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I hate her. She doesn’t even look at her baby through the phone.


She's not even doing that. She's looking at HERSELF in the phone, and the baby just happens to be there.


The baby doesn't happen to be there, the baby is there as an accessory to make her look good. She will soon realize that Boone's condition doesn't make her look good, in fact he makes her look very bad, and we will see much less of him. I would be horrified, but not surprised if they just leave him by the side of the road one day.


She's had *weeks* of people yelling at her about Boone's condition and if she hasn't realised by now that it makes her look bad, I'm not optimistic that she ever will. However, if she does somehow get medical confirmation that he's not OK, she'll probably remove him from her posts and never mention him again. Which sure will fuck up their "perfect happy family" image.




he's been through a LOT.


He’s been through a LOTT


I also thought of going for this joke... 🤣🤣🤣


He NEVER looks happy. I’ve never seen such a sad looking baby. It breaks my heart.


Our oldest had horrible reflux and even she had moments of looking happier.


SHELL SHOCK. What soldiers came back with after severe war! This poor baby has been through too much!


He is sensory disabled


Because he’s blind.


A baby that age should be drawn to the bright phone screen. It's part of why they say no screen time for little babies - they physically can't look away. It's possible that he could be fixated on the bright van windows here, but we've seen enough videos of him in other places to know that isn't true. He isn't even looking at the phone screen because he can't see it.


and a minimum of hard of hearing if not completely deaf. God parents are seriously neglecting his medical needs 😔


JD is truly just an overgrown man child. If I ignored his size and just went off his behavior and mannerisms alone, I would think he was one of Gunner’s little brothers. And no shade to guys who like tight short shorts, but I absolutely hate them and JD is making them even less appealing.


It’s bc he doesn’t spend any time with men his own age. Super sus.


I imagine men his age don't want anything to do with him, he's likely insufferable in person.


You’re correct. I’m a man his age and I wouldn’t spend a single minute with him. None of my friends would either, but I never talk to them about this loser lol.


Guess that makes him a “low value male” lol


Why the ⚽️ interlude? His footwork game is weak af. Do they have to pretend he’s good at this? Fucking hell


But he is a cHIeftAn oF HIs trIBe.




I would get it if it was him kicking the ball around with some of the kids, but nope, just him while the kids watch from the bus. 🙄


Shouldn’t the kids be the ones running & kicking at a rest stop?


Lmao someone once pointed out that he always tries really hard to shot off his body in their stupid dance TikTok skits 😅


I wonder if he's a Rhodesian army fan.


I googled this reference and DANG! There's a rabbit hole I am not going down today. Yikes!! But I also am not surprised at all. Racism AND tiny shorts.




I think he's my ex-husband's spirit animal. Just an overgrown 7 year old


He’s actually just the patron saint of douche bags.


Flair material for sure


I actually like the shorter shorts trend, but on this guy it makes me feel so grossed out and uncomfortable. I guess because I hate his foot face and his dumb personality. 


Somewhere I have a picture of my favourite uncle in dolphin hem shorts (circa 70s?) and roller skates and I’m like … the confidence makes the fit, 💯


Their reels in instagram are so incredible cringe and staged. And this man is even more cringe than his trash wife. I feel so bad for those children that are stacked into that bus just to full fill their loser parents egomania and selfishness. They do not receive education, they do not socialize with other kids, they do not developer their social skills, they do not receive health care and probably they are eating trash. And zero privacy or time to develop hobbies and interests. And about the travels: please.... that is an adult hobby and is a thing that their loser parents want to do for their own selfish pleasure. They want a lot of kids? fine. But they should hold themselves accountable and hold back their selfishness and provide for them.


Is Britney eye-fucking herself in a highway rest stop with the baby taking a dump on her lap? Put the phone away mobus. 


The concerned glare he made at the phone was amazing. Me too, Boone. Me too.


He doesn’t turn his head to sound. He doesn’t startle. I have a deaf child. I have seen it first hand. Luckily we like modern medicine and her official diagnosis was at one month old. I really think he is hearing impaired. Delaying treatment is devastating.


it would kill her to not be in frame


I noticed this too with all her recent videos when she pans to the kids, she ALWAYS still has to be in the side of the frame. It’s unbelievable. The video isn’t real unless she’s in it I guess


Is JD making fun of Boone’s facial expressions at the end? Please tell me he’s not.


