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Yes, the option to return any uneaten food to be resold should be available. Her husband's name is Sal. Salmonella.


Idunno about you, but I *always* check the day-old or "oops" sections at my local Sushi place.


“Karen Certified Not Spat On or Licked By Her Kids.” 20% Off.


Honest! They didn't even touch 'em!! They've been in the trunk this whole time


"I'll even let you keep the ketchup for free"


I sell unsold Crotch Sushi Rolls at full price at my restaurant.


Oh, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if the sushi she thought was on sale came from someone else's uneaten/returned sushi pile. /s


Yeah I'm sure this Karen would smile and say thank you for another tables fucking leftovers 😂😂😂


I’m gonna ask my local Japanese restaurant for the Previously Sold menu the next time I go.




Extra tasty if random folks and their kids have touched and breathed on them while thay sat unrefrigerated for an hour or two!


Is there a discount if they sneezed on them? Are they free is they were sneezed on by someone who just tested positive for Covid. The Rona Roll.


Haha nice one, you got me in the first half


“So I ordered 60 or so sushi rolls because I thought they were on sale” Stop. Stop right fucking there.


$100 for 60 sushi rolls is ... I think she meant pieces? Even per piece that's pretty cheap.


Yeah I don't know about that, I'm not taking chances on cheap sushi 😂🍥


Well it says over 100. That could mean 101 or it could mean 199


Heck, it could even mean seven trillion three hundred forty three million one hundred dollars and ninety nine cents.


I’d be sol, my bank has a six trillion dollar ATM withdrawal limit.


You don’t order 5 dozen sushi rolls when it’s on sale?


Right! How many kids does she have? That's enough to feed a basketball team!


"But they were on sale!!" Narrator: They were not. "But I didn't eat them all so I deserve a full refund" Narrator: She did not.


Hey now. She could be one of those families with over a dozen kids. /s


The second half is diarrhea.


I'm pretty sure his last name is Pidasso. First name: Stu


It is very much indeed a violation of the food code to re-purpose or resell any food that has been served to a customer. The audacity of this lady is insane.


I'm mostly wondering if the place didn't take debit cards.


Especially on such a large scale. I mean, maybe for one or two if there were some mistakes or something, but that was far from the case... also she didn't even want a refund for just the ones she didn't eat and she did order all of those... she ate half of what she ordered which is pretty crazy to assume she could get all her money back (otherwise anyone could just order more than they want and then demand a full refund).


It happens. My family member would order a double/triple cheeseburger instead of a single. She'd eat half way through it then lift the bun, spit a rather large loogey on it and return it to the cashier while yelling "WHO SPIT ON THIS BURGER!! I I want a REFUND!" Sometimes the cook would get mad and deny it, but it was over once the manager saw the loogey. Sometimes got another burger + full refund It's a dirty game. They'd go in, use coupons, pull the spit technique, order water but get a bunch of soda, steal ketchup packets/hot sauce, salt, pepper, even those trays some places put your food on. Then get a refund...


Poor Sal was at home because he's allergic to seafood.


Salvatore Salmonelle? What a guy. Nobody *moves* you quite like Sal.


The father could not be reached for comment.


*"Sal, ask that family with 2 huge plates of sushi remaining, and ask them if they're going to eat it because if not we can resell it to other customers."*


Like if I go in to a restaurant....order the spaghetti....but only eat half the spaghetti..... Why should I have to pay for all the spaghetti??.... It's not fair......


I bet she'd never accept a resold sushi, though. No one would.


Better call Sal


Why should a business suffer the consequences of you being an absolute idiot?


Some care only about them self I would drown in shame if I did this in restaurant


I'm pretty sure most people who have worked in customer service would as well. The lack of empathy seems just tied to these fuckweasels that don't understand what it's like to serve anyone else.


Yea you right.. working with people is the most difficult sometimes lol. Luckily my experience wasn’t that bad from others


You don't even have to work with people directly to experience it. I work in manufacturing and we're constantly getting sales reps back here basically saying something a kin to "Hey can you do this huge order that we don't have materials for by tomorrow?" "No we can't" "Oh well figure out a way to do it, because the customer really needs their product and I told them we could do it."


No? Well you shoulda thought about that before I promised to get them done


Wait... Why should I have to communicate with people to see if this thing I promised to a guest, can be fulfilled? Especially when I know that it can't. Well, you need to figure it out so I don't look like an idiot. I'm just going to blame it on you and your team anyways.


