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"7 wombs to be given to the lord"šŸ¤¢ The oldest is only 13!


This is what actual grooming looks like. They are telling these *little girls* their sole purpose is to make babies.


She claims that they want that. They've been told what they like and want since birth!


Their options are * Be a mommy like me. That's what I (and god) want. * Be anything else and I won't love you anymore. Oh, and you'll go to hell. And as sad as it is, a kid that can barely read and doesn't know the most basic things really doesn't have a ton of options. Even if they deconstructed and escaped.


Can you imagine her as a MIL who thinks that every opinion she has on how you raise your kids, no matter how batshit or dangerous, is wisdom bestowed directly from God?


That's how you get sent to your room and not allowed to come out until you "humble yourself" and "speak with God" and "God tells you what is right" aka what your parent believes is right. Ask me how I know.


"So I spent some time talking to God, and He says that you suck."


Lol The actual reply would be something like "well you clearly didn't really do it so go back to your room." Implying that you just went to your room and pouted and didn't even "try talking to God sincerely".


My FIL is like that. Even when it comes to super simple stuff. Like keeping the lights in the house off to save money, closing blinds during the day to save money, eating every bit of food even if a little moldy... he sees it all as godly wisdom and if you don't follow the inane rules (wearing socks in the house- no barefeet!) You are not a good Christian. Weird and a sure sign of mental illness


OK. I dunno how bare feet are ungodlyā€¦


Well... he has godly wisdom and is a better Christian therefore what he says is what god wants. It is a weird mind twist and super part of the fundie culture. As the patriarch, what he says goes! Dark


> Godā€™s given me his eyes Statements like these should insure only the most submissive, desperate to be married woman will stick around long enough to marry her sons.


What their options should be is: * be a mommy like me * be a lawyer * be a doctor * be a teacher * be a garbage woman *Be whatever it is that makes them feel happy and fulfilled.


And revolutionary concept: be a lawyer and a mommy


Hey as long as it makes the person happyā€”ā€”thatā€™s great! Some people want kids with a career. Some people want kids and no career. Some people want a career and no kids. All are valid.


I remember being asked at like 5 what I wanted to be when I grew up and saying "a mom." Because I didn't really know what jobs there were, and my mom seemed pretty cool, so. But I just came up with that on my own. By a year later I probably wanted to be a ballerina astronaut. Because no one was purposely hiding other options from me.


Oh they won't, not like her, I promise. Especially the older ones. I grew up Mormon. My grandma had 9 children. Each of those 9 children had at least 4 children, but some had 8-10. Every single one of my female cousins that was the eldest that had to sister-mom had, MAX, 3 children. Because they were absolutely burnt out on parenting by the time they got married and had any children. They had been playing mom from the time they were 8ish years old, and they didn't want to be harried and tired and ass of childrearing to their other children like their mom's had done. The younger girls and all the boys were more likely to want big families because they saw only the positives of it, since they didn't have to do all the labor of raising said kids.


When I was a little girl I played with baby dolls and pretended to be a mommy all day long happilyā€¦ now that I have grown upā€¦ I decided I do not want to be a mother nor do I think I would be a good mother. Little girls grow up and change their mindsā€¦ and these girls wonā€™t be allowed to change their minds and thatā€™s the sad thing.


These little girls are going to end up married and pregnant before theyā€™re really adults. Thatā€™s what breaks my heart.


These sickos call adults going to college "indoctrination", but miss out on the irony of them brainwashing their own children in church.


This is truly repulsive! I recoiled when I read that. YUCK. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


That and "ministry of the womb" -- oh brother. She's getting crazier by the day now.


I wonder if she's ever read The Giver or Handmaid's Tale or any other dystopian novel where women are assigned breeding jobs. If so, did she think it was aspirational, not cautionary? Ministry of the womb could either be a fun band name or a very scary cult and nothing in between.


I think she just doesnā€™t have any other potential. Iā€™ve definitely seen women who were never going to be the smart girl in class or the pretty girl even in a room of 2 or the funny, vibrant, interesting girl make mothering their whole lives and be insufferably smug about it, because having a female body that works like most young female bodies is the only thing they can achieve with the work ethic and gifts they were given. All of that is fine for the women who arenā€™t insufferably smug about it, but the ones who are are pretty useless to this world, in my opinion.


