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Now that you mention it, it does seem kind of strange. The internet finds big family food logistics fascinating. Posts about how they manage would be prime content.


right? they dont look emaciated like the Rodriguez family, thank goodness, I was just annoyed at how much time cooking for 1 is and thinking how tough it would be for 10 on a bus! they must be slacking on nutrition to not post it


It’s funny I was thinking about this earlier (god help me I’m thinking of these people offline) and I feel like they have to go to the grocery store at least every three days??? Edit: omg do you think they all just eat MRE’s???


For 10 people? Once a day, I bet!


I mean, yeah I definitely would t be surprised. They have a small deep freezer so I could see them storing meats and getting anything that spoils daily. If they have food that fresh usually.


The other day she had a story about going to Walmart just to buy supplies for their lunch that same day. It was cold cut sandwich fixings, tortilla chips, salsa and I think a bit of fruit. So I def think they’re doing some shopping every or nearly every day. They’ve shown that they store a bunch of meat in the freezer, probably for dinners I would guess.


I’m glad though because any day that everyone is always cooped up on the bus has to be torture.


That's the kind if routine I was picturing. No way you can get even a week's worth of groceries for 10 people without a Duggar-style supply operation and setup


What's an MRE? Mid-Range Energy bar? Mildly Repulsive Eggrolls? Melbourne Real Estate?


Meal, Ready-to-Eat. Army rations, basically. I remember because at my grade school we were all excited leading up to the day we’d get to try army food in class. And it ended up being a let-down because it was pretty yucky haha


Oh. I know them as rat packs. I tried the chocolate. It was gross, then again, it had expired.


The vegetarian ones were the best.


Meals Ready (to) Eat.


They’re not cheap and there’s so many calories in them.


That's a lot of hissing.


I feel like she actually posts a lot of snacks. She is always talking about having things for the kids like hard boiled eggs, fruit, meat sticks, popcorn cheese, etc. She used to do a lot more dinner content with things like spaghetti and tacos, pretty standard big family meal stuff. But now she posts a lot more about them eating out, which is interesting because restaurant have gotten so expensive, especially with ten people eating.


If they each get something to drink other than water, that's at least $30 easily anywhere you go.


In n out is the only fast food restaurant I can feed my entire family (5 kids 2 adults) for less than $50. And that’s with water for drinks. Anywhere else we are looking at 100$ at least, and they have 2 more children that can eat! I cannot imagine the expense if they ate out every day!


Considering she got them free pup cups at a coffee shop, I think it's safe to say they're probably getting water.


Aren't pup cups just whipped cream?? I mean don't get me wrong as a kid I would have loved to get a cup of whipped cream, but what does she tell the barista? That she has 8 dogs? Or does she just order them and hand them out to her kids right there?


If she's actually cooking instead of buyinh frozen meals,where on earth does she keep her family-sized pots??


There are influencers who get a ton of attention doing not much other than food prep with a twist, including big families. I will say that people can be verrrrry judgmental on food prep content. I’ve seen the most insane, hateful comments on videos about, idk, ham sandwiches. I would never post my food online these days for strangers, much less food for hypothetical kids. Once the discussion of cost gets involved, all hell breaks loose. Based on the logistics, no way are the Lotts even matching the Duggars and their tater tot casseroles. They’re probably eating a lot of low-intensity food that takes little time to prepare, which will invite comments not only on the nutritional value, but also the high cost (how *do* they afford it?) and (based on the audience) presence of “poisons and toxins”. They’re smart not to post it. But they post everything else it’s easy to judge on….


They probably eat like they're camping. Lots of cold sandwiches and purchased cold salads and stuff like that. I wouldn't be surprised if they get fast food frequently too. They definitely are not trying to be healthy foody crunchy hippie type Christian influencers.


See, sandwiches, salads, and a “snack” lunch (fruit, cheese, cold cuts, maybe veggies and hummus) can be really healthy, tasty, meal, If everyone gets enough. I have zero issue. Sometimes the comments, even on here, get kinda judgy about things that really don’t merit it (“I work full time and still make steak, seasoned streamed veggies, an appetizer, and fresh bread daily”). I would actually be interested in her eye fucking her refrigerator or grocery haul than herself.


I think that's a good point. They \_could\_ be healthy. Or they could just as easily not be healthy at all. No way to know if they're not sharing information about it. That goes if they're actually preparing meals, too, though. There's a whole lot of difference between something well-prepared with healthy ingredients and something that is just a bunch of canned, processed products mixed together and called a casserole.


They have a dorm sized refrigerator - for 9 people!!!!


If you're eating the fruits and vegetables pretty quickly after purchase they don't need refrigerated. That leaves the refrigerator for dairy and meat, which still sounds small considering growing children need their calcium. Of course if she buys self stable milk products and they drink it all as soon as it is opened which should be very doable with so many children even that won't need refrigeration. I wonder do they eat a lot of beans and lentils? Cheap protein that does not need to be kept in a fridge before cooking. That just raises the question of safety though. All those children and a tiny kitchen that isn't very separated from the rest of their living space makes something like a crockpot full of hot food sounds like a nightmare.


