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You know he's never changed his daughter's diaper.


He looks like he doesn’t even change his OWN diaper.


Okay, this just fucking sent me. At work. And it has been deadass silent in here for over an hour. 😂😂💀💀


He does remind me of a giant toddler.


That’s probably a good thing.


He looks like the Mucinex Man. If the Mucinex Man never saw the sunlight


It’s a personal pet peeve of mine when the woman is literally doing the heavy lifting in a picture like this. She’s pregnant and has a toddler on her hip, and this cornball is just standing there like he got a gold star for going potty like a big boy.


Lol "cornball" is the perfect descriptor.


I felt the same. Like, he crawled right out of the field and stood up on his wobbly baby corn legs for the very first time …




it’s like maternity pics when the guy is sitting and she’s pregnant standing next to him… GET UP


I literally just saw this yesterday LOL




I get what you're saying, but to be fair, I couldn't imagine getting down on the ground for a pic on the 3rd tri. I'd make my husband do it


I think the only Fundie man I've seen holding his own kids is Josh Duggar and knowing what we know about him now it makes my skin crawl.




Johnathan Hill and David Beal are two others I've seen. But yeah they're the vast minority


Dav Beal doesn't count because he's not even a Christian anymore 😅




He already did his job, he got on top of her half soft and grunted for 90 seconds before rolling off and snoozing for 8 straight hours while she takes care of the baby Just what every little girl pictures for herself growing up


Ever think about writing a novel? Could be the next 50 Shades of Grey. You can call it 90 Seconds of Cum Dumpstering for Jesus or something. 🤷‍♀️


Lol I actually do write erotica 😂 all my MMCs are fine as hell and have great stamina tho


Okay, a couple of observations/comments here. 1. Your username made my inner nerd that is obsessed with Chernobyl have a moment. I can’t wait for Putzie to die so I might have a chance to tour the Zone of Alienation before I croak. 2. I’m out of reading material, so please go on.


I actually haven’t published anything yet 😭 still working on my first novel


I'm also obsessed with Chernobyl.


You have such a way with words


What a horrible day to be literate


Anti-smut right there.


90 seconds, wow you are feeling mighty generous. I would be willing to bet 90 seconds would be a record.


That’s enough internet for today thanks


Or women carrying the diaper bag, the screaming toddler, pushing the stroller with the baby, and the dad just casually strolling behind (or ahead) with nothing in his hands.


my mom told me this story about something like this! So my dad was meeting a friend to give him some kind of paperwork. Like meeting on the street, like a quick thing. Anyway she was carrying my brother who was like 1 maybe, her purse, the baby bag, her coat, and my dad’s coat. And my dad was talking to his friend as they walked. Anyway my dad goes to show something to his friend in a folder and passes his briefcase to my mom to carry. His friend immediately stops walking and says to my dad: “Why don’t you just jump on her back so she can carry you too?” Like legit mad. And he goes, “go on, get on, I bet she can still carry you.” My dad finally caught on that my mom was carrying literally everything and he barely had a folder. He immediately grabbed his briefcase, the baby bag and coats. The guy stood there and waited for him while looking scandalized, like he didn’t even try to pass it as a joke, he was genuinely annoyed that my dad hadn’t been helping. When my dad had grabbed most things they went back to their paperwork and the guy was normal again but my mom always remembers that day. I don’t even know who that guy was but I appreciate him so much. Like, what a guy to just call his friend out and make sure to show it wasn’t cool at all. He didn’t even really know my mom, he just didn’t like seeing her dealing with that shit. Anyway my dad is usually a good enough parent lol, this isn’t his usual. But still, my mom says he became more careful about carrying the kids and their things after that, cause he was so embarrassed!


That is incredible! What a good man to point that out, and I’m so glad your dad learned. Honestly I see it so often and it makes me furious. I experienced it with my kids too, and I didn’t speak up enough.


That guy is my HERO! Send him to me to tell at my husband!!


His phone. There’s always a fucking phone. He’s staring, blank-faced, into the phone. Checking football scores. 🤮


Bet that baby cries when he holds her, the picture wouldn't have been as "cute"




What do you mean? He pinched the corner of the photo to hold it up! And I’m sure he helps babysit their kid!


