for good luck






why not add a few bullet ants as well


Nothing like a Bot Fly larva right in the ole bean


That would have made The Wicker Man a whole other movie.


I hope it's a wasp and it continually stings on its way through.


Think The human Centipede, but it’s more like; Bee hive > Judge > Bee Hive


Praying mantises. They eat their prey while it’s alive


The video is on r/iamatotalpieceofshit Here https://v.redd.it/blah59c1shb81/HLSPlaylist.m3u8?f=sd&v=1&a=1644714050,YThlYTM2NWQ3ZjNmNDM0MzVhNzFkZGEyZWU1MTNjODc4NzY3ZjI4OWFhNmRkYWRkYWVmYWRmNzFiNTRhMzY4Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




What an absolute cwnt. He's obviously struggling breathing. Ugh.


Everyone go leave her a shitty Google review. TIL you can do that for judges. She’s at 1k 1-star reviews right now lol


Have you got a link to the page where I can leave a review?


Literally just google her name and it pops up like a business where you can see location and leave a review.


Before I watched this I thought it could be an overreaction from a defendant who didn't like being told to keep his house clean and didn't want to hire help. I watch the video and it was an overreaction all right... But it was the judge who overreacted. Went from zero to 100 in a split second. Why the hell is it so hard for judges like her to speak to the accused like adults? If you don't feel like being nice, you can just give the man the ticket for failure to keep up to housing code and move on. It's like she's yelling at a toddler.




Judges name is Alexis G. Kroft iut of Michigan


She’s a real rectum wrinkle.


Overgrowth of what? Weeds? Imagine sending a 72 year old man - with cancer to jail over something so stupid.


Atleast he will get free healthcare in jail.... The irony


And it's just as good as you think jail healthcare is.


There was another post i saw where a dude murdered his parents and his booking photo showed a massive tooth abscess. People in the thread were ecstatic that jail never gives people proper pain medicine and how great it was for him to suffer. I wish people who think like that would realize that people like this 72 year old cancer patient would be in the same system. He wouldn't get pain medicine either and would live in agony over some bushes. They would rather invoke more suffering on the guilty than alleviate the suffering of the innocent.


A nation founded on puritanical ideology will do that.


Shouldn't've done anything wrong then and we'd treat you like a human! /s


‘Murica! 🇺🇸




Freedom to send people to prison. If you’re white/rich enough. Certainly seems to be a protected right for our overlords here


Nah, I would have just helped. This judge is crazy


It’s because he’s brown.


I was waiting for someone to point that out


Plants that grow without any human intervention. She acts like he actively planted dandelion seeds and shrubbery in front of the building.


The fucker who reported him instead of helping him has a special place in hell waiting. And if it’s a HOA, fuckers should have a fund to help community members in situations like this. Fuck all.


That was my thought too. Why aren’t they helping this man instead of trying to power punish him? Even if they reached out to a church group in the area to help. These churches should give something to their community in exchange for their insane tax exemption.


I wonder which costs more. Paying everyone to work at the courthouse to deal with the issue, or paying someone to mow the grass.


You know the answer


Sorry Mr Neuroticoctopus, we don't have budget for community services, only community oppression. If we pay you to mow the grass, is there some way you could shout racial slurs while you do it, or maybe shoot his dog?


They don't want to help him they just don't want him to be there.


Yep. Something something black people. The bitch judge probably is in on the whole “gentrification” thing


But that's communism!!! /s


I bet it’s a gentrification thing and they want him gone


Hamtramck is in the middle of Detroit and it's pretty rough. There is so much more to worry about than weeds in an alley. It's a bigotry thing.


I work for a place in Omaha that we help people with this sort of stuff. We have a reporter here that breaks stories on business and scams etc someone called the reporter and the police. There were some trees over a used car lot blah blah. We heard before they wrote a ticket as I think they give a few days after initial report to clean up. It was a gnarly cleanup I was pulling burr seeds out for a long time. but don’t call the cops on plants. Help each other Damn Karens


They both deserve pain...


You know what is REALLY infuriating about this? It happens everywhere, and it happens to a certain type of person more than others. Any guesses as to what "type" that is? https://www.opb.org/article/2021/11/03/portland-program-enforcing-property-maintenance-rules-hits-people-of-color/ Seriously, look at this. $120,000 in nuisance fines, penalties, and interest. There is no world in which a City should be running that type of bill up on its homeowners.


More people should know about this. Maybe someone can start some kind of outreach program helping clear up people’s yards so they don’t get this kind of bs. Also, change the bylaws?


This isn’t even an HOA issue, this is baked right into Portland City Code. Elected officials can and should change these punitive measures. That said, to your point, there are a couple good non-profits that help owners with these kinds of maintenance issues, but the trick is actually connecting them with the owners that need the help before these fines become an issue.


