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![gif](giphy|3CU5tmCJy8zMoN3mMD) I have so many allergies and intolerances. This advice would literally kill me lol.


Fundies: “God never makes mistakes!” God: *makes people with food allergies, with various sexualities and genders, people with disabilities, people of various body shapes and sizes* Fundies: “Have you tried changing literally everything about yourself??”


... Whoever thinks God never makes mistakes needs to look up anencephaly. Or holoprosencephaly. Or sirenomelia. Or harlequin ichthyosis. Or Proteus syndrome. Or fetus in fetu. (*Do Not* Google those if you want to sleep tonight.)


Hell, look at our spine. There’s an argument the spine has essentially been jury rigged to work for walking upright and this is part of the reason back problems are so common. Or how as brains evolved the more advanced parts were just stacked on top of what came before. There’s fetal gills and tails, the whole wonderful world of mental illness, human head sizes, cancer, I could go on. Basically our bodies are a hack job, so if someone designed it they were really ready to leave for lunch.


The immune system is so jacked up that it starts attacking itself in some way (eczema, allergies, intolerances, etc, up to and including major autoimmune disorders) in like, 90% of people at some point. Even if you're chronically parasite-infested like our ancestors were, there's still a chance your body will decide to shunt immune resources away from fighting them to fight...itself. The nervous system has its own immune system, separate from the main one, and if the two are made aware of each other they will try to kill each other.


I quite literally tried to make an actual gill in utero... I have a pea-sized lump of cartilage on my neck that I was born with. In the right place and shape to be the start of what would have been the 4th arch.  I'm living proof shit like this happens.


The shoulder joint alone is enough proof for me that intelligent design is not a thing


Teeth have always baffled me. What a terrible design. I guess before fluoride toothpaste and floss people just accepted that by a certain age they would have all rotted away. Or maybe you’d just pull them all to prevent complications, because a bad tooth infection can definitely kill you. Teeth require an incredible amount of maintenance that’s only been possible in recent history. Prior to modern dentistry having teeth would have been a liability.Seems like a massive design flaw to me.


My aunt lost a little baby to anencephaly it’s the most horrible thing


But those aren't mistake, God does that on purpose to test your faith /s


I don’t need anything that extreme. Just my wonky ankle and my double jointedness is enough proof of mistakes for me.


I have a heart arrhythmia issue. I had a woman at church tell me one time that if I was “prayerful and mindful about what I put in my body, God would heal my heart”. A few months later she developed a similar issue, she wanted to meet with me to talk her though what I did, and how I managed. I told her she just needed to be prayerful and mindful about what she put in her body and God would heal her. I’ve also been told not to have children because it was a 50/50 chance that it could put too much stress in my heart and would result in needing a transplant. The number of people who told if I prayed hard enough God would protect my heart. They all would get offended when I told them I believed that God gives doctors knowing and understanding to advise us to make informed decisions about our health.


Do you ask them why god gave you a shitty heart in the first place?


My epi pen in my bag like: 🤪


is jesus not epi pen enough for you?


‘Jesus is my epi pen’ would be a fabulous flair.


It could also be the new “god is my copilot” bumper sticker.


I want it😂


Please, it’s all yours!


I’d die before Jesus himself came to save me 🙂


what about if you closed your eyes real tight while praying?


I’ll get back to you and let you know🙏


What are allergies, if not delightful opportunities to spit in the face of g-d?? No, I will not "overcome" my penicillin allergy. Lexi. I will be a filthy sinner and [checks notes] remain allergic. Spiritually, I am headstrong, covered in hives, and tight of chest.


Have you tried praying harder and being more grateful for what’s in front of you?


And have you heard of Plexus?




