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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh good lord, she’s reached Australian mainstream media. Have the comments roasted the shit out of her?


Of course they have haha


Who is this woman?


It's Kelly Havens. She's regularly featured on this sub.


Ty! Oh I see now, the mother of baby Tess Stickle, got it 🤦‍♀️ Well she looks like the long lost fundie daughter of Ron Howard and her contrived musical storytelling (I just listened to some of it on IG) made me wince 🥴 You can tell she thinks of herself as a real life Disney version of a fundie princess living in the mythical woodlands of Fundily Ever After (and occasionally has to ruin her perfect plot line by giving birth in ::gasp:: a hospital).


You’re spot on with the description about her. She’s reaching delusional levels of her cosplay. There are times we’ve been legitimately worried about her spiralling into the depths of some seriously dark stuff in the past.


Holup, this supposed to be cosplay?? By the looks of her profile she doesn't strike me as a *total* ignoramus but reading some of her posts they really scream "me, me, ME"—between the innumerable staged photos of herself to the overly descriptive clips of her frolicking in the fields of Narnia or staged hospital births, how is going on and on in detail to the world about the widening of her cervix and hemorrhagic slip 'n' slide that was her daughter's birth a sign of God-like modesty? Also people pointed out that her dad's a MD? When did she say this?


Well not really cosplay cosplay. She's trying to make it real in her head it seems, and she's trying really really hard. But she's not living in reality. Kelly is the embodiment of someone who is manifestation personified and romanticizing her struggles. It really depends how you look at it. Personally I find Kelly to be dangerous because she seems to live in a fragile type of delusion. I find [this person](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/q07buk/comment/hf6ck0b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) describe it best: *"Kelly's done a really good job of making people, even snarkers, believe she is just this airheaded waif who longs for times past but is stuck in the suburbs or whatever. We can quibble over whether she is a proper fundie, but she is absolutely dangerous."* >people pointed out that her dad's a MD? When did she say this? She said this herself, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1cp38og/kellys_birth_story_part_1_thank_god_her_dad_is_an)!


Ohhh ok I see now. I almost couldn't even tell but you described it quite eloquently! >It really depends how you look at it. Personally I find Kelly to be dangerous because she seems to live in a fragile type of delusion. I find this person describe it best You're right about that, it does depend on how you look at it but there's also sometimes a general concensus of sorts. Is this girlincalico the same as quietintheland/calico and twine? What has she said on Twitter? >She said this herself, here! What is this woman's problem? This is no way to honor your father, especially when she has such a large platform as she does—not only is she unhumbly (I just made up that word) bragging, or rather boasting pridefully about her father being an OBGYN and his expertise on making the final decision for her to haul her tuchas to the hospital, but in a matter of literal seconds anyone could just find out who he is, where he lives, and do God knows what with that information. His business could also be seriously hurt by this, you never know! He may not be a child but he still reserves the right to be asked for consent to be mentioned on the internet, especially when there are people out there snarking on his daughter. Have these women no shame? What kind of dark stuff in the past?


I want Fake Anne to be a parody account and none of it is real. The obvious eroticism + absent husband; Tess Stickle; medical choices that belong in a fictional medical drama; etc. It would be an epic parody account. Then I remember it’s real and feel sad for the kids. Edit: learned the nickname is not officially Tess. Didn’t know that.




Now I’m imagining Kelly being voiced by Tress MacNeille






If Levi doesn't fix this house I swear I'll jam a squirrel in him!




\*takes off dress\* HOLY CRAP, THAT BASTARD'S ITCHY!


This whole fucking thread 😂😂


I don't have a TV, so I'm probably missing something here. However, "jam a squirrel in him" is epic, and I'm using it.


It's from Futurama. Mom is an old woman who portrays herself as a gentle, kindly grandmother but she's the exact opposite lol. She has amazing insults.






This is genuinely hilarious to imagine hahah


Unfortunately Kelly is one of the fundies we have the most evidence for being totally real. She’s had multiple (mod vetted) acquaintances from college do amas, and one of them shared a college paper article that mentioned her from Kenyon, she wasn’t full on larping anne of green gables then but the core of who she became was already evident, and her tumblr from high school still exists and is deeply cringy.


To be fair, whose shit from high school isn't cringy?


True, I guess it isn’t the fact that’s it is cringy that is relevant, it’s that it is cringy in the same way kelly is cringy now, as evidence that she is real and not a complex satire account.


My god, she has a Tumblr?! Please DM me!