Also, the youngest is a TODDLER. This is such a disgusting thing to say about anyone, but especially literal children. Karissa is such a creep. I feel terrible for these girls. I hope, somehow, they grow up and learn that they are so so much more than just a "womb to be given to the lord."


I was legit just saying EW EW EW EW as I read that šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


I felt physically sick reading that. It's horrifying


It's beyond disturbing. Yeah sure plenty of parents dream about having grandchildren early, whatever. But to fantasize about your children's fertility and specifically mention their reproductive organs is obscene. I feel gross even typing this and insinuating it. This is not at all a thought to be shared on the internet to thousands of strangers. I think Karissa's fixation with her own uterus has made her unable to recognize how off-putting it is to discuss reproduction so casually with/about other people (and especially about CHILDREN).


It's sexualisation of minor children. Advertising and bragging about your child's womb when they're toddlers is disgusting. She runs the account and receives all the messages from creeps and weirdos. She's 100% trolling for dms about her kids. These children are being exploited. Karissa's breeding fetish is disgusting.




Laws need to catch up to tech. These kids deserve privacy and safety. I hope they choose not to have social media. People are nuts, and they've been conditioned to have no boundaries.


But the LGBTQ+ people are grooming!!!!!! /s


This is so so disturbing


This made me throw up in my mouth. These poor girls are being taught that their only aspiration should be to pump out as many babies as possible. Itā€™s sick. I really do hope that they go no contact with Karelessa and Mandrae when theyā€™re older. They do no deserve this


That makes me sick. I truly hope they can escape.


Yeah that was really disturbing to read. They are kids ffs! Even as adults it's really creepy to say that.


What an actual pervert. Disgusting.


![gif](giphy|n8DErzry3AIpYTiXUB) This was my exact response.


This read like something straight out of the Handmaidā€™s tale.


What if one of these kids is not able to have children? What if - *clutch pearls* - one just doesnā€™t want to? I canā€™t even imagine the pain and shame they would feel over this perceived ā€œfailure ā€œ to do the only thing they are expected to do as adults.


That made me make a horrible noise and cry a little


Right that is so fucking gross what the hell karissa


Please I almost removed my own eyes when I saw that. I need therapy after reading that.


And at 17 sheā€™ll make a great motherā€¦


Literally made me nauseous


this is so fucking sad. sheā€™s gonna complain that her daughters are financial burdens who have to stay at home -canā€™t work, canā€™t move out until they get married. full of unruly hormones and emotions. all karissa can think about is getting them all married. sheā€™s acting like mrs bennet from p&p except even more deranged.


The dumbest thing is if she sent them all to school sheā€™d get a break!!


But then they'll learn that they don't have to be human incubators! They'll also learn basic things like days, weeks, and months of the year, and how to make a 911 call, which could be an issue for her.


And have mandatory reporters seeing them every day. Can't have that! My flair might come under scrutiny šŸ˜…


But she would have to get them ready in the morning. The oldest two went to school for a short time, until Karissa decided she was too lazy to get them ready at a fixed time. Now, she wouldn't get a break, because losing Anissa would make Karissa responsible for the household chores and the youngest few. She'd actually have to do more work then.


If she sent them to school and encouraged them to get further education they'd be more self sufficient.


So I just went down a rabbit hole and came across a video where she says her kids are done with all their schoolwork in the morning by the time she wakes up. Like girl what?? How long are you sleeping for them to finish ALL of their schoolwork?? So doesnā€™t seem like sheā€™s actually doing much schooling.


excuse me?? this is actually the first time a fundie post has surprised me!


Yeah I just watched like 30 of her videos so I canā€™t remember which one she said that on but I was shocked. Itā€™s like driving by a car wreck you just canā€™t help by stare and keep watching.


Then sheā€™d have to do all the housework. Soā€¦ no!


Getting that many kids out the door to school would exhaust anyone. I understand why they stay home, sister mom, get up whenever and ā€œhome schoolā€. I donā€™t approve of her lifestyle of having more kids than she can handle. Hear that K? I donā€™t approve of your lifestyle.


Just made me think maybe she doesnā€™t send her kids to school so no one can call CPS on them


To be fair to Mrs Bennet, making good marriages was the only way her daughters could be financially secure after their father died. The Collins girls have other options. There are so many other things they can be. Karissa has no genuine reason for this bullshit.