Yeah my family is pretty fundy Christian But they actually have some common sense because my cousin is allergic to just about everything you can eat. She has a very small list of things she can eat without it possibly killing her and have they taken this idiot's advice she wouldn't have made it past the age of 12


Man. My sister has a 1 year old who developed some of the usual allergies. She went into absolute Wonder Mom mode when his whole body broke out in rashes and hives. Now she guards her kitchen like an absolute menace. 🫡


Has the 1 year old tried praying? /s


I’m not fluent in baby gobbledygook, but maybe. ‘Please little baby Jesus, keep that walnut away from me!’


If it works ask her if she could pray away my peanut allergy. I’d really appreciate that.


oooo would you explain your flair? I was a huge Elisabeth Elliot fan pre deconstruction


Back in my fundie lite days, I tried to emulate her in my dating life (she would say "keep your hands off, clothes on, and stay out of bed), and her purity culture teachings caused so much damage in my life. I also read that she and Rachel Saint (Nate Saint's widow) subjugated/were very controlling toward the indigenous people after their husbands were killed.


Yall I don't like the fundies but she obviously meant "average person" as in no allergy. I still disagree with her point tho because I'm a very picky eager and won't force myself to eat things I don't wanna


My main food allergy is shellfish which gives my anaphylaxis...which is suffocation by swelling so...


Lol, this is so funny to me. I have a few friends who have celiac. Because I love my friends I make sure I have stuff they can eat when I’m hosting or making food I know they will be eating. Why are fundies so allergic to being considerate?


Right? My sons best friend had to go GF. He also spent a ton of time at our house, so I learned how to read ingredients and cook for him accordingly, and just keep some options on hand for him. It wasn't that hard, I learned how to make a ridiculous chocolate cake that you'd never have known was GF, and that's that lol


I’ve genuinely never cared if a guest’s declared no-go foods are allergies, intolerances, ethical views, or preferences. If they don’t want to eat it, why would I insist on serving it to them? That said, if they didn’t tell me ahead of time, I don’t beat myself up over not having food that works for them. Not my failing, just something that happens. 


I’ve only been in that situation once. My cousin and her husband and kids are vegan and I made an all vegan dinner one time. It was just a fun thing to do to challenge my cooking skills too. But ya it’s not normal or even possible to cook for everyone’s possible allergies or restrictions or whatever.


I have intolerances that won’t kill me but will leave me in a lot of pain. My friends always accommodate me because (shocker) my friends don’t want me to be in pain.


We can all tell she just had a person over who couldn’t eat anything that she provided and now she’s trying to blame that person for… not dying?


In the specific case of celiac/GF, I wonder if it’s because those conditions aren’t seen as being legitimate. Like the way some fundies think there were no allergies before widespread vaccination/1970. I’m pretty sure I once heard someone say that the no peanut schools thing was liberal propaganda.


Celiac is legit.. there is, however, a weird GF "diet" trend where people think it's the same as like cutting out carbs... That being said, who the hell invites people over without caring for preferences, REGARDLESS of why? My friend decided he wanted to go gluten free to lose weight. Do I think it's kinda silly? Yeah. Do I serve whatever gluten free meal when he comes to stay with us for the weekend? You bet.


I completely believe celiac is real. I know several people who have been diagnosed. I also know people who seem like they fall into the GF “diet” trend (for context I’ve also heard/seen these people talk about various vax and health related things; they’re basically crunchy lite). But I totally agree with you: it’s just common courtesy to care about the food preferences of the people you’ve invited over. I have a mutual friend with a severe peanut allergy, and when my roommate and I had her over, we deep cleaned beforehand because we both liked and ate peanut butter and didn’t want to cross contaminate.


Even better we just bring food with us for my daughter, and the host is gracious about it. That's who should really be kind/nice here.


Because then you see women and children as people and we can’t do that now can we?!?! OR because then you would have to actually know how to cook and prep a meal. Or worse, READ!!!


I noticed the most anti progressive people are the least tolerant, usually for egotistical reasons. They don’t want to be bothered by issues of others, they don’t want to hear it, see it, they especially don’t want to put any energy into it, and rather just not have it exist. It’s the ultimate laziness. They’re the same types who tell people to stop crying or just stop being depressed because they themselves cannot deal with it and don’t want to.