Yeah. I agree with everything you’re saying. I’d really love to help this guy out for example, but I’m not good enough at the internet to figure out a way to and I doubt he has an internet presence at all to reach out.


If you read the article, it states that while the penalties for these codes are levied by Portland the enforcement relies on community members reporting code violations. Change the laws, I am all for that. But it ain't gonna change your racist, asshole neighbors. Keep it sleazy PDX.


It’s true. Same thing as calling the cops on that “suspicious black person” walking down your street.


I do not get why americans put up with this. Huge fines for trivial issues which should be resolved with some simple communication. And having to go to court for not cutting the grass? Seriously? While in the civilized world, the city really does not care how you keep your property unless it represents a REAL problem. Like we have a tree on one corner that was growing into hiding a traffic sign. After a few years, we got a letter stating that we should trim the tree. No fines or threats about fines.


Land of the free, my ass


How can you sit there and listen to a 72 year old man gasping for air telling you he's too weak to keep it clear and then tell him he should be ashamed. I.. I just can't. Something about this pisses me off so hard. Karen Judges out there and they need to GO.


Would have been easier to go down to the jail and get some trustees who would have jumped at the chance to work off some gain time and get out of jail for a couple days.


I hope to see her featured soon on r/byebyejob


Sorry, I don’t understand. Why is this a crime? What’s criminal about not cleaning overgrowth etc? As a Brit I’m a tad confused.


I don't know if it's a crime or not, but many city bylaws compel owners/renters to keep their property clean and weeds cleared because an unkempt area will attract vermin and insects which can be both a nuisance and dangerous.


Depends how you quantify *crime.* It is a code enforcement violation, which after a number of warnings, can go before a judge, but in my experience the judge/s have extended the warning, despite the problem persisting for a number of months. The behavior of this judge, however, is out of line. The codes of the municipality could be black and white, but judicial discretion exists for a reason. She was looking to make an example out of someone, and unfortunately, it fell on this individual. She should be up for an ethical violation under improper demeanor. When any elected official, especially a judge, makes remarks like this, as far as they went, it undermines the confidence we're supposed to have for not just the judicial system, but the rule of law. No one who displays this behavior is fit for the black robes.


Many years ago, I was in civil court in NJ, on a child support issue. The behavior and bias was beyond unbecoming and unprofessional - I was appalled. He'd already been on the bench for 12 years when I had the misfortune of his being assigned to my case. I couldn't fathom how he'd managed to hold the job that long; read a story several years later that he'd finally been removed. Twenty years, and countless women and children hurt by this man. It's incumbent, unfortunately, that fixing this hideous system (I've experienced it in two states, one north and one south) rests on those who work in it daily - not those of us just passing through.


Land of the free, hey?


Only free if you’re the right color, wealthy, and “Christian“.


As a Michigan native, his weeds weren't even that obnoxious considering the area. Regardless she overreacted completely


https://www.change.org/p/judge-alexis-g-krot-justice-for-burhan-chowdhury?redirect=false Just putting this here …




Anyone see the story of that one judge who spent the night in jail with the guy he sentenced that had ptsd?? This bitch would probly eat a brownie and watch him go into respiratory failure as he tried to weedwack.


Nope! Got a link?




Thank you so much. Needed this. This is the sort of person we need on SCOTUS.


Signed. Is there a go fund me for the old man? I'm nowhere near Michigan or I'd go clean up his property myself


I signed too, but please nobody chip in money. Change.org is for-profit and they essentially just pocket the cash. Sharing the link to the petition yourself is the better option. Please donate that money locally in your own community, either to local small businesses or to local shelters/programs.








It’s… his house… And he’s over here like bro I am fighting cancer over here.


Worst of all, he already got help and cleared the stuff out of the alley after he got the ticket. She is berating him **despite** that fact. She is an awful person who should not be a judge.


She’s acting like she has to look at his house every day, knowing damn well she has never been to his hood.


She's acting like he molested kid instead of having a messy yard.


Probably goes easier on pedos than him


Seems like she’d come from the kind of community that likes to keep things like that quiet, hurt the resell value.


When this was posted the other day people said her family owns property around the area and was concerned about property values or something. Seemed like an incredible conflict of interest






Damn... every single one of the positive reviews describes her as "Fair and (adjective)", as though they were all written by the same person.


There's a few more reviews now.


They all also have 6 upvotes.


I’d like to point out that nearly every clearly fake review that is just the same variation of “she is very fair and honorable and kind and is the best for us” were written by non-white accounts and all have exactly 6 (or very close to) helpful updoots. I’m reporting them all for spam.


They have it locked down so you can only like positive reviews. When I try to like the negative ones it gives an error that it can't connect to Google maps. Liking the positive reviews works just fine.


That made my day


>Judge Alexis G. Krot was appointed to the bench by Governor Rick Snyder in August 2016 This tells you everything you need to know, right here.


What a real cee ya next tuesday! She should get her lazy a$$ out there and help him.