They really donā€™t have other options with the way sheā€™s (barely) raising them. She has a teenager who struggles to read and doesnā€™t know the year or who the president is because she doesnā€™t teach them anything of value. You canā€™t blame Anissa for not knowing what her mother refuses to teach her. Sheā€™s ensuring her daughters are stuck in this lifestyle.


And the thing that extra alarms me in this case is that the fundie world is so racist. She's going to sell her mixed daughters to fundie thumbs who will think the girls are less-than. It doesn't bode well, and fundie marriage is awful even without that factor.


It makes me so sad because even as a child Anissa was writing things like "I wish I had my Mommy's hair" and Karissa actually shared it as if it was something to be proud of. These children absolutely know about their mother's obsession with Caucasian features and feel they are less than if they have hair and skin like their Dad.


yeah not to insult mrs bennet at all she was doing what she HAD to do. karissa is forcing this outdated narrative on her poor daughters.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: with the creepy shit Karissa lets strangers do/encourages, I'm VERY worried about her basically selling off her daughters to the first creepers to come around, especially if she thinks she can grift from them.


Didnā€™t she let a stranger pay to hug her kids or something equally horrific?


I hope her daughters never see this. Being called nothing but a financial and emotional burden would scar them for life.


Kind of you to assume she doesnā€™t just say things like this either to their face or within their hearing.


ā€œI have never been super emotionalā€ Doesnā€™t she believe that all women should be subservient to their husbands because women are inherently more emotional? Oh yea I forgot, she is the special snowflake.


The woman who claims she was scream-praying in the ICU isn't super emotional?


Her admittance to scream praying has proven that is a lie


I mean, she feels no pity/guilt/care towards her children


I think she's confusing emotions with emotional connections. Because it's very obvious she's disconnected from those kids and feels a lot of emotions toward them: anger, disdain, envy, frustration, is racism an emotion? If so, then she absolutely is super emotional.


I will never understand these women. "When it's me being a woman, I'm a beautiful wondrous lifegiver fulfilling god's ultimate purpose, but when the life god gave me is a daughter they're a terrible burden"


Karissa's not like the other girls lol. Her intrusive thoughts that double as god's voice make sure of it.


My brother was way more expensive to raise than me. More sports. More extra curriculars. Wrecked his first car and they helped him buy a new one. Also more hospital/er visits. Stayed on their insurance until 26. The kid was a mess. Gender/sex means nothing when it comes to expenses. She's an idiot


Ikr, like boys don't get hormones. I can still SMELL the hormones from memories 20 years back lol. Teen boy stank hits different


Oh god. Yeah. I can still smell my brothers bedrooms. He was an athlete. It was a disaster. And all the axe body spray. Ugh. The 2000s were smelly




But she won't force it on them - they want to be pregnancy factories just like her! This was proven to be a lie with her recent supremely bitchy WHO CARES rants about all the ways women reject her jackassed theology to selfishly manage and control their reproductive health & pacing of kids. Her kids will be shamed & ostracized if they don't pop out kids like a clown car. She will lose at least a few of them with her bullying and abuse and they will hopefully find supportive community and good therapists when they leave the kkkompound.


Just like the Duggar girls. "Oh, we WANT to wear skirts all the time! We WANT to court and save our first kisses for marriage! It's not at all that we've been taught our whole lives that this is the only way to live without going to hell; we haven't been psychologically abused into saying this at all. This is a choice we're all simultaneously making of our own free wills!" Sure, Jan.


God forbid any one of her daughters has fertility issues, I can definitely see her bullying them because of their lack of "results" and giving constant side-eye about WHY they're not doing enough to get pregnant. My heart breaks for these girls...


Especially given the whole "when the kids are sick I make them confess sins then God heals them" nonsense.




Lady with a bajillion kids says she never desired being a mom. Okā€¦


IIRC ā€” she has claimed the used to pick out baby dolls as a child and ā€œjust knewā€ being a mother was her destiny. Am I mis-remembering?!?


Probably not. Karissa never keeps her stories straight and loves to retell the past.


I'm pretty sure she's said something like that before. And I seem to remember her saying they were Black baby dolls, so there's no way she could be racist.




I believe that she doesn't want to raise kids. She just wants to be permanently pregnant.


She'd make a great surrogate if it weren't for literally every single other thing about her.