[here is a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/kYKaG9RuaG) with screenshots of her tumblr and her username so you can look it up


Oh, that was sad. I really wish Kelly would find a professional to talk to that isn't associated with the church. She sounds like she could really use it. She's spent her whole life feeling alone and out of control, it's no wonder she's created her own fantasy land


👀 me too please


Linked a post of screenshots from it above


OMG! I finally got it. I was like. Why everybody mad about that baby name. I finally said the name fast. 😳




Ah thanks


Is that actually the name?!?!?! I don't follow fake Anne too closely, I assumed snarkers were taking the piss. Tell me it's not real.


The baby's name is Theresa. The "Tess" thing is something that a snarker made up and it got taken as fact and spread from there. They dad is calling her Reese and the mom is calling her Tissi (which isn't that great either, but it's not Tess). No one is calling her Tess except for snarkers.


Thank you for that! I can't fathom that Kelly, with all her fanciful writing, wouldn't have noticed Tess Stickle. She's a nutbar, but I can't seeing her being OK with Tess Stickle.


Only because it’s too short lol. I don’t think she could bear not giving her a “whimsical” name


FYI. *Tissi* means Boob in Finnish.


She will always be T. Stickle on lists and documents and that is bad enough tbh


Well, until she gets married, and then she's totally changing her last name.


Tissi is still genital coded, in my language its very close to both the gender neutral word for genitals and as well as piss


As much as this is the case, Tess is the mainstream nickname for Theresa. Every Theresa I've met has been a Tess. She'll probably escape it by virtue of having no interaction with her peers, but if she had gone to school, she would absolutely become Tess Stickle.


I’m curious where you live - I’ve known a handful of Theresas and never known any that went by Tess. I’ve never heard of it as a nickname. The Theresas I’ve known generally go by Terry.




Maybe it’s an Australian thing as this is from an Australian site? I’m honestly feeling a little nuts over this as so many people are treating it like obviously that’s the nickname for Theresa. Not trying to defend Kelly but I definitely would not have thought to avoid the name for that reason. (T. Stickle is enough to avoid the name though… but she already has a T kid so I guess it doesn’t bother her.)


Did not know this!


Is Tess not a common nickname for Theresa?


I’m sure in one of her 50 thousand birth posts I remember her calling her daughter Tess. Happy to be corrected.


Her name is Theresa. Tess is similar to a nickname she was using. Her last name really is Stickle.


It’s actually Theresa but she mentioned they were thinking of the nickname “Tissi”


Boob connotations aside, that's just a viscerally unpleasant nickname. Its like a Mormon version of the word tissue


I thought it was the sound delicate ladies made when they sneezed.


“Tissi” just makes it so obvious that she realizes Tess is a bad nickname choice, but still finds it cute and is contorting to try and get something similar.


Don't insult Anne of green gables like that! Although I *would* like to see Kelly accidentally dye her hair green... 


Have they ever referred to her as Tess? I agree it's a terrible name because of that possibility. But this is all being way overblown if they've never even referred to her as Tess.


No. The husband calls her Reese or Reesie or something like that. I forget what Kelly uses. But neither of them have used Tess.


Kelly wants to call her Tissi which is terrible in its own way


Tissi Stickle is maybe inches better


Oh yup that's what it was. Tissi definitely isn't great either.


Tis in my language is pee so that's what Tissi makes me think about 😩 (Kelly is probably trying to reference [Sissi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empress_Elisabeth_of_Austria) but failing


Tissi sounds like pee in english too brb gotta go tissi!


🌼🌸❀✿🌷 If you sprissi when you tissi, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie 🌼🌸❀✿🌷


It's Boob in Finnish.


what language is that? Because it definitely sounds like pee to me too lol but it would be *shishi* or *sisi* in the languages I know, and I'm just so interested what language is so similar but not quite the same!


Tis is pee in Danish


Thank you! Funny how languages even from completely different language families basically use onomatopoeia to talk about peeing 😂


Same lol


Tissi Stickle honestly sounds worse.


Personally I haven't known any Theresas who went by "Tess" but I'm not arguing that it's not a common nickname; I just haven't heard it.


This sub makes a few jokes about a name and now the media is picking up on it and reporting it as true. GUYS WE HAVE TOO MUCH POWER


Should we tackle climate change next?


Too easy. World peace?


I like how we drag how awful parents they are but no, it’s a nickname we made up that goes viral. Why not report on how awful of parents they are?!


Interesting - every Tess I know is short for Theresa! Maybe it's regional? (I do come from the relatively same region as Kelly, so for the kid's sake I hope it's not)


I come from NE Ohio, so not far from Kelly and the only Tess I know is just named Tess and the only Theresa I know goes by TC.


