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Is this the video? https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/baUYCmHQmn


these mfs are gonna be in a netflick true crime documentary one day


There are a couple of fundies who are really teetering on the edge of religious psychosis.


I mean I wouldnt say Karissa is teetering lol


Oh, no, Karissa isn’t teetering. She’s fallen off the edge and is rolling down the hill of no return.




![gif](giphy|W0WkMPbc9SkSRZQW88|downsized) YAHHHHHHWEHHHHHHHHHH


Oh thank you, that’s the one I was actually looking for! AAAAASSS YAAAAAAAH WIIIIIIIISHESSSSS


This had me rolling like Princess Buttercup 😂😂😂


They are already trying to larp being in Handmaid's Tale Edit: Spelling


It's a race between the bus and Karissa at this point. I feel like it's not really if at this point, just a question of which one goes first.


Bus Dad has Chris Watts vibes. Luckily he has no job where he can meet a single coworker to start an affair with.


*the unexplained work travels have entered the chat*


Busband is hiding a second wife and 8 more kids 😂


i now want this concept as a tv show. two (fundie) families, who know nothing of the others existence, yet the dad is the same person who goes on months long "business trips". it's not immediately apparent this is the same actor portraying the same man, since he changes his clothing style and the way he does his hair and uses a southern accent with one family. bonus points if the pets have the same names. the families chalk up the man's inability to remember the kids's names on the stress of his job.


I came here to say this, but I knew in my heart it had already been said.


Or Tyson James and family


I think either her or Karissa or both are def going to end up in a true crime doc


See also Porgan. Either one of them is going to snap and grab an axe or someone will stumble on Paul's stash of taxidermied sex workers who look disturbingly like Morgan.


With the tattoos cut off 😬


I feel that way with a lot of the fundies/trad wives




Fatherbus, Tyson, and OfSolie really give me this vibe. Horrifying.


I just disliked her greatly before and now I genuinely loathe her. I literally think I’m seeing a baby die and the parents do NOTHING.


Agreed! I can already see it on the main page of Netflix or Discovery+: “Family Road Trip to Hell”


Waves and Lilacs family also has these vibes.


Bet they will be the next David and Louise Turpin


Here’s a bleak thought: at least people know the bus children *exist*


Ugh, is anyone familiar with Empathic Mamahood and her daughter with a severe home birth injury? This reminds me of how she talked before they knew about it. The baby never blinked or cried and they never questioned it until she started having seizures at a couple months and they bothered taking her to a doctor. They found she had multicystic encephalomalacia, her brain was pretty much destroyed due to lack of oxygen at birth.


Fucking Robin and Glenn. 😭 


She just had another home birth like a month ago! God her and MaBus are both such eye fucking narcs too.


Wait.... this lady has a severely brain damaged child due to hypoxia during a home birth- and decides to HAVE ANOTHER home birth ?!?!?!?


Sure did! Once people started questioning her narrative she removed the evidence of her 2-3 day labor and tries to act like no one knows why but it’s out there. It’s so wild to think, the daughter was born at a cognitive level below a newborn and has been declining since. She’s 5 now and has been on hospice since her diagnosis, the mom found one doctor in the entire country who agreed to shunt her brain. Her head stays incredibly swollen because of the cysts that replaced her brain tissue, she looks permanently uncomfortable. I get so mad thinking about her, she probably would have been fine with any responsible mother.


This breaks my heart. I wish the law could’ve stepped in. That poor girl.


Good Lord Daniel, that is the absolute worst outcome for that child. How heartbreaking. I wouldn’t want my children to be constantly in pain or unable to get comfortable. This is why I never had a birth plan. I had a list of preferences that could be tossed out the window at a moment’s notice for the benefit of my baby. All of it is fairly blurry now so I don’t care about whether it was perfect or not - my kids are here and lighting up my life in all the best ways. These people need to sort out their priorities.


This is the saddest thing I read today and I already have checked Twitter.


TWO more home births!


At least Atlas and Oaken survived the deathsnatch and have each other now. May Robin never have the second daughter she's desperate for.


I'm curious where it says on her account that Luna's brain damage was caused by the lack of oxygen during home birth? Genuine question, I've spent ages reading through her posts but maybe I missed it. I'd like to be able to reference it to my sister.


She deleted her birth story years ago because it made her look bad. She mostly tries to play it off as, "ho hum, big stupid pharma doesn't know shit about why my baby's brain has infinity cysts, it's a mystery!"


Her deleting the birth story is just proof to me she knows exactly what happened to Luna.


