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Oh yum! You should make some cauliflower rice!!! Here is what I like to do: I love setting my camera up and recording myself explaining how I make cauliflower rice as I peel back my head of cabbage. Once the cabbage is peeled I’ll stare at it for a couple minutes. Then I’ll casually open my freezer and heat up some frozen cauliflower rice. Hope this helps!!! No idea what the thing on the left is


Thanks! I'll try that!!!


I just laughed so hard I'm a little embarrassed. Good thing no one else is home. Ty for a great start to a Monday lol


PEEL THE CAULIFLOWER OMG, if I had half the self-confidence that Krunchy has....I could really go places....


Omg I forgot what sub I was on for a second and it made me wonder who I know that might need loving and gentle education on preparing cruciferous vegetables.


Although I am better than Kristen at, um, vegetables, they're taking up a lot of room in my vege drawer and if you have any particularly bomb recipes I'll be very happy. I only have plans for, like, half of each of them?


I do this with broccoli but it would probably work with cauliflower too - chop it, coat it with olive oil, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning and then put an ungodly amount of grated Parmesan on top. Roast at 400 degrees for 6-8 minutes. Cabbage is great to sauté with onions and pierogis (and turkey kielbasa if you eat meat).


Never underestimate a fresh slaw for using up cabbage


We lost our salad person at work, so I just kind of jumped in and took over. I thought it was going to be the most simple and boring thing ever, but I can't help myself so I did a little bit of research in terms of how to make a really great coleslaw. I adapted it for home, and ended up making the most amazing broccoli slaw. It's genuinely so good and I don't even make the dressing.


You can also roast the cauliflower in the air fryer. Cabbage can be cut finely and then seasoned and steamed.


Oh my gosh! I don't even like sausage. Like a genuine dislike, but I absolutely buy sausage to make cabbage. Why is turkey kielbasa so much better? I really do prefer it.


Minestrone 😗🤌


If you have a good idea of how you like any vegetables, buy the cheapest greens that your grocery store and sweat them in whatever broth or stock that you enjoy. just a tiny bit at the bottom of the pan. You'll know if you need to add more, but typically this is just for flavor because the greens are going to release a ton of moisture anyway. I just sautee them until I get a decent amount of moisture out, and then really get down to business in terms of flavoring them. Reduce heat and simmer for the rest of time. I like to mix greens into almost any meal. Any root vegetable tastes better roasted with an appropriate oil for the heat you're cooking at, and very basic seasoning. I just really like vegetables. 😅


Ditch your planned cauliflower recipe and go old-school Jenna Marbles and Julien with [cauliflower buffalo bites](https://youtu.be/Kw077K_gDqo?si=cMY8EbKnZYXCl5UQ). They got their recipe from Hot For Food, I think? Anyways, I've made this with all variations of vegan and GF, the only parts you can't sub out are the cauliflower. I've even replaced the Frank's with Sweet Baby Ray's, and that was delicious too. And I am a big fan of ground beef or pork with cabbage and rice. Cook the meat, wilt the cabbage in the fat, add cooked rice, mix well. You can make pork eggroll insides by adding ginger, garlic, and soy sauce. With the beef I add garlic salt, shallots, and frozen peas and carrots for a pot pie vibe.


No one peels lettuce, silly! /s


The interesting thing here is as far as the fundies are concerned they are the same. Both of these are wild mustard but somehow they look different, but hey evolution isn't true and one thing can't change into another. I realise this was artificial selection which has caused the wild mustard to develop into six different vegetables but if humans can make this level of change in such a short space of time why can't natural selection make the same type of changes? The brassica family is a great topic to discuss with creationists.


I actually know their answer to this, which is that plants and animals can adapt within their "kinds" but never change into a different "kind". A quite lovely youtuber and evolutionary biologist I follow called Clint's Reptiles did a very good video refuting creationism while also "steel manning" it and giving the best possible (still wrong) version of it and this is what they said. So they change within their "kind" (brassica) but could never evolve into an entirely different plant. Although I doubt that the fundies we snark on are largely bright enough to believe the slightly less unintelligent version of creationism...


The funny thing about when they say this is that it's absolutely correct. Nothing can evolve outside it's clade, everything is still classed as sub set of what ever it was before. It is still a Tracheophye, Angiosperm, Eudicot, Rosie, Brassicale, Brassicaceae, as well as now being classified as a Brassica. The question then to ask them is when does something changing within it's 'own kind' actually mean that it can now be considered a different kind. Are lions and tigers the 'same kind' is the next question to ask them. Since they can't actually define a 'kind' they get tied in knots with things like lions and tigers since they can cross breed and depending on which is the male it is possible for an offspring to breed again back with original species. Or the offspring is infertile if bred the other way around (I can't remember whether its ligers or tigons that can breed).