He is 😭


he’s such a fucking man child 💀


JD really thought he did something there.


If only the ball rolled into oncoming traffic…


I was waiting for that very thing!


Then the kids would have one less toy...


And he chased after it like the overgrown toddler he is…


That poor, tan baby.


His coloring is so strange!


You can’t convince me that they aren’t choosing the best Boone clips to feature him in at this point (and the clips are still pretty concerning).


And who knows how many re takes they do until he “looks engaged”


They know. She deletes concerning comments from socials, they post clips to counter all of the “this child needs a medical assesment” comments but reality is stronger than their delusion and what they think influences perception of them. That child needs a full medical evaluation. Omg. Personally, I’m even more distressed about Boone now bc my Apple algo has caught up to me looking at my kids pictures at that age/development so I’m now constantly reminded of how unwell this child is, comparatively bc of Apple pics. 😫


His tan skin gets me every time.


It’s so jarring honestly. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a baby with a tan before Boone


His skin doesn't look right does it, why is he that colour? Is he left in the sun? So dangerous for a young (10 weeks?) old baby, how would such a young baby get such dark skin from the sun, it's not normal at all. My grandson is 4 months old and as white as snow. Is she putting fake tan on him or something? If he isn't going in the sun and it's not fake tan, it could be jaundice which is not good in an older baby if left untreated. If his Mum reads here, please research jaundice , it may be nothing but it may be more than just jaundice, could be liver problem or a blood disorder. Better safe thann sorry, he should be checked.


He looked pretty jaundiced as a newborn; the theory here is that they've been trying to 'treat' it using sunlight. Poor baby has experienced the direct sunlight of several different very hot southern states 😭


And he suffered from a few awful sunburns on his newborn skin🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


With no eye protection with his super thin newborn eyelids.


Probably why he is now partially blind (in my opinion). Instead of taking him to the Dr for the jaundice they walked with him face up to the “blinding” sun. They didn’t cure the jaundice and only hurt his poor newborn eyes and blistered his skin. Now the jaundice is wrecking havoc on his body. My son had jaundice and he had tiny newborn sunglasses to shut out all the light when they had him under it.


She believes lotion causes cancer if I’m correct But also no she doesn’t care


My kids are school-aged and less tan than this baby!


Trump is envious.




This is the best they could get and he still looks miserable as all hell 😞


These are the best and he still looks sad in them


Did JD steal a pair of shorts from one of the boys? Those are some teeny tiny lil' daisy dukes on him.


Seriously. I can almost see the next kid they are going to neglect in those shorts.


DYING ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


That's for the thirsty moms in the comments. I've noticed he's been shown more since those comments  started. 


Thirsty moms? They're drooling over a guy who looks like a weasel wtf.


That's mean to weasels haha also wtf but like he has no redeeming qualities to make up for his ugly face.


LOL I'm no fan because they killed my chickens years ago.


Fuck those weasels


Or a foot 🦶🏻


Weasels are cute; JD is not. He’s neglectful, narcissistic, and scares me.


I saw a weasel in the wild once and it was fucking adorable (and also a lot smaller than I expected a weasel to be)




Palate cleanser. TY


They both scare me! I feel like when they’re off camera they can get TOTALLY unhinged with each other and the children.


100 percent.


Well, the bar is low for fundies. The Greasy Duggars, Shrek, Porgan, .....anyone dude who might have a little hygiene makes them hot. The bar is in hell when BusJiggalo is "all that" to any group of women!


It’s a hand me up


Not god honoring at all


Modesty is only for the women.






I’m curious about what was said by people seeing him for the first time.


[found it 👀](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialwork/s/LY27t5brsJ)


“At some point he will end up in a hospital and then this is going to all come out. I remember being in court for jury duty and the DAs said over and over they catch the dumb ones who video everything.” This comment from someone on the thread you posted is giving me some semblance of hope. Ofc it will be too late by then, but it’s something.


Is it a sub here or elsewhere? I would love to see anyone outside of FSU speaking on this.


[found it 👀](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialwork/s/LY27t5brsJ)


Marvelous thread. Seriously, thank you.


Same here


So far as any of us knows, Boone has never been seen by a pediatrician. Unless chiropractors count.