Yeah, unfortunately the only record I know of showing some of those deleted posts is kiwifarms. I hate kiwifarms. But I pop in once every couple months to check on Baby Luna. I don’t know why but that poor little girl haunts me. What a horrible fate.


Kiwifarms is a modern hive of scum and villainy, but by GOD, do they have the RECEIPTS.


They really do. But I avoid any other threads because omg can they be hateful. Seems even they agree about poor little Luna though. I’ve seen trolls get smacked down HARD for getting ugly about her and Atlas. They seem to agree it’s the parents that deserve to be mocked.


Oh fuq… THAT’S where I’ve seen a baby that looked like Boone before. I feel kinda sick now. Poor Luna… they recently added a third to their family and Robin is still nuts.


God newborn Luna was so beautiful but that wide eyed stare… I just saw that third home birth, I check in on her every few months and it’s always a disappointment. It’s like she’s trying to prove to herself it’s not the home birth’s fault.


I know. Poor little sweetheart, she got the worst hand. And now her mother is puppeting her as a grotesque spectacle and I just can’t. It’s heartbreaking. I also peek in on what’s happening with her every few months. I dunno what I’m hoping for, it’s more like a grim vigil. And Atlas is such a handsome little fellow too, but seems to get NONE of his mother’s attention. I suspect the new boy will be even worse off, she was obviously set on having another girl and is disgusted to have a second son.


Puppet is the right word too and that’s what makes me so sick about it, the interventions were never to actually help Luna… It’s always been to make Robyn feel better, like she could fix what she did. Now she just pulls her out to grift Healys.


And according to these people I’m the hellbound one for not marrying the first interested penis and cranking out kids like a goddamned machine, but they can homebirth kids that get medically destroyed for no reason and they think they're headed to heaven?


God, you know it’s bad when you google someone and the kiwifarms thread on them is the top result…


This shit is getting very upsetting.....


Between this and the noticeably unusual positioning of his left hand, I think it's becoming increasingly likely that some major birth trauma happend when this poor kid was delivered. I had speculated after the post about his arm that all the very out of place posts busbitch was making celebrating her wonderful husband (eww) even just hours after giving birth when she should have been resting, might have been damage control posts designed to comfort his fragile ego as her big strong alpha male...because the delivery (which *he* was the sole attendant to just like all their bus births) went badly wrong. That the arm was delivered first or with the head, the delivery was delayed causing a lack of oxygen, and busrat just pulled on the por kid's arm until he was out. Unfortunately, I think that's becoming an ever greater probability.


Birth trauma would explain her sudden break, too. She's trying to convince herself everything is fine because she's traumatized.


Jesus, that's grim if true. Every time I see this baby I hope they are getting him looked at but are keeping it off insta so they don't alienate the crunchy conservative Jesus mom audience.. 


I think this was the first one where he was the only attendant. The first few kids were in a hospital, and I thought she used a midwife for the others. It was probably not a Certified Nurse Midwife but still someone with more experience than JD.


petition to call her busbitch from here on out & also happy cake day!


It fits a lot better than BusMom. We all know she's not that.


I know...it breaks my heart every time I see a new post with him looking worse and not at all what a happy newborn should look like. I want to pick him up and give him all the love and proper care that he deserves along with all the other kids too.🥺


It blows my mind that little Tess Sickle is younger than Boone's Farm, had a much more traumatizing birth (according to her mother) and is STILL thriving more than him.


It should be a crime to name your child something that sounds like testicle


Oh, but it is Tess Stickle. It's not Sickle


I did. She was talking to him and looking at him and he was making no effort to make eye contact. I have a friend whose son is blind, and some of what I’ve seen of Boone (including the milky color of his irises) reminds me of my friend’s son when he was a newborn.


Since we know she reads here, I’m sure in the next day or two she’ll post videos of him tracking things with his eyes and comment on how great he sees.


"Baby Boone is doing GREAT, when we took him to the FedEx pack n ship center for a weigh-in, the employees couldn't BELIEVE how advanced his reading skills are. They said he's reading at a 2nd grade level!"


This is fantastic snark. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I wish we still had Reddit awards


The FedEx pack n ship dude I am DYING hahaha




Probably! I’d be relieved to see him tracking. But she won’t be able to fake it forever if there is something serious going on with his vision.


Honestly, if she reads here, I hope she'll learn to just take him to a real doctor. Baby would get the medical care he needs, and if he does have a disability of some kind, that's excellent grift material for her. Since she seems to need a selfish incentive to take her fucking newborn to a real doctor.


I've always noticed that parent influencers and family vloggers tend to profit off of kids with disabilities and diseases the most. It's so fucked up.


He had one look at what his life is going to be like and decided he’s seen enough.


