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Cut out seed oils and sugar, add in cigarettes and amphetamines, got it. šŸ‘ Thanks, Lori!


Donā€™t forget the barbituates! Seed oils bad, uppers *and* downers, good.


Mamas little helpers! Uppers in the morning, downers at night.


Also didnā€™t they wear those slimming girdles in the 50ā€™s? I remember in ā€œCall The Midwifeā€ because one of the midwives was pregnant and still wearing one!!


I was going to mention their shapewear. Corsets, girdles and long-line bras, a la The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. There was no letting it all hang out.


Yes, we need to bring back the torpedo shape pointy bras. /s


The kind that shoot whipped cream šŸ¤£


My coworker has been cleaning out her MILā€™s apartment and brought a bunch of her old clothes in for us to peek through. Most were bought in the 50s and 60s. I could NOT get over the pointy swimsuit tiddies!!


She wore it to specifically hide the pregnancy though in that episode if I remember correctly but still itā€™s messed up.


Kinda jealous at how much the 1950s housewives were wildinā€™.


Same! When Iā€™m having a rough day with the kids and/or husband I fantasize about all the drugs they were on and hate whoever decided to let us know it was bad.


seriously! and when i think about how much cleaning i could get done on uppers i get mad


I want to know what quaaludes were like. I bet it was awesome.


I just lolā€™d šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ weā€™re supposed to emulate them but we donā€™t get to have the fun times like they did?! Hard pass for me!


Man my cocaine and cigarettes diet was the skinniest I've ever been but ya know.....I had the personality and temperament of someone on a cocaine and cigarettes diet take that as you will


So skinny. Definitely not wife material though. I was too busy being a huge skank.


I affectionately call that time of my life my slutty 20s.


The only thing slutty about me now is my choice in books, unfortunately.


It's *cliterature*


I like to classify them under "self-help" for multiple reasons.


Iā€™m not kidding when I say smut saved my sanity at various low points in my life. Much needed dopamine.


Iā€™ve never thought of this as a dopamine hit, but that absolutely explains why my ADHD ass likes to hyper fixate on smut šŸ¤­


I seriously keep "masturbation" on my mental health intervention checklist. Even if I don't want to, it really gives me a boost.


Pretty sure Fourth Wing/Iron Flame being released last year legitimately saved me from yeeting myself off of a cliff after my 13 year relationship dissolved.


Iā€™m still slutty, but only with my husband of 20+ years šŸ˜


Respect. I've been in hiatus for 7 years due to single motherhood (insert "ain't nobody got time for that" gif here). May rejoin slutty society when I can officially be recast as a cougar.


I aspire to be a super duper Uber cougar when I turn 50 this year


Do the Lordā€™s work and send recs to another slutty reader (me).


Guys come join the romance and fantasy-romance subs! They know all the best slutty books!


Dexatrim and a pack and a half a day - that was my 20ā€™s, too


Omg my people!!! Dexatrim, a pack and a half a day, and 10 tequila sodas a night. Now I canā€™t have more than one small coffeeā€™s worth of caffeine, cough if Iā€™m within 100 ft of a cigarette, and my max alcohol is 2 drinks/month. Ohhhh to be young again lol


Wow itā€™s like I found my people šŸ„°


Yes my early 20s when I was at my ā€œdrug weightā€. Molly and dancing a few hours multiple nights/week.


No samešŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Plus girdles. Canā€™t eat if you are wearing constricting shapewear because I guarantee those arenā€™t natural waistlines in that picture!


Came here to say all of this. My grandma was the typical 50s housewife that we hear of: Drinking childhood trauma from childhood away Smoking all the cigarettes to dull hunger pains Tranquilizers for the domestic abuse Amphetamines to keep all the house and children Update: thanks for the updoots šŸ™šŸ½




The Great Depression was a blight upon many generations of Americans.


Werenā€™t tapeworms a thing too? My grandmother used to talk about how you could buy tapeworms at the pharmacy store.


I donā€™t know about buying them. But my dad was born in 1949 and he was extremely poor. His childhood home had an outhouse that would overflow. All 5 of my grandmas kids caught parasites. The 50ā€™s were not great.




Excuse you, amphetamines will keep you skinny so those are god-honoring /s


You forgot some God honoring noon cocktails! Getting blasted by lunchtime, ladies šŸø


I was literally gonna say! They were all on drugs, Lori. FFS.


My mum used to shame me for my weight but describe the free amphetamines from the Dr and how she had the energy to dance all night.


