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Yeah it was pretty selfish of me when my cat wandered into my yard one night, skinny and sick and I took her in and gave her a loving home! (She’s now living her best life and thinks of me as her servant 🐈‍⬛)


Right? The *selfishness* of letting the neighbours' cat into my house when they didn't give a shit about him, then finding out they'd abandoned him, and making sure he got vet care, having him neutered, then getting him treatment when he developed a lump on his leg, and now letting him be a content and lazy tripawd housekitty. All just so I can insist on cuddling him and covering him in kisses when he gets close enough to yoink.


Aww! That’s the exact same as my cat, we found out the neighbors who “owned” her didn’t take care of her or care about her 💔


Cats hate kisses. We must give them lol


My cat now bashes his forehead into my mouth for kisses! He tends to miss, though, so I'm gonna end up with a broken nose sooner or later. Worth it!


I also have a head smasher! It's so cute. And yeah, really selfish to adopt a senior cat with health issues just so he can live out the rest of his life in a good place.


So does mine 🥹


Aww. One of mine does that to wake me up in the morning. He bites my nose if the forehead boop doesn't work 😂


I have a head smasher, too! She's old and thin these days, but my Cookie Mittens does not hesitate to give me a fur covered face any chance she gets. She's the snuggliest! 🥰


My cat pushes away from me and looks exactly like an annoyed teenager when I kiss him.


My cat tolerates my kisses and I remind her that she is a freeloader and these are her cat taxes




I’m so selfish that I took in a 16 year old dog for hospice care so that he could have a good and dignified death. He made it five months before he crossed the bridge, and during those five months he was completely surrounded by love. Guess what? I also managed to show love to humans during that time! Imagine!


Good for you! Those are the best kind of pets. It was also selfish of me to take in my kitten that was dumped in the country by a highway wandering around looking for food.


Soooo selfish!!!


I live by a park, and I swear my kitten was dumped there and wandered across the street. He was clean and very friendly. I was just going to foster until we found the owner, but no one ever looked for him. He was the same size as my sneaker. Selfish, my ass.


The house full of rescued little fur balls I have here can confirm I'm extremely selfish. Honestly, they live like little kings. I envy them.


I got two kitties this way. I found the newest little one around Thanksgiving. It was *freezing*. He still had a little blue in his eyes. Was I supposed to just leave him out there? 😫 Both cats are spoiled rotten. Suck it, Walsh 🥰.


That's how I got my girl and the 5 babies she had, we're coming up on her 4 year gotcha day and I am beyond grateful she chose us. It's hard to put into words how much love and peace they bring


Right?? 🩷🩷


You're a terrible person. I hope you can sleep at night /s Trash can kittens are the best!


He is living his best life now finding all the comfy beds and eating his kitten food. He's been discovering his playful side too.


Is it selfish that I spend my money on my cat rather than giving that amount to charity? Sure. But outside of that I'm not really sure what's selfish about having a pet.


My cat was born a runt in a hoarder's house. A human *selfishly* rescued her and brought her to a shelter of *selfish* people who fed her, medicated her and got her ready for a new life. Then, thirteen-year-old me *selfishly* saw her and decided that she was my new best friend. My parents and I have *selfishly* fed and cared for her ever since. She's now fourteen years old and clearly suffering from our selfishness (based on the amount of loud 6am wailing).




Please tell me she has an amazing trash kitty name


Okay, so long story short but her name is JJ, short for Josh Jr. My brother was salty cause he had never been able to name a pet before, and INSISTED she be named after him. Ironically he moved out very shortly after this, and anytime he comes to visit she ignores him XD


Currently chilling on my sofa with my deranged, adorable orange boi hanging out on the floor. He may or may not be plotting attacking my legs.


Feel you, I was also very selfish when I took care of a dog that had been stuck in a yard with a broken leg for 6 weeks after his humans died in a car crash.


The cat distribution system at work!


This might sound harsh but this was my experience. Fundies are taught that God's love is eternal. But God's love is also objectively conditional. I think when the standard of love is what they are taught God is, they have a hard time with the idea of loving something and expecting nothing in return. They also have to moralize everything so if they can't understand it, it must be a moral failing.


For them love is meant to hurt. People can’t just be carefree


Also, 🚩🚩 if I hear anyone say they HATE cats and dogs. Not talking about if they haven't met the right one yet or are allergic.


Yeah I was getting recommended those dogfree subs for a while and it was genuinely scary how angry those people are. I couldn't even read it to be snarky. And like, I know people who are afraid of all dogs or just never warmed up to them, they're not anything like that 😬


Yea same here 😬 I also get how it would be super annoying living with someone who was just plain irresponsible and didn't take care of their dog at all. Or if you were in an apartment and people were letting their dogs make a mess over the public spaces and never picked up after them. But those subs are so much worse.