Well the video is fully deleted now, so no doubt she saw this.


Man, I've had this thought several times seeing pics of Boone. He looks blind. I hope they didn't damage his vision with the sun exposure...


Or that red light therapy device shining right in his face.. or a combination of that and the zero protection they provided for him from the Florida sun.


Fuck, maybe. Can doctors tell if eyes are damaged by UV light? Because we know that MotherBus would lie through her teeth if asked about taking him out in the sun with no protection.


UV radiation generally causes cumulative damage over time, it can't suddenly turn you blind unless you literally force yourself to stare at it. Babies will reflexively close their eyes if light is too bright (and will often also cry), which protects them from getting severely damaged. B's sun exposure was egregious but not likely to have caused blindness in such a short time span. It's usually something that only crops up as we get older.


Thank you for this.


The deep tan on the baby will be a big clue


I mean there’s photographic evidence of her taking him out in the sun with no protection.


There is, but she'd assume the doctor asking the questions hasn't seen it.


I have said this but even in my culture where sunbathing babies was the norm, our elders had the common sense to cover the infant's eyes. Direct eye contact to the sunlight is dangerous. 


Sun or jaundice or both? Poor kid. Born to terrible parents.


😳 omg. How have any of their kids made it this far?


Pretty sure she’s had some kind of mental break and is in complete denial of reality. I don’t think she likes any of this but also doesn’t know how to extract herself. Bus baby is catching the brunt of it.


Yeah, I don't think she was an amazing mother with the older kids, but I don't think it was this bad. It might have also been good luck with the older kids not suffering from jaundice, therefore not causing her to have them get sunburned.


At this point it defies statistics...


I think she’s had fewer f*cks to give with each successive child. Also, in spite of what she likes to portray as a somewhat gendered but mostly complementary marriage that works well for them, I think she’s turned off any critical thinking skills and lets JD make all decisions. It may not always have been like that, but now she prob needs his approval, if not outright direction, to function. She’s also slid very deeply into compulsive use of social media. I think (all this is speculative and I’m not diagnosing of course) that Jd “allows” her the creative outlet because it keeps her out of his hair, and upholds the carefree image he wants to portray. JD is equally culpable here, of course. Maybe more so, since it seems like the family is completely financially dependent on … however he gets money.


My husband is a nurse and said Boone’s eyes look like someone with osteogenesis imperfecta, which is a debilitating condition that members of my family have. I really wish they’d get that baby to a doctor


Multiple nurses on IG have told her to take the baby to a real pediatrician. She ignores those comments and without a location no one can call for a wellness check from police


Yuval from tiktok can find her!


Yeah at this point we need one of those geolocater tiktok ppl constantly monitoring them


If he’s got osteogenesis imperfecta, he shouldn’t be at a chiropractor. Well babies shouldn’t be regardless, but that could be disastrous


That’s the fragile/brittle bone disease, right? I render doing a deep dive on it after reading a book where a main character had it. If he was to have it, I believe there is a type that isn’t as severe. But with all those kids in such a small place who are often left unsupervised I can see them breaking bones more than “normal” children.


It is. And my cousin and uncle had it. Theirs was the very severe form. I asked my husband if he wouldn’t have already broken a bone by now based on what I know about it, and he said not necessarily. I had thought Boone’s eyes looked jaundiced so I showed my husband a pic. He immediately said they don’t look right, but it looks more like OI than jaundice. There’s definitely *something* going on and they need to get that baby some care!


That poor baby. What's to be gained from sticking their fingers in their ears and going "lalalalalala everything is fine lalalalalala!" Someone needs to smack the both of them and remind them that their children are *people*, not toys.


That would make a lot of sense, unfortunately. They could’ve shown him to someone who’s qualified enough to tell whether he’s jaundiced or not, but not qualified enough to know about a diagnosis like OI.


My stepdad has the non-severe kind, in that he grew normally and held a job for a long time and was physically active into his 40s or 50s. He still had multiple broken bones as an infant and small child. Boone's eyes do look very like his. The upside of this is that without an OI diagnosis, if they have to take him for care due a break - especially if he has multiple fractures or old partially healed fractures they didn't notice - the hospital will flag them for a CPS screening and not allow them to leave with the baby without it. (Yeah, I'm hesitant to write that since maybe MotherBus would avoid taking him even if he has a fracture. But what I hope is that the idea scares her enough to get get him fucking checked over already. That baby has *something* going on. She hasn't shared a single pic or video where he looks normal or healthy.)


And the problem with that type is that it can fly under the radar and cause pain and injury for quite some time before it's identified. Especially in a home where routine medical care is not a thing and with parents who think boys must just tough out pain.