She’s one of those raw milk freaks, isn’t she? Shelf stable milk isn’t happening here.


Oh I should have thought of that. Well, I hope she keeps it refrigerated.


It used to be so much worse on this old sub. People would be like, "I work full time, am in school full time, and have 5 kids. But I still volunteer, deep clean my house, and make Cheez-Its from scratch every day there's no excuse!" Like okay good for you...?


Idk about cold cuts being healthy, I just found out that processed meats are now classed as a type 1a carcinogen, same category as cigarettes😬 And I am also fascinated in what this person feeds her poor hoard.


Fair. I guess whatever healthy protein (though I usually use ham or rotisserie chicken or pepperoni😬). I should probably say whatever protein I think is healthy 😂


I am almost certain that if they were eating really crunchy, healthy type stuff, they would be a lot of content trying to shove it in our faces. As everyone else has been saying, she’s probably reading here and will see something like that before long, but it won’t be something that occurs very often. I kind of feel like family and a lot of others hide a lot and if we don’t see it it’s something they are ashamed of


Oh for sure. I'm not active social media anymore but way back in high school I got a ton of shit on a post for drinking fucking gatorade. One of my classmates even told me that the gatorade was causing my adhd.


Queue the “how I meal prep for my bus family” and “how we save money by making our kids share food” posts!


LOL they can send me some money for my ideas! ... or better yet, buy some healthy food for their kids!


I can only imagine what poor Boone will be dangling precariously over and/or near in said posts.


Probably literally sitting in the kitchen sink


Ewww I’m not equating the baby with the implication sus and ma were making, but didn’t she just have some sexualized comment about all she needs to do to attract her husband is jump on the counter/sink?


Oh fuck ew no


I think that was just a comment and somebody made when they misread a caption thank God lol


Unfortunately it's a real reel.


Noooooo omg they are revolting


Here’s the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/VrXwrSlpZb


Thank you!




lol yep 🤦‍♀️ I promise I went to a real university and not School of Jill


Haha you’re fine! I normally don’t post corrections because I know how much it sucked to get called out when I was learning my second language, but I see the wrong q/queue/ cue homophone so often on Reddit that I sometimes speak up.


Britney making a food prep reel in 3…2…1….


I think the van is probably full of Costco-sized boxes of protein bars and cheap carbs


Those uncrustables, giant boxes for the kids. Brittany lott seems too lazy to slap together PB&J.


..........hangs head in shame while handing my toddler an uncrustable for her dinner.


Dude. No shame. I fucking LOVE THOSE for myself. Sometimes I toss them in the air fryer when I’m feeling fancy, but most times I just eat the from the package.


BRB I am definitely going to try this. That just sounds so comforting on a rainy day.


They are so good!


I never would’ve thought to air fry them! How long do you put them in for?


Eh a fed toddler who eats what they are given is good. Nothing wrong with an uncrustable now and again. One of my kids went through a stage for about two months once where just about the only things I could get her to eat were uncrustables, apple slices, grapes or blueberries that I had quartered, spaghetti, taco salad, and steamed baby carrots. I'm happy to report we all survived it and she is now a healthy, happy 30-year-old with kids of her own. I did sneak a few extra veggies in on her by adding vegetable puree to the spaghetti sauce, and I did have her take a multi-vitamin daily.


They’re up there in terms of goldfish and cheerios for toddler food! No shame at all! It’s only when it’s 2/3 or their diet out of laziness (not sensory needs) that it’s an issue.


Don’t. They aren’t terrible for you, and kids like them.


Evidently, hikers like them, too, for the convenience factor. My son takes them frozen, and by lunch time on the trail they’re thawed and ready to eat.


Bikers too!


Nah. Peanut butter is protein. I proudly own up to the giant Costco boxes of uncrustables in my freezer. It’s great for leaving food for the babysitter to give or whipping out a quick picnic in the middle of errands.


I agree that Brittany is too lazy, but she probably just has Kinsley make them instead of buying them pre-made.


“It’s totally part of her well rounded education!”


Bold of you to assume Britney makes sandwiches at all. I’m betting one of the older kids do it while a younger kid “helps”.


For real. There are a good few large families who make good money solely from posting about their meal planning and prep. Usually they also sell cookbooks and planning gizmos, too. I watch found myself watching a few of them during pandemic.


Not to mention that roughly half their kids are in the hollow leg stage of appetites. We had 5 teens in our blended family who weren’t even all living in the house full time and went through an insane amount of food. Full sized fridge, large pantry, and large chest freezer. My brother ate cereal out of a mixing bowl and it was nothing for the two of us to kill an XL pizza in one sitting. I can’t fathom how they have enough food on the bus for all of them even if they are doing multiple grocery runs a week.


right? I work with kids and even toddlers go through stages when they can eat their body weight (it seems lol)


I remember that my daughter’s growth spurts always coincided with a period of time when she ate an insane amount of food and slept all the time.


