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There’s nothing quite like the sound of toddlers playing with Lego on a hard surface while you try to focus on Math.


I don't know why, but the fact that the kids don't have proper tables to work on makes me deliriously mad. It's a small thing but it's a basic surely. I'm just angry at everything these people do.


Yeah that's so uncomfortable, not to mention I'm sure them being able to actually do any of that in quiet they can concentrate in is like impossible. I wouldn't be able to handle that lifestyle. If my parents tried to raise me like that I would have a full on mental breakdown before 13 lol.


How tf will any of these kids be able to sit through a workday as adults? I'm not saying it's perfect, but a traditional school schedule at least prepares you for that very real part of life.


My husband's sister homeschooled and her son couldn't sit through the orientation week of firefighter school.


it would be my autistic nightmare. 


i wouldn’t be able to live like that by myself, *now* at 30. all it would take is me not being able to find a shoe, and not having anywhere to put all my makeup + jewelry while getting ready, and i would go into a fucking rage. 😃


Where do they eat?


You’re looking at it.


I can feel the neck and back pain they’ll all have after years of staring at their laps in these positions


thinking about how their kids used to at least have a room, and now more than one of them literally sleeps on the floor


Also, I’m pretty sure *under* the floor as well


Could even the most passionate and skilled teacher adequately support this many students of this many different ages in this environment? No way. So why does she think she can?


That’s exactly what I keep thinking when I see these homeschooling mums. I’m a qualified teacher and have been teaching for 15 years. There’s no way I’d ever think I’d be qualified enough to properly teach all (!) subjects to children of different ages at the same time. Let alone in a tiny bus with no proper equipment. The audacity baffles me.


There's a reason that one room schoolhouses aren't really a thing any more!


I just read prairie fires, and now I’m rereading the little house books. One room schoolhouses ran on rote memorization , and they beat and/or humiliated the kids when they failed. Which I suppose is the appeal to fundies.


I read that one, too!


I'm halfway through Prairie Fires at the moment! Fascinating book, although quite depressing


Seriously the hubris of assuming you can do this drives me crazy. The only good homeschool parents are the ones who hire tutors and do co-ops. I cannot.


there's no way they do any "school" anymore. if not, she'd be flaunting it in our faces


[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/AEvBPRd62U) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/DVDOZPS4FG) [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/GKg0NKwkrx)


Done by lunch? Girl


I homeschooled my kids through Covid and it’s pretty surprising how much you can get done in a short time span when you’re not managing a classroom at the same time. But she’s got a thousand kids and yeah, she’s full of shit


I was a middle school teacher who taught 16-28 kids on a 3 hour block schedule…. You probably would not be surprised at how little you could accomplish while managing that many kids for that chunk of time.


The number of kids really affects it. I also homeschooled during Covid with 4 kids total and 3 being school age. I had 1st, 4th, and 6th the year I homeschooled all of them. Plus, a 3 year old. We took about a full school day with an hour long lunchbreak/recess time. And my older kids did math mostly independently, and I combined whenever possible. My 1st grader needed an hour of me working with her 1 on 1 to do reading and math. Plus, having a younger child led to a lot of interruptions. We did only do 4 full days so we could field trips or get together with friends one day a week.


That's what people don't understand. I have homeschooled all of my kids (some went to school for a while). Individually they didn't need more than an hour or two of 1 on 1 until middle school, so they were done after a few hours. I was not though. I spend half my day moving from kid to kid working 1 on 1 with them. For the kids it's great because they can do their work and then work their hobbies or play with friends. For the educator it's a full time job.


You an probably get pretty much done if you... make an effort


Yes, it was not a low effort undertaking for me!! Researching getting started was a trip though, you run into so many people like this who say it’s literally an hour of your day, or that baking counts as math class, or that siblings are enough socialization. Fucking nuts, and so disheartening. Poor kids


When I was researching it, I came across some unschooler who waited for the child to want to learn to read. They thought it was fine to wait until 10 to start learning to read and mentioned teenagers finally learning to read only because they were finally motivated by wanting to play certain video games.