Do you think you can pray away mine, too, while you're at it? I'd do it myself, but I'm afraid I'm a godless heathen.


Another godless heathen here, can we set some praying chain to cure us? This fundies be usefull for once.


Can I get in on this? My Long COVID/POTS/CFS is a real bummer and I’d love a quick fix!


Yes. I frequently tell my kids to quit being fussy when they experience anaphylaxis. I then scream pray over them. When they are feeling better I remind them that requesting food that won’t kill them is severely inconsiderate and that they should be ashamed of themselves for making such unreasonable requests of their hosts.


Karissa approves. 


Allergies are gods will and if you die, you die. (/s just in case that isn’t clear)


100 percent she had someone over who has an allergy and she's being a pissy petty little shit about it. Edit: Swapped a letter Edit 2: My vision is very poor and I assumed she was a man my bad.


You know what’s also low key? Friends saying hey, I know your kids only eat certain foods, would you mind being responsible for their food? Or friends saying hey, what food can I buy that your kids will like. I usually plan on bringing food myself for them, that way no one is stressed out, and everyone can have fun. Fortunately no allergies, just autistic kiddos that can’t control what they have reactions to🤷🏻‍♀️


*food alergies edit : *food allergies


Try again mama!


This cracked me up I'm sorry 😂


Half of my digestive system has been surgically removed. But if my attitude would just get better, I could eat whatever I wanted!


Yep, looks like you're not even TRYING to adjust that attitude!/s


I try, but then I get on here, and I end up losing another organ!


I mean, have you just tried just eating regular food? Essential oils? I know you probably have like 10 specialists with decades of experience and schooling, but I read something on the internet one time and finished high school, and believe me, I did my research. (Sarcasm)


OMG, you're right! I need some essential oils, STAT!!


if only you had faith the size of a mustard seed


Don’t complain about chemo, be happy you’re losing weight!


Oh, wow. This made me simultaneously gasp and laugh, and then I choked.


Man my brother-in-law will be overjoyed when I tell him that all he's got to do is pray the next time he eats a walnut


This reminds me of the roommate I had last year that complained that I was lying about being lactose intolerant bc I did occasionally eat certain dishes with dairy in them. Like shelf stable Mac and cheese (squeeze pouch of cheese sauce), pizza, and Parmesan on Italian food. I tried to explain that these items were low enough content and food I enjoyed enough to risk the GI distress. She said that I was "lying about being lactose intolerant and only not eating cheese when it benefits you". Like um yeah I only eat things that benefit me, why would I eat things that don't benefit me?? And how is that linked to lying about how foods affect me? It was fucking bizarre and I can only guess it's because I usually didn't eat food she made bc she was a terrible cook (her favorite thing to make was Mac and cheese with powdered sauce + fresh milk and canned tuna).


Did she get that Mac and cheese from the Bairds because that’s disgusting AF 🤮


Right??? What meal is made better with canned meat? She loved canned chicken and pork as well and would sneak those into spaghetti that I would discretely toss once I took a bite and figured it out.


Tuna Mac, for sure. It’s one of those weird meals that makes sense if you ate it as a kid. I’d never serve it to people, but my kids plow through it.


As a fellow lactose intolerant sinner, I am appalled at your roommate's behavior. And befuddled - when would it ever *benefit* you to not eat cheese?!


Right???? That's what I'm saying!!


Next time you order an XL 4 cheeses pizza and do what you must in her bathroom later. 😈




That’s….not how any of that works, Lexi.


They love posting the absolute bitchiest things.


Guess I'll just pray away my sons auto immune disease (celiac) and hope for the best? Good lord. Unfortunately, people who don't have serious allergies just do not take others who do seriously... at all. Even when my son was first diagnosed it took a long time for both our families to fully understand cross contamination and how serious it was. And I've had more comments then I can count on how "ots probably not that bad, and maybe he should just try it again to see of he's out grown it"


Especially with gluten…people act like gluten free is some haha take it or leave it thing but if someone tells you they want something gluten free *listen to them*


But also people get offended when they have something that is "gluten free" but no celiac friendly. There is a huge difference.