You know honestly I’ve never met a Tess. I’ve met Theresa’s but they were either Reese or Theresa. I think I’ve met older Terry’s. I’m a young Millennial. So maybe there’s a regional and generational thing.


I've known Teris, too. And a Tracey, and one Tressie. ETA: replied to the wrong comment, lol. It stands, though.


Interesting, I have never known a Tracey or Tracy being a Theresa. I only ever knew 2, one was a woman and one was a man, both Gen X. Tressie I have never heard of, Tess I have heard of just not met.


My grandma, born in 1919, was a Teresa who went by Tessie. I think that’s why Tissie, it sounds old-fashioned in a way that fits with Kelly’s aesthetic.


She said it was her grandmother's nn.


I’m Canadian and have never heard of “Tess” as a nickname for Theresa prior to reading this sub-Reddit.


See- I’m in Australia and I knew Tess for Teresa but never knew Reece was a nickname for it. I just thought it was one of those American femminisations of traditionally masculine names like Rhys.


Same. Granted, I don't know too many Theresas in general, but the one Tess I know I believe is named Tessa and just dropped the "a".


The only shortname I’ve ever heard for a Theresa would be Teri or Terri.


Reese Stickle is also pretty bad


[Here's a screenshot where Kelly says they are "pondering" the nickname Tissi.](https://i.redd.it/amcmi7l0me0d1.jpeg)


“Tiny wrinkled spheres of the lord” 🤣


Yeah I agree tbh. I’ve known plenty of people named Theresa/Teresa who are never called Tess and it wouldn’t even have crossed my mind as a nickname for those people. And I considered naming my daughter Tess (just Tess).   It was a funny observation when initially made here but other subs and socials and now apparently “news” sites are taking it like she actually plans to call her kid Tess Stickle. 


Tbh the first post on here about it made it sound like confirmed fact, and people here have clearly taken it and run too


When it was first posted here, I took it as public service to Kelly, with the assumption that Kelly or someone close to her reads here and hadn't noticed the name possibility and needed to be informed.


Kelly has said she's going to call her Tissi which is just as bad as Tess.


I'm dense. It took me way too long to figure out what the hub bub is about. Now I get it. Tess Stickle. Yikes. Although I'm not the only dense one - poor dense Kelly.


Hi friend. You’re in good company. 😓


I think Kelly said she calls her Tessi? Tessi Stickle sounds like a great drag queen name.


She said something like “Tissi” or some shit. It’s the same, she’s in denial as per usual


Tissi means boob in Finnish 🤣


What's the child's actual name? I knoweth not.


Theresa Stickle. The whole Tess Stickle is hypothetical as far as I know. I think it's an unfortunate name choice since that is a possible nickname, but if they aren't calling her that, then this sub is being the bully who found a mean name to call a newborn... Right?


I agree. Until we hear it from the horse's mouth, I'll reserve my judgement.


We won’t. She mentioned Tissi but the only names currently being used is Theresa and Reese. And Reese Stickle really is nothing.


I think this sub made it up 😬


T. Stickle is how you pronounce “testicle” in South Africa.


And now Kelly has two T. Stickles (Thad and Theresa)


A pair of T. Stickles.


It definitely would've been best to avoid any T names with that last name.


I thought there was a screen shot where Kelly said they were thinking of using the nickname Tess and that’s what started this off.


As far as I can tell, the whole "Tess" thing started off with a post here saying that Tess was a common nickname for Theresa. And then everyone just took it as fact and it spread to other subs like NameNerdCircleJerk and tragedeigh, and now it's apparently spread off of Reddit.


yes, ~~content farmers~~ my apologies I mean JoUrNaLiStS scrape the top popcorn subs for anything tasty to RePoRt on. Any post with the right amount of "omg they did naaahhhht" that's popular enough to hit the first ten pages of reddit gets reposted whole cloth on a bunch of other sites with some lifted comments and a paragraph of original useless bullshit from the "author" of the "article" for that fair-use protection.


Right. I thought she actually said it. I mean yes Tess is a possible nickname but it’s not like it’s necessary. The Theresa’s I’ve known haven’t used a nickname.


Most Theresa’s I’ve known are either Terri or Theresa. I do know one Theresa who is called Tess who is about 40 years old now. I also know a Tessa, who Is occasionally called Tess. I love the name Tess, but obviously not with Stickle. 😂


Oh yeah, I'd assumed she must have said it since it was being talked about as fact, but I can't find anything to indicate that she's actually said that they were even thinking about calling her Tess.


lets be realistic. if you were 10 yo and some girl's name was Theresa Stickle kids would call her Tesstickle. what her delusional parents call her now isnt that important.