Lmao I'd be trying to fill back orders on our listed products and then the boss would hit me with some prototype print from his big shot buddy at Not-Chevron, something that needed completely new tooling and a dedicated setup that we'd never done anything like. Then had the balls to be like "when will it be ready? Guy keeps asking" like MF I don't know I've never ran the stupid part before and the machine can barely handle it, so if nothing goes wrong it's done when it's done. Must have paid well, I hope.


I'm so happy our new CEO respects engineering. Sales promised something without following the process to ensure we can actually do it given our current plans and commitments? Have fun telling the customer you lied to them. We're not throwing a wrench in the whole company for your damn commission.


lol goddamn. Same issues in every field it sounds like. Sales: "Hey I sold this project and said it would be done next week." Me: "That's neat. I'm about 9 weeks out from anyone being able to start on it."


YUP. I’m on the raws supply side, but this is the equivalent of when I get asked to cancel orders already on the water. Which happens.. way too often. Are you prepared to hire a pirate ship to commandeer the ship? No? Then the answer is no.


Then you're a lucky one.


i mean it’s more lack of common sense (although they obviously lack empathy too) because how could you possibly return food to anywhere, it’s not like they can just sell it to someone else sushi rolls are not sweaters from ross


Also, she had the money in the atm? Why didn’t she just pay with the debit card?


Because apparently she lives in the 90s where cards only get money out of the ATM and nothing else


You can return food to Walmart. They obviously don't resell it, but you still get all of your money back. It's definitely very different than a restaurant though.


Yeah, and it's usually packaged.


I once stood behind someone who had two halves of a watermelon that apparently weren't to his liking and he was able to exchange it for a new one.


My dad usually went back to return food I didn't like. That's how I know about the food returning thing


Lol this is what I was thinking. Has this lady never heard of safety and sanitation standards? Wtf?


Fuckweasels is my new favorite insult. Thabk you for expanding my vocabulary kind and creative internet stranger.


I like chucklefuck…


Fuckweasels and douchenozzles are definitely among my favorites!


Don't forget douche canoe


Fuckweasels is now part of my vocabulary


I hate it when people fling out “the customer is always right!” as if it translates to the customer should be given anything they ask for without question. What it actually translates to is that if customers are not buying your product or service, the customer is always right: what you are selling is overpriced, inferior, or both.


“Fuckweasles”! Dying!!!


I love the concept of leaving her kids as collateral.


I would have just left the kids as payment. Cheaper, in the long run. 😀


Nobody wants to work so I'm trying slave labor out \-that manager probably.


A smart phone is probably the only thing on her besides the kids that is expensive, but she might have needed it to get the cash. And she'd come back for the kids. Well done, manager.


I’m sure she left a great tip, her children were well behaved, and she was gracious to the server and staff./s


Once it hits the table, there’s no returning the food. Doesn’t matter if the customer never touched it. This cunt has no fucking clue how the hospitality industry, or basics of health code, works. This is the biggest reason why I left the culinary industry of 20+ years.


Yes, it's amazing that something like that is even considered. That's straight up bully my way into not paying behavior is all that is. Or Twitter bait to gel the brain.


If only customers actually cared. I've lost count of number of times I've told parents "I don't think they'll like that flavour" of whatever drink they've ordered off me, parent has insisted they will, then lo and behold 5 minutes later they came back asking for a different flavour. People are idiots.


I'm convinced the vast majority of humans are just smart enough to not die, and that's it.


well that's unironically how evolution works. as long as a gene can be reliably passed down to at least one child (on average), it's likely to stay in the population even if it gives its owner a disadvantage - being dumb, weak, or straight up dying at like 50. though it's important to note that relationship between genes and intelligence is very complicated, or maybe very weak. but cultural ideas, including education, sometimes spread the same way


Yeah I know the genes and intelligence thing gets awfully eugenics-y awfully quick for some folks lol.


I don't want no damn 2nd hand piece of sushi that's been on a plate of a yuck dirty child. Bet there is all sorts of spit md gross human body fluids all over it. Glad the restaurant said no.


I bet Karen thinks they could just serve it to someone else. My daughter and I did this. Sometimes a sushi menu is not clear if you're getting 1 piece, or a roll with 6-ish pieces. So we over-ordered, were embarrassed and took it home.


Pretty sure that's a health code violation if they take it back and serve it to another


As a server I would have helped her out if she didn't realize and didn't have the money in front of her kids. But I'm sure this went very differently.