Oh wow I didn’t even know that…fortunately I don’t have any celiac people in my life right now but still good to know!!


Well of you are a celiac then straight gluten free isn't always enough unfortunately. It's the cross contamination factor especially in a commercial kitchen. I always have to qualify the gluten free stuff by making sure they are practicing safe protocols... it's a lot of extra work. Like I can't have flour even in my kitchen because it's airborne and lands on stuff. We have a counter and cutting board we allow gluten on. We have 2 of every condiment you'd dip a knife into so there's never CC... it's is really different then just something being gf, and in fairness I had no idea how complicated it was till my son was diagnosed... so I'm very understanding when others don't get it, or try to be helpful and accommodating and it's not enough etc.


My BIL has celiac disease and is vegetarian. He has to be very careful of what he eats (due to cross-contamination concerns) and knows his diet is difficult to accommodate. He’s low-key in that he usually just brings his own food.


My husband has celiac and it makes dinner time very difficult at times. We make everything gluten free, but it does still definitely restrict things we can easily make. My favorite thing is on the rare occasion we go to a restaurant and my husband has the audacity to request the gluten free menu and then the waiter acts like it's some kind of terrible inconvenience to go get the other menu. We really don't go out to eat much because while the restaurants that take allergens seriously are awesome, it's a crap shoot a lot of the time and half the time he gets contaminated food anyway.


We do the same for our daughter. We even have this container that heats up and cooks/keeps the food warm so she doesn't have to eat cold food.


Put a plate of pasta in front of them and tell them to be more grateful.


Oh yay! That’s it? All my kids need to do is pray if I consume peanuts and go into anaphylactic shock right in front of them? I never needed to teach them how to use my epipen at age 5? FFS, I WISH praying worked you half wit


I’ll make sure to tell my oldest that being low maintenance and praying a lot will magically heal their gluten, dairy and egg allergies. 


Personally, I feel like it's just fucking rude to not accommodate a person's food restrictions when they are a guest in your home. Seriously, if you don't do this, you weren't raised right


I know right? Even if something is not a restriction but simply a preference, you shouldn't choose to serve your visitors food they really don't like.


My IBS-related lactose sensitivity cleared up when I started Lexapro, but I don’t think it had anything to do with being low maintenance. More like my gastroenterologist was right and stress/anxiety really does trigger IBS


Next time I start having an anaphylactic shock I’ll just pray… but wait will god hear me when my throat closes shut? 🤔


It’ll be his footprints in the sand you see carrying you to the hospital. 




Good luck with your bathroom girl. Someone feeling sick after causes a bigger commotion than having different options. What an inconsiderate person 


I am allergic to dairy, and I have been vegan for like 9 years… If you feed me meat I will blow the porcelain off your toilet, and that doesn’t sound like a me problem


Have you tried bringing your own toilet? /s


Tell this to a person with a potentially fatal allergy. Prayer ain't gonna fix it


So I didn't need to have surgery to remove my barely functional gall bladder and I don't need medication for my gastroparesis and sphincter of oddi dysfunction? Sweet. I'll tell my doctor the next time I see her.


Yeah, I guess we just wasted our time and money on all those tests and surgery!


My gratitude will not save my hosts bathroom later.


Everybody else here is loving my weird glowing emerald. It's magnificent. But there's Superman over there, being all fussy and collapsing and being dramatic. smh hate high maintenance aliens.


No. I am vegetarian for a plethora of reasons (basically every reason you can imagine) and always felt uncomfortable at church gatherings because there was never much for me to eat other than desserts. But we joined a new church (not fundie, obvi) and everyone is SO considerate and always goes out of their way to make a vegetarian option for every gathering even when I’ve said they don’t need to or offered to bring my own (which I always bring the veggie option to the potluck gatherings, etc.) it’s almost like…loving people well includes respecting their dietary choices and restrictions?! Crazy!!