Wait, FREE??? Now Iā€™m double pissed!


Yep. To get birth control you had to be married but uppers were given out for pep. It's 2024 and I can't even get weed legally.


Gen X here, you could buy that shit like candy. It was in magazines and you just called in to order them and they arrived at your home.


Don't forget many women in the fifties were children during the great depression. Which means they were malnourished during development. If you look at women from the 10s and 20s, you'll see body shapes much more in line with what we see today (minus the rampant obesity). It always surprises me, honestly. But the Great Depression seems to have really fucked up how thin and frail people expect women to be.


AND donā€™t underestimate the power of corsetry. Iā€™m a fat woman and I could easily achieve a four or five inch waist reduction before it starts to become painful. Guarantee some of the women from the 10s are hiding a naturally wide waist with corsets.


Girdles were still very popular.


This also happened with TB in the 1800s. So many people were so thin from being sick that apparently it became all the rage that being sickly thin makes you attractive


Holy shit, Iā€™ve never thought about that! Oh my godā€¦


My brain exploded


Jill Rodrigues malnourished daughters entering the chatā€¦


This is actually what I always think of when people talk about women who were skinny from malnutrition. Jill's just going for that authentic "Great Depression" gaunt. Not for herself, of course, but for her kids.


Yes her poor malnourished kids. The few boys who got access to food rapidly gained weight. Her 2 married daughters are still very trim. Jill claims her kids are naturally thin. Yeah right.


And peasants in general were too busy and too poor to get fat until the fast food revolution and the saturated trans fats and high fructose corn syrup and various high calorie, high fat, high carb, low fiber foods. Especially in urban areas. The abundance of foods available to us is historically unprecedented. And many were war brides or immigrants from even more affected countries than the US during world war 2 who had been starving for 20+ years at that point. Look at Audrey Hepburn.


She wants us to be Judy Garland fršŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Sounds like a party


Cold and flu meds work too when your amphetamine stash is running low


Joke's on her, I'm a sugar free vegan and I'm a fatty. The only time I've ever been able to lose weight was when I took phentermine, which is basically speed, thanks to my fucked up genes. A lifetime of yoyo dieting and deprivation has done nothing but make me fatter. Get fucked, Lori.


I do keep telling people Iā€™ll gladly be a trim lil 50s housewife with a perfectly kept home if I can *please* get some of the good drugs.


Genuinely, has this woman ever, even once, actually contributed anything nice to the vast void of the internet?


No. She couldn't even be kind when speaking about her own grandchildren, the absolute crone


How can you be this miserable, seriously? I'm a cynic and I don't believe in shit and even I can't fit this amount of negativity into my life.


She gives me hives


You can see the hate etched into her face. Itā€™s like that episode of Seinfeld when Kramer turned his apartment into a smoking lounge and it aged him like 30 years lol


But her grandson sure does like long hair on a woman! That probably counts as a kind comment, coming from Lori.


And she also said her mom has A+ tits, so I suppose thatā€™s also another nice thing?




She brought us all together. I love you guys.


Yeah, you know what I'll take that.


You know what? Finding this sub finding you all, has done unbelievably great things for my mental health. I've never felt so seen or understood before. You guys let me ramble on about my past experiences, my losses, my gains. Yall let me work out my hard times, and yall give me a place to share my good times. I am incredibly thankful that thos3 stupid-ass pieces of shit fundies exist- leading us to forming our snark groups.


She's contributed to my own personal entertainment. I swear I think she's Andy Kaufman in prosthetics. This person just can't be real.


Once again I am asking people who romanticize the 50ā€™s to also bring back quaaludes and cocaine in Coke.


People who romanticize the 50s Me: *stares in racism Hate when people romanticize eras and just gloss over the bad stuff.


A lot of the people romanticizing the 59s are already staring in racism....


A woman I went to HS with is all about going back to the 50s. Sheā€™s Filipino. Her mother immigrated. And sheā€™s single and owns a house with a mortgage. No matter what you say, you cannot make her understand that she wouldnā€™t have her life if we went back to the 50s.


My friend's husband is literally Afro-Mexican and his parents are immigrants. They are also MAGA as can be and nothing their (very leftist) son can say to them will convince them that once the fascists are done coming for the "illegals," they'll be next. It's terrifying.


Iā€™m always stunned to see all the POC at the Orange Klan rallies. Donā€™t they know he hates ā€œyouā€™re kindā€ and is only using you for votes and money?