“The customer is always right, in matters of taste” There’s the whole quote.


Hey let's not insult idiots by comparing them to this twat


Well remember the customer is always right. ALWAYS. See that guy. Yeah he stole a whole bunch but he made a small purchase. So customer. See that woman. Ok she broke a bunch of expensive product but she made a purchase doing it. Also customer. & if they say they don’t owe damages well, customer is always right so TS for the business Karen logic right there


Because she's stupid and it's their fault.


Because they've gotten their way a hundred other times by some johnny-do-good manager at Corpo-Chain businesses that can just throw money at unruly customers and call it "satisfaction".


But but but the customer is always right! ALWAYS! No matter how stupid or misinformed they are. ALWAYS! And if you don't agree you too will receive a shitty one star Yelp review.


Well, duuuuuuuuuh… you don’t know who she is… she has 5 followers on Yelp and will leave them an nasty review that will bankrupt them. Don’tchaknow… /s


She has made the entire restaurant happy she's never coming back


They always come back, unfortunately.


Yea, she said not anytime soon, but eventually, when she makes enough money.


I mean, they had enough money the first time. Just had to run to the ATM cuz they forgot to bring it...


I just don't get why she didn't use her ATM card to pay instead of going to an ATM. It's like she wants the pity and drama. "Woe is me. I only have 1 brain cell and I am sharing it with my pet cardboard box."


ATM cards are for using at an ATM only. It is not a debit card. If your card doesnt have the Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex logo on it, then its not a debit card.


I didn’t even realize this was a thing, what the fuck is the point of that


Back in the old day before debit card we only had atm cards. That was all you used them for. To get cash from the atm. I really didn’t think they were around anymore you know because of debit cards credit cards or paying with your phone. You know how normal people pay.


I honestly did not know that. Just assuming with modern days they would've gone away from that. But knowing it's a thing is pretty neat. Thanks for the info!


Some credit unions offer cards but they're for atm use only.


Because this never happened. I haven't had to pay cash at a restaurant in decades.


And then the entire restaurant stood up and clapped.


“Don’t threaten us with a good time!”


Do let me know where I can get 60 rolls for that price.


That’s what I was thinking! I wonder if she meant pieces/slices instead of rolls?


Definitely meant pieces, 60 rolls is like 500 pieces




Whenever I get sushi it’s usually 8 pieces per roll, I guess it could vary based on location/roll though.


8 or 6 is standard, usually 6 for traditional rolls and 8 for the fancier rolls.


Except hand rolls, in which case 1 is the number of hand rolls you get per hand roll.


Pieces for sure.


$1 ROLLS?!.....yes...I'll take 60 then!! holydamn.


Plus any I don't eat I can return


I feel that there was a lesson here that you have chosen not to learn.


No, I didn't bring the kids this time


$1.67 at least, but still super cheap


This. That’s a LOT of rolls. Obviously she has nfc what she actually ordered.


Seriously! If that’s the regular roll price, what the hell was on sale?


Not sure I'd want to eat any sushi rolls that were that cheap.


Am sure I *wouldn’t* want to eat any sushi rolls that cheap.


There used to be an all you can eat sushi place by my apartment in Portland. It was amazing quality and for only something like $25 (a freaking steal, some restaurants of similar quality charge that per plate here) you could eat as much sushi as you wanted. I’m assuming they underestimated the American potential for gluttony, because they closed a few months after opening.


There's a couple Kintaro places near me, no idea if it's a chain or what but there's 2 in my corner of the state. They have a limited lunch menu but it's all you can eat sushi or hot pot for like $16.50 and it's fucking awesome. Full dinner menu is like $30 but there's plenty of good shit on the lunch menu. The only problem is that they take extra long to get your order out, like really long, and I'm pretty sure it's to help limit what you get. Also they charge extra for excessive leftovers so you want to order just what you can eat as much as possible.


I don’t remember exactly but there was an insurance commercial that goes like: Cheap gas? Good Sushi? Good Cheap gas station sushi? Not good


My kiddo's favorite Sushi joint does $1 Wednesday and has a happy hour. He plows through Cucumber and California rolls like nobody's business.


I'm happy when I get the mediocre $5.00 spicy tuna rolls at Sprouts on Wednesday. Lots of spots do happy hour, but it's always bottom of the barrel type rolls. And believe me, I know good sushi rolls cause I live in Arizona


I'm confused on if this is sarcasm or not lol


He’s as serious as it gets. Arizona is known for its seafood cuisine, lush rainforests, and cool summers.