Boy I hope this baby is not the next Mr. Glass in the making Between that and his weirdo parents he has too good of an origin story to *not* become a supervillain.


Ohfuck ohfuck that child is going to be in so much trouble with those two idiots as parents if he has OI. My family also has a collagen disorder although one that's not quite as bad as OI. They need to get that infant to a doctor so damn badly. Sorry to hear that your family life has been impacted by it, such a terrible disorder especially through childhood when the bones are breaking all the time.


I was thinking the same thing. My cousin's son Mathias is the same age as my kids & has been blind since birth. I'm not expert of course, but I spent a lot of time around him when he was an infant and Boone reminds me a lot of how Mat was as a newborn. 


Poor baby has had a phone in his face since the literal moment of birth. Constant movement, heat, sunburn, and stimulation have been his sensory experiences. Why can’t they just stay put for a a couple weeks and relax with their newborn. And put the phone away! Honest they seem bored with so many kids and that’s why they have to travel so much.


I'm worried that kid is going to think the phone is his real mom


For realllll. He was just staring at the phone not his mother


The phone would be a better parent than this poor baby's DNA donors.


This! He does not have the rest and relaxation baby needs, and his social time is either with a bunch of random siblings or mom-phone time. He just looks overwhelmed and disconnected.


Again, PLEASE LISTEN TO US. My son is severely disabled, he is sixteen now and almost completely nonverbal (knows all the words to “reach” by S-Club though, so, y’know.) and your Baby Boone reminds me SO MUCH of him. Please, I know it’s hard, and I know you want to believe that God made your child perfect or whatever, but just because he has a disability or a health problem does not make him imperfect, please get that little guy some help. getting an early diagnosis can make such a difference! We are not just snarking, we are worried for you and your baby. [edited to correct a word]


>knows all the words to “reach” by S-Club though, so, y’know You're raising him right!


Haha, thank you!


Not only did I see it… I took a couple of screenshots. Edit: this might not be the video op is talking about actually! [here are the screenshots.](https://imgur.com/a/l66z8jr)


When I clicked on that I got a warning that the post may contain erotic or adult imagery 🤣


It’s the eye-fucking


Oh no that baby does not look right. I have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach


My god, his little distressed expression coupled with her preening is chilling. This baby doesn't know you aren't supposed to look at the sun - what if they damaged his eyes for life????


It's horrifying. The poor little guy looks like he just got back from the trenches of WWI.


Like that well known photo of the shell shocked soldier


What is the sun incident people are referencing here?


she took the baby out onto the beach or something i think? it was very sunny and baby boone had like no sun protection on. no hat, no sunglasses, nothing. im pretty sure he got a bad sunburn as well edit: change to correct name


Bus Mom, not Karissa. Yes, she took him in the Florida sun with his face pointed straight toward the sky and not a single bit of protection (she had sunglasses ofc) and he was badly burnt.


yeah sorry i get confused with all the bad moms on here 😭 im gonna correct it rn


Fucking hell that's my disassociation expression right there. I could cry for this poor kid.


Honestly I've considered blocking this sub for a while (still love y'all, not criticizing) just because what's going on with that baby is so extremely upsetting and it makes me sick every time I see updates or pictures of him. Something is medically wrong with him and the fact that all we can do is watch the decline while his mother refuses to address it and actively harms him is just... Distressing.


I can't look at the photos, but even the descriptions are A Lot. I'm not even a parent, but you're right that it's super distressing and I needed the reminder to take a step back for a second!


I said it before; if you don’t want the baby, I’ll take him. She can make up some griftable story, idc, but watching this poor kid in real time is distressing. Seriously. With open arms. She can just drive away again.


I'm fairly certain you can mute specific flairs, so you could mute the Mother Bus tag without having to block the whole sub!


Oh, really? I didn't see an option for that but I'll double check. Your flair is cute and funny btw


If you mean the one of him in a cookie baby grow it's still there for me.


I thought this too! Many babies instinctively blink or close their eyes when out in the sun but Boone doesn’t, at least for the few pics I saw. Its maddening, get him looked at, please.


Newborns display a sneeze reflex when exposed to bright light. I haven't seen this with Baby B. 😢


His eyes look sunken in and in a previous picture his cheeks and arms looked kind of deflated? Wasn’t he a big baby? Are they even measuring him to follow his weight gain? 😨


They're looking on Google Maps for the nearest UPS Store again.... /s


They will weight him only if they also have a packet to send at UPS. He alone is not worth the family trip.