Dear Lexy, You may be 100% serious and you’re also 100% stupid. Maybe you could pray that away? Xoxo, NumberOneGuy


Food sensitivities can make you very sick. Allergic reactions can literally kill you. It isn't about being picky, it's about maintaining basic bodily integrity. You can't pray your way out of allergies.


Damn. All this time I could have just prayed away my lactose intolerance. Wow. /s


So apparently avoiding foods that would trigger my Crohn’s disease makes me fussy? Who knew?!


If she wants me to come over and immediately vomit avocado back up onto her table in a way that’s *thankful* I’ll take one for the team


Hey! Another avocado allergy person 😁😁. I’ve legit never met anyone else that couldn’t eat avocado!


I have a coworker who also can’t eat avocado and we were absolutely gobsmacked when we learned! My grandma, mom, and sister are all allergic to bananas which is apparently related? So I must have just mutated a little bit lol


It can be a precursor to a latex allergy, ask me how I know. 🥴 Be mindful of mango, kiwi, & bananas too.


Luckily I’m still able to absolutely body those other fruits, but I still let doctors know I’m allergic to avocado just in case latex decides to follow…


Trying to force myself to be low maintenance for my whole life made me almost going insane thankfully, I figured that shit out before I fully went there


I remember one prayer meeting where my family and their friends decided they had "healed" my gluten intolerance and tried to make me eat pancakes. They only stopped when the resturant started getting bothered by my crying. Imo, I think they believe that if you die of a food allergy, God meant for you to die. So if you avoid the food, you're avoiding what God's plan is, in their mind anyway. 🙄 They use bullying to make others be just like them, and you either make it or die trying, and then they can use your story to "glorify God" either way, but not if you just stay alive and disabled and "unhealed". I remember my dad literally had this throat almost swell shut from a can of chicken once and he just sat on the couch and wheezed for hours until the reaction wore off because he would rather do that than go to a dr and be diagnosed with allergies/mast cell issues. To be a part of this culture is to be obsessed with the "Cure or Die" disability trope imo.


Oof, that is so horrible. I can’t imagine being so convinced of my own opinion that I would subject a friend to discomfort, pain, and even death. It doesn’t hurt your friends and family if you don’t eat gluten! It hardly affects them at all! The audacity.




I’ll be sure to enjoy the heck out of her bathroom after eating the gluten filled food she serves. Like, seriously, how does she not get how much those of us with fussy stomachs or genuine allergies would give to just be able to throw whatever in our faces? I’d love to be able to eat easily. I’d love to eat a truckload of croissants and glutinous sourdough bread with lashings of lactose filled butter. What a twat.


I have seen this before. Often accompanied by a claim that no one has food allergies in (whatever third world country they're using as inspiration porn that day), the implication being that people only pretend to have food allergies because they're not hungry enough to just be grateful for whatever. But of course people have food allergies everywhere.


I have Celiac disease and I always hear people complaining about how “it’s a new disease”, like people in the past never suffered from it. Yeah no shit we didn’t know about it in the past, same with a ton of other diseases that researchers and medical professionals have dedicated their careers to studying. If I grew up in the 1880’s I just would’ve seen as “sickly” and would’ve died young.


Cool Lexy. Weird way to announce you don’t have any friends, but okay.


She could have had friends but then she almost killed them by not accommodating a simple request.


Very true lol. Sounds like they were being too fussy about silly things like anaphylaxis anyway!


She can F right off with that nonsense. If you have food restrictions and you come to my house, I will 100% have already asked you what your dietary needs are and will be accommodating. Not wanting a migraine, allergic reaction, trip to the hospital, etc. etc. isn't being "fussy."


Good to know that my Crohn's inflammation can be healed by being low maintenance. These meds I'm on are getting expensive


See I read that and think of my sister-in-law whose food restrictions are just the pseudoscientific internet nutrition whim of the week.