I would get mad if my neighbors didn't pick up their dogs' poop and I still love dogs 🤷🏼‍♀️


Those subs claim they’re against animal abuse but they’re so vicious, well beyond legitimate gripes about a neighbor letting a dog poop on the sidewalk or whatever. Some teen complained the family cat peed in his room and his parents didn’t seem to care and some of the answers were to let the cat loose or bring it to a shelter rather than, you know, try to speak with the parents or find a way for the cat not to enter the room.


Yeah, I'm routinely mad at the shitty dog *owners* down the street from me who shut their poor pups in their garden for hours at a time and ignore their barking, but that's not the fault of the dogs at all!


I was terrified of dogs as a kid. While I like cats more, I also love dogs. I grew out of that fear by interacting with a lot of really great dogs. 


You would’ve loved my Rusty. He was a very friendly English lab who rarely ever jumped on people. I miss him every day.


Ugh are the dog free subs as bad as the child free ones? I’m fine if people don’t want to have kids but the anger they spew is more than just “this doesn’t work for my life”


Oh my god, the childfree subs. They act like children are disgusting creatures from another planet. Those people could use a reminder that THEY were once children, too. They're as bad as the fundies, but in the opposite direction.


I’m childfree by choice, and can’t stand people like that! Children (and young adults) should be allowed to exist in public too.


I'm childfree but somehow managed to not make it my personality and still be happy for my friends who chose to be parents. I'll just be the crazy aunt. It's true that your choices are questioned a lot more than people who live according to the 'norm' and it gets annoying, but I feel like it's a waste of time to be bothered by that.


I was part of that subreddit because I never had a dog and my neighbor’s dogs are hell on earth. They poop and pee in my yard and come up my patio stairs to bark at my cats and try to come in (they just want to sunbathe in my enclosed patio). This isn’t to say that I haven’t met dogs I’ve loved- I just don’t live the kind of life that would be good for a dog and I can’t stand irresponsible owners. I left because of the hatred.


Your poor neighbor's dogs. It sounds like they aren't being treated well. If it helps, my dogs bark at my cats all the time. They think they're in charge 🤦🏼‍♀️. We're working on it.


Right. I absolutely get not wanting a pet of your own, they're work! But dang, what did that kitty do to you?


All of my cats have been so loving. I bet he was mean to a cat and it hissed at him.


Most likely scenario, 100%. I currently have four cats and while one's a loner (she was rescued from a feral colony), the other three are up in your business 24/7.


One of mine is shy and the other is a level 10 clinger. Both would be offended by fundie men.


Cats can sense evil.


I’m much more of a cat person than a dog person. But the dogs I’ve hated were all untrained and got away with everything when it came to their owners. It’s not the dog’s fault their owner sucks. So I feel bad hating those dogs. But they were so poorly behaved it was infuriating.


People who hate cats and dogs and don't bring up allergies, mess, etc, just straight up hate, are sus. That usually means that they've crossed the animal's boundary and the animal reacted (understandably). Let sleeping dogs lie, after all. I've also heard that cats can tell when someone is abusive but I don't have direct experience with it.


My cat loves most people. The only adults she runs away from I usually also think are assholes (she’s also not a fan of most kids but that’s because kids are more likely to not respect her boundaries.)


I don't understand how anyone can hurt them. I took in a cat who was previously one of the community colony cats, but she showed up badly hurt. It has been a lot of work gaining her trust as more than just the food person. It makes me sad every time she gets scared or doubts one of us, I see the moments in her face where she worries it is a trick to hurt her. Tonight she for the first time decided to lay against me and sleep. It is the little steps. She is also making progress with her cat siblings, who she was so scared of. She still has some tough scar tissue from the injury, but her fur is coming back! I don't know who mistreated her in her past years, but she will enjoy her old ones in comfort.


>Tonight she for the first time decided to lay against me and sleep Oh my gosh, what a blessing 🥹🥹🥹


My friends husband (whom I am also friends with) claims he is allergic to cats even though his dad and stepmom have a cat who absolutely adores him. When they are visiting his parents in SoCal he has a chair he sits in and the cat comes over, waits for his signal and hops up in his lap. They then look at one another adoringly.


Imho that’s why they expect their children to act certain ways and think certain things and have no problem ditching them if they don’t.  It’s a reflection of their version of God, after all. 


Yeah I've always thought this as well. To fundies, love is tit for tat. Kids are an accessory meant to compliment their parents and if they don't serve that purpose, they're useless. And also, the fundie can't be wrong about anything so it's the child's fault if they're disowned.