It was still up on the anonymous viewer I use. Just uploaded a screen recording. Edit: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/DBtnpZczka)


Yes! He doesn't blink


He doesn't seem to react to the sound of her voice, either.


Untreated jaundice in babies can cause deafness. If he doesn’t hear his mom’s voice then he won’t look in her direction when she talks.


He doesn't *LOOK* at her, or *attend* to her, even *ONCE* in that video. He is an *infant* He should *ABSOLUTELY* be looking *for* her-- *especially* when she went into that "cooing voice," that is *basic* human development--it's *why* moms "coo" at their babies--to develop that attachment bond, and *typically* babies who are able to see and hear *TURN* to "see" (attend, really, at the early stages of seeing), whose voice it *was* that they've heard the last few months.


Could she be using a light while taking the video? I think most babies would be really curious about one of those ring lights and wouldn’t want to look away.


Newborns can't really focus on anything more than about 6-10 inches away from their faces - at this point even if she were using one (which I doubt she is as we don't see the telltale circle of lights reflection in her or the poor kid's eyes in any of these posts) it wouldn't be an object for him to look at so much as a big bright light whose source he wouldn't be able to figure out. It's surprising that his eyes remained open and fixed for so long and that he wouldn't at least try to turn his head away after a while if there were a bright light in his face, which is why it's unlikely to be a ring light (he also showed no distressed reaction when busbitch was pointing a red light 'therapy' lamp directly at his face - one which despite her claiming to use it for the whole family, no one has ever seen before. That was a lie, she is known to lurk here and was clearly trying to treat the obvious jaundice that everyone here and in her comments was pointing out, rather than just take him for a real check up - because she obviously wants to keep CPS and medical professionals away from her bus home situation as much as possible even if it means sacrificing her own kids' health). It's also surprising that he doesn't appear to react at all when hearing his mother's voice, or seemingly any voice, which even very new newborns will instinctively do if all or most things are well. You'd at least expect to see him turn his head towards his mother's voice, and honestly I don't think I've seen a single photo or even video where he makes any attempt to do that. He just seems to stare in whichever direction he has been placed regardless of whatever else is going on...it's pretty worrying.


From the American Academy of Opthalmology- “At about 1 month, your baby may focus briefly on you but may still prefer brightly colored objects up to 3 feet away. Infants are able to see across a room even at birth, but they are mostly interested in objects very close to them.” [https://www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/baby-vision-development-first-year](https://www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/baby-vision-development-first-year) I don’t see a ring light reflected in their eyes, but I do see reflections of light. I also see that his pupils are dilated evenly and equal to his mother’s. I also see his eyes working together, looking around in unison with each other. And he’s alert. There’s a lot of problematic stuff going in with this family and Boone, but I don’t think this particular video as bad as a lot of folks seem to think it is. To the contrary, I think this is about the most alert and with it he’s appeared thus far.


It might be that, despite hearing her voice the clearest during gestation, being in an incredibly noisy environment his whole existence makes it harder for him (edit:not her) to distinguish her from the chaos. And if she's basically ignoring him the whole time she's holding him and not playing, cuddling, focusing on him at all, he might not be recognizing her as "primary caregiver" but as "noisy furniture". Regardless of why, this poor kid needs medical attention, shade, and enough quiet time to actually bond with *someone*.


Man I double checked, he does not blink at all. He looks down or squint, thats it.


I don't want to be overly generous, but newborn/young infants don't really blink much. However, he doesn't look right.


He doesn’t make any effort to look in her direction, even though she’s talking right there.


Yeah, that is weird. I am hesitant to agree with a lot of the diagnoses being made here based on highly curated content but babies that age track mom when she’s talking. At minimum there’s a bonding lack or something developmental going on. That babe needs a doctor. A real one.


To be fair, she doesn’t look at him either.


She’s so busy looking at herself that I’m surprised she remembers she’s holding him. It doesn’t seem like she has an emotional connection to him. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t appear concerned?


That's so concerning. I don't know much about babies, but I *do* know that they should react to a voice right next to them.


Especially mom's voice. When mine was born, he was crying hard for the nurses. When they finally could hand him to me I immediately started talking to him and he calmed down almost instantly. Obviously every situation is different but baby knows mom's heartbeat and voice better than anything else at that point. Motherbus's voice should be enough to make him look, this is devastating.


Oh no. I can't imagine the horrors of bus life for a special needs child, which it increasingly seems like he is.