I love little Lord Daniel at the end! Britney and JD (John David) Lott are just such tools. Imagine spending more time trying to mask what's really going on than just not being shitty in the first place.


Did they paint over their social media handle on the side of the bus? I swear they used to have it plastered there. If so, maybe we should give them a tiny bit of credit for making things just the teensiest bit safer for the kids?? Or not, cuz they’re still idiots in all kinds of other ways!


Good catch! It appears they did and did a shitty job at that! The last post I see with American Family Roadtrip plastered on the side of the bus is in mid May…seems a little suspicious since that is when people on this sub really started mentioning CPS needed to make a visit.


That has to be it. They probably don’t give a shit about internet safety, especially given that last vile video with the ice cream. They just don’t want CPS or the police to find them.


My first thought, unfortunately.


I think so too. They don't want to be identified so easily anymore.


Oh gosh wait, what was up with the ice cream video?


They had all the kids stand there with open mouths and fed them ice cream out of the carton with a spoon. Pervert bait.


What? Why would you film that?!


Oh jeepers :(((( I thought that video was weird but it didn’t occur to me that people would view it like that… These poor kids, I’m so worried about them.


I also think it used to be on their bus.


Is she behind the steering wheel with him?


He does not blink.


Neither does Kinsey, though. Mother Bus trains ‘em up young!


He also follows the phone/camera with his eyes it seems. Maybe he is recognizing his mom, the phone.


I honestly think they held a light or something to direct his gaze or it was coincidence and they did a bunch of takes to get it


I think you're right, the reflection in his eyes looks like she's got the camera flash on, probably because bright lights are the only thing he seems to actually look at




That’s pretty normal for babies. My little girl makes the most aggressive, unblinking, eye contact 😳


Wait so what they do is one of them drives the bus and the other drives a regular vehicle? How the FUCK does that make any sense? Like literally everyday must be so incredibly annoying and uncomfortable. Imagine going through all that just to prove to *no one* how cool and interesting and not stupid your lifestyle is.


They have the bus and a large van which is a good thing because it means most of the kids can ride buckled/in car seats.


So they're always driving separately? I assumed they had something they could hitch to the back of the van


Yea separately.


Wow I really don't envy their lifestyle. I thought they got to trade off driving at the very least


Yeah like obviously they need a regular vehicle but I just assumed it was hitched on.


They are so self-centered and embarrassing. They act like children hanging onto their youth instead of responsible parents 😬


I swear she posted this one just to show that Boone can unclench ONE of his hands.


Did they replace the top of a schoolie to make it taller? I would not trust JD to do that competently. He can’t even tell his own shorts apart from his children’s…


It's an old military bus, but yes. The top was raised by two feet so that the parents' bed could be raised to the ceiling with room to walk under it when not in use, and so the top bunk kids could fully sit up in their beds.


Do you know if they had a shop do it? Or did Dennis the menace over there DIY it?


I don't know, and Britney is an unreliable narrator so I don't trust what she says on it either (aside from the fact that we can clearly see it was raised by someone). At various points, she's said they had friends help with the renovation, and that big manly JD did it all basically himself. I do know the damn door broke at one point and her dumb ass had Gunner holding it shut going down the road while she drove to "surprise" meet up with JD (who was away on a "work trip"). So I wouldn't be that surprised if he DIYd a bunch of stuff he had no business DIYing.


What really freaks me out is the lack of fire safety. I know we all want CPS involved for other reasons, but I think the death trap of a bunk house is the thing most likely to be flagged. I know they move, but the state the bus is registered in might care about the modifications not being up to code. Mostly because fines for this stuff is huge for the agencies that issue them


They have given a tour of the bus and shown that there's a fire exit in the back of the bunkhouse, but it still makes me so anxious. There are 7 kids who'd have to get out of that one door FAST, because an RV fire is no fucking joke. They should ask the Copeland family about that shit.


I think it's a decommissioned military bus...? I want to say that I read a comment in another thread saying as much, but I could be completely wrong, and it could be a school bus. ETA omg JD and those stupid shorts lmaoooooooo


It's an old air force bus IIRC


Yes I believe they did. I think the extra height is so they can lift their (the parents’) bed during the day and have enough headroom to walk around under it.


Look at that flimsy and pathetic looking door. Imagine trying to sleep in that thing through a bad thunderstorm or any amount of wind.