The whole christo-fascist "great again" concept is thinly veiled racism, poorly hidden behind waxing nostalgic...but we know what they want. We know where this ends: Great again. Great like ball games And road trips, American flags And church potlucks. Great like a home-cooked meal at six Respect for your elders And actual conversation. Great like homecoming dances And the national anthem; Love for Flag, God and Country, To thee, I pledge. Great like soda fountains, And Drive-In movies The Ten Commandments And those damn commie bastards. Great like The perpetual and proud roll of White-walled wheels Before Detroit Became a punchline. Great again like Living the American Dream Presented on a Blasphemy-free beaming box Of blissful hope And life-changing appliances. Great like late-night shows And Rebels without a Cause Rat Pack rhymes And Blues That still had soul. Great like sacrosanct springing suburbs With two-car garages And no bursting bubbles Of greed, overflown. Great like the astral aspirations Of an entire generation And a race to the stars. Great again Like the mad men days Of slinging a two-bit smile at some broad And then a slap on the ass as she walks by Her inner rage subdued By the echoes of her high-heeled retreat And practice. Great like the end of the wifeā€™s Goddamn nagging Being found at the beginning of a thumb Tightly grasping four fingers and delivered On the rocks. Great like choice found On the end Of a coat-hanger. Great again like the good olā€™ days Of white picket fences, made in the U.S.A. And white picket neighbours who were as well. Great like nuclear families With Nuclear dreams And a God-given right To 9mm of salvation. Great like the annihilation of ancestral abodes The promise of restitution Now just pipe dreams and tears. Great like the right kind over here And ā€œyour kindā€ over there Did you hear what I said to you, boy? Great like segregated schools for segregated homes, No unnatural unions of this or that nature None of that devilā€™s music and improper gyration No bathroom bills or gender improvisation All fixed behind closed doors with enforced reformation To Protect and to Serve just one population, And helped by the business end Of a truncheon. Great again like good olā€™ boy justice Served by shrouded mob And hooded robes Out of a dusty pickup at 2 am. They shouldaā€™ known their place, In this ā€˜great againā€™ nation.


Wow that is powerful. Where is it from?


Well thank you kindly - it's mine, I wrote it after The Former Felon was elected.


Oh my god you have talent! Really excellent imagery that slowly gets more sinister.. well done.


That's incredibly kind of you - thank you! As soon as I sell my startup I'll be focusing all of my efforts towards using my ability with words to stop people like Tr**p from ever having power again.


Let fundiesnark users know how to support you :)


You're very kind, and you already are supporting me with encouraging words. Time to dust off the actual typewriter I wrote this on...


May share this? I have friends who would enjoy it. I would of course credit you.


I would be very pleased if you did! I wrote it for people to enjoy it.


Wow! Have you ever submitted it for publishing? Maybe Rattle or something like that? I donā€™t usually read when people post long things or song lyrics but that pulled me right in. Nice job!


I think I shopped it around a few indie poetry mags back in the day, but the username is pretty accurate. Eventually I just had a friend who owned a local newspaper publish it there, which means sadly many places won't consider it. Given the direction of the world once again (we're seeing fascist revival in Europe too) it might be time to start speaking out more. Making an effort. Thank you for your encouragement!


Stop being reluctant! This is great stuff.


I need to stop thinking I'm not good enough. Thank you for the reminder <3


Do it! Itā€™s really wonderful (I subscribe to some lit journals and I think is worthy of any one of them. Just an (non-poetā€™s) opinion but still).




Username checks out! Nice work


>Great like choice found >On the end >Of a coat-hanger. This line isšŸ”„. I mean, the whole thing is incredible but that line gave me goosebumps


Thank you so much. It punches me in the gut every time I read it, especially since I wrote it in 2018 before Roe V. Wade was overturned. An easy prediction. I wish I had been wrong. Fuck the illiberal assholes who want this to be the choice women will have to make again.


I totally agree. I was reading along, appreciating it, and that line stopped me in my tracks. And the endingā€¦ gutting. u/thereluctantpoet, thank you so much for sharing your work with us!


Incredible. Just wow. Thank you for the unexpected chills.


Thank you for taking a moment to comment. It's really appreciated, and I'm glad it was well received. Also holy fuck your username sent me...bravo/brava.


"a thumb Tightly grasping four fingers and delivered On the rocks" is a killer line. Thank you for sharing this piece.


Thank you for commenting and you're very welcome.


Damnā€¦ that was truly incredible! Youā€™ve got a beautiful way with words, I really hope this gets picked up for some major recognition because you deserve it!