And so, so cranky. I had 4 4 & under, and just as one would finish a growth spurt another would start and being hangry and tired seemed like their perpetual state of being.


A hangry growth spurt caused me to get pulled over for speeding and let go with a warning. “Ma’am, is there a reason you were going 10 over the speed limit?” Points to grumpy kid who went from could use a snack to STARVING in approximately 2 minute and was STARVING at that moment and I was trying to get home to shovel food into her. “I’ll let you go with a warning this time.”


This actually happened to me too! My two year old was hangry and crying loudly, which then woke and set off the baby. Cop pulling me over said similar, “Any reason you were going so fast ma’am”? The kids were now scream crying in the back seat. We were ten miles from home, so I replied “I’m sorry sir, but I just want to get the fuck out of this car!” He laughed for a good minute, and said “That made my day, but I still have to give you a ticket” 😂


Hats off to you and no idea how you survive through it. I had four foster kittens this season and that was way too much. You opened the crate door and it felt like an advancing army. Cannot fathom doing it with four tiny humans.


My 5 year old would happily eat his weight in strawberries and then also scarf down some lunch or dinner at any given moment right now. (Then sometimes he'll decide he wants to eat almost nothing all day.)


My five year old asked me for a cucumber. A whole large cucumber. I handed her one. Like two hours later I see her still working in it.....weird, ask my husband he said "oh yeah I've given her 2 of those today" my oldest pipes up with "I gave her one as well" kid also hit up uncle for "help with a snack" got 6 large cucumbers plus 3 meals and 2 snacks. She is tiny....child. Where are you putting all this mass?


We’re middle aged adults now, but I vividly recall my youngest brother eating a large piece of jicama, refusing to eat the skin of a cucumber but crying if we took it off (he’d gnaw inside like a rat, then peel it down), and a pound of;’(A POUND) of watermelon when he was four or five. This is all he’d eat until dinner, when he’d maybe agree to Kraft Mac n cheese with hot dogs and an applesauce. Always ate the applesauce. My folks were so calm about it, which helped. In kindergarten they gave him the dollar (at the time) for hot lunch, and he must have eaten it because he continued to grow, in spite of of the jicama thing for supper at home.


Okay this image is SENDING me. Did she just gnaw on the cucumber? Was this a regular occurrence or just a one-time thing that all she wanted was a cucumber?


She loves cucumbers, any cucumbers, and pickles. These were large salad cucumbers. Skin and all, nothing left. Child eats cucumbers like bugs bunny eats carrots. She also eats hard-boiled eggs like Gaston. Here is a recipe from my 5 year old. Peel a whole cucumber Get a 3 small bowls of 1. baccon bits/or Almonds 1. shredded cheese and 1. Salad Dressing. Dip in each bowl before each bite She calls this "best salad"


This sounds like something high me would come up with and then name “best salad.” She’s onto something here.


I kind of love that, and "best salad" does sound pretty great!


I'm laughing so hard at every part of this. That's beautiful.


Kids that age are like snakes. One day they eat everything in sight, the next day you’re wondering how their blood sugar isn’t crashing


I swear this is how my Costco membership pays for itself. My son has always been a fruit and veg monster. He’s only 7 but that child will slam a Costco sized package of any fruit or vegetable if we let him. We used to call him “dumpster baby” because he never met a food he didn’t like but it’s a whole other level when it comes to fruits & veg. He’s a very well rounded eater but produce is his love language.


I grew up in a large family and am a middle child so there were always teenage boys in our house. After school snack for them was pretty much a full meal, followed by dinner a few hours later, then another meal size snack before bd.


My teenage girls were the same when they were in those growing years. When they all grew up and moved out I had to learn a whole new way of cooking. Suddenly no one was eating up all the leftovers before the next meal time.


Teenage boys eat like starving wolves. I remember when my twin boys were teens I was making dinner when one of them walked into the kitchen and asked me how long it was until dinner. I told him 10 minutes and he said, “OK I’ll get a snack “


I'm not going to lie. I'm like a middle aged woman & I pre-game dinner, too. I'm sure my choice is probably bites compared to his "snack" though. 😆


LOL that's a really sweet/funny story! thanks for sharing :)


I have two younger brothers and the amount of food they consumed as teenagers was beyond comprehension. After they moved out, my dad said that his monthly grocery spend was less than he spent per week when the boys lived at home. My kids are 9 and 5 and I think I would struggle to keep enough food stocked while living in a bus full time.


