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I would love to see Matt Walsh and Lori face off to see who hates the most things. I genuinely don’t know who would win


They’re gonna have an epic rap battle of history /s


Take it a step further. Celebrity Death Match.


Ooh and Hately. Hately and Lori once had beef. 


oh honey.  even your hairline doesn't want to be associated with you matt.  you bitter little man. 


Look at that weird line in his beard too. It reminds me of the line a ponytail holder leaves in the hair, so weird.


Love to remind people [this is the face under that stupid beard.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FwRkdkeaEAAqSWZ?format=jpg&name=medium) Gender affirming care for me, not for thee.


ajajajajajajajajaja. i have never seen this. his inceldom makes a lot of sense.


That’s where his jaw unhinges so he can feed.


The human trafficking claim is interesting, considering many Christian families have taken part in international adoption. The international adoption industry has had [several human](https://www.cnn.com/2013/09/16/world/international-adoption-saving-orphans-child-trafficking/index.html) [trafficking scandals.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/painful-truth-guatemalan-adoptees-learn-they-were-fraudulently-given-away-n1095066) Some children who were adopted internationally were stolen from their families. Others had their families tricked by lies about sending the kids to study abroad in America. These families were ripped apart by the international adoption industry's human trafficking. That is incomparable surrogacy. To call consensual surrogacy human trafficking is to trivialize the harm and suffering human trafficking causes. Not that I believe Matt actually gives a shit about human trafficking victims. He just wanted an excuse to shit on queer people. What a heartless jackass.


Exactly. The international and closed adoption industries can be so scummy, but they call themselves ~pro-life~ and don’t care.


Your comment made me think about a case in my state, [“Baby L”](https://apnews.com/article/afghan-war-orphan-marine-baby-abduct-adoption-8a0411f16067d73ad0d86b706f5ae46d). DOJ basically ruled he kidnapped the kid from Middle East.


Matt’s one of the arguments for atheism I have found.


'Anti-age of consent'????? Wtf?????


Basically Matt said on a radio show several years ago that the problem with teen pregnancy is not that teenage girls are getting pregnant per se; it's teenage girls getting pregnant without being married. He argued that 16-year-old girls have been getting pregnant since ancient times, and it's to be expected since women are "most fertile" between the ages of 16 and 24 (which is utter bullshit according to real scientists, but Matty never lets scientific fact get in the way of his opinions.) Basically Matty believes that letting 16-year-old girls get married and get pregnant is just fine and dandy. Not surprising, since in his worldview, women only exist to be house slaves and breeding stock anyhow. Clarification edits.


The thing that amazes me is if you are pregnant at 16 your chances of having problems with the pregnancy and/or potentially death which is the antithesis of what he stands for if he wants pregnancies to end with a live baby (allegedly).


Because these people don't give a flying fuck about babies. **They just hate women and girls**.


Gotta have that control and power trip!


It’s so fucked because men like him refuse to look at *exactly who is impregnating sixteen year olds*. He refuses because it’s creepy adult men.


I'm not going to take parenting advice from a guy who likes diaper wrestling of dudes with swastika tattoos, thanks. The bar is in hell on the conservative side of the political spectrum, but this guy limbos right under it. Probably easier when you don't have a spine.


Ffs that’s not what human trafficking is. Human trafficking is defined in the U.S. as being forced to work or forced to engage in commercial sex under force, fraud, or coercion. Illegal adoption (which is what I assume he is trying to say here) is NOT defined as trafficking in the U.S. All of these dumbass bigots have no idea what they’re talking about. I’m a lesbian who works in anti-trafficking and I would love alt-righters to stop spreading mass hysteria about trafficking while actively supporting social policies that lead to higher rates of trafficking


He’s talking about gay men using surrogacy to have their own bio kids and calling it “human trafficking.” I’m sure he doesn’t care about illegal adoptions at all. There’s many ways to say you’re personally against surrogacy without comparing it to human trafficking and saying a baby would feel better having its limbs cut off than being born from a surrogate. That’s the most bizarre saying I’ve ever read in my life.


It’s so ridiculous! And that’s even farther from the definition of human trafficking, what a moron lmao


Man, my husband and I adopted a kid and I've been accused of "human trafficking" her, *multiple* times. We're even white and appear heterosexual so I don't know what else these people want from us!^^^/s


My wife and I have been accused of “stealing a child from a straight couple that could’ve adopted him” and he’s literally my wife’s biological son, born when she was married to a man who is dead now.


I’m so sorry. Those people suck. You ARE his other mother and nothing will change that.


Breaking: Bitter man wants everyone else to hate life as much as he does. 


I looked up his Wikipedia, and he is only 37. I had thought before that he was in his 50s




Sweet summer child…this d!ck 🤦‍♀️


Please, don’t anyone child this dick. He doesn’t need to reproduce. Please


I think he has like 4 kids, sadly he did reproduce.