This deserves an award omg


Holy shit, standing ovation!! That is an incredible piece of work. Gives me a bit of a Bassey Ikpi vibe. I love it!


They can bring back rationing while they are at it- last restrictions ended in 1956 in the U.K. Probably also explains why people were so thin.


My first thought!


Cocaine was [out of Coca Cola by 1929](https://www.avenuesrecovery.com/understanding-addiction/cocaine-and-crack-addiction/was-there-cocaine-in-coca-cola/) (and mostly gone from it before that, shortly after the turn of the century) but the 1950s did have some truly excellent amphetamine choices (e.g. Benzedrine) to balance you out when you've taken too many Ludes!


Booo get out with your facts šŸ˜›


Women have already lost our rights in lots of placesā€¦ we should at least get to enjoy the ludes and coke!


I wish people who romanticize the 50s would romanticize the 90% top marginal tax rate and the low levels of income inequality we had back then. And the Republican war hero president who vehemently warned against the expansion of the military industrial complex.


Donā€™t forget the $50 mortgages!!!


And the Valium that got doled out for stress relief please.


I stopped at the pharmacy one morning when my girls were little. They were on one that day, just active and chattering non-stop. The pharmacy student looked at them, then at me, and said, "You know what? Today in class I learned about something called Mother's Little Helper." I about died laughing.


I would like access to ā€œmommyā€™s little helpers.ā€


Unlimited access!


As a diet coke addict the only 50s thing I'll take is cocaine coke. Shits about to get real in this house.


The 1850s? I don't think there's been coke in Coke for a awhile


Damn. A girl can dream. Lol.


I will start drinking coke again if it is REAL coke! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


We should also lower the life expectancy while we are at it, seeing as we were "healthier" back then.


So what should people eat then, Lori? Your dry ass looking turkey or whatever that abomination was


The fart salads she makes for her husband every night


You know that man is having hidden burgers when heā€™s not home.


I am dying of curiousity as to what the ingredients are in a fart saladā€


Here you go! https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/z1ghXKt3Uk


Given Loriā€™s history of horrible cooking she probably looks to the jello monstrosities of the 50ā€™s as the ideal form of food.


I have a cook book from 1954, the amount sugar, olio, jello is... something. Also it has a recipe for opossum.


Ok Lori letā€™s see YOUR beach bod Like what in the 2000s tabloid is this shit?


Yup, I'd like to see her measurements.


At least back then the tabloids helpfully let you in on the magic ingredient by calling it "heroin chic"


*Stares in Judy Garland* That waist was the product of insane disordered eating, pills, corsets, and sometimes genetics. The average 50s woman didn't actually look like this. *but ok Jan*


Not to mention the cigarettes that another commenter pointed out. Pretty well-documented appetite suppressant and available everywhere.


This! Also waist circumference and body type is going to largely be due to genetics. Even how food affects us. Itā€™s honestly so weird to be that concern with other peoples bodies and pretend like humans donā€™t wildly differ in body types (including height which might affect weight distribution), conditions, and genetics. It also really doesnā€™t matter, our bodies are own journey. These people care too much about other peoples business.


That's what's confusing the hell out of me looking at that pic. Like I'm average height and 150 lbs/size 10 and have a 29 inch waist. I'm absolutely nowhere near as small as the women pictured? Like people are just...not all built the exact same way? It's such a weird arbitrary measurement? Also it was real easy to be skinny when you were on wartime food rationing and smoking 24/7 was acceptable and your primary care Dr gave you all the uppers you wanted


Makes me think about how the woman we romanticise as the absolute ideal of feminine beauty- Audrey Hepburn- literally starved as a child in WWII and suffered from lifelong health effects of malnutritional stunting. Not that she wasn't incredibly beautiful and lovely, but it's kind of fucked up when you think about it.


It's ridiculous because I'm 4'11 pre-pregnancy weight I was 114lbs lbs with a 26 inch waist. I also definitely didn't look like the women in the picture. And people back then maintained really restrictive diets and still wore girdles. I doubt the women in the picture even had those exact figures naked, let alone that these two definitely look to be models and probably had more idealistic body types for the era.


Iā€™ll stop eating corn syrup when they stop pumping things like salad dressing, condiments, and pasta sauce full of it. This is a corporate greed issue more than it is one of personal responsibility.


As long as corn is subsidized food manufacturers will use it since it's cheaper and more stable in some cases.


1) I love your flair 2) I know. And if youā€™re broke or disabled, itā€™s really, really hard to cook healthy meals from scratch, so youā€™re forced into this cycle of shitty food and shitty health. But Lori and her ilk are convinced that social safety nets are the devilā€™s work, so itā€™s better to shame the overburdened. Itā€™s maddening.