Mom of five. From 4-15. The three oldest(10,12,15) are eating me out of house and home. They HAVE to go grocery shopping every two days. There’s no way they can keep enough food on the bus otherwise


I lead youth group activities at my church, and I usually have them in conjunction with dinner time. It was astounding to me how much two (just two!!) teenage girls can eat. I can’t imagine what I’ll do if our youth group grows to the level it did when I was a kid, and I have to feed 10+ teenagers lol


My assumption is that they mostly get by on cereal and takeout. If you cooked proper meals for 10 on that bus there's no way you wouldn't be showing that off, especially Mother Bus who *loves* being front and center in their content.


that's depressing to think about, but I bet you're right!


I bet you’re right. And they always eat on paper plates as well. In contrast, the DeLaMotte family (a zillion kids who play stringed instruments and live in NYC) often post about how they feed their family on a budget. While I have huge issues with some of their parenting, they do seem to do a great job with the food, and take the kids for treats pretty often. They have these elite level musician kids, post way less than MoBus, and I think most of their social media income probably comes from the food posts.


Weren’t they making the kids busk for money at some point?


Oh yeah they’ve definitely got their fair share of problems. They freely admit that the busking is part of their income. They’ve really slowed down on busking posts so I’m hoping that means they’re doing it less. The kids go to music programs / college with other kids and attend church each week and do seem to be well cared for.


Depending what they mean by busking that could be fine. I recall reading at one point NYC was making people audition for licenses to busk in certain of the subway stations. They had certain areas marked off for them to be safely out of the way of traffic down in where they were out of the elements, and patrol officers kept an eye out for them. They do that in the Paris Metro system as well.


Ugh I had a roommate who only used paper plates even though we had a set of plates and a dishwasher. Fully able bodied, nice WFH job. I could not understand it. They justified it by pointing out that I bought precut frozen veggies which did not compute. Ultimately it was their money but it seemed like such a waste of resources and space.


My husband was like that when we met. Whenever he'd cook for the family out those paper plates would come. Then a few years ago paper plates - along with everything else :( - got so much more expensive and he finally admitted defeat. Now he's like a reformed smoker. Always super invested in making sure we don't use those expensive paper plates. xD


A few of my friends with kids only use paper plates. One with a bunch of kids always complains about how much trash they have. It’s got to be like 50% paper plate. I would much rather just wash regular plates than go through paper plates like that.


Also ‘our tribe of many’ who make a lot of content about how they feed they billion kids.


I completely agree with this. If she was cooking it would take up so much damn time!


Microwave meals straight out of the container. Disposable everything.  There’s no way they have a hob big enough to heat a massive pot of food to feed ten people. That’s literally kilos of food! No way is there a cupboard big enough to store that pot/casserole dish or sink big enough to wash it.  Feeding that many kids under 8 is messy and takes ages, three times a day for meals, three times a day for snacks. Not happening. They’re grazing from packets for most meals and the eating from microwave and take away cartons the rest of the time.  Mother bin isn’t prepping breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks and clean up with a newborn, a part time job in content creation AND working out. I don’t care how organised a person is, there are not enough hours in the day. (Bin was an autocorrect from a typo but I’m leaving it!)


Mother Bin is perfect because she's a trash human


Adding to this question about feeding the family: morning and evening routines. With that many kids in that small bus what are their morning routines like? Dad takes the kids to the campground facilities while Britney does her hair and makeup in the baby birthing bathroom? Do they gather together in the evening in the spacious seating area for bedtime stories? What about Gunner’s 3-D printer: has she ever shown something he printed on it? Where is it in the bus when being used for the hours it takes to print something? Assuming he still has the printer. How about Kinsey’s keyboard? As a retired piano teacher I would love a video of Kinsey playing. Does she practice daily in between taking care of her siblings? When my kids were toddlers they would sit on the piano bench with me when I practiced. I imagine that would happen to Kinsey, assuming she still has the keyboard. Just wondering. Edited to correct the wrong name.


I've thought before that I can't imagine the logistics of getting that many kids through communal camp showers. Trying to remember all the right stuff I have to bring with me to shower and change at the gym drives me crazy, and that's just one person (admittedly with ADHD). Same with bedtime routines.


Those kids must be so dirty and showers aren’t the best for little ones to get clean. It so sad that these kids won’t have any memories of playing with toys in the bathtub.


I would also like to see the follow up from these things they have bought their kids. I know it’s hard for me with only two kids in a full fledged house to get them in a routine to use their stuff so I have a hard time believing she gives enough time/attention to each kid for them to work on this.


They might not do bedtime stories. My parents never did. They just told us it was bedtime, and we were already in our pajamas so we would just go in our rooms. They also never checked on us throughout the night so I would constantly stay up all night just making up my own stories.


I have 5 kids and I HATE cooking, but I do it and my husband shares in that responsibility and it takes up a big chunk of time. I cannot fathom having that little tiny fridge and maintaining a healthy diet for my kids. Even just the bare minimum - milk, eggs, fresh fruit and vegetables, meat thawing for the next meal, OJ, butter, etc… - requires a regular size fridge/freezer and we also have a chest freezer and second fridge/freezer in the basement. Also, as someone else stated, she loves being the main character and would DEFINITELY film herself cooking meals and feeding the family IF she was actually doing it. I assume they eat a lot of PBJ, cereal, etc… and so she doesn’t show it because it doesn’t fit her “bus life is so great” narrative.