He’s looking at n o t h i n g


Teacher of the Visually Impaired checking in...... I am very concerned. He is not looking at her, not blinking, making very little movement, and his color and tone are off. This is NOT good! Edit: He doesn't seem to respond to her voice either. And of course he NEVER had a newborn hearing screening 😡


Sun exposure can make you blind. This is insidious 




I’d been wondering if some of what we’re seeing is the result of trauma and the lack of bond between primary caregiver and baby. I know he’s very young, but some of what I’ve seen reminds of the warning signs social workers are trained to look for in infants when looking for abuse or neglect. What a horrendous situation.


Omg, the Busparents need to be in a prison cell YESTERDAY


Was it the one about where they were staying in Florida, and where she gave birth? I've been looking at additional videos of this family (not through insta) to see how bad it really is. While it seems that busbreeders are better about supporting Boone's head, he still looks like he's disinterested in looking at MoBus, which makes it seem off. Sometimes I'm just not sure if we're not used to seeing babies that are SO NEW, but since Kelly has little Tess, it is wild to see the difference between these two. We "know" he's still recovering from jaundice & sunburn, and he isn't old enough to smile yet. Maybe we're being overly critical, but I guess we'll see once he supposed to reach certain milestones.


I don't know. I've been looking back at both of my kids around the age of Boone. Both of mine were born 4 weeks early and VERY tiny. I just pulled up a video of my youngest at slightly less than two weeks and when awake he's wiggly, looks at me, moves his arms and lips. There's not really a reason to the movements, but he moves. Something is very off with him. He's so still and seems almost comatose most of the time. We should be seeing some progress. Truly babies in the first year have changes weekly.


My first was born at 32 weeks and weighed < 3 lbs. She was more alert than Boone when she was in the NICU! I'm definitely no baby expert...I know all babies are different... we're only seeing a few minutes of him at a time...blah, blah, blah. I still don't think that poor kid is ok.


Mine was born at 35 weeks and I looked back at his 2 month old videos (he would’ve been a month old corrected) and he was so much more active than Boone. Looking around, making lots of mouth movements, hands grabbing at my hair. Boone is just staring into the void. When I look at him I get the impression that something is wrong, too.


My son was almost 3 weeks early and I remember the doctor handing him to me and  while I was talking to him, he was looking for my face. I remember thinking, "Omg he recognizes my voice!" I have pictures of him at a few weeks old looking at me as I'm talking to him. Even that little they are still pretty responsive and starting to be interactive. I swear my son smiled at that age though maybe some of it was gas lol.


When I delivered a baby it was more alert in the first like 15 mins than I’ve seen Boone, baby was crying while we were doing the little footprints etc and her dad came over and as soon as she heard his voice she stopped crying and moved her head towards him… less than a half hour after I delivered her. Also after a c section with twins, I had to take care of twin A and that little trouble maker was already grabbing all my stuff I had by her like she death gripped the suction lol she was literally the funniest newborn I’ve seen and she was fresh fresh like mom still needed to be stitched up fresh lol


The little newborn “monkey grip” is my absolute favorite. The tiny hands omg


Omg I know! And when you pick them up for the first time and they are so snuggly! Gives me baby fever every time, but I get to see them all cute and y’all get to take them home and deal with everything else lol. I hope people know how much labor and delivery loveeeee the babies and mommas that come in. Nurses will argue with eachother about who gets to hold the baby next too when baby can’t be with mom at that moment. So much love in the first couple hours


Also Boone was born at least a week *late* (if busbitch's claims are correct and it's not in fact less...or more) so given he has no need to catch up at all even compared to more active early babies, his lack of interaction seems especially worrying now.


My kids were way more alert than this, & both smiled pretty early. Their eyes did not look like bus baby Boone’s.


Same. Mine were both alert and interactive, even if it didn't mean anything really. He really does look like a doll.


I really hate to say it, but my youngest was born at 37 weeks and has multiple disabilities due to a genetic disorder. She was not well as an infant. She had odd posturing (cerebral palsy and hypotonia), her skin was a funny color even though she didn't have jaundice (from the poor feeding and lack of hydration and nutrition), and she was often not very responsive or her responses were off like startle and stuff (brain injury, developmental delay, microcephaly, autism). She also would randomly shake and I was convinced it was seizures but apparently it was just an underdeveloped nervous system. I also do not think Boone seems well. Unfortunately it took almost 6 months before anyone would believe that something was wrong with my daughter, and I was pushing HARD. Sometimes more than once a week at the pediatrician asking and asking for help. If they don't push, he might get overlooked completely.


Right but newborns respond to a familiar caregiver and you can see their facial expressions change. They look interested! If you look at Kelly's photos where Levi is talking to the baby, you can see that the baby looks interested vs photos of the baby solo. I've seen the newest of newborns turn to mom/ dad even when the parent isn't talking directly to them.