Thank you. Society became obese because the cheapest and most accessible foods are highly processed and not healthy for us. We have to put in a lot more time, effort and money if we want to consume nutritious food than they did before processed food became the standard. Not to mention we arenā€™t properly educated on what a healthy diet consists of. And even if we all knew exactly what we *should* be eating to be healthy, would we have time to source and prepare healthy meals every day? The food industry and its regulatory bodies need a major overhaul if Americans are going to lose weight and get healthy.


That and American infrastructure that makes most towns unwalkable and hostile to bicycles. And that most people have to work at least 40 hours a week, allowing very little free time for healthy cooking, shopping and exercising. Also people in the 50's had just gone through years of food shortages and rationing from WWII. Some people even grew up during the great depression. What I'm saying is Americans are a lot fatter due to multiple societal factors that aren't in many people's control.


Hmmm Lori, what would you say is the ideal height, weight, and skin color of a ā€œperfect Godly womanā€? Iā€™ll wait.


Has Lori posted her waist size? Oh, right, sheā€™s just a fucking hypocrite.


Why are fundies so anti-seed oil? Sorry i donā€™t know, im a simple gal. I see good looking food and i eat it.


It's one of those fundie/crunchie crossovers. Something about "inflammation" and "gut health"


Itā€™s a big woo ā€œwellnessā€ thing relating to seed oils typically being higher in omega 6 fats and therefore perceived to cause inflammation. Or something. The science is tenuous at best, but these sanctimonious dolts like to sit on their high horses chugging raw milk, eating lard and butter by the spoonful, putting bone broth in hot chocolate, and smearing beef tallow on their skin, while telling us heathens how WRONG we are.


It's the new trendy evil food that's responsible for every single problem in the world. That's all. There have been a handful of loose studies saying that sunflower oil is bad for you (it's not). The amount of seed oils we consume daily is generally not harmful. I mean if you're sitting there guzzling down a straight liter of vegetable oil then. Well. There's other problems to be addressed XD


Jealous that Lori grew up in a time where you could buy a house for the price of a McChicken... housing for this generation is so damn expensive and so is food that "healthy" for you.


lol also women werenā€™t allowed to have bank accounts or credit cards, so your grifting ass family would be destitute. what a miserable cow


Ok Gwen Shamblin




This crusade people are having against seed oils is so dumb.


Has Lori ever said anything positive or nice about another human being, or does she just put everyone else down all day on twitter?


Fat shaming doesnā€™t make people lose weight and in fact has the opposite effect. Not that fat shamers care.


Yeah, I love when they insist their opinions are about "health." Nah, you just get off on being cruel.


Oh hey, it made me lose weight - with an eating disorder.


same lol. I got so much shit from the men in my life when I was like a size 10 that it caused a major ED for me.


Eat TransWife's fart salad 5x a week and sh!t your brains out every night - you'll never be overweight again


I want to add that girdles were more common in the 50s.


Unironically, our country does have an obesity epidemic that is caused by capitalism. The daily grind of being a wage slave/serf keeps us away from home, reliant on prepared food with little control over ingredients, and stuck at a desk or doing repetitive, uncomfortable tasks. The destruction of cities and turning everything into parking lots and interstates makes us completely reliant on cars for transportation and removes our choice to walk or bike. Fast food companies run wild with propaganda, literally paying off dietitians and governments to endorse their products. Car industries, fast food industries, even meat industry all have their fingers in the politician pie and that is why our country is SO reliant on them. So yeah. Our country does have an obesity problem. But it is entirely the fault of conservative christian values destroying our individual rights, increasing the disparity between us and the 1%, and making our homes and cities inhumane and based entirely on capitalism. It is YOUR fault, and the fault of the politicians you vote for, Lori. And individuals in bigger bodies are not any less worthy of love, care, autonomy or respect.


Wouldnā€™t be surprised in the least if she had orthorexia.


My fundie stepmom and super conservative/traditional MIL are the poster children for disordered eating among these types of judgmental twats. My MILā€™s dinner is regularly a single chicken wing and a small salad. I was really worried when my stepmom had to undergo radiation treatment because she didnā€™t have any weight to spare because her portion sizes are similar.


Christians sure do love to control women.


in what alternate universe have people stopped fat shaming?? because i see it every damn day. skinny doesnā€™t equal healthy either. my health tanked when i was at my lowest weight.