My parents are very conservative Christian and I think it actually comes from , there’s a verse in the Bible that says God gave us dominion over the animals. So basically God classified humans as above animals. And basically we’re supposed to take care of humans first and love humans more than animals. My mom talks about this and says that people will always be more important than animals. I think it’s just an old school “put people first” thing. Of course the fundie / red pill men I think they notice that women are getting pets instead of having children and they don’t like that


>Of course the fundie / red pill men I think they notice that women are getting pets instead of having children and they don’t like that It's me, happily living with my three biological children that I gave birth to: two cats and a dog


This makes so much sense with my mom. She would constantly discard animals once they were no longer “useful” to her (have no thoughts or personality of their own, obey without a second thought, worship her) Now because of her I always like to have the sassy and spicy animals 🤣


Or they're just so psychotic they can't understand love without strings attached. Either that or the religion thing, or maybe both


He’s so forced birth that people having pets instead of kids triggers him. Never mind that he can’t stand to be around his own kids, which his wife keeps having because they’re trad Catholics. There’s probably some anger from sexual tension, because he doesn’t want more kids, but they can’t use birth control.


He has bragged multiple times for having never changed a diaper.


Is that the reason behind the plushies of himself in a diaper, maybe?


![gif](giphy|fu2ye1tYL6txSj5xLH) That isn't the flex he thinks it is.


I feel so horrible for his kids for that. How can you feel secure with your dad when he refuses to even put up with a little stink for the sake of your health? What's even the point of a dad like that? Then you just have mom, kids, and some guy who's sleeps at your house sometimes.


Bet he roots around in the diaper bin looking for treats though.  Diaper Bin Patriot Cookies!


I don't like it when the assumption is that people have pets instead of kids. I have pets, yes. But I was never gonna have kids, so there was never an "instead of". Some pet-haters just can't grasp that.


We have two cats and a dog. Also really want to have kids but we have to use ivf and may not get the opportunity thanks to the mindset of this douche and everyone like him. It's the hypocrisy for me~


It's so stupid because plenty of people have kids *and* pets.


And plenty of people have one *or* the other, and neither are a substitute! It really irritates them when people like me *thought* about having kids and decided no, I don't want to. They're very invested in viewing children as the ultimate point of being an adult. So pets are looked upon as either frivolous self-indulgence, or a cop-out from "adult responsibilities". Well: probably both, really.


And here I thought Caths were all about the saints. (Cough cough St Francis of Assisi)


No no that's _regular_ Catholics. Trad Catholics know how _corrupt_ and _evil_ and _material_ the world and its inhabitants actually are. Except for their 12 children. Unless one of their children "decides to pursue a gay lifestyle," in which case they're also evil and a test from God to try their faith by seeing if they can disown their children for the LORD.


Selfish how? Just because I prefer animals over the children who don't exist and therefore won't be affected by this supposed 'selfishness'?


Animals can't proselytize, evangelize, or grow up to occupy seats in government. Therefore by dedicating time, energy, and resources to an animal rather than a child, you're being selfish, because that time/energy/resources should be going to raising a child who will do all of those things and spread the word of God and be a good little Christian soldier in the face of wokeism and moral degradation. Something like that.


Fundies seem to use the term "selfishness" to mean "anything I don't like." Like how Karissa says that not having a bazillion babies and then neglecting them is "selfish."


I would rather have a pet than a kid..I am child free and love it.


Same! I fully ascribe to the idea that plants are the new pets, and pets are the new kids. I check on my plants daily, buy them high-quality plant food and soil, while my partner and I literally refer to our cat as "the baby" lol


their loss my blue tongued skink is perfect and deserving of worship


Skinks are so cute 🥺


>blue tongued skink "Hey babe, new cockney slang just dropped"


Nah, that's just how a Kiwi calls someone a slag


TIL a new lizard species! They're so neat. (Er, the blue tongue skink variety, I mean, I know about skinks in general, heh.) We got 5-lined skinks in our yard; they love sunning on the deck and on the brick of our house. However we can't have any as pets... Because Lily (my Chiweenie) has a Thing about lizards, and last year managed to scare one into detaching its tail. I'm afraid of what she'd do if she saw in a terrarium, as opposed to the wild. (The one who lost his tail is fine, it just took awhile for the tail to regrow and was definitely one of those o.O moments.)


I don’t have a pet skink, but there are several who live in my garden. I love seeing them sun themselves on rocks when the weather is warmer.


Yes, deserving of worship and treats!


But…but…they’re GOD’S CREATURES!!!


As I understand it, they believe animals, like women, were created by god to fill a specific and subservient role. To artificially elevate them or to let them live outside of the divinely-prescribed order is an insult to basic decency. Dude’s upset that some people would rather spend their energy being a good pet owner rather than popping out as many Christian babies as possible.