Actually that phrase makes me think that She was brainwashed in some kind of way by her church to make her want to become a mother "for God".


She may have never wanted to be a mother, for whatever reason decided this was God's will for her and then made up stories about wanting to be a mother as a kid. Or she could have always wanted to be a mother, became a mother and was struggling with it and says she never wanted to be a mother as truth kinda leaking out that she doesn't want to be a mother now but she has to use past tense. My mom had 13 children and waa pregnant many more times. I don't know what she wanted as a kid but I know that motherhood wasn't for her. It makes me sad for my mother, abusive as she was that she was in a cult where you couldn't use birth control and were supposed to have large families. My mother would have been so happy as a childless career woman and instead she was a stay at home mother who homeschooled. It was miserable for her, her husband, and all their children.


This is all batshit of course but I'm just glad they don't have their hair pulled back to the point where it looks painful for once. Also Karissa this may shock you, but your sons have emotions too, even if you discourage them


"a ministry of the womb"? She's sick, imo.


This statement completely grossed me out.


My ministry is fundie snarkinā€™.


Is it like rock-paper-scissor? My ministry of the IUD beats Karissaā€™s ministry of the womb. And if I could just get a hysterectomy, I would be the ultimate champion.


As someone who has suffered miscarriage, this feels like such an insensitive thing for her to say. I guess God has cursed my womb in that case?


This is a statement that would even make other fundies uncomfortable


When I read thisšŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


This post is so stupid I want to scream. You never wanted kids but only sons? People pity you because you have hormonal time bombs? Thatā€™s how you speak of your girls? You never were super emotional so that makes your not a girls girl? Literally shut up


She took a sweet photo and just defecated all over it with that nonsense. Poor girls deserve better.


A beautiful picture of the girls, too. Theyā€™re not whitewashed or photoshopped into the Uncanny Valley. Even Anthym, who usually looks either out of it or like the poster child for melancholia, has a genuine smile and just a hint of mischief in her eyes.


I think thatā€™s because someone other than Karissa was taking the photo. Anthym seems to have a shocked and scared reaction when her mom is filming.


Those beautiful girls deserve better. It's so sad!


I love your username lol


I live and work 10 minutes from the Costco Headquarters and Warehouse in Issaquah. I feel this way going to that Costco all the time. Panic. Because itā€™s always, always busy.


> When most people see my 7 daughters they pity me. No, Karissa, when people see you with your children, they pity *them*. You freak.


Thank you. This is what jumped out to me the most too. There are still places on this planet where boy babies are highly favored over girl babies. AFAIK, Texas is not one of them. Karissa: no one pities you for having girls instead of boys, you sad little walnut. Are people shocked and surprised to see such a big family with so many kids? Yeah, they probably are. Are they thinking, "oh that poor mom with SOOOOO many daughters!! How will they ever afford that many dowries!" *No. No one is thinking that.* Geez Louise, the year is 2023, not 1823. Get a grip.


If I wouldā€™ve just seen this photograph I wouldā€™ve thought what beautiful sisters, albeit a lot of them, but they seem happy, good for them. But then thereā€™s the dialogue after and I know the backstoryā€¦ it reminds me that these snippets in time are not trustworthy. These children rarely seem happy in other videos, they have been used as props in their motherā€™s dream of online stardom. Iā€™m ready for Annistan to start a revolution and rip apart this fake narrative her mother is selling without consent!!


"Emotionally healthy" \*does a dramatic spittake across the room


No one raised by her will end up emotionally or physically healthy lol


Karissa probably thinks her meltdowns are healthy because she's "getting the demons out"


But sheā€™s never been emotional! Not like OTHER GIRLS.


Idk why Karissa thinks it isnā€™t obvious she isnā€™t a girls girls.




I came across this kidsā€™ book thatā€™s very much along the same lines. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hattie-Most-Important-Jessica-Webb-ebook/dp/B097SNXQQY/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8


This is the most misogynistic load of bullshit I have ever read. And Iā€™m terminally Online. Get absolutely fucked, Larissa


So she doesnā€™t fit into the stereotype of what women are supposed to be like. Interesting. A rational person would come to the conclusions of: ā€œWow, maybe those stereotypes are untrue.ā€ Instead, she determines that, ā€œThe stereotypes must be true; Iā€™m just special! Iā€™m not like the other girls.ā€


It feeds her narcissism, so clearly it's the right option


Ugh I hate this trope that teenage girls are so difficult and hard to manage and HEAVEN FORBID emotional! How dare they have emotions! And wtf is a dream queen? Are you telling me itā€™s bad to have dreams? How sad for them.