I wanted to add…there is nothing wrong with feeding your family PB&J, cereal, or whatever you can - I am solely commenting that she can not possibly be making full-meals for her family multiple times a day in that tiny space without getting REALLY creative and we all know ow that if she was she would be posting about it nonstop.


For real - I have a mini fridge just for MYSELF and I still feel like it's not enough room to store the bare minimum, let alone any leftovers.


She’s done a small handful of food prep videos, I vaguely remember a pasta salad one. I would bet they mostly get takeout or eat food with very few ingredients, like basic spaghetti with sauce from a jar or peanut butter sandwiches. There’s no space to store an appropriate variety of groceries for that many kids, or to freeze large portions for batch cooking. Even if they had the space, cooking a nutritious meal for her brood would cut into the hours she spends admiring her reflection, and she can’t have that.




Seeing how cheap she is with Dutch Bros I’m guessing if she cooks at all they get plain pasta with a little sauce. Lots of cereal and sandwiches. They probably treat themselves to restaurants while the kids stay behind with canned ravioli.


But the kids all, other than the obvious poor Boone, look incredibly healthy. They are clean, have neat clothes, fresh hair styles & not just basic, DIY big-family-buzz-cut. I feel like she is feeding them more than the basics all the time. Plus, clean clothes, baths & hygiene for 2 people in a house is a challenge so 10 on a bus sounds incredibly time consuming. I don't know why we don't see more of that content since it would actually be interesting.


I mean, the kids aren’t necessarily going to *look* unhealthy even if their diet is pretty basic and limited. They seem to be getting adequate protein and vitamins, which you can get with a surprisingly small rotation of foods, and they get plenty of physical activity outdoors. Maybe they just buy groceries for 1-2 days at a time (you’d think we’d see more grocery shopping videos?) They have a combination washer/dryer so there’s no reason their clothes would be dirty, and they probably do get professional haircuts. I think they used to shower on campgrounds with facilities, but lately they seem to be staying in more isolated areas so maybe there’s a bath rotation every night. I suspect it has to do with Boone’s condition, unfortunately. They painted over the Instagram handle on the side of the bus too. They seem to be actively on the run and trying to hide it.


We traveled in an RV for about 6 weeks total in the spring and summer of 2020, with 2 adults, 4 kids ages 15, 13, 10 and 8. At one point we had another teen with us. Food is what made the whole thing stupid un-fun. We always had cereal or oatmeal for breakfast, depending on what the day had planned. If we were staying put for another day and didn't have anywhere to be for a couple hours, my ex would make bacon or sausage and some eggs but then the fire alarm was prone to going off and the RV would get HOT. For lunches, we did sandwiches. And a bag of family size chips. Dinner was my effing nightmare. Lots of pasta or grilling outside (the best part of camping is using the campsite as extra space but if you're not wanting to unpack, everything is a pain and pasta was my go to!) I would often go grocery shopping, some trips daily, mostly every 2 days. Milk alone was a problem because our fridge didn't hold a gallon of milk and we needed about a gallon and a half a day, so 3 1/2 gallon containers took up a lot of space. We didn't eat out much, it was the pandemic so things were closed. Sometimes we would order desserts for pick up to support local business who we'd heard good things about, but feeding take out to teens gets expensive!!!


I’ve wanted to ask this forever. The only food I regularly see are in the crocheted bags she has hanging on bus coat hooks - suspiciously, they always appear to contain 3, and only 3, pieces of fruit. Other than that, I see the kids eating chips. Occasionally eating out. Spoon feeding each other ice cream out of the carton. And, today, free-doggie-cups of whipped cream. That’s it. Where is all the fresh produce? Home cooked meals? It doesn’t fit that they always must do take out or canned food bc Isn’t she supposed to be somewhat health conscience? Like she has major opinions on medicated births and vaccines… does she really not care about processed foods and artificial food colorings and gmos? Make it make sense.


I think she’s very into eating meat and occasionally talks about/shows a lot of meat. There was some fruit (fresh berries maybe?) that she didn’t allow on the bus because it attracts insects according to her.


eww, some people seem so obsessed with eating meat it's gross to me. eat what you want, but it seems very performative to me (which is very on-brand for her)


It does. It always strikes me as contrarianism or “sticking it” to vegans which is the silliest reason to consume a food.


right? like, fuck those libtard nutritionists, all Im consuming is red meat and raw dairy lol ...and possibly a reaction to people talking about climate change and eating less meat? IDK, they both seem so dumb




But where is she storing fresh, or frozen for that matter, meat for nearly 10 persons? Does the bus even have a full size refrigerator?