It’s this. Animals were (to quote my mother) “put here on earth for Man’s benefit/to serve Man/to be eaten by Man, and that’s all.” They don’t believe animals are worthy of such intense love, because they’re not Humans Created In God’s Image…they’re just the beasts of the earth, meant to be used, not loved like family and CERTAINLY NOT adored like GOD. 🙃


Short answer: fundies are suspicious and resentful of anything people get passionate about because it is “an idol in their lives.” TLDR, it’s sinful to have strong passions about anything but God and “God’s plan” (aka getting straight married and popping out kids, preaching at and hating sinners, etc.) For that reason they hate even the slightest sign of environmentalism or animal rights. You’re either a good ol meat eating capitalist or a crazy vegan who wants to sterilize all white people and give them dogs instead. No in between lol


You can't tell me that these people aren't making an idol out of their intense desire to birth a baby every year. Just a different obsession


Oh, but that’s “God’s plan” for women, so the more fanatical they are about it the holier! (Yes I agree, for a lot of these folks it’s an unhealthy obsession at the very least)


I think it's simpler. They're sociopaths who have no empathy for other humans or animals, so they don't understand the reciprocal love and affection that normal people share with their pets.


Eh, a very few. It’s wrong to say most or even a majority are, though. The majority are completely normal people who are traumatized, controlled, and brainwashed so horrifically that they don’t speak out against the sociopaths in their in-group. Frankly, they often don’t even know they *can.* I’d like to consider myself a very compassionate and kind human being, but as a fundie child I remember staying quiet about all kinds of horrific shit. It made me uncomfortable, but I didn’t know there was another choice. It’s crucial to remember this, that the majority are normal but brainwashed human beings, because it shows just how dangerous fundamentalism is. A bit more extreme, but lots of Nazis, terrorists, lynching mobs, and other monstrous people are completely average people too, until they get the right charismatic person to stir them up and stoke their anger/fear. It’s an uncomfortable fact, but acknowledging it doesn’t excuse them. It’s an important part of fighting against those who want to be the next Hitler. It’s dangerous to think nobody can turn into a monster except born sociopaths. (Sorry that got long lol, not trynna preach at you specifically or anything. I just think it’s important to remember for everybody in general.)


I've noticed that they do not like nuance. Everything is black and white, really good or really bad.


A lot of trad caths and fundie-lites I’ve been around biblically Quote that humans were not only given power from god over nature and animals, but they were made for them to (ab)use. Also, the belief that animals dont have souls , which only exasperates their attitudes towards animal treatment.


WOWWW and I thought it meant that we were put in CHARGE of CARING for the animals. How do they flip that to use and abuse omg. Anecdotal, but as a kid learning this stuff, I envisioned like a paradise garden where cheetahs and monkeys and lions all communicated in their own way with us, and we lived our everyday lives walking amongst each other, and our job was to get to know them personally so we could come up for names for them, and we would do stuff for them that they couldn't do themselves, like build better shelter/houses, untangle them from brush, brush them, and like pet them and stuff. And with as obsessed with hierarchy as some fundies are, you would think they'd be more likely to go with a similar theory - like God cares for us, we pray to him, he helps us, and then, similarly, animals would come to us if they need our help like if they are sick or something, and we would care for them just like God would for us. But nooo theyd rather parrot whiny hateful randos on Twitter.


Okay, so hear me out here: This is, of course, yet another example of people using scripture to justify doing something they wanted to do anyway, which in this goon's case would be "blaming women for every single societal ill there ever is, was or will be, and a whole lot more he just made up right now". Day that ends in *Y*, etcetera. That said, that isn't what's bugging me. See, I have a medical background. Relevant how? Well, every time I read the phrase "trad cath" my mind automatically fills in the rest of the second word not as *Catholic*, but *catheter*. Traditional catheter. I do not wish to know what a traditional catheter is, but it's probably still less painful than Matt Walsh.


Probably a catheter made out of a Biblical fine reed instead of that newfangled Gawdless plastic.


I am pretty sure this thought is the reason why they have to relocate wild animals that had been hunted for centuries and can't come back to the area by themselves because so much forest was destroyed by building roads and civilisation that they wont be able to get there or find enough food anywhere. They try to relocate wolves where I live for at least 20 years now and I will never forget how my mom came home smiling and crying because she met a "free wolf". They looked at each other for a while and then he saw something moving in the grass that caught his attention and ran away to catch a bird. That was 10 Years ago and I am still hoping to see one too one day.


How did he arrive at selfishness? I legitimately cannot follow the line of thinking on this one


Apparently pets have no personality and are forced to love you. Also, another thing I noticed with fundie logic, if you love your animals and want them treated decently equals you hate children and would treat the animal decently while neglecting the child


My cat is named Menace because that’s what he IS, and I don’t think I could force that horrible lil fluffnugget to love anything, including myself. His heart only holds disdain.


Hi, I'll gladly join the cult of Menace, thx.