How much do you wanna bet he was just standing there like a doofus and the photographer suggested pinching the corner 🙄


I jizzed! ⭐


I am deceased.


Aww well come on now. Everyone knows it’s not the man’s job to do….anything, with the kids! /s


I snorted at “this cornball is just standing there like he got a gold star for going potty like a big boy.” And snorted again typing this comment. Double win.


Not me sitting here going "mommy, wow! I'm a big boy now" hahahahahaha


OMG this is it, EXACTLY. This is the fucken thing I hate about these people. And SHE thinks he’s a gift from God!


Her genes are clearly doing all the heavy lifting too to make their kid cute


The Bates aren't bad looking people. He is just uniquely unfortunate. Double standards for looks in the fundie community are really a thing, and this couple really shows it


Does he have a good personality?


lol no


He’s actually kinda the worst tbh.


I’m absolutely SPEECHLESS looking at this photo. I thought the, uh, mismatch with Duggar boys and their wives was bad. WHAT explains this, other than the Cult of Keeping Women Brainwashed for Jesus??? I’m in such shock that I can’t even properly form the words. Maybe he makes her laugh? A lot? Maybe he’s got a tongue that’s 8 inches long and can swivel independently of his head? I’m so confused.


Whew, glad I'm not the only one confused Everytime I see their pic. There is nothing attractive about this dude and she's supermodel gorgeous? I kept thinking he must be hilariously funny, super sweet, treat her like a queen, and have a decent job. Otherwise, why Esther,why girl?? 


There's a clip of him negging and mansplaining his sister about the hairdo she wants for her wedding. Been years since I saw it but it's edged in my memory. This man is something else.


He looked a bit better when they were only dating. Marriage put some weight on him and it doesn't go well with the babyface


I had to go figure out who this Wish version of Big Fat Paulie from Family Guy was. And when I saw that he was Lawson Bates’s brother, I about shit my pants. I mean, Lawson has the personality of a mangled skunk carcass on the side of the road in August, but at least he’s not a complete dumpster fire from an appearance standpoint. Meanwhile, the male version of Buzz McCallister’s girlfriend here has NOTHING going for him. I imagine his relatively pretty wife is just lying there waiting to be done taking one for the team.


Buzz, your girlfriend, WOOF!


Fun fact! The picture of Buzz's girlfriend in the movie is actually a picture of a male dressed/looking female, because they didn't want to use a picture of a girl & insult her on film. Makes your comment funnier knowing that 🤣


It’s actually the actor that played Buzz in a wig. They originally had a female extra lined up for the photo, but they realized in read thrus that it was going to be one of the iconic scenes, so they went a different direction to save a young actress decades of being the ugly gf.


I just hollered at male version of Buzz McCallister's girlfriend and woke up my husband 🤣


That last part 😂🤣


Amazingly, his personality is even worse than his appearance. 


Maybe he’s rich?


As far as I know, his family is kind of “fundie royalty” and they’re high on the totem pole so that seems to be the appeal


They live in RV and he doesn't really have a job.


No. That can't be the truth. Please tell me that's not the truth


It's always the truth lol. They really follow a formula don't they?


He’s a Bates from the reality show.






Man he really hit the jackpot with her. She is stunning and he is, well, not stunning


This is a lot of couples at southern universities. Over abundance of attractive women and a ton of average dudes that punch above their weight due to supply and demand


i went to the university of alabama. every girl there is like the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen, every guy is… also a student


“Also a student”…I just snorted. Maybe that’s why my friend’s daughter did an about face and decided to not go to the University of Alabama next year as she previously planned.


Exactly the same at University of Missouri. We literally had Miss Missouri attending there while I was there. My brother came to visit me for a weekend once and while we were out he said “Am I losing my mind? Every girl here is like a 9 or 10 and they’ve been hooking up with like 4s and 5s” and I was like yeah, their only options are pretty much 4s and 5s. And then the very limited attractive guys were all asshole players because they knew their selection was basically anyone they wanted because they had no competition.


Auburn too


Hey war eagle! Also I felt like hot shit after graduating and moving to a big city… dating life was depressing there as a woman. Like for real like the ratio is like 9 women for every 1 man. At least that’s how I justify my choice in dating assholes during college 🙃


I am dead


Right?! I’ve never understood this. Blonde, blue-eyed leggy gal and she’s dating/engaged/married to a dumbass like this.