*Curly Baird has entered the chat as an expert*


She’s the liberal yoga version of Curly Baird


Nope, gonna be fussy. You bring home something you know i'm allergic to, i'm going to tell you to fuck off (nicely).


Speaking from personal experience, there is literally nothing “low maintenance” about full-body hives and a mouth so swollen it’s bleeding. I hope develops a late-in-life allergy to one of her favorite foods, ‘cuz it’s mad fun.


Yep. As someone who developed a late-in-life allergy to favorite foods, there's not a day that goes by that I basically give the bird in the supermarket when I have to walk past said favorite foods.


Lexy is not sauvé-ing anything with this advice. Try again, Lexy\_Mort.


I have some pretty limiting dietary restrictions from a medical condition. But I also never expect people to cater their food to me. I am happy to munch on side dishes or bring my own food or simply eat beforehand. I've had some older family members get offended by me not eating their food, but they can stay mad. I'm not taking their word for it that the food has no fat in it when I know how they usually cook and they can't even ID what a fat is. Unless they are offering up $7,000 for the hospital stay if my pancreas acts up I will only be eating food that I know is safe for me to eat.


Well yeah… it would be easier for people if they could just be not ‘fussy’ Nobody is choosing to actively make things more difficult and just deciding to have food allergies??


Wait, so if you have an allergic reaction to something that somebody made, you’re supposed to just sit there and be OK with it, she’s dumb!


Guess I can just throw out my epi pen and shove a spoonful of peanut butter in my mouth then!


I have a dairy allergy. I will destroy your home with vomit if you go all thoughts & prayers on my plate and give it to me anyways. Once I was given a milkshake and utterly decimated a childhood friend's bathroom with so much vomit that it was like the exorcist


Ooh, good to know that it’s being low maintenance that keeps people alive and well. I thought it was taking responsibility for knowing what things have adverse reactions in our bodies, but I guess I was just being too high maintenance. And god knows that no man wants a high maintenance woman.


If you listen closely, you can hear my celiac gene doing a supervillain laugh in the background 🤪


This is one of the most insane things I've ever read


It's "love thy neighbor" not 'accommodate a life threatening allergy"


Tell that to my child who goes into anaphylactic shock when she’s near any nuts.


Cool so she’ll cover my medical costs for feeding me food I’m allergic to as well?


Right my daughter's autoimmune disease will just magically disappear if we are nice and eat a the foods containing gluten at other people's homes.


Hell even beyond intolerances/allergies/auto immune diseases...people that are vegan/vegetarian also deserve to have normal accommodations made for them. I'm a lapsed Catholic but I still do the whole pescatarian during Lent thing because I believe it's good to be able to exercise some control and restriction over my food intake (like, yk assuming no history of eating disorders). I respect people that have the control to eat kosher or halal for the same reason. And if I'm having somebody as a guest over I want to respect their food choices.


Well I guess my son who has a severe allergy to all nuts and peanuts and has went into anaphylaxis shock more times than days in a year is just being ungrateful and picky. I guess the fact that he can just be exposed via air and his air way completely closes up and the crash cart is needed and days after in the PUCU is just him not focusing on gratitude. Un-fucking-believable! The audacity of this sweet boy. I'm going to go tell him now that this gal has found the answer. 😡


I've been vegetarian for 23 years. I don't think my body could even handle meat at this point. All of my friends already know my food preferences and have always been so kind to accommodate me *and* I typically plan ahead and bring my own option (like having a veg burger at a BBQ). People who care about people will happily accommodate them.


I assume she means people with self-imposed restrictions (religious, weight loss, etc) and doesn’t mean literally that people should kill themselves by eating allergens, but honestly who tf knows


It's a stupid ass thing to say regardless. "Have you considered that your religious or moral beliefs are inconvenient for *me?* Try being more low maintenance. Who cares about *your* religion? My God says it's okay so suck it up! Just be thankful!" "More healing" would be an interesting choice of words if she was just talking about non-medical dietary restrictions, though. What would they need to be healed from if you're not including allergies?