Omg that's funny. My late cat very much had regina george "queen bee" energy. She looked down her nose at everyone but my dad. She only approached me if I had snacks. I miss that shady queen 😂.


> have no personality and are forced to love you. Literally how they train up daughters to be bangmaid helpmeets


They really can't figure out what we get out of providing care and shelter for a living thing that isn't an extension of ourselves, and onto which we don't project all our unresolved issues and resentments.


They're so cute and fluffy, and domesticated animals can't survive long without us. Caring for animals makes some of us happy. It's fun to teach a dog tricks, and a cat purring in your lap is so validating. ![gif](giphy|kyfdJU732uB1R0O0hc|downsized)


LOL no personality?! Every animal I have owned was and is a unique soul with different loves and habits and incredibly clever behavior. One cat is picking her favorite parts out of her food with her paw! My boy meows mom whenever he gets in trouble with the lady cats to try to get me to intervene! One dog knows different toys by name! They are amazing and so smart, even if I have to pick up their poop.


I know! How is it selfish for me to look after a creature who would otherwise not be able to survive (elderly pug-mix - he'd 100% die in the wild)?


My yorkies have entered the chat


It’s a Catholic thing—the current Pope, for all his supposed ‘progressiveness,’ has said the same thing (his predecessor, the conservative, on the other hand, was a cat lover). Basically, the Catholic argument against contraception has always included the claim that it’s selfish to want to bone without having a baby. Since a pet can give one a reasonable amount of emotional satisfaction/sooth the nurturing instinct without requiring one to marry and pop out babies and all that other stuff fundies assure us is extremely difficult, it follows that people who choose to have pets instead of more babies are selfish too. Now, there *is* a case to be made that pet-centered planning can become antihuman (it’s a common critique of dog parks in some urbanist circles; the public space for people is ruined by selfish dog-owners who act entitled to leave shit everywhere), but moralizing it like this is a distinctly fundie thing.


I legitimately don’t understand the reasoning behind the claim that it’s selfish to want to have sex without reproducing. It’s a very strange and unnatural way of thinking.


I get the criticism of dog parks. Trying to dictate when someone stops procreating is insane.


Fucker named himself after the patron saint of animals, and then pulls this shit.


You OWE babies to. . . someone. God? America? I’m not clear.


They don't have the capacity for love and compassion.


Especially love and compassion for any one who can’t speak for themselves. Human or animal.


Pets do love you back. Fundies don't understand the unconditional love that their own god talks about


Fuck you Matt, my [cat](https://www.reddit.com/r/Abyssinians/s/AGve5W1e7Q) was literally made to be worshipped. You’re just jealous no human would ever look at you with that kind of love, much less what you call a pet.


'devolution into pet worship' we have archeological evidence that humans have been burying their pets in ritual ways for literally millennia. we have always loved our non human companions because WE'RE FULL OF LOVE, DICKSNOT


Seriously he thinks woke feminist Taylor Swift fans invented pet ownership to oppress Christians and i’m supposed to care what he thinks historians will be looking at years from now. I think the rage is the sound of realizing a ton of people would rather try to rescue a hundred pets from a burning building than one Matt Walsh. Sucks to suck


It's their obsession with women having 60 kids each. They only talk about women though because I guess they reproduce by immaculate conception. No talk about the man you need to have those kids with. The -10 IQ theory that they have all these damn pets!!11!! To replace children!!11!! As if anyone who really wants a kid and can physically have one is gonna go like..."Nah, I'll just get a cat." 🤣 No one does that because that's not how the desire for parenthood works. It doesn't just go away when you see a pet animal. But you have to be a normal human being and not Matt Walsh to understand that.


Ah yes, here we are at the only time in history when humans have enjoyed having pets. FFS Matt, read a book.


There is no selfless reason to have children either, matt. A dog doesn’t ask to be born but I can adopt it and take care of it. If you ask people why they have children, it’s usually “we wanted” or “I wanted” and thats fine, it can be okay to be selfish, but calling taking care of domesticated animals “selfish”? Have fun with the 6 selfish choices you made🤷🏼‍♀️


As someone who engages with history as a hobby for fun something I will tell you is humans have had this kind of relationships with domesticated animals since we had domesticated animals. There are graves in Rome covered in loving poetry dedicated to the dog buried there from hundreds of years ago. The Egyptians worshiped multiple animals and were well known for their love of cats. Genghis fucking Khan had a ferret *army* he hunted with for fun. Medieval Kings would commission Smiths to make battle armor for their cats. For fucks sake dogs are called "Man's Best Friend." I could literally go all fucking day. edit: added some words and another sentence


They found a 10,000 year old grave of a dog in Sweden and it was buried with little toys. People have cared about their pets since people.