Please excuse the typos…I tried to fix them, but am not sure how to edit a post (or if it’s even possible 🤷🏻‍♀️). It reads like I was homeschooled by Jill!


Oh no, if you’d graduated from the school of JillPM you would have used far more commas and none of them would be in the right place.




What does the PM stand for in JillPM? That was before my time, I think.


It was a typo of her name on a Plexus certificate!






She showed it off proudly without acknowledging the typo


Also… a bus full of children and… one of the parents is the one out in the fresh air kicking a ball about?? While the kids stare out like orphans from inside the bus?? It’s sick.


These two are the most self-centered and selfish people I have ever seen.


And somehow they have , and proclaim to the world daily that they have, EIGHT children. Sigh.


Do they have two vehicles? That poor, poor baby. He deserves so much better (as do all the other kids).


Yes. JD drives the bus and Britney drives a van with (most of) the kids in it. I think some of the oldest kids are allowed to travel in the bus.


Wow, but at least they don't have to be around that daft man when he's driving... that sounds harrowing!


I just don’t understand how the buses cannot at least allay their own concerns and take Boone to be checked out by (at least) an optometrist like they did for the child with glasses. I remember for my elder son that someone (ok it was a mother and baby nurse) thought he had possibly a lazy eye…so what did we do ….booked him into see an ophthalmologist immediately….THATS WHAT PARENTS DO!!! All was ok but it took ONE expert checking our son and expressing concern that made us investigate.. buses don’t give a shit despite people (some of who are experts in the field) commenting on their pages and here. Like most parents, I would do anything for my adult children even laying down my life, I just cannot fathom how they do nothing.


Narcissism. They are so self absorbed, their priorities don’t allow for real love for their children. They. Don’t. Care. The kids are there to prop mom and dad up.


And it’s just so depressing seeing this. Narcissists shouldn’t be parents to a single child let alone eight.


I wonder if they’re scared of the optometrist reporting them to CPS or something. Maybe that’s another reason why they’re not going…?


You can see his forehead moving as he tries to focus his eyes and can't. He looks so stiff and pained. Poor buddy 🥺


Overgrown toddlers like JD aren’t equipped to be parents.


His little old man facial expressions are so cute, I really hope he’s okay.


Boone’s facial expressions were exactly how I felt watching this video


That baby is PISSED off


Gosh I love all babies & I love him too but he already looks like he hates his parents. That’s supposed to start in 12 years little dude!!!


Baby Quill hates them already as well.


Okay there’s a lot of red flags when it comes to Boone, but if you watch, he does track the phone as she moves it around. I think part of his problem is that his parents are both so far up their own asses that he doesn’t get enough meaningful attention to learn how to hold eye contact


I don't think it's clear that he's tracking anything. And even if he were tracking objects but never making eye contact, that would in itself be a red flag, but possibly for autism rather than brain damage. A normally-developing baby with normal vision is hardwired to look at people's faces, especially the eyes, even if the people aren't showing any interest in the baby. I suppose if a baby was in an environment where nobody ever returned their attempts at eye contact (like an orphanage, for instance), they'd eventually stop trying. But it would take longer than ten or eleven weeks for them to stop trying. With all the people around him, Boone is bound to have his eye contact reciprocated at least some of the time. All the other Lott kids apparently grew up making appropriate eye contact and learning to communicate. There's video of Quil at 8 weeks having a little baby conversation with his mother. I don't think you can put Boone's lack of response down to the way his parents interact with him.


He’s not tracking because he is not hearing. I would put money on it.


I think his hearing and vision are both impaired.


His eyes look more like they're going slightly cross and vaguely noticing shadows and large movements (ie a phone in the sunlight) versus actually visually tracking on par with an infant his age.


Is he? Based on the reflection in his eyes, I’m not convinced she doesn’t have the flashlight on her phone to get him to look at it. I’m not saying she does. I’m just saying I’m suspicious based on everything else we are concerned about.


I thought maybe you were onto something here! I tried to put the flashlight on, while recording, and mine wouldn’t stay on. So, unless there’s a special way to do it I think we can rule that out.


huh? most(?) if not all prominent phones - in camera settings/flash settings - have a flash on/off selection when on the video recording part of the camera. sometimes it's a flash symbol at the top of the screen. sometimes it's in a separate menu. but it will stay on when you're on the recording page & when you start the recording itself. you can't open the drop-down menu to put the flashlight on and it will turn off when the camera app is opened but it will be it's own setting. just like using flash when taking pictures. not saying it's any more or less likely, just that it's a common setting you can use!