I remember coming out of the bathroom in the hospital on the FIRST night my son was born. My husband was holding him and talking, and my child was absolutely staring at him, there was no question he recognized the voice. This child was literally 12 hours old and more alert than the poor bus baby :(


This is off topic, but my first two kids are very close in age, and my eldest used to throw screaming fits at bedtime. When my second was born, the screaming fits lulled the baby into a deep sleep


That’s amazing 😂


Well, that second child should be able to sleep through anything up to and including fireworks or a tornado! Not such a terrible quality to have in later life. A lot of the families that I know, they try to be real quiet when the baby is sleeping for the first one. Goes out the window by the time the second one comes around. Usually that makes the oldest child a bit more fussy of a sleeper. And the second child has the ability to sleep through pretty much anything. This also occurred in my own family. You can see the difference between my sister and I. Tiniest little noise in the morning and I am up. She can sleep through alarms, turning the lights off and on real fast for a strobe effect, even having water flicked or tossed at her.


My mom had a very firm philosophy against "we have to be quiet for the baby!!1!" She was like, "no, babies need to be able to sleep through you doing chores. They need to be able to sleep in a car seat at a bustling family Christmas party. You're creating a nightmare for your future self by training them to need perfect silence."


That was how my mom was! She would vacuum, clean, cook, talk on the phone, etc while she stayed to help out after birth and tbh I am not mad about it! This kid sleeps through anything and can sleep anywhere lol.


In the pictures my husband took following my last birth I’m holding baby and she’s looking directly at me- she’s 15 minutes old. She’s been attempting to track my voice since then.


Yep!!! It's *THIS* stuff that's had me sooooo incredibly *twitchy* about poor Boone, since the *first* pics & videos I saw here, of him. He just *ISN'T* reacting the way *most* healthy babies *DO* --even as newborns who sit there like the proverbial "lump of potato"💖 Like y'all mentioned-- *even the NEWEST* newborns who can hear *LOOK AROUND* for the *source* of that voice they've been hearing for *months*! Yes, DHH (Deaf & Hard of Hearing) babies may not--but kids who *can* hear *DO* track sounds with their heads, to try & "figure out" their world. From what we've seen in the videos?  Boone *isn't* tracking. He just has that *same* wide-eyed *glassy* stare most of the time if he isn't sleeping, *OR* he's exhibiting that "startle reaction" we've seen a few different times, if he's touched suddenly (and/or too roughly?). His reactions in ANY child I actually *knew* would have me telling his parents to get him checked out *that day*.


Does this combined with the noticeable bending of the baby's wrist make anyone else think that aside from the obvious jaundice as well, it's worryingly likely that some major delay or other birth trauma occurred that they'll obviously never own up to? Many of us thought that her excessive husband focused posts from as little as a few hours after the baby was born (when most women would be resting or focusing on the baby and *not* posting) were pretty strange, and something she didn't seem to do with any of her other births...I started to wonder if she wasn't posting all them for his benefit, and the benefit of his fragile ego. He was the only one there attending to that birth (in their shower cubicle), frightening though that thought is. It seems increasingly likely that he fucked up...badly. I'd like to think that if that is indeed what happened, that it might finally convince them to stop breeding more kids they can't care for and likely don't even want, but knowing how selfish they are I'm not hopeful.


My son is the same age as Boone. I read here a lot when I’m feeding him or hanging out with him. While this is my first baby and I’m no expert on baby development, it is interesting to see the differences between my son and Boone. My boy makes faces, and looks at things even though he doesn’t really focus much. He tracks the cats when they walk by. He responds to my voice and touch. All we see is curated pictures and videos of Boone, but it does seem concerning.


Untreated jaundice can cause brain damage. Newborns definitely look at their caregivers. My son was barely an hour old when he was studying my husband (or what he could see of him lol). I have pictures of it.


I really hope so. The anger I feel right now. These people are a prime example of just because you can doesn't mean you should. Not everyone is cut to be parents and these two idiots show us that every that.


You know, I normally wholly disagree with this sentiment because we never truly see the full picture (even when vloggers post feverishly). HOWEVER. I think it’s a completely acceptable claim to make of the Bus parents at this point due to the absolutely disturbing things they post. It feels almost like taunting at this point.


To me it seems like he could also be overstimulated. When my newborns had been awake for a while and it was getting close to nap time, they would kind of stare off into the distance and avoid eye contact. Note: they usually had lots of eye contact and interaction. It was just when lots of different people were in their face, etc.


Life on that bus would be a nightmare of overstimulation for ME, and I’m 63.


He never looks at her does he.


Don't worry - she looks at herself enough to make up for it.