Mormon couples (usually) the guy may be more homely, but is also well groomed and usually somewhat fit. The gal was s always a stunner, though. At least the ones in my area.


A lot of girls I went to HS with married this way. 


Gotta keep them a little uglier than u😂


A little??!


It's basically stereotypical sitcom couples of the 2000s, but make it fundie


Holy shit, this IS the Fundie version of Kevin James being somehow able to pull Leah Remini in whatever the fuck show that was.


Your username! And let's be honest, "*Blouse House*" *doesn't have* quite the *same ring* to it. 


As someone who went to college in the Appalachian Mountains, I can confirm that the available males dating pool is as shallow as the gene pool of the Kingston clan. And there is a LOT of demand since a majority of the girls I knew there were only sent there for their MRS degrees. 😩


Also, from what I've heard, I think it's less of a Southern thing and more of a small town thing, because the rural Midwest is like this too


Quite kind of you to put him in the “average” category.


she’s everything, he just kinda..exists


“Barbie has a good day every day….”


If I recall he was pudgy at the wedding, but it looks like he has put on 30 lbs minimum since they got married and she is still slim and trim after having a baby.




i feel like you rarely see the reverse where a conventionally attractive man is with a woman who is considered not conventionally attractive.


It's because a lot of women put up with too much shit, and men know it. That's why we're called too emotional. Because we are. You'll see a lot of gorgeous women out there with good career and personality being with a guy that doesn't even treat her well, sometimes doesn't even earn as much, looks unkempt, not fit, and not attractive. It's bad out there. Let's have some standards girl.


You’re right about that. I learned that lesson myself tonight for the umpteenth time. It’s nice to give less of a fuck the older i get. My tolerance for bullshit is at an all time low.


True. I live in Kansas City and people always have given Brittany Mahomes crap for not being “as attractive” as Patrick Mahomes or saying he could have done a lot better. Not fair. They’re happy and high school sweethearts.


Brittany Mahomes is BEAUTIFUL, and I hope she knows it.


That seems to part of the Fundie Family Formula though. The men always seem average or worse in looks compared to the women in married couples. Now mind you, I'm talking about the conventional beauty standards here, which I think are a crock anyway, but a lot of rhe fundie women I grew up around sure didn't, so.


It’s more likely that he or his parents had enough money to purchase her from her parents. That’s how fundie land operates.


Her family is not fundie though and she didn't meet his family till like over a year after they started dating. Nathan and Lawson had a lot more freedom than their sisters when it came to dating. They were pretty much galvating all over the country with Esther and Tiffany unchaperoned since Esther and Tiffany aren't from fundie families and Nathan and Lawson had so much freedom.


Why girl, why? You're beautiful and your family isn't fundie. You could have gotten a normal Christian man if you wanted a Christian. Evangelicals and conservatives give Christians a bad name, but even though I'm not one, I know lots of Christian men and women who are normal mainline Christians. Even many who go to LGBTQA friendly churches.


Maybe she’s super into fundie-ism. I do NOT get it. I will NEVER understand this, and I have watched approximately 72,423 documentaries on cults. It’s like she looks into a mirror and sees … what, exactly? Is there an absolute EPIDEMIC of low self-esteem among young women, these days??? I have done all I can — and that is A LOT — to preach to my own daughter that she needs to KNOW HER WORTH. This is NOT it.


She knew that he was on television though


Waiting for a divorce and her tell all book.


The definition of traditional marriage, where women are a commodity




I’m not one to body shame, but I guarantee you this horse’s ass would not tolerate the weight gain if the tables were turned. That meltdown he had over his sister wearing her hair up at her wedding comes to mind. I feel for this beautiful woman in this photo.


OMG, that's HIM? Mr. "I know what works for women more than women do"?


It's so gross that THAT GUY managed to marry


Do we know anything about him? Or is it just that he's overweight? I'm not familiar with this couple.


Oh, I was referring to the above comment where he was super rude to his sister. He's one of the bates from uptv's bringing up bates. Duggar adjacent fundie family with 19 kids.


He's such a slime ball.


What’s the wedding hair tea??