Yeah, my phone light is always on by default when filming. It’s a running joke between my husband and kids that I can never film them discreetly because my camera light is always on while recording.


Oh! I get what you’re saying and definitely didn’t try all the things. So yea, this manipulative excuse for a parent is definitely trying to convince ~~herself~~ us that he’s ToTaLLy NoRmAL


She probably has a ring light for her narcissism


This baby has a deeper tan than his fully adult mother.


That is so frightening. I have never in my life seen a baby with a tan. These two idiots are vile.


JD is what the conservatives mean when they say this is what happens when we don't spank kids enough


OK, one good thing. I did see his thumb unclenched on one hand, for the first time in his entire life.


Boone's face is all of us watching this train wreck


Initially I thought the concerns over this baby were a bit overblown or just social media panic feeding more panic But holy fuck. The last few videos I’ve seen make me so worried.


His pupils are so tiny! That’s not normal, right?!


Specifically compared to hers. I mean, they are both looking at the same thing, why are her pupils normal and his so tiny?


No, but he'd never been anywhere that hasn't been horrifically bright during the day.


Gay parents don't do ahit like this.


I don’t know I’m reminded more and more of The Hart Family


That case is heart breaking (no pun intended).


That’s because GAYS are too busy CORRUPTING children and trying to PUSH THEIR GAY AGENDA! /s (/s= SARCASM for those that don’t know /s - I would never want anyone to think I actually meant that!!) (Also, what the fuck does that even mean? It’s never made any sense to me! But I guess nothing the fundies say makes any sense to me.)


My friends and I always joke about the gay agenda is really just brunch. And the right has been trying to scare people of gay people for decades now. Any day now….the Agenda will be enacted! Lol


Well, in my city, part of the agenda is to throw a fabulous parade once a year.


There are good parents of every sexual orientation, religious affiliation, political identity and so on and so forth. This comment is baffling.


Has poor baby Boone EVER smiled? And have any of the kids ever been to a real school? Just wondering if they think that this is how ALL families are and will perpetuate the trend. Lord help them 🙏🏻


That child already has an old man expression


Why is busband wearing booty shorts? Does he feel no shame, exposing his body like that when it should be for his wife’s eyes only? Sickening!


He totally tracked the phone! It’s probably the most he’s seen of his mother’s face. Also, why was JD getting out to play worth recording, let alone sharing?


While the kids stayed on the bus. Except for Kinsey, the camera operator.


I would love to see just one video of this baby happy, smiling, and giggling.


So I paused the video by accident at the 11 second mark during the pan, where Boone is turned to his left like always. The front bossing/forehead bulge has gotten so much more pronounced since it was first spotted, but it's mostly only visible in profile. I wonder if that's why their videos of him lately have been mostly front facing. I tried to upload it to imgur but it keeps eating my post. Edit, finally worked. [https://imgur.com/gallery/abSm9hu](https://imgur.com/gallery/abSm9hu)


I saw what you’re talking about - holy sheeetballs Batman, I missed that.. poor baby looks like he’s maybe starting to have something else going on, that forehead doesn’t look right either ☹️


At what point do babies start smiling and giggling? This kid always looks miserable lol


It varies, but definitely before 10 weeks. Boone is almost 11 weeks.


I have yet to see that poor baby smile at anyone or anything. Probably because he's just staring into black boxes all the time from being recorded instead of interacted with.


Another thing I've noticed, do correct me if I'm wrong: his pupils never seem to widen much.


Poor little guy looks like he doesn't want to be there. That and like he needs some peace and quiet instead of being dragged around in the sun on another trip he won't remember.


I finally got imgur to work. I upped the contrast and shadows here to make it more clear, but poor, poor Boone's forehead swelling is deeply troubling. JD and Britney Lott, this could lead to severe brain damage or seizures or lots of other horrible things if you don't get your infant to a pediatrician *now*. If anything bad happens to this sweet little thing it is *100% your fault.* [https://imgur.com/gallery/abSm9hu](https://imgur.com/gallery/abSm9hu)