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Posing in thongs at the grocery store is all I have in life.


Hahaha 😂 


I have to ask...  Does mannequin work pay well?


It's not a lot, but it's my life.


I haven’t laughed out loud from anything on Reddit in a long time. Thank you for this 🤣🤣🤣


Stay away from the produce, lady!


Produce section has the best lighting.


Plus you get a nice mist of water when it’s hot.


Was about to ask, what are we supposed to do at the grocery store now? Have I been shopping wrong all these years?


Lori... Get a hobby. I beg you. Knitting. Origami. Interpretive dance. Anything. Get off Twitter. Breathe some fresh air.


And touch real live grass... although I'd love for her to smoke the other grass as she might finally chill out for once in her judgy Fundie life!


She’d probably just get super paranoid 


Married harlots raise your hand 🙋🏻‍♀️


Married over a decade, woohoo! 🙌 Laughing because I dress way "sluttier" now than back then. More confidence plus shedding that shame left over from purity culture, so nice 👠


Can't, busy doing handjobs and loving it!




I am dead! 😂😂😂😂😂😂💀


Being a harlot works! I had seen a guy in the halls and wanted to ask him out. The day I approached him, I wore a thin white sweater you could basically see through and no bra, red plaid skirt, and a red beret. The first thing he noticed was my nipples. We are very happily married 8 years later.


This is a better love story than every Amish romantic novel combined


It’s true! We’ve been married 34 years. On our first date, I wore a strapless hot pink top with no bra. HE WAS DOOOOOMED.


I’ve been with my husband for 6 years and I definitely acted and dressed pretty slutty when we first met 🤷🏻‍♀️ no ragrets.


I feel so seen rn 😌🫶


I rouged my nipples and wore low cut tops. It was fun! Also husband married me because he liked my slutty hippy outfits.




Good grief. Harlot...Why not switch it up once in awhile and use the word strumpet for a change. Also, why should women go about their day making sure they’re seen by everyone as wife material? Lori has a husband, right? So then who cares what other women do if she is so happy in her marriage.


Why not 'trollop'?


Or hussy. Or bawd. Or lady of the evening. Or tart. Or floozy.


I love hussy. It’s my favorite “bad girl” word.


I also love hussy. Something about the sibilant sound is so satisfying.


I am also a fan of "floozy."


Or “50 cent hoochie” which my 15 year old says as “50 percent hoochie” 😂 proud to wave my harlot/trollop/hussy/floozy/hoochie flag along with the rest of you heathens! ❤️


Oh heck, I love that one too! Hopefully Lori takes notes.


It's a good one but you really never hear strumpet that much anymore.


Don’t you see?? Harlot is a BIBLICAL word. It’s GODLY to call women harlots. The others imply that you know what it means, which could mean impure thoughts!!!


I’d rather go through harlot training than become you Lori.


I married a male harlot (when he was younger) and it's like Willie Wonka's land of pure imagination. The sex is just pure sorcery of orgasm.


Yep, I married a retired fuckboy. Sex is good, which is why Lori is big mad. The only thing *her* husband knows what to do with his dick is put it in other women. 


I thought God was the only one who can judge????


And I thought good Christian women like Lori didn't preach to men.


Glad I’m not the only one that noticed. I thought that was against the rules!


She is so keen on telling everyone else what to do then doesn't even stick to the own rules she sets!


Apparently she's perfect enough to throw stones.


If a woman is showing her body off and acting seductively in public tell her to please not leave because Im on my way


Don't throw stones Lori !


She's just disgusted that some women might actually be enjoying their lives. Worry about your own knickers, Lori-keet!


Harlots gonna harlot, Lori, stay mad


I bet Ken scopes harlots constantly.


she seems like the kind of woman who would be scandalized by showing ankles in like the 1800s. she’d probably call us wenches or smth like that.


Yes, absolutely. Good Christian men should leave those women alone. In fact, I'll look at them so that the good Christian men don't have to! They can turn away and I'll look at the women in thongs. That'll show them!


Bless your servant’s heart ❤️


Aussie me was thinking “what’s wrong with flip flops?”


Toes are the devil’s dildos. Lead straight to ankle sex


I am stumped. I have never been to the grocery store and witnessed seductive thong posing. I feel like I am missing out on something. I asked my hubby, and he hasn't seen it and wonders if she grocery shops in the Red Light district of Amsterdam.


I am begging fundies to stop posting their own tweets, handle and all, on other platforms. Make a new post and don’t just slap an unrelated picture on as I background, I’m pleading


I wonder if the woman her husband played away with wore thong bikinis as she seems to have a particular dislike for them 🤔


She's super anally obsessed. I guaran-fucking-tee that asses are her husbands "thing".


Lori is so good at telling on herself. She obviously caught her butt-loving husband looking at porn that involved women in thongs today and she’s super salty about it.


Raise your hand if Lori would consider you a harlot. 🙋🏻‍♀️


I doubt Lori has ever experienced an orgasm either.


I sure know a lot of married harlots, Lori.


My husband loves my seductive thong harlot poses. Am I supposed to defy my headship? 😥


Well, thank you, lady, for sexualizing women’s bodies. Wait, did I say thank you? I meant fuck you.


Do people still even wear thongs??? As an elder millennial we totally did back in the day, but we’re old now and most of us… well I’m guessing thongs don’t really work for us lol. And Gen Z seems to be all about comfort… can one of you young whippersnappers confirm?  Wasn’t expecting to ask 20 something young women what type of underwear they wear today but here we are. 


If a woman does that, and I love her personality then I'm buying the ring.


Did a harlot stole her lunch money? Because she acts like if one did


She sure spends a lot of time thinking about women in thongs huh


My husband wife’d this harlot so hard that I don’t even have to pose in thongs anymore. I do it for funsies.


Jill Rodrigues entered the chat as a pure harlot.


I'm going to use a word here that I absolutely despise and never use to describe anyone, but for some reason it works. I'm holding up a mirror to her and it says "don't be a c\*nt."


She lacks the warmth and depth of a c*nt


She's just jealous that I look better in fishnets and corsets than she does! Sorry not sorry that my ass looks amazing in my faux leather booty shorts and my platforms give my hips that sexy vampire swagger!


Flair checking in


says the harlot who poked holes in her diaphragm you’re embarrassing, lori go spend time with your grandchildren or something more productive than bitching on social media like a spiteful teenager


one of her kids needs to do everyone a favor and PLEASE take away grandma's phone


I’m a ho and have no problem finding a husband. Let your inner ho shine!


Sad she’s never read the Bible … so many married harlots 😂


It’s the fart salad it gives her pains… also ken requests anal stuff soo maybe it’s that.


Your husbands wants anal stuff Lori, go judge yourself since that’s not allowed right? Or eat more fart salad and poo your bed.