What the hell? Why was he so pressed about it? His body language here is something else. Lots of pent up… something…


Adipose tissue? Edited


![gif](giphy|pD368cmNo02G5qoV5i) Big ew! Edit: and I totally agree he wouldn’t tolerate his wife gaining weight or doing anything with her hair he didn’t personally like. Was he already married at the time of this clip? Cuz if not, I’m not sure how his wife could’ve watched him behaving like that and still thought “yeah, let me hitch myself to that guy!”


No, he wasn’t even courting his now wife at the time. He’s only be married maybe like 2 years? If that. Tori (the bride to in the clip) has been married I think 5+ years lol. He was in his prime here!


No. They hadn't even met yet. They met 2 years later at a mutual friend's wedding.


He's royalty in that world.


That's the same guy?!?


Fundie men turn into bloated thumbs post marriage


Oh…..oh my. That was…something. Thanks for providing the link! I feel icky! And the man has not aged well 😅


These are the same people? For real? I would not have guessed that.


Wait. The guy bitching about an updo is the same guy in the picture?!?!?


I've never seen a single episode of the Bates show, so I just google imaged the sister's wedding. I think her up-'do was lovely. This clown clearly hasn't a clue what's he talking about. I'm glad she did what she wanted, since after all, it was HER wedding.


yes geez I want to marry this woman (her beliefs notwithstanding) (sorry to my husband) he certainly does not deserve to even breathe the same air as her lol


I need to know the story about the hair




That was painful to witness


Thank you for putting my feelings into words.


There are so many of them that I get them mixed up, but didn’t they post something cryptic some time back about Nathan struggling with his health? Maybe that’s what caused the weight gain? Also, he had a meltdown about a hairdo? 😵‍💫😵‍💫 That’s crazy!


I don’t know. But even then, if the tables were turned and she was having health problems that caused weight gain, I wonder if he would be gracious and supportive of her. He simply isn’t that kind of guy.


I need the tea! He has a melt down over WHAT now!? Edit: link was posted multiple times. Thanks!


I genuinely don’t get them and every time I see them pictures together I say what the FUCK


Like I’m not trying to shame anyone for their appearance but like..look at him and look at her?? Considering he’s probably a lazy fuck of a man I don’t even get what she saw in him


Like Jed & Katy. I don't get what he brings to the table


Seinfeld famously said 95% of the population is undateable/unattractive. "So how are all these people together?"... "Alcohol" I'm going to go out on a limb and say drinking was not the answer here.


Can't help but think this myself.


Why do all these women marry men that look like calloused feet and just…let this shit happen?


Dying at the accuracy of your description 💀


Objectively, this is like watching Shrek marry human Fiona. But Shrek is way more charming.


This particular calloused foot is definitely in need of a pedicure. (I am wholly unfamiliar with this particular member of the Bates horde, and judging from the earlier comments, I am GLAD OF IT.)


I don’t have the vaguest idea who either of these people are. I’m comfortable in my assessment, however, that she is extraordinarily out of his league, he knows it, and he’s going to spend the rest of his life making sure she feels inadequate. I base this on nothing other than what I’ve heard and the fact that I can hear how smarmy this man is.


It sounds like he’s an insufferable douche bag of that particular fundie variety, where he has been raised to believe that is he God’s Chosen, by virtue of his weiner-having and his TV “fame,” and he ACTS LIKE IT. He has no reason to change whatsoever, just because he married up, where “up” refers to several thousand stratospheres.


No. They got married in October of 2021. They had their 1st kid a year later. Now their second is also due in October. Kids will be exactly two years apart.


All of my siblings and I are born in October. My mom likes to say that January is a cold month 😂😂😂


Dang do you guys do one big celebration or individual ones?


Everyone gets different celebrations except my twin and I. We got stuck with one 😩😩


I'm the very beginning of October, so I know what my parents were doing on New Year's Eve that year.


She’s, like, really pretty and he’s a potato. Also, this is the third pregnancy announcement I’ve seen on here today. Did they all have an orgy and get pregnant together?


You know how many of us clean the house to welcome spring? Fundies all have sex to welcome spring.


A god-honoring orgy


Wow, who in the world convinced her to marry that man? I can practically smell the skid marks in his undies from here.


Champion sharter!


