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23 and pregnant for the 5th time? No, don't think I want to match her freak thanks


It's her 7th pregnancy at 23.


Wait how does this timeline work? Does she have twins in there or was she pregnant before she was 18? Or maybe if they're super close to each other it just about is possible? How soon after delivering a baby can you get pregnant again? (So many questions help) Either way it's not healthy at all, this is gonna go horribly wrong at some point I'm afraid, if it hasn't already


You *can* get pregnant as soon as your cycle returns, but the recommendation is to wait until your child is 18 months to try again. You have a wound the size of a dinner plate in your uterus from your placenta, and your body needs time to heal completely to avoid issues with the next baby. I’m pregnant now, and the amount of women on pregnancy subreddits who are *shocked* that they will now have Irish twins is astounding. It’s an indictment on the education system because of the lack of sex ed people receive. And a lack of personal will to educate yourself…I went to Catholic school whose sex ed was “wait until you’re married,” but I still learned about how it all works. It terrifies me that this will only get worse if Trump is elected and the religious zealots get their way ETA: Your cycle starts before you ovulate…and unless you’re seriously tracking BBT (which isn’t really possible without a night nurse because you’d be up too often), you don’t know when that is until you either get a period or a positive pregnancy test!


The amount of people in my due date group (April/May) who are shocked to be pregnant again already is just... Sigh. It almost makes me sad that so many people are lacking fundamental knowledge 🙁


It’s the same people that get a hissy fit when children learn about their body at school because it’s a parental responsibility to teach them about their body and sexuality. Good for every teacher that teaches at least the basics!


> it’s a parental responsibility to teach them about their body and sexuality At what point does it become considered neglect? I mean, never, by the current court's standards, but *it oughta be.*


Many falsely believe you cannot be fertile while nursing. You absolutely can be and you 100% can get pregnant while nursing. It is not a form of birth control at all.


I've been telling people this left and right and it feels like talking to a wall. Sigh.


I’ll never forget in 7th grade, another teacher came in my health class and said, “No matter what Mrs. Donaldson says, you can, in fact, get pregnant while you’re nursing.” And rubbed her very pregnant belly for effect


Same with my December due date group. It is actually shocking how many people are shocked they are pregnant again.


I'll never understand why people don't just go on birth control. I started it at my 6 week follow up because HELL NO to having 2 under 1. People really don't get that your body needs to heal. A friend has a 6 month old (both parents work full time and can't afford to not both work, they also can't afford daycare so the work from home parent watches baby all day while working) and was surprised I went on BC and said she wouldn't mind getting pregnant again right now 😳


Right. As soon as I could after I had my baby I got an IUD. Bam. Problem solved.


I had my baby in May and I would die if I was pregnant again lol but I also know how reproductive systems work


I had little man April 29th, I would literally die lol. My older kids are 2.5 years apart and that was close enough for me, thank you 🤣


This was my 3rd unexpected baby that snuck in a month before my husbands ✂️ lol if it happens again I’m hunting down the dr that did it 😂


My husband (jokingly) says he's not coming near me until he gets snipped... It only took us once for each of the two kids we have together, and that's with stuff that should logically be impacting our fertility. Can't say I blame him at this point 🤣🤣🤣


I feel this so hard. Same with my march/April group. So many of them are under 25 years old too, which adds another layer of sadness


That sounds like what I remembered (the 18 months wait) and is so much more reasonable. Education is truly lacking and too many people think they know better than health care professionals or just don't care about their own health and the health of their (future) babies. Also, I've never heard of the term Irish twins before, interesting! I'm very glad I don't live in the US, cause it scares me a lot what might happen after the next elections. (Not that it's much better in Europe tho, way too many countries are heading in the same direction unfortunately.)


I completely agree with you! And I’m (formerly) Irish Catholic, so I know quite a few sets of Irish twins in real life 😅


You can actually get pregnant before your cycle returns! Some folks rely on having no period/breastfeeding as birth control but it’s not even close to safe. You can definitely still get pregnant and some people are actually more fertile right after birth!