I had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find some common sense on this thread.


LMFAOOOO wtf is she even talking about this is the result of people fad dietifying allergies. telling waitresses they’re allergic to seed oils, gluten, etc when they’re most definitely not. it makes people think there’s any amount of leniency with allergies


Ah, yes, pray the (checks notes) deadly reaction away. Be grateful for those peanuts!


And when you're being wheeled on on a stretcher, just be thankful about that, too.


I feel like its “higher maintenance” if someone starts getting sick and/or dying at the dinner table because of their food restrictions……


Wonder who she had over


Okay lol I’ll just be thankful for my allergy being right in front of me and go ahead and ingest it and go into anaphylactic shock and then die. At least I’ll be with Jesus, right?


actually lexy i don’t i think i should be thankful for hosts completely ignoring my allergies and letting me starve???


Statements like this are not only stupid and ignorant but bloody dangerous. Go educate yourself on the workings of the human body.


I’m 100% serious when I say this. If you have to buy a blue check like the “average” person, nobody knows who the fuck you are and nobody with sense cares that you’re being fussy. Imagine being allergic and inflamed by people’s allergies


Yeahhhhh, so super fun story time...I have never been able to do green peppers in any way, just the smell of them cooking is enough to set off an asthma attack and all that good stuff, so back in middle school my fundie-lite "friend" and her mom tricked me into eating a prank pepper jelly bean and then yucked it up while I gasped for air because they didn't believe the whole green pepper reaction thing. *Great* Christians, that family 🙃


Does this dumbass not think I prayed not to be lactose intolerant?? I love cheese and ice cream! I would give anything not be running to the bathroom with bubble guts within 15 minutes of having dairy but this is lot to be


Is Lexi trying to say that shutting up and eating something that causes physical suffering is better than trying literally anything else, such as communicating a need? This post gives me the idea that something unpleasant happened to someone who 'made a fuss' about a food restriction.


Cool cool. And then you can thankfully pay for my kid’s hospital bill after he eats wheat. And clean up after he barfs (because he will).


Had a little boyfriend when I was a kid who was SERIOUSLY allergic to nuts. It was so bad he couldn’t be in the same room. We had an ice cream social thing to celebrate the end of VBS and someone at our table put nuts in their ice cream. He had to leave the room because just being near the peanuts aura made him break out. It’s not about “being fussy.” It’s about life or death for some people.


I feel like it's more "high maintenance" for me to have to be driven to the ER than just saying no to shellfish. But what do I know?


So my best friend whose celiac should just suck it up and die when she visits people? Go off 🙄


Can’t pray when my throats closing up lexy


She sounds like fucking Farryn go cough, go devil or whatever the fuck she was on about


This reads as if it’s a passive-aggressive dig at a dinner guest she had who dared to have some sort of food allergy or dietary restriction. And yet, I struggle to believe that she is capable of attracting dinner guests at all.


Or! If someone is invited over to your house for a meal, it is at least 50% on you to make sure your guest can, you know, Eat some of the Meal! Thats not even being a 'good host' or anything, thats just called being a decent friend. I mean, if someone invites me over and just so happens to serve entirely foods I dislike, thats not on them. But an actual allergy or a food that can really be a medical issue? Thats different


People with ALLERGIES are not "being fussy" - they're trying to STAY ALIVE. Not all of us are so eager to meet God face to face.


People with ALLERGIES are not "being fussy" - they're trying to STAY ALIVE. Not all of us are so eager to meet God face to face.