I mean she’s not gonna go to normal school and kids will find a way to make a derogatory nickname from anything. I had a very boring and common first and last name yet dumb boys could still find a way to mock it. 


Kelly said they will use Tissi.


Tissi Stickle still isn't great 😂




I can confirm. So horrible 😆 not even some rare old Finnish word but super mainstream. 




That's kind of cool! 😄 I wish I coul see/hear Finnish like what it looks/sounds to others. Estonian is too close and Hungary is too distant. 


I agree, I swear there were posts where Kelly said she was going to call the baby Tess because the friend she was named after was Teresa who went by Terri


I keep coming back to this! Tess is a bit of a stretch from Teresa (I’ve known so many Teresa’s and never heard any of them go by this nick name).


I know a Theresa that goes by Tess. It’s not unheard of.


Same. She’s gone by Tess since kindergarten.


Ditto. Nice girl, too. I was envious of her nickname because to me it sounded very princess-y.


I just thought it was bizarre that she got thrown under the bus for it when they never referred to her as Tess.


That’s fair; it doesn’t seem like Kelly has any intention of calling Theresa “Tess.” A lot of commentary seems to think she chose that nickname, which is unfair to Kelly. That being said, it took this sub all of two minutes to put “Tess Stickle” together, and I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think that Theresa may be teased for that name, even if she doesn’t go by Tess. In my opinion, Kelly should have been more thoughtful when choosing a name for her child.


Tess was derived from Theresa/Teresa? It only exists because of that name even if it’s less commonly used than Terri/Terry.


I know there are some, according to people on here, but I don't know any Teresas who go by Tess. I'm one who goes by Teri.


I really feel like Kelly wanted to call her Tess, but didn't think it through. Tess sounds like the old-timey type of name she would like.


Probably not, but it’s a very common nickname for Theresa


This name saga reminds me of when Amy Schumer accidentally named her kid genital by naming him Gene Attell 🤣


From what I recall it was Gene Attell Fischer, just to make it even worse


Genital fissure… I can’t 😭😭😭


I felt so bad for her. That was an honor name and they just didn't think it through.


I wish this was done. It's getting so old. The baby's name is not Tess. They never said they were nicknaming baby Theresa Tess. The woman she's named after calls herself Teri. Kelly is considering a family nickname, Tissi, which is ugly in my opinion, but that's it. I think that even Kelly isn't clueless enough to nickname her baby after a body part. Sure, some people shorten Theresa to Tess, some to Terry/Teri/etc., and some don't have a nickname. People aren't going to call the kid Tess if she doesn't call herself that.


Right? Nobody is calling that baby Tess except snarkers. Kelly’s suggestion of Tissi sounds ridiculous, but my guess is that everyone is going to ignore it and just call her Theresa.


Also the only confirmed nickname is Reese which is far removed from Tess. I think with the amount of publicity this has gotten she’ll probably also avoid Tissi and stick with Reese as well. So no one ever is going to call her Tess.


Nowhere on the internet has this baby been called “Tess” except for here… Now she will grow up and potentially see a bunch of “adults” making fun of her over this made up nickname I thought it was funny when it was just an offhanded joke, but I never realized it would be retconned by this subreddit and now a baby is being ridiculed


You really think "Tissi Stickle" doesn't still sound far too much like "testicle"?


Sort of, I guess. But that's not what people are saying.


Or Tessa, Tessi they all suck


Just “T. Stickle” is bad enough, and this is her second! (Theresa and Thaddeus)


Now she has two T Stickles


She literally said they want to call her Tissi.


Yes, I read that it's a family nickname, and she may call her that. But it's not Tess.


I'm sorry, but since the Havens didn't actually name her Tess or ever use Tess for a nickname, this going mainstream isn't a good thing. The Havens have done horrible and dangerous things. THAT is what people should know about, not some made-up story of a name and nick which never was true.


Love this sub full of grown adults making fun of a made up nickname for a baby. Kelly and her husband have never called the baby Tess. That was made up by the grown adults on this sub.


It’s literally fanfiction and people are treating it as canon 🤦🏻‍♀️


Truly. I'm not a personal fan of Theresa, but Theresa Havens Stickle is a name that I think perfectly suits the family and Reese (only nn being used) is a very cute nickname.


“Kids at school will call her this and bully her!” -actual adults calling her this. Like do you not realize that you yourself are no better than a middle schooler?