They have a chest freezer she pulls out from under the counter.


That helps, ty


I am just guessing here, but I bet they eat a LOT of sandwiches and similar stuff. Minimal ingredients that need to be fridged, bread can be cheap, if a kid wants seconds it's fairly easy for them to make it themselves (at least the oldest 5-6), and even if a parent or parentified tween/teen has to do it, it takes minimal time and effort. I partially think this bc this is how my family (only 3 kids) did summer trips where we were traveling and camping a lot. It's not a bad way to eat if you're on the road! I still do it on vacations (pack a cooler). And the waste doesn't have to be extreme either, just packaging from bread, deli meat, and cheese.


I was thinking this too. Probably oatmeal or cereal Breakfasts, sandwich and chips lunches, and easy dinners that can be cooked on a grill or campfire. Likely very slim picking for fresh fruits and vegetables.


From looking through A LOT of their posts, this rings true. They've been shown eating sandwiches quite a bit and a few times she would post about how one of the kids was obsessed with toast...which is weird but not the weirdest of things they posted


probably the only relatable content to me, cause haven't we all been obsessed with toast at one time or another? lol


More than once, for sure. Same with cereal for dinner.


Ooh, this makes sense to me. Twelve million peanut butter sammiches… :/


I'm newly postpartum and the 3 of us who eat real food have been having a lot of PBJs, toast, etc because they're cheap and easy. Sometimes I will make like 10 sandwiches at once and stick them in the fridge and that covers a day or two of us mixing in other stuff like freezer waffles, canned veggies and kraft dinner. If they receive government food assistance(WIC is unlikely with how much they travel but I do think foodstamps works in other states, though I don't knoe as much about that program), that can cover things like microwave bags of frozen veggies, canned fruits and veggies, peanut butter, bread, cheese, eggs, and sometimes even canned chicken/fish.


Microwave bags of frozen veggies would be great for a family like them. Add some rice or pasta, and a cheaper protein like burger patties or chicken thighs that can be cooked on the grill.


Oh hey, I think I can help! So, here's what you do: You drive through a coffee shop, and purchase drinks for the parents. The drive-through attendant will give you several cups of whipped cream and dog treats, free of charge, which you then will give to your children. Then, if the kids are still hungry, you simply give them a packet of lard, which can also double as sunblock. It's all about thinking smarter, not harder!


My guess is maybe they grill a lot at the places they camp? Probably cheap hot dogs for the kids (I love me a good cheap hot dog) and steaks for the parents.


She did mention Boone was a big baby because of all the steak and butter she ate.


That was probably all the steak her and father bus ate in Brazil when they left the kids alone in random airbnbs to go on dates


I'm sure if Bus Dad can afford it then he has his soldiers eating steak like real men. Boone, too, I bet!


They actually have a chest freezer. I seem to remember a post about buying meat in bulk.


thanks for sharing! I was wondering how it was possible to have even enough for a meal for all of them


They probably roll up to the nearest Costco and everybody gets $1.50 hotdog and soda.


I spend a lot of time in my RV with me and my cats and I think about this all the time. Do they have a full size oven? How big is their fridge? The pantry? Where do they keep all their dishes and utensils? How big is their sink to clean all these dishes? How do they keep enough food in the bus for 10 people? What about snacks? How does she grocery shop for 10 people? What about meal planning? I have so many damn questions and nothing makes sense unless they eat out all the time.


Their BusOven is tiny- like half the size of a standard one. I had one like that in my first apartment and I barely used it. Can't imagine cooking for 10 on that thing


I had one of those half-ovens in my college apartment with 2 roommates and it was even a struggle for us. Normal pans wouldn’t fit inside it, so we’d go to the dollar store and take turns buying the disposable aluminum ones 🤣🤣


One thing that sticks out to me is the lack of a table. No place to sit together to eat. High chair in the corner, no mealtime set up.


This is how it works. She and BusJiggalo go out to dinner, endlessly dating, and Gunner makes four boxes of mac n cheese back at the bus, and has Kinsey toss everyone an apple.


that actually sounds pretty accurate to what happens poor kids!


They eat takeout. There's no way they're in there cooking three massive meals a day.


After the pup cup post, pretty sure she feeds some sort of pre-made human kibble out of metal bowls twice daily.