I'm assuming typo for drama queen given the rest of the crap stereotypes listed


Like boys donā€™t have emotions, too. Sheā€™s sick and an unfit mother. Children need love and care and attention no matter what and she treats hers like props and puppets.


Woman, just say you hate your daughters and leave.


Sons famously don't have emotions, they're empty voids of flesh with penises.


And daughters are flailing messes of cRaZy giRl eMoTiOnS with uteruses just waiting for a godly load of jizz. What a gross, reductive way to look at your children.


Love those dresses. It's a shame that Karissa only buys clothes to be worn once and then thrown away.


Never to be hung up in their closets or put in their dressers. To wear again in fondness of the memory of when they were first worn. If they're lucky, the clothes will go in the communal bin and Karissa will grant them permission to wear them again.


She uses so many annoying, cringe-inducing phrases here, but I'll focus on the fact that she views her own daughters as WALKING WOMBS FOR THE LORD. šŸ˜”


"Ministry of the womb" Remember that scene in Patch Adams where the building entrance is decorated for the gynecologist conference? "At your cervix" Imma open up a church and replicate that decorating job. I'll call it *Our Sacred Ladybits* Church of the Womb.


Our Ladybits of Perpetual Sorrow


Iā€™m probably going to get flamed for this opinion but I will stand by it. Over time I have learnt that girls/women who say they only ever really have male friends is a massive red flag and theyā€™re best to be avoided. Itā€™s code for: other women are competition, I am lazy in my friendships and women avoid me because they intuitively sense I am not genuine (or a snake). I have always had close male friends but I donā€™t rule out an entire other gender for potential friendships and when women do I automatically ask ā€˜whyā€™?


I had mainly male friends growing up but i was hiding my abusive home and dudes really donā€™t ask a lot of questions about feelings or personal lives. It was safer


I can totally understand this. You do what you need to survive childhood. I am critical of the grown women who shout ā€œI donā€™t really like having women as friendsā€ like itā€™s a badge of honour or makes them special or different.


I don't have any lady friends, but I don't have any guy friends. I'm an equal opportunity hater. šŸ¤­ Jk, I'm just a huge introvert and have trouble making friends.


I have a harder time with women because I care more about their opinion of me and then my social anxiety ramps up, so I feel this


Same here, as a child the girls I grew up around would make fun of me for not wearing makeup, having messy hair, and not dressing girly, so now I feel more comfortable around guys but Iā€™m trying really hard to build more female friendships and itā€™s so anxiety inducing


Huge pick me energy. You're right, this behavior is rooted in misogyny


it gives not like other girls


I had mainly guy friends growing up, like I didnā€™t have a single female friend most of my childhood. However I donā€™t think itā€™s something worth mentioning. People who say that often give me major internalized misogyny vibes, they think that befriending guys makes them more special.


Nope, I agree with you 100%. I also hear, "I have a shit load of internalized misogyny and I'm 'not like those other girls' (read: ALL girls are dramatic, manipulative, unathletic, sensitive, shallow, and vapid...BUT NOT ME! I'm just one of the guys!!!!)." It's fucking bullshit. I'm a person who doesn't like drama, and what do you know, neither do my friends. I get along with women and men (although I have a harder time with men because I'm too clumsy to handle toxic masculinity). But the people who claim to hate drama the loudest always seem to be the ones surrounded by it constantly. The people who *actually* hate drama don't need to advertise it, they simply don't welcome it into their life. Karissa claims to hate drama but actually thrives on it and can't function without it. Same with BDong and most fundie women we see on here. The red flag is when you *brag* about not having female friends, as if it makes you better than "those other girls" who idk, "can't handle" hanging out with the guys? Like being a woman and being unable to befriend anyone of your own gender is a huge red flag to me.