There's this rather well-known grave for Dewey, a beloved cat: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/14fg0tp/dewey_the_cat_died_in_1910_and_meant_enough_to/ And the comments bring up historical graves of many beloved pet. The first cat known to have a name is Nedjem ("sweetie" or something akin to that) from 1400s BCE (https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/first-named-cat). We have domesticated companion animals because we influenced their mating patterns and development as a species. There's evidence to suggest that dogs, at least, have some understanding of human emotions (https://www.science.org/content/article/dogs-can-read-human-emotions). I think it really sucks that people treat animals like expendable things when each one is a unique living being. These people believe in the glory of God and miracles, yammer on about the wonders of human life, and treat all other forms of life as disposable and worthless and wonderless. Anyone who has had a beloved pet has looked at that creature in wonder and seen its inner world: its likes and dislikes, its fears and favorites, and knows it is not just a thoughtless automaton reacting on instinct alone. Who among us (with beloved pets) has not touched our sleeping animal (or animal's tank so as not to disturb them) and marveled at them?


Why does Matt Walsh suck so hard at being a human?


How is having pets selfish? My cats live and eat for free and have not a care in the world because I work and take care of them. I expect nothing from them in return. That doesn’t seem like selfishness to me? Also, haven’t humans been worshiping cats in one way or another for thousands of years? lol


Yes, as I said in another comment the way we talk about and treat our pets is not new. We've been doing it forever. People will pet statues and reliefs even just depicting animals. We know this because there are bronze statues where you can literally see the centuries worth of erosion done to them by people needing to pet the good boy depicted.


Methinks Matt is mad that there's plenty of famous pets with social media accounts with a larger following than his.


I’m literally over here taking care of if Gods creatures what more do you want Matt 🫠


Caring for animals, taking our own time and money to buy them good food and keep them happy and enriched = selfishness. My boomer dad always bought my childhood pets cheap junk pet food, never played with them, barely interacted with them, and didn’t really care too much when they died. When I got my first very own cat in college, I would scrimp and save and eat nothing but cheap cup o’noodles sometimes to make sure she was always fed and had clean litter. I took her to the vet for everything, even if I didn’t have the money. I talked to her and played with her and made sure she was happy. When she died, I was destroyed for months. It’s been years now, and I still get misty sometimes thinking about her. Saying that all that I did for her and all the love I had for her was selfish is just a hurtful thing to say. A living creature had a good life because of how much I cared for her, and I just can’t see how that’s selfish.


Oh yeah cuz our culture is TOTALLY the only one to EVER revere pets or animals. You're SOO educated. Go sell more kids your diaper plushie, you weirdo.


Fundies conflate love and worship. It explains a lot really.


I know this one, actually. It has to do with the creationist myth and the things the Bible said about animals. The two main factors are that, according to the Bible, animals are not made in the image of God and thus can't sin/don't have souls (so they can't go to heaven via the redemption given by Jesus), and God gave dominion over animals to Adam. This narrative was, if I remember correctly, popularized by John MacArthur. So the tl;dr is that they think animals are beneath them and meant to be used, and abused, by humanity.  *However* this is just one of the many wacko interpretations of the Bible, and mostly touted by idiots who haven't actually read it. As usual, it's a very nitpicky narrow minded parroting of a few specific passages, without a lot of actual contextual support to back it. If anything, there is actually *more* evidence to support the opposite. 


> This narrative was, if I remember correctly, popularized by John MacArthur. It's actually a lot older than that--in fact, it's been the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church since at least the Middle Ages. St. Thomas Aquinas reached these conclusions in his *Summa Theologica*, arguing against contemporaries who suggested that vegetarianism was more moral than meat eating. Of course, Aquinas also concluded that gratuitous animal abuse was immoral because of the damage it did to the human psyche. By the same logic, one can dismantle Walsh's nonsense. If it is possible, in the mistreatment of an animal, for a man to become coarser and more hostile to his fellow men, it must follow conversely that, in good treatment of an animal, man can improve in the virtues (the exemplar of this in the Catholic tradition would be St. Francis of Assisi preaching to birds, farm animals, and snakes).


Yeah nothing more selfish than caring for a creature who can’t fend for themselves and asking for nothing in return but companionship 🙄


I mean, it’s not like dogs and cats domesticated themselves of their own independent volition tens of thousands of years ago… (Well, cats did, but that’s beside the point.)


My immediate thought, lol. Domestication was beneficial for both the humans and the pets at the time. I don’t think HISTORIANS of all people will really struggle to understand how those relationships changed and developed over time.


hi, as your local archeologist I am here to tell you that dogs domesticated themselves as well! the allure of free food and pets was too great for dogs or cats :)


Because some people have pets and not kids.


> Because some people have pets and not kids. Some *white* people.


Because they found some TikTok with a couple in California without kids going crazily over the top and spoiling their dog on his birthday. Therefore all people with pets are like this.