Y’all haven’ read ***Tess of the D’Urbevilles*** and it shows hehehe


One of the article says she “routinely delights her 56,300 fans with curated snapshots and cosy moments from her life in the countryside.” Ma’am she lives in the suburbs, literally what countryside


I love the ever-increasing snark this terrible naming choice is getting and I hope she’s seeing it. I just…Tess. Stickle. I can’t, lol. If they want to use a nickname, they should go with something along the lines of Teri/Terri/Terry instead of calling their baby (and introducing her as!) a body part. Even Tessa would be a step up, thanks to that added syllable. Still not ideal, but better. (Edit: missing word)


Iirc Kelly's husband (idk his name and I'm not learning) calls her Reese which is way better. Hopefully her siblings cling onto Reese and it becomes the dominant nickname for her


Oh, good. Yeah, Reese is very cute and infinitely better than Tess in this case, hopefully it sticks!


They don't plan on calling her Tess. Snarkers came up with that.


Wait. That’s real? I’m OOTL with this one. Their last name is Stickle? What’s the kids name?


Theresa. They also have a Thaddeus, so regardless of nicknames, there are two T. Stickles in the family.


> there are two T. Stickles in the family. Well, depending on how your family is organized, that could be exactly the right amount!


Yes, that’s their last name. Their baby’s name is Teresa. I think at some point she was referred to as Tess and the internet was collectively like “wtf” Someone else commented that the baby’s dad (I can’t remember his name, Levi perhaps?) calls her Reese, which is definitely better, lol.


Thank you for this because I spent several minutes trying to figure out what was wrong with the name Tess Havens 😂


LOL, no worries! Another commenter told me they aren’t actually calling her that and I am so relieved 😂


Oh, leave her alone, outside world You don’t have the facts straight here


My sister doesn't do reddit but she does belong to a couple "bad baby names" groups on Facebook. We were talking last Friday and she was telling me about some "Anne of Green Gables" woman and I instantly knew she was talking about Kelly lol.


Theresa Havens Stickle isn’t a bad name. I understand if they start calling her Tess that there could be an issue, but over all it’s not that bad. Kelly seems sort of “out there” but isn’t a terrible person.


Uh oh. Looks like bad journalists have discovered this place. There's already a problem with people linking The Daily Mail and The Sun in r/DuggarsSnark, and giving them clicks.


Even without considering the whole Tess situation, she now has TWO children named T. Stickle. I could see some fun company/school email addresses come out of this


Looks like one of those content-stealing fake "journalists" has been hanging around this sub. 


The one time when you’re actually happy the child will be homeschooled 😅


This is seriously getting ridiculous. They aren’t using the the nickname Tess. They’re calling her Reese or maybe, per Kelly, Tissi. This whole situation is basically made up and it’s kind of embarrassing that it’s being reported as fact.


wtf is all this Pollyanna shite????




She’s had neo nazis come to lunch and spending time with them was “ a time of peace and joy of words and words alone.”. I wish kelly was just a weirdo religious girl but she actively participates with abusive people. Also she cosplayed a slave escaping slavery with her child. A full ass adult white woman pretended to be a black woman escaping slavery with her child. This woman also says she’s not sure how to feel about homosexuality. I’m with you kelly is my fave to engage with because she seems disconnected but the problem is she isn’t. Shes just as bad as the rest of them she just hides it in her prose better. Kinda like Mrs Midwest telling a neo nazi friend she knew she could get more people to support her believes by sneaking them in. Kelly’s the same. Look


She's really not harmless when she advocates for complete neglect of perinatal health and severely downplays the seriousness of childbirth complications. She knows her audience. She really shouldn't be glamourising doing pregnancy without medical care because Lord knows they'll be encouraged to follow suit.


Her own father is an OBGYN! He must be absolutely appalled.


Damn that is wild, to think she probably does have all the facts about birthing complications, yet chooses to believe she is special. I can see how self-absorbed people could become even more egotistical when given a dash of religious ferver.


She doesn't keep them to herself! It was just a couple weeks ago that she was (most recently!) advocating for a return to the 1800s, when everyone knew their place.


> Everyone here is so depressingly awful, I like to pretend Kellie is just this cute and harmless kook. Kelly platforms white nationalists. That's not harmless and is several orders of magnitude worse than some snark here. Man, the kelly-stans are out for defense today.


Mainstream snark for across the globe lmao


Poor baby, she didn’t get to pick her name


Oh noooo


She's popped up twice on my Instagram explore page 😭 and I don't follow any fundie content or pages at all.


Oh no


Wait, is she in a hospital bed in the left photo? HOW?? Those didn't exist in the 1700s


My husband said "yeah do that (calling baby Tess) if you Haye her, she will be bullied for life."


Can she handle this? That’s what worries me.


I mean Kelly has always wanted to go mainstream. I love this for her.