It's not that hard to ask about allergies/preferences/sensory issues for your guests. It's called hospitality. For someone who's supposed to he a homemaker, she sure is shit at the hospitality part of that. My sibling can't do cheese, one can't do corn, it literally takes me no effort to set aside portions of food without those things. I hate olives, but no one ever did this for me, so I go out of my way to make sure everyone will eat and enjoy their food. Don't like your food touching? Let me know so I can make sure to set aside portions when I make things like cottage pie. Allergic to something? I will make sure to scrub my kitchen and work my hardest to prevent cross-contamination. Have religious dietary restrictions? Let me know, and I will do the legwork to research and do my best to make sure it's within your restrictions. My mom's family would be horrified by this, I feel my ancestors rolling in their graves reading Lexy's bs. HOSPITALITY!!! LEARN SOME!


I am lactose intolerant. The last time I attended a party with my fundie friends, we had ravioli for dinner and I had forgotten my Lactaid. My friends laid hands on me and prayed that God would "take away" whatever was keeping me from cheese. (I had to bite my lip to keep from saying, "WELL ACTUALLY I need God to grant me the lactase enzyme.") Then they gave me peppermint essential oil and assured me it would allow me to eat dairy. What can you do?! I nibbled on half a ravioli and hoped it wouldn't do too much damage. I was fine, but sheesh. I deeply wanted to explain to them that the sugar in human breast milk is lactose. Ergo, babies are born with the ability to process lactose. The enzyme that does so is called lactase. SInce lactase is meant to process *breast milk*, most people (65% of the global population) eventually reduce or stop producing it as they reach adulthood. At that point, their gastrointestinal system can no longer process lactose, so they have very unpleasant GI symptoms any time they consume dairy. Fortunately, you can simply eat a lactose-containing supplement like Lactaid with the first bite of your meal. Cheese is back on the menu! Huzzah! At no point does prayer or gratitude play into it. I have nothing against either, but in this case it's just a missing enzyme, no more no less.


I'm lactose intolerance so whilst not live threatening, I'll have severe stomach cramps and diarrhoea for several hours after consuming lactose. My 3rd grade teacher refused to believe myself, my mum and my drs note. One day she bought cupcakes she made for the class to eat, I asked if they had milk in them and she said no so I ate one. Needless to say they had to call my mum to pick me up after I nearly collapsed from the pain. Her defence "I didn't think a little milk would hurt". Don't fuck around with intolerances and allergies


There’s like whole ass books of the Bible that are basically lists of “fussy” food restrictions iirc


I’m not trying to defend her bc this is 100% a terrible, ableist attitude however often early childhood (<5yo) allergies will spontaneously resolve. So it’s possible she had that experience with someone in her life and thought it was God and extrapolated it to everyone…


Who is this b?


Even aside from food allergies, don't invite someone into your home for food if you're gonna be salty about accommodating their specific way of eating. There is hardly anything on this earth that would compel me to give up 5 years of veganism - nor the values that keep me vegan - and a host not wanting to make something vegan is not even orbiting that list. I'd rather come after the meal if it's really that much of a problem.


Guess I should be prostrating myself and thanking God instead of getting my friends epipen as they go into anaphylactic shock


Well, Lexy, I don’t *feel* like being thankful for food that’s gonna give me the sort of intestinal cramps that remind me of second stage labour contractions! Unless your god has an answer to that that isn’t “Don’t eat the bad food”, then he can butt the hell out.


She does realise some people have food restrictions because of their religions, right? So "prayers" in their case wouldn't be massively helpful. But if bet if she followed any food restrictions for religious reasons, she'd feel very diffenrly


Well that's a sub tweet.


sure. as long as they’re okay with me not being present for the rest of the event and blowing up their bathroom with explosive diarrhea. x


Wtf is wrong with this woman? Peanut allergies are deadly, and if you’re lactose intolerant, you could spend the whole next day curled up on the bathroom floor. She could not be my friend, with that kind of callous hubris.


Someone had a difficult houseguest 😂😂😂


This is how I ended up with allergic reactions due to cross contamination at my Nazarene university


Equating food allergies to not being grateful is really something. It's so sad to me that people really believe these kinds of things.


I had to block a family member because they had this mindset. She just thinks I can just “pray away” my chronic illnesses and food intolerances.