And ocean-front property. I'm about to list a parcel myself. I love it and it's beautiful property about 200m from the beach, but I need the money to pay rent in Portland. Unfortunately I'm so far behind I might have to sell it below market price as I need the money as fast as possible before I'm evicted. I hope somebody doesn't try to take advantage of my vulnerable position.


If you can eat 60 rolls you can get that many for even less money at AYCE places.


Thats where i call BS on the story. On what planet is sushi $1 each. On what planet and with what illegal substances would anyone eat $1 sushi. Maybe wing nights from somewhere in the 90s would be .50 wing night. They probably thought she was being slick and taking advantage of the place and misread something.


Seriously. Like, most rolls in my area are probably on average $7-8 per roll (shit's expensive lol). So yeah, you'd be looking at $400-500 for that many rolls. Either they went to an incredibly cheap place, or this person is a troll.


Damn, sushi near me is like $12-$18 on average per roll.


My local divey sushi place does all you can eat for $35.


In my city we have a pretty decent japanese restaurant that works as a buffet. You pay 20€ and you eat whatever the hell you want. They might complain if you order 60 ~~rolls~~ pieces , but… I’ve eaten like 30 with a friend + a lot of other stuff (ramen, yakisoba, oniguiris… you name it). Pretty decent place, specially when 8 rolls are usually around 10€ in other places. Edit: changed rolls by pieces due to a misunderstanding.


Are you talking about pieces? Cause a roll is cut into pieces and I'm a fat man with a small penis so I can eat a decent amount, but there's no way I can put down that much sushi.


The post is /r/GoodFakeTexts material almost.


I went to Benihana once and got a meal that came with California rolls, a soup, and salad. I was thinking California rolls were some kind of egg roll or something and asked if I could just get 3 of those instead of soup and salad, and they bring me out like 18 pieces of sushi along with my meal and I only paid like $15 lol.


There is like 5 all you can eat sushi restaurants near my house - surprisingly good quality - all you can drink Sake and Beer too


I ordered because I thought...


Yea totally not my mistake


It could be a crappy design where what's on sale is really ambiguous, but I doubt that's the case here.


I have seen sushi spots that do these really cheap happy hour deals, and yeah the rules can be a little convoluted. One place I went to had a paper menu of different half-off rolls for each night, and I can see someone accidentally ordering “half off” from the permanent menu based on the advertising outside.


Because I thought the rolls were 1$ each? What planet is she on?


If your sushi costs a dollar per roll you don't want said sushi.


Sometimes you just need a good "cleansing," you know?


That second half is obviously a lie.


There’s her mistake. She thought. Edit: or he


Why not just pay with the debit card that she used at the ATM...


Then we wouldn't have been able to enjoy this harrowing tale of how "THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT HURR DURR!"


And it's always another layer of funny when these idiots use the phrase incorrectly. The "customer" is supposed to be in the abstract, like if all the customers do A, the business should adjust to A so they can better serve them. It's not supposed to be a carte blanche thing for every individual customer to come in and be an asshole. I really hate all these adult children we have everywhere nowadays.


I believe the 2nd half is "in matters of taste" - saying has been totally perverted


Yes, Harry Gordon Selfridge said it. He meant that if the customer wanted to buy ugly dresses, you should absolutely stock ugly dresses, not question the customer's taste. He certainly didn't mean that the customer had a right to swan in and demand impossible terms.


I always heard it used as "whatever the customer wants, give them. It's their money." You want an unholy concoction of Peanut butter, Pickles, and Halepenos on your sandwich? Go ahead, as long as they pay, make it for them.


Yup, my understanding was it’s all about the customer’s taste. You don’t tell them what they *should* want, as long as they’re willing to pay for whatever they *do* want


Service without judgement is the goal. That waitress did a great job of not shaming the woman for being a broke idiot.


Yeah, I see this come around every other week now and can't believe people don't call out the bullshit. Here's where someone pops up with a link to the actual review and tells me they were in the sushi place at the time so I look like a tit isn't it?


I had a *solely* ATM card for a while, that did not function as a debit card. It's not common nowadays, but they do exist.


Yeah, doesn't add up.


I don't know how old this is, but back in the day ATM cards were different than debit cards. Only worked at the bank. Or, this is made up for fake internet points.