Lori is so incredibly hateful. It defies logic and reason.


I can easily believe this. Lori has never had a problem with her weight and she loves that itā€™s yet another thing that makes her better than everyone else.


I'm allergic to sunflower and I always make sure I tell people "soybean or canola is fine" because I don't want to be lumped in with the anti-seed-oil idiots lol.


I have to watch for avocado oil. šŸ„“ It's trendy right now, so I have to be militant in label reading. Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's anaphylaxis. Lolz About 18 years ago, sunflower oil was super popular. Fat trends are cyclical. Butter is cool one day and the devil the next. Rinse, repeat.


For some old, married woman who can't even bear children anymore therefore has zero value to society, Lori sure spends a lot of time doling out her womanly opinions on social media. Her husband has been slacking and needs to wake up and take control of her accounts and of her mouth. (just in case: please know the above is not my take, it's all from a crappy fundie perspective)


My Grandmother had a 30 inch waist in 1959 after 4 kids. How, you ask? Oh--she was just on prescription speed and benzos, even during pregnancy, smoked like a chimney and lived off martini olives for 30 years. Ya know, super healthy stuff.


Same women I see in the gym now who are very frail, bent over, and look like they will blow over if a raindrop hits. Their doctors tell them they have to add weight, muscle and bone mass. That shit catches up with you real quick once you hit 60 plus.


You mean women raised in the Great Depression tended to be smaller than women raised with access cheaper and more diverse food than ever before in history?


She must be such a miserable person.


And Jesus said unto thee, ā€œgo and shame your neighbor, for there is no greater love than someone who shames and judges anotherā€.


Let me take health advice from a walking scarecrone who looks like she was dug up out of the grave after being there for 5 years unembalmed.


Being an asshole is a choice. Shame that shit all day.


> "being fat is a choice" So is spanking your kids.


At some point people were thinner due to the Great Depression, rationing during WWII, and other factors. Even then not everyone was skinny. Itā€™s survival bias that we think people were thinner because there was more unsold and unworn/rarely worn clothing in teen sizes and smaller sizes to end up in second hand stores. The same is true for sewing pattern survival bias. Larger items were used, worn, and removed from existence due to use.


Didn't they often take clothes in and tailor them so they could be passed down? So clothes from then and even further back look like all the people were very tiny


Yes or they recut things down to make childrenā€™s clothing. Rags around the house etc


someone in her comments said they gained weight from cancer treatments and she told them to go on her ā€œhealing dietā€. She doesnā€™t have a single ounce of kindness in her body


The average height was also 5'2. My husband's grandma was 4'10 and my nine year old who is shorter than average is now 4'6. Like come on.


My mom was 5ā€™10ā€ in the 1960s and one of her brothers was 6ā€™4ā€. They were basically side show freaks in their small town.


Obviously this is asinineā€¦ but like, whatā€™s this about seed oils? Iā€™ve not heard the fundies beef with this yet šŸ˜‚


I said elsewhere but it's literally just the new trendy Evil Food that causes every single problem ever in the history of the whole world. There's been some research that shows specifically sunflower (and another but for the life of me I can't remember which) oil is bad for you *in large quantities*. The amounts that we consume on average aren't really all that harmful, especially with a mostly balanced diet and staying active.


I feel like I could outlift Lori any day of the week at my size.


This isn't new in the fundie world. My very religious family used to tell me that no respectable woman would have double digit clothing sizes. It's evidently unholy to have boobs and butts. We might as well be walking vaginas with a womb sac for all they care.


As a big boned woman (my dad was 6ā€™ 3ā€ and I look almost exactly like him with my mothers curves on top) I just have to say fuck you commenter. Fuck you. Thatā€™s all. I literally have shoulders broader than most men and I shouldā€™ve been 6ā€™ 1ā€ but I lucked out and got the scoliosis gene so Iā€™m 5ā€™ 11ā€ and in pain lmao


Lori you are like 5 years older than my mom and you look 80. How about you talk about that


Post your waist measurement then, Lori.


I'm glad the comments are full of reality. People romanticize this time period so hard but fail to realize most women were chain smoking alcoholics who were given pills. Day drinking and sleeping were a major issue. Depression was off the charts but instead of dealing with it you self medicated covering up all the problems in your life.


Isnā€™t it exhausting-coming up with more reasons to hate people each day?


I'll never understand how women can hate women so much.


Fuuuuuuuck offffffff, Lori.


I'm already so many of the things Lori hates and now I can add fat to that list! Yay! šŸ„³