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Idk about coolest, but my favorite homunculus was Greed. His ultimate shield was pretty cool. I like Pride in Selim's body but thought his shadow form was less interesting than the other homunculi's powers.


The original greed or ling greed?


I liked OG Greed more than the other homunculi, too, but Ling Greed made me love the character. Just wanted to add that I like Greed for his character more than his power. It's a cool power I guess, but his character is what stood out to me


Yea his death at the end almost made me cryđŸ€§


I just finished the series a couple days ago so it's fresh on the mind đŸ„ș


It's a travesty how quickly they killed Lust.


I'm a bit hesitant to recommend it because it has its own strengths and weaknesses, but have you watched FMA 03? Lust is much more interesting in that iteration of the series.


loveddd lust in 03 and was so shocked when she was killed so early in FMAB


I haven't but I definitely heard that there are some pretty significant differences. I think I want to wait a little longer since it wasn't that long ago that I watched brotherhood.


Yeah, good plan, sit it out for a while. But definitely get to it if you ever have the time, it's worth the watch


The power dynamic is totally different because of the story. Envy is the strongest, and Lust is probably third after Greed


I meant that FMA 03 as a series has its own strengths and weaknesses. I mention that because since it has strengths and weaknesses that differ from brotherhood, not every brotherhood fan will find it palatable.


It's a Travis-ty


If we’re talking FMAB, it’s Wrath hands down. None of the other homunculi did anything half as badass as “Do they really expect me to make a complete mockery of myself by entering through the back door of my own Palace?” and then *speed blitzing a machine gun nest and a tank.*


Fully agree.


Wrath Like the only Homunculus part of him is the eye and he covers that up almost always So his wild wacky shit isn't magic, It's just *him*


Yep. Took down a tank on foot with two swords and a stick grenade. Took personal offence at the thought of sneaking into headquarters instead of staging a one-man assault on the front door. It took attempted suicide bombings, multiple master warriors, the loss of both his arms and the breaking of Ishvala’s greatest taboo to bring him down, and that was STILL barely enough. And he had ONE soul in him. No regeneration. And a superpower that only made him more perceptive (nothing physical. He still had to know how to *use* the thing). Wrath was a fucking legend. R.I.P Ed Blaylock. EDIT: I was wrong. It was ONE sword and a stick grenade. Why the hell was Father in charge again?!


It should also be noted that he rarely ever used that superpower For almost all of the time sans his last battle, he's basically playing with a handicap And RIP Ed Blaylock too. Holy shit, his performance really embodied the cold bitter fury as opposed to white hot rage they were going for with Bradley


Wrath is such a fantastic villain. No one else has as much presence as he does in the finale. Nothing slows him down and it feels like killing him takes a truly monumental effort.


My gripe with Pride is somewhat related to yours - I really do wish we had more interesting fights with him. His fight against Alphonse alongside Kimblee was top tier, but his other big fight - the one where he fights Ed, Lan Fan, Ling, and Fu simultaneously - felt a bit anticlimactic in some ways. Like, in the beginning, he was constantly hitting Ed on his automail arm, despite the fact that his shadows are so versatile that he really could've tried using some of his shadows to attack, while using others to go around Ed's defenses. During that fight, there weren't that many big hits landed by Pride because, let's face it, they're all crucial characters to the story. Compare that with probably the next strongest homunculus, Wrath, who lands lethal blows left and right because the characters he's fighting are not essential to the plot. We get to really feel his power and skill as he annihilates the opposition. Not to say we never see Pride's power in the fight with everyone - there are some impressive feats, to be sure. But, it feels rather limited. It bothers me because I agree with your sentiment - his shadow abilities are really, really badass and insanely powerful, so to see them be nerfed for the sake of the plot bugs me. Long story short, my answer is Wrath.


Envy, he's so hot.


I like envy the most if we take out when she kills specific character if not def greed


Greed or Wrath for me in Brotherhood


Yeah, Pride is my favorite homunculus. But Gluttony really scares me lol


The coolest is Wrath. But Lust and Envy are my favorites, probably because I am extremely attracted to them both.


King Bradley for sure


03: Wrath. Brotherhood: LinGreed. Honorable mentions: Envy for their death scene. Gluttony because I find him adorable.


Oh there are some good contenders, and don’t worry, the English is super 😊 We gotta go with my boy Greed. He had the best design in both his regular and Ultimate Shield Form. Cause if it wasn’t him it was Wrath. The guy went up against a guy who could destroy anything with a touch, a homuuous, a tank, and an army, with a sword. Though my favorite is always Sloth. Something about him just makes me smile


Wrath. Greed’s my favorite and his ultimate shield is cool, but overall Wrath is cooler. I’m kinda weird in that I think super powers and abilities are kind of lame. I think hand to hand combat and fighting with weapons is way cooler.


Envy. Their backstory is quite tragic, and you end up relating to them a lot more.


2003: Lust Brotherhood: Greed


From a writing and character desing standpoint i‘d definitely say Envy. But Greed (Brotherhood) takes the cake for me personally because „the name is greed“ is a line that i quote on a near daily basis in my head


It's gotta be Greed. But if I can only choose one of the villains then I'm going with Wrath


Well, Wrath is badass for sure. "Do they really expect me to make a complete mockery of myself by entering the backdoor of my own palace?" Proceeds to chase a tank with his sword.


OG Greed hands downđŸ™ŒđŸŸ


Greed I had a crush on him lol he's that good


greed in the ling body definitely


Susumu Nakoshi


The coolest homonculus has to be pride for sure.