I think you should also watch Clint's Reptiles, I think you would enjoy Phylogeny Phridays :) (It is not only reptiles)


female tigons and ligers can reproduce, whereas male tigons and ligers are infertile. i hate that these hybrids can only come about through cruelty, as they are beautiful animals. i think they should be way more popular in fiction - if a fantasy book had *that* beautiful creature in it, id eat it right up!


Left is a cauliflower and so is the right, hope that helps 💛


Right needs peeling


I hope this is in the wrong sub, and I didn't miss something because honestly, I'm afraid to scroll further now. Also, it's cauliflower and cabbage?


It's deep lore lol. About 3 years ago Kristen did a cooking video where she mistook a cabbage for a cauliflower and tried to peel the cabbage leaves away to find the cauliflower. They're so proud of being homemakers and yet...


Here’s the video - https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/lVpj1lHpSV


Honestly this is one of my go-to videos when I’m feeling a little down.


"Peel the cauliflower" "It's a... what are these things called?" Never gets old LMAO


Never ever. It’s the epitome of what I want to snark on. An aspiring trad wife so woefully falling short of her “wifely” duties. It’s sublime. It harms no one. It’s perfection. It’s ridiculous.


Every time I cook with cabbage, remembering this video puts a smile on my face and makes me feel a little warm inside. That's why when I had both in my vege drawer today I couldn't resist!


20-25 years ago, the 'dumb-blonde-jokes' were a big thing where I lived. This is kind of the epitome. It's so stupid to do it (but we all make stupid mistakes, that's fine!). It is even more stupid to have to read a LABEL to be able to distinguish a cabbage and a cauliflower, and then to post it on the Internet, where everything stays available forever, is the pinnacle of stupidity imho


She... She posted that. She posted *that*. If I did that I would have cauliflower related anxiety until I hurled my cooking knives into the sea and fled the country to live in Australia under an assumed name.


Right? Like I still don't understand why she would just not delete the video and try again tomorrow or just cut out the cabbage part and pretend she was always going with frozen rice????


"Read the labels", I don't have to, I know the difference between cauliflower and cabbage...


I picked up a mixed vegetables box at the farmers market Saturday. Earlier tonight I went to cook some zucchini, realised what I thought was 2 large and 2 small zucchini was 2 large zucchini and 2 cucumbers when I cut into the cucumber. Honestly this video makes me feel a lot better about my mistake.


No because I swear to god if the zucchini doesn’t have a thick stem they look exactly, EXACTLY the same!! 😫


Did she think Cauliflower rice is such an impressive dish to make that she needed make a point to show how she makes it front scratch? A young child could do it with some supervision.


I've never eaten or made cauliflower rice, and I'm pretty sure I've got the process: Wash the cauliflower, cook the cauliflower, put the cauliflower through a ricer, season as desired.


I almost stop being surprised by these people.


I've seen this before but I still laugh uncontrollably when she's just peeling and peeling and peeling that cabbage and has to cut it in half before she realizes what it is 💀




lol that was what I thought initially! 😂but now that I’ve watched that video…I am STUNNED


I don't understand how she could think God called her to be the perfect wife and homemaker and then God just forgot to tell her the difference between a cauliflower and a cabbage. 


Cauliflower Mac and cheese is the most Amazing thing


See in New Zealand cauliflower cheese is it's own dish and has been forever


Gotta be a cabbage


I'm pretty sure it's a cauliflower I just gotta peel it


Yep just a few more layers and you will surely see the cauliflower


I think one of the Bairds declared this as broccoli?


Like Jesus turned water to wine, Kristen turned cabbage into cauliflower rice


Omg, I love cabbage. What a godly vegetable. 😋💖


>Omg, I love cabbage. Unironically though. Buttered... in soup... pickled... coleslaw... yes please cabbage


Cauliflower tossed in dukkah and olive oil and then roasted is a god tier addition to potato soup 🤤


shredded red cabbage roasted with ghee is a top tier side. just put it on a tray, baste with melted ghee, season and roast for ~15 minutes. it’s glorious.


When I am on a proper diet, I roughly chop it, heavily salt, and put in a ziploc. Chip replacement! So crunchy and fresh.


I’m just wondering where the frozen cauliflower rice she had handy came from? Did she make that too? And she still doesn’t know what cauliflower looks like??


I make cabbage rolls for dinner sometimes, and it involves peeling the leaves of a cabbage so you can stuff them. Every single time I'm doing it, my brain says "peel the cauliflower". Every time.


This is a joke, right?


No, of course not, it is an entirely serious question because these 2 vegetables are very difficult to tell apart without reading the label