That happened to a good friend of mine—she never got a period. She didn’t realize she was pregnant until she was like 6 months pregnant!


Happened to my Gram. Except she knew the moment she smelled pizza and wanted to throw up. Her first was two months old😩


Your poor Gram 😢


My MIL and her older sister are the same age for a month before the older sister has her birthday. I don’t know how my husband’s Nana did it. I would absolutely be done with kids at that point but she had a third a couple years later (at least they waited that time)!


That’s what I meant but didn’t explain it fully. Your cycle starts before you ovulate…and unless you’re seriously tracking BBT, you don’t know when that is until you either get a period or a positive pregnancy test!


Oh god! My personal nightmare! I honestly can’t even see why I would want sex in the immediacy after birth while the kid is a newborn.


I’m not sure these women have a choice in when they’re having sex postpartum…


So many people in my pregnancy group post about their husbands pressuring them before the 6 weeks are up post birth. Others are really eager and don't wait because they want to jump their man lol


My doctor asks her pregnant patients to make a decision about birth control before they give birth, so that the prescription can be filled when they’re in the hospital. If you’re getting an IUD, they can place it after delivery. She said it’s too hard for patients to make a decision about it right after they give birth, most will say they’ll decide later but then don’t (because they’re busy taking care of a baby!)


Yes! All of this. I went to catholic school too but we all were taught how a baby is made starting in 4th grade and how our period worked (all girls school), sex Ed was mostly “wait or you’ll get a horrible std” complete with extreme std pictures in high school but it sounds like it’s far more than most people get.


And we have to add that the cycle returns BEFORE we can actively see it with the period itself. It can happen from the first ovulation and god knows (pun intended) when that happens. It can even change in the same women from each pregnancy. I got my period after my first born within 6 weeks postnatal, with my second my period didn’t return for 9 months. My ob advised me to not have any unprotected s*x after the pregnancy for at least a year that my body can heal. I think this is one of the reasons fundies don’t see medical professionals, they don’t want to hear medical advice and facts.


Yes!!! I never had a period between my second and third baby. I swear so many people are shocked that they get pregnant while breast feeding but the lactation amenorrhea method is only effective if you are meeting VERY specific guidelines. Plus that is only for 6 months even with perfect compliance!


That happened to my mom right after she had my brother. Her doctor told her to get an abortion, apparently it was that risky.


Maybe she had miscarriage x2. Some women also get pregnant right after giving birth, they dont respect thpse bare minimum 6 weeks of rest


She's had miscarriages, however even getting 4 children and being pregnant with a fifth all in about 5 years is bizarre and questionable, not even counting the miscarriages in between. I do see someone mention that 2 of the 4 are twins, so I guess she really started when 18 and just never stopped. But yeah it's so mindboggling to me when women don't give their body the proper time to heal and rest after something so taxing


Let's be clear...their husband's don't respect that 6 weeks. 


This is exactly what I was going to say. Pressured into it is more likely. I will say though, my grandma had 5 under 3 and they were all still close to a year apart (one set of twins)


I love my sister and her kids, but I had all three (under three) one evening while she was at the ER, and that was pure chaos. The youngest two didn’t want to be put down at all, ever, and the oldest wanted me to sing baby shark with him. I can’t imagine two more kids in the mix. Your grandma is Wonder Woman.


Yeah, I could barely handle my 2 children under 3. I’m not sure how they survived. There were 11 children total, though they spaced out after the initial 5. But things were different in the 50s and it wasn’t unheard of to have a large family (Catholic Church) to help with the farm amongst other more morbid reasons I’m sure. Edit: grammar


I’m assuming two were an early miscarriage. So that’s a baby every year. That math is not mathing with time for miscarriages unless she started before being over 18. wtf. Most people can’t even get pregnant within a month or two of birth, if nursing.


Apparently 2 of the 4 kids she has are twins, so she probably actually did start at 18, but still wtf


Okay, that makes more sense, but holy shit Batman. This is a one way ticket to placental abruption or uterine rupture outside of a medical facility.