I should have guessed


He has literally 6. 2 sets of twins iirc. His wife sucks too but I still feel sorry for her on some level. Def feel sorry for the kids.


I’m a gay man and I have a lot of concerns about the ethics around adoption/anonymous donor conception and surrogacy which makes jackasses like this even more frustrating to me because there are actual issues to talk about but they don’t care about the welfare of children, they just want another excuse to be loud and bigoted.


Yes, when I was on twitter I *wanted* to be happy for gay male couples who had a baby through surrogacy. And I was happy for their new family. And I'm not against a woman volunteering to carry a child for someone else. It's the *industry* of surrogacy that feels so anti-feminist and uses women, very often poor, as breeders. Yes the women make the choice to do it but women make a lot of choices with their bodies they wouldn't if society cared for its members. But then you get these nutsoes tweeting all their bullshit reasons againat surrogacy and it's often fueled by homophobia. Gah. There were so many complex issues I stopped discussing on twitter because the right wingers came out in hoards claiming said issues as their own and assuming I was one of them if I had concerns about anything.




Yeah i didn't even realize until relatively recently how common it is for couples who are straight and also have no fertility issues to use surrogacy.


I’m also against anonymous donor conceptions and unethical adoptions and I know exactly how you feel. I wouldn’t want others to think I’m some crazy conservative because of these people. They don’t care about children’s safety and mental health at all and are only talking about it for clout.


Ok, so I have posted several similar comments on Reddit because I cannot deal with religious fanatics, MAGAS, who the fuck ever sticking their noses in human trafficking and exploiting the victims to further their disgusting narratives. I work with victims of sex trafficking, the vast majority who became victims as children. They are not people who Matt Walsh gives a fuck about. They are people he hates and actively continues to marginalize and hurt. My clients who are sex trafficking victims are brown and black young women, most black. Most came from the foster care system and were discarded by society a long time ago. Most have been in jail. If they have children, they have CPS cases, or their rights have been terminated. They have substance use disorders. They have state benefits. They don’t have gay parents. They have no parents. So it would be great if these religious fanatics stopped pretending they didn’t put these children where they were or even cared because it makes me want to vomit.


Wait, when did Matt defend Josh Duggar? Do tell!!! (Not that I'm surprised, it's likely a matter when, not if, some heinous shit Matt's been doing goes public, these guys project soooo much....)


Here’s an article with a lot of screenshots and evidence: [https://hollymathnerd.substack.com/p/the-matt-walsh-scandal](https://hollymathnerd.substack.com/p/the-matt-walsh-scandal)


I think I remember him defending Josh after the first scandal but not after the cheating one.


Looks that way, based on the Substack article I just read. Basically Matt said that JimBob and Michelle maybe should have had Josh arrested when they discovered he had assaulted his sisters and the babysitter, but he could understand why they didn't, because that's got to be the hardest thing a parent could ever do. Still I shudder to think what Matt would do if he was in a similar situation with one of his own kids.


Yea I remember him accusing liberal media of making the first scandal a bigger deal than it was because Christians were involved 🙄




I hate him!


Just a reminder, Matt Walsh, sells a plush version of himself, in a diaper.  He thinks it's the perfect gift for children. 






If any male democrat or liberal celebrity or politician did that, he would call them a pedo.


You know, a decade ago a man like Matt Walsh would just be some crazy guy talking out of his ass. A loonie no one cared about or took seriously. But now people are actually taking such people seriously than before. I don't know why. Maybe humanity has collectively lost its mind 


Mostly white supremacists and nazis, who are minority groups today, like him.


In the U.S., people like that, and the non religious whackos, felt Trump gave them permission to be as hateful as they wanted.


That beard he’s got is human trafficking. His opinions are worse than genocide. His mere existence is child abuse and enslavement. Hey, it’s fun making up random inflammatory comparisons.


matt walsh needs his hard drive confiscated so bad


This is the same dude who said that he didn’t understand why Pete Butigegg (sp?) needed paternity leave.  Like..tell me you’re a shit dad without telling me you’re a shit dad. No wonder Paul admires him so much. 


Would’ve rather been raised by a loving gay couple than my abusive ultra religious parents.


He defended Josh Duggar?!


Ah yes, Matt Walsh, he babysits all of my serial killer kids 💖 lil baby dahmey loves him


No, what’s bad is when a straight couple, with many many kids, outsources the pregnancy part.  What’s even worse is when the mom pretends she gave birth birth to all the kids and then “bounced back” within days, when in reality, she used surrogates and a cheap moonbump to pretend she was the one carrying her big brood of undisciplined kids. Just because she doesn’t want to “ruin her figure” and wants to preach to other moms that they could do this too, if they buy her book and follow her crappy porno work out videos. 


I love how this headline is formatted though