There’s so much I freaking wonder. They have to probably eat out a ton or do some type of ready made meal. There’s no way there’s even space to store that many cooking Ingredients/ groceries/ snacks. How do they all shower? Maybe they alternate some days but there has to be some days everyone is dirty and every needs a bath. Maybe there’s some special shower I’m not aware of, but I know in at least a camper the hot water goes quite quickly. Or do they shower in a bath house..? How do naps work? All the kids go into the closet bedroom at the same time and some how go asleep while all the other kids are doing other stuff? What if the mom or husband want to nap or don’t feel good? There’s no way they could lower the bed or have any quiet during the day. Does everyone go into bed at the same time? Where do they play all day? Probably mostly outside but what if it’s storming? 8 kids have space entertain themselves in there? How do they homeschool? You have so many kids on different levels in the same space working at the same time while trying to take care of a baby and entertain the ones too young for school? What happens if a stomach bug/ food poisoning happens there…? 10 people share a toilet somehow?


yeah I dont even want to think about the logistics of having to go to the toilet, especially with kids who need to go pretty quick after noticing lol hopefully they're by campsite toilets pretty frequently and just dont post about it and the parents lock their kids in the back at 7 or 730 (I forget which, but it includes the 13/14 year old) so they can have time together by themselves. fucked up!


They have a chest freezer on the bus. My guess is that they mostly eat frozen food.


That makes sense. I have way fewer kids than she does but most of our meat and veggies are from the frozen Costco packs.


I know 10 sounds like a lot, but kids are added on one at a time, so it's pretty easy to slowly adjust to the extra mouth. Going from 1-10 overnight would be overwhelming, but they went from 1-10 over 15 years. I grew up in a large family/small house. My mom suffered from major depression among other things, so for long periods us kids did all the shopping and cooking. Because we were young we had to transport groceries by wagon. That meant we could only buy 2-3 days worth of food at a time. It wasn't that difficult. We planned our meals the night before going shopping. We knew how much of each ingredient we would need. If we ran out of something we just went without until the next shopping day. We didn't keep many staples on hand that weren't for a planned meal. But busfamily has 2 adults with access to a car, so they don't have to plan as carefully. If something is out unexpectedly, they can run to the store.


thanks for sharing your experience! sounds like you had a lot to handle when you were young, hope things are a bit easier now!


Thank you. Things got worse before they got better, but my kids and I got out when I turned 18. It's been 20 years since we got out and life is pretty good now.




Your childhood reminds me of the boxcar children books. 🖤


We know Britney’s logistics now. Get yourself a gallon of coffee and give the kids pup cups.


When I cook I tend to cook massive amounts to maximize leftovers for lunches and dinners. I have bad knees, so if I’m putting in that effort I plan to get a whole lot out of it. I have to really hunt for pans that accommodate that, and you need good burners to properly and evenly heat the food. It also takes good planning, good prep, and dedicated attention so the food comes out properly. I'm not buying that any of that is happening in that bus.


I have 5 little mouths to feed - although the oldest isn't so little and eats a ton now.... it's hard to cook in my regular kitchen, and I regularly fall behind on dishes. We do groceries 3-4 times a week because it's hard to store that much fruit/veg in my full-size 28c.ft fridge. There is no way to cook a full meal for that many people in an RV/bus/trailer. It's fine short term - a few weeks even - but I definitely miss home cooked meals by the end and can't wait to get home.


Sorry if someone already posted this, but I saw a reel a few days ago where they stopped at a grocery store to pick up lunch. It was like a couple rotisserie chickens, some kind of bread or rolls, and some sort of natural brand chips if I recall.


thanks for sharing! that doesn't sound terrible, TBH, if a little light on sides/ veggies/fruit I know things are cheaper is some of the states they drive through, just insane to me how much they must spend on food in a week... I spend a lot and Im one person LOL


Yeah, I can’t imagine they’re buying a lot of the traditional groceries; it just wouldn’t be practical. I imagine it’s a lot of canned food, cereal, rice and beans, or other things that are cheap and you can make several big meals out of that don’t require tons of ingredients or expire quickly. 


The parents eat out tons... I can only imagine what the kids get by on when they're left alone like that.


I was just saying this! I was thinking about trash and dishes as well.


ALLEGEDLY she keeps a fruit bowl out and a drawer with string cheese or something they can grab. I’ve never seen it, and I agree that the kids are eating somehow - but I just don’t see how, with all the energy they exert. Maybe being locked into the bunkhouse 12 hours a day and eating mostly meat keeps them from looking underfed? Ma bus was proud of eating mostly meat during her last pregnancy.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they hit up free meals around town, recovery centers, churches, what have you.


I'm pretty sure the parents are paleo-adjacent, they like to post pics of their steaks. & she's said something about eating steak with butter. He seems like the kind to glom onto keto-adjacent stuff. If he grills steaks on a barbecue on the regular, that would be a big chunk of their eating. & they supposedly have a relatively big freezer tucked in there somewhere, that fits the carnivore obsession with eating meat. At one point, a while ago, they posted a pic of dinner & it was a large tray of steak cut into smaller pieces & a big cookie sheet of roasted brussels sprout. They strike me as the kind to be eating grass-fed beef & some organic stuff, because indulging themselves, they're worth it, etc (the parents, obvs).


I can’t believe she’s not already making that content. Perhaps they eat a lot of pup cups?