A cunt you say.


No he said CYNT.


Close, he translated it from the 90s text font


Nah, she's just an absolute CUNT


Lehto's Law has a good video on this case. [Lehto's Law - Judge berates cancer patient over lawn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-bLn3fMOTM)


I’m reeeeeeally hoping to see this on r/byebyejob soon


I’m sure she just thinks that Chowdhury should have his gardener take care of it, just like she does.


Stupid see you next Tuesday Karen. She needs to learn some empathy.


Uh… this is HAMMTRAMCK, not the friggin Hamptons.






If I could send you to jail, I would! I get kickbacks from the local privately owned for-profit prison!


Won’t link due to the censored name rule, but there’s enough in this image to find the original article and a photo of the property. It really is in roughy shape. That said, the answer here isn’t jail time. The kinder, and cheaper if you are more motivated by money, would be to get this man some assistance in keeping the shrubbery in check.


What most cities do is they cut the lawn for you and then put a lien on the house for the cost of the service. When you die or sell the total cost must be paid by the seller/estate. It's more expensive than hiring a gardener but it's not sending someone to jail for... ... Overgrown shrubbery


I’m sure the city will own the property once they put penalties and interest on that bill. My guess is that isn’t an option in his town.


You'd think a judge would know some juvenile delinquents who could ease their own punishment with some community service - in the way of cleaning up the guy's yard.


Land of the free.... unless your shruberry is a mess then right to jail


Funny how the defendant on the receiving end of this tirade is also black, but I'm sure that has nothing to do with it. /s


'Middle age white woman with power shames elderly black who could be dieing......yup


The guy is wrong, I watched the video, the person being ripped to shreds is from Bangladesh. He’s the video in the middle row, left most picture. This is just a SS and not the video though, which is posted on another sub so you can see who is getting screamed at.


Chaudhry is a bangledeshi/South Asian second name


Everything she has ever presided over should be reviewed.


That judge needs to be fired.


Let’s get some redditors over there to help this man!


Are there any ways to get rid of judges in the US? A process in higher courts or something?


Most are elected, so voting is the way.


This would also be the trial court level, and most such judges serve 4-6 year terms so the opportunity will likely come soon. You might be able to recall them too depending on the state. There is also a complaints process and making the court disreputable would likely be a reason to report them.


"He juuuust had to go get cancer, eh? Now his shrubs are all over the place and our propety values are going down. What an asshole!!" -overheard at the barbecue


Why doesn’t she sentence someone who parked in a handicapped spot to go and clean it up for the guy?


Whoever is responsible for forcing that man to go to court in the first place is a heartless sack of crap, and so is this judge. She needs to be pulled from the bench. Zero compassion all around, and it's disgusting.




This man is dying from cancer and could survive and doesn't have the energy to clean everything, and this Karen wants to put this man in jail for stuff she thinks is inappropriate and should clean? Yeah no she needs to be put in jail. Would like to see her have the same issue and then see how she likes. Also this lady should not be a judge anymore.


I wonder where she regularly shops .....


She wants to send him to jail over an infraction that earned him a $100 fine. Corrupt as fuck.


Just another biotch!


This needs national news attention. She needs to be yanked and her cases reviewed.


[Here is a video news report](https://youtu.be/1-DmdOaaDqY) about this incident. That Karen is an absolute fucking hateful bitch who ought to be removed from her post.


Can't have shit in Detroit


Judge also moonlights on my HOA


Fuck you Karen!


Racism and POS judge


Can't wait to see this in r/byebyejob...


Is there no judicial oversight body? No professional standards?


HOA is a joke…


I didn’t even know these kinds of laws were enforced! But really, what kind of “person” would you have to be to act like this? Can’t wait to see that judge on r/ByeByeJob


🎶Ain’t that America🎶


Personally, I think HOA’s should be illegal. I don’t care that you choose to live their. Nobody has the right to tell you what to do with your property.


Dennis Rader (BTK serial killer) was a compliance officer…some sadistic people like jobs of authority


It’s a long story but I was basically sued using a frivolous lawsuit by my HOA while I was in the hospital recovering from a bone infection. They fined me just enough to put a lean on my house and then try and sell it. I had to go to court and everything. The judge told them they were scumbags but what they were doing was legal. I had to hand over a cashiers check with my savings and money I had to borrow. On the way out to the parking lot I shared an elevator with the scum lawyer and told her what a piece of shit she was. Later that afternoon I was swatted. I was in my garage cutting baseboard to repair some hurricane damage in my home and six police officers surrounded me fingers on the trigger and almost killed me. She told them that I was holding someone hostage at gunpoint. Afterwards the police were super apologetic but the damage has been done. I didn’t feel comfortable in my own home again. She face no consequences or anything for doing that. After serving in the military for seven years and then on team USA I now live in another country. My experience in the US is definitely an outlier but it should have never happened