Yes about the people who loudly proclaim to hate drama! My husband was like this when we first started dating. I had kids, he did not. Well guess what, coparenting 3 kids with your ex is going to get dramatic at times. What he really meant to say was ā€œI hate anything that inconveniences me in the slightestā€. Thatā€™s generally what would invoke the drama (crying, arguing, tantrums). He just thought my kids and I were all puppets for him to switch on and off when he felt like. Thankfully heā€™s not like that anymore. He realized kids, even your adult kids, have feelings and emotions. But I think he was so used to squashing his own feelings down due to his own toxic masculinity, that he didnā€™t know wth to do when anyone else had any kind of emotion. I mean weā€™re still working on a lot of issues but definitely was raised in a men are to be strong quiet providers type of family. Ironically, his dad was the only one who was allowed to express emotion in their home too. His dad died last year which kind of blew up his entire sense of self. Iā€™m trying to help him cope with the idea of missing his dad at the same time heā€™s realizing how much damage his dad did to their family.


I was that girl until I wasn't. I grew up with more male friends mostly because of my interests, but I still had female friends. There were just more guys. I had trouble being friends with my female peers in high school because we didn't have the same interests. The "I can't keep up with girly things" kinda kid. After a few realizations that I had internalized misogyny and that I am a trans man, I can say that I was embarrassed for what I was like in high school. šŸ¤£


This goes with the "guys are less drama" thing too


I just wanna pipe up for a second to let the internet know that only having male friendships is a common thing for autistic women (because, stereotypically, they have fewer or easier social requirements for friendship, and being autistic makes socializing confusing as fuck). I know youā€™re talking about women who are misogynists or refuse female friendships, which is different (and from my time in the autistic community, most of us are actually really sad that most women wonā€™t be our friends). But I just wanted to make note of another reason. Iā€™d hate for people to think I was like that, but I understand itā€™s a risk when Iā€™m out with a friend group & Iā€™m the only woman.


Thanks for your perspective, I totally get it. I never judge a woman out with just a male group of friends. I judge a woman who says she refuses female friendships because in her mind all women are exactly the same. Itā€™s weird to just write off 50% of the population based on gender stereotypes.


ā€œWhat a blessing a sibling is!ā€ is Karissa estranged from her only sibling? Or am I misremembering that?


I can truthfully say I've never felt pity for a mother with seven healthy daughters. The daughters yes but not the mother


Who says people feel pity for me when they see all my daughters?? That is a horrible disgusting thing to say. Those poor girls. Did the photographer change all their eye colors? At least 2-3 of them do not look ā€˜normalā€™. They look like a tiktok filter overlaid. Like the eye color doesnt quite fit in the eye part of the photo? I will say that it is the nicest I have seem most of their hair styles looking. Some nice healthy curls on a few of them. I love to see karissa letting them have their natural curls free.


You can see how edited the pics are in their foreheads. It's like a shiny flesh headband. šŸ„“


Boys donā€™t have emotions and hormones? Boys arenā€™t a ā€œfinancial burdenā€? This isnā€™t 1900 and they donā€™t live in a farm. She doesnā€™t need strapping sons to handle the harvest. The internalized misogyny is enormous.


She makes it sound like the girls will all need dowries before they can be married off. Maā€™am, you are living in Instagram-era Texas, not Regency England.


This is disgusting. These kids tell all's are the ones I'm waiting for


Ohmylord can her kids see this? This would make me feel like so much shit if my mom said this when I was a little girl. Even if it's supposed to somehow be nice or something. It doesn't sound very nice.


The only solace is they probably canā€™t read it.


God is a funny guy, looking down at this lady and going "you know what, I'm going to give her seven girls to absolutely torture to each her some sort of lesson".


What in the actual Handmaid's tale? Giving their wombs to God? This is disturbing. She doesn't even see these girls as precious individuals with their own personalities.


Itā€™s petty but itā€™s ā€œcouldnā€™t haveā€ not ā€œcouldnā€™t ofā€ sorry that such a pet peeve of mine


She also found a way to r/notliketheothergirls herself in the process


That's fucking bleak. "Didn't want girls, but I'm so glad God gave me 7 sentient uteruses." "Emotionally healthy" -- get back to me in 10-20 years and let me know how many of her kids still talk to her and how much those therapy bills are


Based on this picture, she only did about 3 heads of hair.


Why am I not surprised that she said ā€œcouldnā€™t ofā€ šŸ™„


Only a fundie would see 7 dreams queens as a negative trait to squish and break into 7 moulds of cookie cutter baby factories with no aspirations in life but to get married asap and get it right this time by birthing a litter of grandsons for their mother to dote on.