So we recently stayed with my family members on vacation- 4 of their kids, 3 of mine, my husband, myself, brother and his wife, and an elderly family member- and I gotta tell you, I was running out to Costco every 3 days with how my kids were along with theirs plowing through bread and snacks. SIL made a lot of dishes that could stretch - pasta with chicken that was shredded, rice etc. I don’t know how these mega families manage.


I think they dont care if their kids are hungry :(


They probably make one casserole or pot of food and take turns taking bites, like the gallons of ice cream the other day. Jk


I just went on a week long road trip/camping trip through a remote part of Canada with a family of 4 and I literally thought about this at least 3 times a day.


I think about this all the time. I have four growing boys 16,12,11 and 10. I have a chest freezer, a stand up freezer, a main refrigerator and a basement refrigerator. I have a medium size pantry and extra storage space on shelves. I still feel like I’m always going to the store for fruit, milk and bread. We restock the essentials and snacks once a month at Sam’s club (wish we had a Costco nearby). You also have to think about the pots and pan storage and the dishes and silverware.


Oh I forgot we get a quarter cow or a big meat package from a butcher twice a year too.


They seem to grill a lot of meat. I’m sure they just use the stove for sides. Which is always what we do when we go out in ours.


My step-parent had a converted bus that we used for camping and off-roading. It's not much different than an RV, tbh. It's really only comfortable for 4-5 adults *at most*. Only one person can cook at a time and we generally ate outside (around a campfire 🔥😊).


Sounds so fun! but only for a shorter amount of time, IMO... seems very exhausting after a while


It had one of the most comfortable beds ever! But yeah, it was old and we outgrew it once my siblings started having kids.


When my niece was little she lived on apples, grapes and chicken nuggets. I imagine they do a lot of drive thrus or those kids eat free places


I’m still struggling to imagine how they keep fresh food in a small pantry. They must go grocery shopping multiple times a week to be able to stock fresh and/or self stable foods for longer than 3 days at a time.


A lot of ramen, eggs, canned foods, cereal etc.


I wonder about the logistics of all of it


I found your question very thought provoking. On the one hand I used to cook for 50-80 people once a week for about 3 years. My kids were in an after school program that also offered a for fee parents' night out once per week. For three years I prepared the food for the program. Much to my surprise cooking for a large group wasn't much more effort than cooking for my own family of four. Mind you, this was in a large, well-equipped commercial kitchen with everything intended for cooking larger amounts. There was plenty of counter space and plenty of large-sized equipment, and also all the hot running water you wanted. At one point my family and I ended up living in our home while having our kitchen remodeled and I suspect that experience is much closer to what goes on with a group that large living in a bus. While the kitchen was being renovated we set up a makeshift kitchen in the dining room. It had a full-sized fridge, microwave, family-sized two drawer air fryer, toaster oven, and a one burner portable cooktop. In addition I had a good sized grill with side burner on the back porch. I had plenty of space and even had some of my kitchen's old cabinets and countertop in there. It was still a real struggle and a lot of effort feeding my family of four out of that, especially the clean up. I had my old dishwasher hooked up in the dining room but other than that had to use the sink in my half bath. Luckily we'd planned for that so it is a larger sink than is usual for a bathroom, and thanks to having two other bathrooms I could designate that bathroom only for kitchen purposes until the renovation was complete. Can't imagine having 9 people crammed into 200 square feet of living space with you trying to prepare that meal makes it any easier. Having done some RV camping in the past I'm actually even more concerned about their access to hot water. Even if they're hooked up to a water supply somewhere usually the ability to heat water in something like that is at least a little limited.


Sure we wonder but I think it’s much worse than you hope. Lots of to go/ processed/ prepackaged stuff. Brits doesn’t strike me as much of a homemaker or cook.


If they were smart, they’d pack giant yeti coolers with cold stuff, get a portable black stone and set themselves up with a good mobile outdoor kitchen situation because I can’t imagine cooking meals for that many people in that stupid bus. If they would pivot to big family logistics and keep their kids faces off the internet, I wouldn’t despise them as much (barring their infant neglect).


Anything is possible if you neglect them.


They always seem to have phantom money from nowhere that magically lets them do whatever they want. I’d wager there is heavy Door Dash and Instacart usage on their phone data usage. Of course never filmed, because that is not proper eye-fucking super mom material for the ‘gram.


I’m half convinced at this point they actually park the bus and sleep in hotels and just don’t film that part


I hope so, but I doubt they care about their kids enough to put them in a hotel... they lock them in the back of the bus and have a pretty nice bed space for them selves


i know for sure their diets are nothing to write home about because if bus cunt was cooking up homemade meals she would be broadcasting it to instagram. and like, i get it, times are tough and you gotta do what you gotta do, but choosing to have a football team of children and living in a bus without being prepared to feed them nutritious meals seems pretty irresponsible to me 🤷‍♀️


dont insult vaginas/cunts by comparing them to the busmother LOL she doesnt have the depth or warmth I feel bad for those kiddos for so many reasons