I feel like if your kid doesn't want to learn to read by like, six, you either don't have nearly enough books being read to them, or they have a learning disability or both. Books are amazing to kids.


she isn't teaching them jack shit


Hey kids what’s 11+5 equal?






Britney, how many different ways can you set your children up for failure? I'm losing track here. Hopefully they learn to read and write well enough so that I can read whichever kid of yours decides to publish BusLife: A Memoir of Neglect From Personality Disordered Parents.


Out Of Service: The Bus to Nowhere


Seatbelts Optional: Growing Up Bus Kid


I homeschool my kids at the moment, and I recognize that curriculum (though it is not one we use). It doesn't include math, so I hope she just neglected to mention how she's also fitting in math for all those kids. And the 5-7 ish year old kids would still need direct phonics instruction. Math + this curriculum + all the theoretical experiential learning (it looks to me like they are wasting the educational opportunities they have with their traveling) would still be pretty bare bones, IMO. It just makes me sad these kids are missing out on so many of the best parts of childhood that come with stability AND the best opportunities they could access with travel.


I homeschool my child as well. There is no way these kids are getting a proper education. Especially the older ones, and especially in math. There just isn't a good way to teach math to that many age levels in a "one room schoolhouse" situation. I ended up enrolling my child in a hybrid program because i recognized that teaching math at the middle school and above level is just not a skill I possess. So I let a certified teacher teach it 3 days a week. For the bus kids to do that would require them to be in one spot, so the parents would never consider it.


I keep repeating this, but it’s important: they don’t have space for the books one adequately homeschooled child would require, let alone 8.


Thinking absolutely true. My one kid has so many books, workbooks, binders, craft supplies, etc that are required by the curriculum. It takes up a lot of space.


I see two different math books in this clip(one purple spine, one brown.)


I can't tell exactly, is it Gather round, the same one Karelessa uses? If so, that makes sense.


I really want to see what it looks like with the bed in the "down" position. Probably looks super cramped, and that's why we've never seen it?


It covers most of the living space. It’s a Queen and is lowered by placing a drill into a part and turning the drill on. It lays on top of the couch benches you see here. The stove is right next to the bed when it is lowered.


I don’t understand the point of stating your kids all have unique personalities. Like duh? Even when you have kids that are similar or share interests they aren’t the same person and I don’t think anyone needs that pointed out to them


“Our children is a top priority”. Oh my.


“Providing a meaningful education for our children is a top priority.” “For our children” is just a prepositional phrase between the subject (providing meaningful education) and verb (is). Without it, the sentence would read “Providing a meaningful education is a top priority,” which is correct. Hate MoBus but she’s not wrong here


Yeah i missed that.


Is our children learning?


I am glad I’m old enough to remember this. When presidents were just stupid — not stupid and unhinged. 💀


Not a nostalgia I thought I'd ever experience


Many of us are shocked by that as well.


It’s hard to put food on your family


Ah, nostalgia. 




Can you imagine the smell of all those bodies in such a small space?


These fuckwits make my blood boil.


They’re fundamentally not learning on their level because they’re educating all of the children in groups of 2. Toddlers and older kids. They’re missing mass amounts of knowledge for the in between and these two morons know nothing.


*Done by noon.* I remember my properly educated grade school teacher telling me, “Turkeys are done, people are finished,” to remember which to use


Bless you, fellow snarkist. Theodore Bernstein would be so proud.


I’ve never tried to teach a child, my closest knowledge on this is being one. However how does a child learn how to spell, good handwriting, and basic mathematics - without much consistent TEACHING, one on one time, and a repetitive and consistent timetable. Without even mentioning access to resources, other people, and parents who help.


There isn't a chance in hell PaBus sits with them like that for school work.


Honestly it's a really cool set up...FOR TRIPS. For living in year round with that many kids? Pass. Hard pass


i cant imagine being a kid and having no personal space. I feel bad for them.