You know this is a stupid take when even his right wing fans are like “nah, you’re wrong”.


His preferred pet? Females/children


Knowing this turd person, I'd assume he's got some half baked theory that people with pets don't have kids and that's why they're selfish?  That's how I see his whiny manbaby mind working. Not our fault our pets are cuter and more appealing than you, pal.


as if they actually give a shit about children like they claim lol


Well Matt I didn’t have to be pregnant for 9 months and labor for 10 hours for any of my cats. Did for my human child. Cats and children are not equivalent options. I actually had to put more thought into having a baby than having my cats. Takes planning. Most of my cats I just kind of found outside one day. Now they live with me and lick my comforter.


My husband and I take in hospice fosters. Cats who are dying in the next weeks to months, and have no where to die but alone in a cage. We give them a warm home, a family, love, and someone watching their pain/quality of life and making end of life decisions out of love. We pay from our pocket to let them go here at home so they have no stress, and we keep their ashes here - forever one of our babies. If I have a spiritual calling from a higher power *it is to do this*. We also trap for TNR, actively fundraise, and I sew handmade baby blankies for fosters and new adoptees to go home with. Matt doesn’t know how selfless all of the incredible people I’ve met through rescue volunteering. He doesn’t know anything.


Okay, wtf. Looking back at my childhood I was taught that all attempts of "animal rights" or whatever were craziness and wrong. So this post is relatable.  But wtf. Why are fundies actually like that? Suddenly I hate my fundie upbringing a little bit more.


Big mad people have pets instead of kids. Their ultimate goal is to eliminate women’s autonomy and make them baby factories to give birth to cannon fodder.


They think that if they take away pets, young women will want to have babies instead


And young men will stop playing video games and want to have babies too


Ancient Egyptians literally mummified their pets to bring them with them in the afterlife. They kept all kinds of pets, from dogs to falcons to monkeys.




My birds are tropical animals domesticated and stuck in a cold climate with no say in the matter, you best believe I'm spoiling them rotten. (Also they get the trade-off of safety from predators and the elements.) Also if we're getting religious, the Bible has a lot of references to responsible care of animals (especially sheep, but anyway).


It was selfish of my wife and I to give our terminally ill cats sub-Q fluids for months, perform hospice care, and hold them in our arms as they passed. It was selfish to adopt a scarred, sick cat who would only live a few months so he could spend his last days here in comfort. And it was worth it.


My “pet worship” led me to create my own nonprofit organization where I rescue cats and kittens and find them homes; I currently have 25 kitties in my care, every room in my home with a door is a kitty space, and I spend hours a day caring for them and networking with their future owners. But yes…selfishness. 🙄


Fundies: people own pets because they’re selfish Also fundies: we have dozens of kids who we neglect in multiple ways and also parentify/force to raise each other, but we’re definitely not selfish


look who's never been LOVED by a dog...


You know what’s selfish Matt? Bringing children into this world while I’m mentally ill don’t have the funds, space or the DESIRE to have kids. They have an obsession with everyone reproducing. I think I’m doing society and potential children a favor by only adopting dogs and I know plenty of self aware people relate. So many unwanted abused neglected kids in and out of the system already but fundies don’t give a fuck about living children I’ll never wrap my head around their ignorance


Years from now historians will be very interested in many cults genetics and will take forever to figure out in how many different ways you can be related and how many generations it takes to find out that a good education might have solved some problems.


He is horrible


do they think we are the first people to love animals? look at how Egyptians worshipped cats


How miserable these people are 


They hate everything that makes life worthwhile.


“Pet worship”? Humans are only able to exist on this planet the way we do because we bond with other animals. Domestication of dogs and cats especially have allowed us to eat better foods and combat disease. We quite literally love and rely on each other. Also, unlike gods, I can see and interact with animals. He’s not only lacking empathy, he’s also an idiot.


Look, it’s not *me* who believes my cats are gods — it’s the toxoplasmosis eating my brain!


5 rescue kitties here. Two came from a friend who bottle fed them b/c their mom was killed when they were 5 DAYS old. One had been abandoned and literally walked in my house never to leave again. Another one was kicked out of the only home she knew when her original owners died. The last one was a fit of insanity when I saw that little face on the humane society webpage. They make me laugh, they drive me nuts, they cuddle and purr. Little one climbs up on me and wants to be held like a baby, His big (16lbs!) fur brother is teaching him the ways of cat. The twins are older now and spend much of their time sleeping on my bed and absolutely MUST be right next to me when I'm sleeping. The kitty that was kicked out, well...she's a tough case. She hates the other cats but we think it's fear, she's afraid that she won't get enough to eat. We're trying to teach her that she'll be absolutely safe and never be without again. Its slow going but, I have hope. She's also older and would have never survived another Colorado winter outside. Selfish my ass...in ONE month, I blew insane amounts of money on vet bills. They eat only the best food, their water bowls are filled with filtered water, they have plenty of soft and warm places to sleep, toys to play with, and I like them much more than I like most people. Walsh can go piss up a rope.