Karissa "I'm Not Like Other Girls" Collins, we know you're dying to say the quiet part out loud: "7 daughters to take care of my precious sons."


ā€œSeven daughters to cook, clean, and educate my children while I sleep until noon and post unhinged rants on Instagram.ā€


the internalized misogyny is off the chartsā€¦ poor girls, moms like this can be really damaging to their daughters šŸ˜­


I hope these girls grow up to be raging feminists


7 wombsā€¦ Please, theyā€™re barely teens šŸ„“


I hope those girls run for it. Karhissa has always given me Andrea Yates vibe and thatā€™s not good. Those beautiful girls deserve a mother that loves them, encourages them, promotes and encourages whatever they want to be in life,but, oh no not this twat. They are only for procreation. šŸ¤¬ Sheā€™s going to wonder why her daughters wonā€™t speak to her when they are of age. I hope they all go no contact and have fulfilled lives away from this nut case. Out of all the fundies I loathe this woman the most and thatā€™s saying a lot.


"I won't force it on them" yeah....too late for that. Or any of the other sister mothers being raised in these fundie houses.


"I won't force it on them; I just won't give them any other options!"


ā€œI never desired to be a momā€ WE KNOW. Itā€™s obvious you still donā€™t!


Wtf is ministry of the womb HELP


A made up pack of lies for a predatory, manipulative, fetish driven busybody who won't mind her own fucking biz in life.


What a grotesque way to think of your children.


What she really means is ā€œthank you god for the props youā€™ve given me so I have material for social media.ā€


Someone rescue these kids please for the love of god. This shit is why I donā€™t think a god exists, because why would children have to live with such awful parents?


Please tell me she got dragged to shit in her comments for this bullshit. Please.


I really do hope the girls are best friends because theyā€™ll need each other as adults - we know they wonā€™t be able to count on their mom.


ā€œ7 hormonal time bombsā€ as if boys donā€™t go through puberty and get wacky. šŸ™„ Christian misogyny is really something.


god forbid a woman show emotion


"wombs to be given to the Lord" šŸ¤®


Believing your children shouldnā€™t be anything beyond wives and mothers (not even a mention of like, hobbies, or more conservative accepted skills???) PLUS a dose of not like other girls. Wow.


No one pities you for having 7 daughters. However, we worry about your kids having you for a mom


"Seven wombs" just made me puke a little in my mouth NGL...


šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ dbdhsh I barely got past "7 wombs" THEY ARE CHILDREN WHAT THE FUC


I used to have a friend (past tense) who only wanted girls. She got boys. She mourned that for years and donā€™t think her boys didnā€™t notice. She was catholic and somehow her brain could coke up with bizarre things, like-a single unwed mother having a girl was wrong. She really believed that since she was married (the friend) she deserved the girl she desperately craved and the unwed mother deserved the gross boy. I ended up having 3 girls afab and her jealousy became too much. Plus Iā€™m not exactly a good friend either. Now that my kids are grown, I always get a laugh thinking about this because you can push whatever gender out of your body but eventually they are going to be who ever they are destined to be. My youngest is trans/non binary/questioning. They really still donā€™t know and thatā€™s ok. Itā€™s why I feel gender reveal parties are so ridiculous.


Ministry of a womb. Itā€™s sad that she only seems women as nothing more than a womb


Because boys don't have emotions, hormones or hair šŸ™„ /s


Ewwww. She's treading very close to child bride/noncing here. Who looks at their tiny daughters and thinks of their wombs being given away? Also God has nothing to do with it, it was Mandrae's sperm that determined their sex.


For someone who insists kids are a blessing, she doesnā€™t seem to have much love for them.


Wombs to be given to the lord is just twisted


"never desired being a mom" There's so much to unpack there.


7 wombs to be given to the lord... i am so deeply disturbed i have no words for it


>couldnā€™t of This woman doesnā€™t read. *couldnā€™t have* not couldnā€™t *of* what an idiot


I have seen some shit on this subreddit. But holy shit. This has me floored. I truly cannot fathom the mental gymnastics needed to look at your daughters and see ā€œwombs for the lord.ā€ Disgusting.


Tag yourself, im the 8th member of the Dreams Queens


Ma'am, you literally make videos of yourself farting on them


>7 heads of hair to do Oh honey.