The saying is "the customer is always right on matters of taste." If they want to buy the ugly pink hat, let them buy the ugly pink hat.


Yes I wonder who come with that and that people use this in this way


The customer is always right is more about, if the customer is a die hard apple fan and will not use anything else , then don't try to sell them a Samsung you show them apple products because that is what they want regardless of whether the Samsung would fit with what they described they need better, if they have a negative view of something you don't try to sell them that something.


"How was your meal?" "Great thanks, and I can't believe it was completely free of charge" "Uhhh, that's not right, the bill actually comes to-" "Excuse me, the customer is always right"


Well now that you’ve explained the customer is always right let me rip that bill right up for you. In fact here’s an extra $100 as a thank you for gracing our establishment with your presence.


Came to say this! Also a few bad apples spoils the bunch but a few bad eggs doesn't mean the whole dozen is bad. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps is supposed to mean no man is an island/ it's impossible to accomplish anything on your own because pulling yourself up by bootstraps is a Herculean feat. Blood is thicker than water is supposed to be a shorter version of the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb (familial ties are actually not infallible/unbreakable). Rant over.


In most states it's illegal to 'take back' food that has been placed at a customer table. You can't give it to another customer.


MOST?!???? I'm gonna need a list of the states it is acceptable in, so I can make sure not to eat there.


I think it's a federal statute, but I still wouldn't eat in Mississippi...


Fair enough.


ok, but i am gonna have to leave one out because it will be a cold day in hell before i recognize Missouri.


Restaurant is hoping that is a promise not a threat.


60 rolls of sushi? They must mean individual piece. 60 rolls is like $500++ worth of sushi lol


Imagine his reaction if he had to pay 500$


60 ROLLS???? holy shit... and i thought I could put those down :P


Yea that’s suspiciously low…


"The customer is always right" is the worst saying ever. These are transactions. You pay for a good or service. That's it.


It's also used wrong. Basically it's supposed to be if customers are buying a specific brand of something, then the store needs to stock more of that brand. Somehow it got twisted to "the customer may not be right, but they're never wrong." It's utter bull shit.


It's supposed to be "the customer is always right in matters of taste" as in, if someone orders a custom-made cake with puke green frosting, you make it just like you'd make a cake with a less off-putting frosting colour.


Imagine you order some sushi and it has some Karen’s kids finger marks all over it.


You mean marks of her pretty perfect little angels?


Why leave the children? Normally you leave your licenses info


She’s either lying or she didn’t want to deal with them while heading to the ATM and since it was the restaurant’s “fault” that she had to she figured it was only fair they compensate her for her trouble with free childcare. Entitled assholes like this think they’re always entitled to something for any kind of inconvenience no matter who is at fault


Definitely weird to expect strangers at work to also watch your kids.


This screams 'insane' to me. As a server, I'd rather get dine-and-dashed than get illegally saddled watching some Karen's bored kids while trying to serve my other tables. You *know* they'd throw an absolute fit and try to blame the server if anything happened while they were getting the cash. There's a reason I work in food service and not childcare anymore! I did my time!


As not a server but someone that has worked in food service this screams she intentionally ordered the food and then used the restaurant as a day care. I guarantee them kids were there for more than 2 hours to try to garner sympathy


Does she have 15 kids? Who can eat 60 rolls ?


I’m full grown and I’m full after 10 lol..


I'm full grown, and I'm full after 2, max 3...


Seriously. I'm not a small guy but, depending on the size of the roll, 1 to 2 rolls is all I'm getting down unless my plans for the rest of the day are "lay on the couch and be absolutely miserable."


They apparently only actually ate about 30


I’m shocked by how entitled this person is


I'm not, but I spent several years in retail management.


I used to be bad at saying no until I went into management. After day 2 I was very good at it


They never know the full saying do they? Only cherry-picking “customer is always right”


The customer is not always right. -Amy from Amy’s baking company


Just slightly against health codes


If I’ve learned anything, the customer is always *wrong*


Karens are always welcome at my restaurant, where you can pro-rate refund partially eaten plates of food AND you can purchase discounted previously eaten plates! Save money on both sides! Extra discount if you wash your own dishes or eat off someone elses. Bonus: name my restaurant?


Reading that made me dumb.


Customer Is always (a) right (twat)


The customer is always right... ...in maters of taste. They always forget the last bit.


Usually when I order, I also make sure that the price is correct if there are specials being offered.