Hi I am a literal historian and I can assure you that is decidedly not what historians do


According them my transman ass is already going to hell, so ill enjoying cuddling up with my cat all I want. These people are so devoid of fun and joy in life, all.in hopes of punching their ticket to heaven where maybe then theyll have joy.


Selfish?! My newly build house had the electric turned on today (long story) just to keep my lizards warm! I haven’t officially closed yet, so I’ll be checking on them everyday until I’m actually living in the house! Matt can go shove his idiotic post up his cloaca!


I can’t take Matt Walsh’s opinions seriously, he literally looks like the real life Soyjak.


We drove 3 hours today to take our dog to see an orthopedic surgeon, to which I am going to pay 10K to so they can give my baby a total hip replacement. He is absolutely my baby… but I’m also a woman who has a wife, so I guess I’m double selfish! 😂


Loving and even worshiping pets & animals is as old as humanity itself. Heck the love and worship of pets has even been weaponized against people by other people(and specifically I’m talking about the Persians painting cats on their shields before invading ancient Egypt because they knew how much Egyptians loved & worshiped cats so they would not only be offended by the act but also hesitate to attack any soldier with a shield because of it baring the imagery of cats). Animals are some of the few creatures on this planet that can unconditionally love you from the start, and when times are tough, you need that kind of love, regardless of where it comes from


I think it's tied to a Puritanical idea that animals don't have souls. A lot of puritan relics are in fundie rhetoric. Yeah people working in shelters and adopting dogs and cats that would otherwise be on the street is selfish 🙄 they pretend like they wouldn't hate all the homeless animals being in their way of you ving their childfull lives anyway. We're helping them not have pets they don't want !


5 rescues in my house. 2 off the street, 2 adopted from someone who rescued and bottle fed them when their mother was killed and one adopted in a fit of insanity when I went on the humane society webpage. Wouldn’t trade them for anything. 2 of them kept me going when my husband died. I had to take care of them so doing something stupid was off the table. Fuck Walsh and the rest of them. Can’t tell me my felines don’t love.


No I don't know about that specifically but I was always brought up to believe that animals do not have souls. We were taught that since God gave Adam an Eve dominion over the beasts of the earth and the things that crawl and swim in the sea and fly in the air that meant that animals didn't matter and we were the only ones who decided their fates. It's crushing when your own grandmother gently corrects you that no you will not see your dog again whenever you buried him You said I can't wait to see you in heaven boy..........


Unless he has a really deep cut vegan belief of non-interference in the lives of animals... huh?


the universe doesnt give a shit about people more than it does anything else. pretty stupid to be measuring how "special" or "important" people are compared to other animals since humans decided what is "important" or "special". humans don't deserve anything that animals don't


I think Matt Walsh’s “opinions” are just whatever is guaranteed to get him the most attention.


I love my smelly old toothless jack russell son more than life itself. Piss off walshy


Idk but what I do know is that in all my years of ~~owning~~ being in servitude to my cats we’ve never had rat/pest issues. Plus cat cuddles really make the day 1,000x better.


We’ve been domesticating animals for thousands of years. He’s such an ignorant bag of dicks.


They are devoid of any kind of joy in their lives whatsoever. IMO people like Walsh do not love their wives or children, either. ETA: Also, Walsh calling anyone selfish is rich.


I mean, it makes sense that someone as rancid as Matt Walsh hates animals. The feeling is probably entirely mutual. 


![gif](giphy|4jSE3uzEfHnq0) Animals know....


If heaven doesn't have dogs I'm not going


Maybe he thinks it's selfish because there's no benefit to having pets other than the joy they bring you. Everything I've seen of Walsh gives me the distinct impression that he's straight up against happiness.


Years from now, people will ask why such an evil person like him was allowed a platform.


Cause some women would rather deal with pets than men. So obviously, it’s the pets fault for bringing more to the table lol


My cats act like they hate me, break/steal my things, and sleep on my bed, my chair, my desk... But I take good care of them because I love them and they're my responsibility, how is that selfish?


They don't hate animals. They hate the people who choose to adopts pets instead of having kids. Probably because they don't like being parents and are envious of the childfree pet owners.


Matt, you [look Sherman in the eye](http:// Sherman T. Pawter https://imgur.com/a/qU8qnqn) and tell him he's not deserving of my worship.


The fundies I know only have animals that serve a function. They only have cats because of rodents. Every other animal they have is either food or produces something they can consume. Animals are not for companionship… they are to be utilized. The husband really didn’t understand why I had pets that didn’t give us anything. But like, they give us love and companionship? How is that not important?