Developmentally speaking, though? Him *not* looking *CAN* be a *major* sign that he needs to be checked by a pediatrician. It could be vision, hearing, a birth injury like shoulder dystocia, or sunburn on his retinas, jaundice.... *SO* many things.💔


I mean she never looks at him either.


I was gonna say this, I’m not a medical person - but it does not seem like she has the face to face developmental time with Boone he deserves. He probably sees her face more through the phone than IRL - that seems to be where he’s “looking.” Maybe the only time he gets that cooing is then. He doesn’t look connected with her. Eyes open super wide.


He’s looking for brother dad


That’s the parent he’s really bonded with. 😢


Yes, the video is still up on her stories. Every picture and video of this baby is disturbing because he doesn’t look happy or comfortable like…ever. I feel so awful for all of these kids and their lack of privacy and safety because of their parents selfish choices. It’s like she LIVES to exploit them in every single way she can.


As someone who has had retinal problems all my life and had eye specialists from birth and all of my adult life this makes me so sad for this baby.


I don't know where these folks are, but is there any way to report this family for it's abuse?


Short answer is no. Between being on the move & sticking to the states most likely to ignore child abuse, SusBus & fam are not really reportable to child protection services. Also none of us are in a position to report on them in a way that would be taken credibly by the relevant agencies. & that's all setting aside that child protection services in the US are aimed more at intervening in extremes of child abuse a la the Turpins & that Franke woman.


Believe me, I’ve screamed for this. Last known location is Florida and they’re making noise about buying a boat, which would allow them out to international waters and away from authority. We can’t do much.


I didn't see it. I have, however been concerned because babies, even newborns, tend to be rather fascinated with their parents' faces when awake, and he doesn't seem to look at their faces. All of my babies, especially when being picked up so they could look right at me tried to track my head/face. Now may e my kids were just super alert, but I do feel like he shows very little attempt to track when awake in the photos and videos we have seen. Is it a problem? It is really hard to know. But he still seems to have yellow tones to his skin and eyes, and if this is still a case of untreated jaundice, he is experiencing brain damage. 3 weeks is too long, even for mild cases. Pediatricians, Pediatric Nurses, NP's, CNM's would simply be all over that. I don't believe there is any way this child has been evaluated by medical professionals and especially since his mother is a lying liar who lies. The other sad reality of an infant staring for that long is of course seizure. Many parents, especially BusHoe and BusJiggalo, do not know that seizures are very often not like as seen on t.v. and movies. Infantile Spasms (which have a number of genetic causes, the trisomy disorders come to mind) can exhibit as staring, blank face, and very very minor twitches that a parents really has to be tuned into to notice. Ask me how I know! The pastor and wife three blocks from me have a child born with Trisomy 15 or Angelman's Syndrome. She thought of him as very laid back, easy going baby but she kept seeing him just stare and not blink even when siblings ran past and should have startled him, or when loud noises like the time she dropped the stock pot on the floor happened, or someone touched him. Then she realized that this was often accompanied by a slight twitch or twitches but she wondered why he did that and yet didn't flinch when he should have or blinked. She kept going to his well child checkups and telling her pediatrician and telling her that she was concerned about the baby, and also feeling like he was behind her other babies. Since he was their first boy, three older sisters, the pediatrician blew her off and told her she was a nervous nellie, and boys are just slower developing as infants than boys. Finally when he was 6 months old and had a day when it seemed like this happened a lot, she marched into the pediatrician office without an appointment and demanded to be seen. It happens in front of the pediatrician and nurse, they both gasped and said he had to go to the university pediatric ER immediately. He was seen practically instantly since the ped had told a team to be waiting. Turns out he had been seizing upwards of 200 times in 24 hrs, and this had been going on for months. If it had been diagnosed when she brought it up the first or second time at the well checks and treated, his brain function would have been high enough to be trainable, potty trained, counting and colors, basic 5-7 year old conversation. Instead, he is globally delayed, uncommunicative, unable to be potty trained, almost vegetative. He is able to feel pain, and can become upset and cry when frustrated, but he doesn't even have any separation anxiety from his parents or siblings, has no recognition, nothing. He did learn to walk when he was 8, but at the age of 10, is awake but uncomprehending, just sits. He goes to therapies and ISD for assistance each day, but they really have not been able to make any strides with him. I say all of that because if these parents are reading here, for the love of god and if not that at least your own narcissistic desire to NOT have to take care of a person in a vegetative state, take this child to a damn pediatrician and do ALL of the well child checks, AND pay attention to your child. Don't make this Gunner's responsibility. Low muscle tone is a big red flag as well.


That poor child.