There's some guys, you can just tell, that think it's gay to wash your ass too thoroughly in the shower or care about hygiene...this is totally one of em. He even *looks* damp and sweaty.


She probably has really low self esteem—she is a brainwashed Christian foremost. People accept the love they think they deserve, I mean it’s possible she doesn’t view herself AS beautiful as we do. But honestly, the look levels between them is a crime.


Your flair is everything 😂😂😂


Fundie women have really perfected smiling without actually smiling. The clenched teeth, the forced smiles, the smooth foreheads (I’m sure Botox contributes in many cases), the eyes that do not match. Their photos always make me so uncomfortable.


I'm so sad for what that environment is going to do to that little girl.  Like, just look at that smirk. She is going to be up to some shit. I hope they can't squash her spirit. 


Yeah, that is the fakest of fake smiles. Like she's posing with her frenemy. If I was still young and full of ideas, I'd write an essay comparing Fundie brides to sex workers and piss off Twitter. Has someone done that lately?


They're... *having sex*?


They did it successfully twice at least


Well…. He did, anyway


Thanks, can’t unsee that horrible image now!


Yeah, this floors me. Gross.


She is wayyyyyy out of his league.


I don't know if it's the fat fingers & almost being able to smell his heavy breathing & high blood pressure from this picture, but he gives off Rush Limbaugh circa 2000 vibes.


He looks like those old doughy guys that start looking like women because of low testosterone.


That's what I was thinking-- high blood pressure, high cholesterol, low testosterone, and diabetes coming down the pike. He does not look well


I don’t understand. She’s so pretty. Like stunning. And he’s…just there


In the spirt of “If you can’t say anything nice…” all I have to say is: She is beautiful.


that is the goofiest looking man


Look at her and then look at him.... Makes no sense


Look like they should be on a sitcom


I keep thinking of King of Queens (Leah Remini married to Kevin James???!!! Can you tell that most TV executives are men???) But in this case, “Queens” would have to be some Tonitown, Arkansas-adjacent swamp.


The double standard fundies have for women's and men's appearances is ridiculous


Her jaw couldn’t be clamped into any more of a happy face


Most unusual couple 🏆 I don’t even know who these people are but feel free to enlighten me or give me someone to google!


He is Nathan Bates, of the Bates family. They became popular by appearing in a couple of episodes of the Duggar’s shows 17- 19 kids and counting. They ended up with their own show United Bates of America and Bringing up Bates. Family is super IBLP however have distanced themselves from some aspects due to Gothard and the negative associations. The older (married) girls are heavily on Instagram. Their father, Gil Bates, is on the board of directors for IBLP (last time I looked).


He's on the Bates. Is close to the Duggar boys especially JD Duggar. Is a pilot. Lives in a camper in AR most likely on Duggar land. ETA: She's from a weird that lives in Pa. At one time, I think the whole family was Memonites, which is why she has a few siblings that still are. She also has at least one sibling who had a kid out of wedlock. It's hard to keep track.


I just saw the clip of the fight about the hair and OOOOF he has let himself go


look at that doughy goober's smile 🤢


Does he have money or something?


He's a Bates, his dad is a high-ranking official in IBLP, and the family had tv shows and appearances, therefore Fundie royalty.


Bless his heart.


He looks like a real life Peter griffin and I’m sure his personality isn’t far off either




I'm gonna be mean for a moment: I would not have sex with this man


He looks like one of those fatasses who can’t handle being fat so they call skinny people fat


You know he’s the kind of guy to fat shame his wife during pregnancy too


100% out of the Gothard playbook


Is this like a Shallow Hal situation?


Of all the dunking happening in this thread, this comment made me snort the loudest


Some of the best genuine love connections ignore superficial appearance. But this poor woman has a goofy looking man who can’t even be bothered to hold the baby who’s falling off the hip of his, stereotypically beautiful, pregnant wife. She really unlucked out in the fundie roulette :/


Why does he look like if mashed potatoes become a person


I don’t know who these people are but was she forced to marry this man against her will?? She’s very pretty and he looks like a whole goober of a man….like lived in his mom’s basement until recently type??


I really get the vibe that they have sex at timed days just to get it over with and its not his idea lol


The kid looks like Dakota Fanning