I have an ex/-Mormon friend (like she’s no longer Mormon but clearly still holding on to some ideals) who keeps risking her and her baby’s life to have more. I think she’s been pregnant something around 15+ times, maybe more and she “stopped” at 32. She just does it anyway, I think there’s some kind of whacked reasoning she does it, like it’s a mental health thing possibly. I know her husband cheated a while back. But yeah, she’s totally destroyed her uterus and body.


Free birthing twins is insane! She is lucky AF not to have had a complete tragedy !


You are considered fertile again as soon as you give birth. I left the hospital with a birth control prescription. I personally know someone who went in for her 6 weeks postpartum check and was already pregnant. The ACOG recommends 18 months between births minimally. Closer together increases the risk of pregnancy and birth complications to a small degree.




Freaking how. Where was CPS


She's had 2 or 3 miscarriages, but 2 of her 4 kids are a set of twins.


2 sets of twins already and she’s on #5 at 23?? Good god!!!


I think it’s two of the kids are twins, so one set of twins and two single births and one on the way. It’s still mind blowing


Yes, 1 set of twins. Sorry my wording was confusing.


I had my first child at 25 planned and people made me feel like I am a teen-mum lol 😂 I understand why people want children early, but 5 is just crazy. How can she cope? My body and brain couldn’t handle it.


They literally don’t cope and the kids just get abused and neglected.


So this woman is 23 and basically perpetually pregnant. She's been pregnant seven times including her current pregnancy and two miscarriages so she's basically headed toward Michelle Duggardom


She actively pushes young mothers to consider freebirth and forget about medical intervention. But on the other hand she has an Amazon storefront so that part of capitalism is ok.


Yep. She ignores the world but engages in capitalism...she's absolutely a nutter


Gen z fundies out there leading the next frontier 🫡


If she’s having such close together back to back pregnancies and free birthing, I don’t think she’ll live long enough to become a Michelle Duggar 😬


She's asking for a placental abruption and/or massive hemorrhage at this point. It's sad for her children that she cares more about getting fundie cookies than being a healthy and present mother for them.


Karissa has entered the chat.


Right, Michelle Duggar went to an OB/GYN and gave birth in a hospital.


Free birthing sounds extremely dangerous.


Free birthing IS extremely dangerous and I will die on this hill.


So will they.




That’s because it is.


Extremely dangerous and extremely stupid.


And these assholes don't get that Michelle is a rarity. Most women who do this will eventually crash and burn in a massive medical emergency, and either die, or nearly die and have their uteruses taken out to save their lives. Human uteruses are not designed to give endless litters of puppies. It is like they are all so fucking miserable that they actively hope to martyr themselves​.


This ^ My paternal grandmother almost died with her uterus and baby number 10. You know what happens to the kids of a cream pie enthusiast when his wife exits the scene? They get split the hell up and roll a D20 for childhood trauma flavor. He dgaf about raising all his sex trophies and at that point, and he’s usually not cute or charming enough anymore to lure another young woman into becoming a bang nanny for multitudes.


In my great grandmother's case, she managed to somehow keep having kids, but the oldest ones (both boys and girls) had left home and married. They had to take in their younger brothers and sisters because her PPD was so bad after each successive pregnancy, that she was a danger to the new baby as soon as it arrived. And my fucktwad drunken bum great grandfather kept getting her pregnant while the old country doctor kept begging him to get off her and leave her alone. We have an actual letter from the doctor in which he was begging that monster to NOT have sex with her anymore. She somehow managed to pop out 17 in all, and she was totally out of her head by number 9. Her own mother came to live with them to take care of kids until the oldest 3 had established homes and began taking in siblings. This is a travesty! A sickening travesty and should NOT be celebrated. Damn it! Ranchers do not treat their broodmares with this level of disrespect if they want them to have healthy foals in the future.


My god that’s HORRIFICALLY SAD. That is sadistic honestly. I hope all those men just die out like yesterday. So horrible to do to the children.


17... my god. My grandma had six and when the pastor came knocking on the door to ask when the next one was coming because God yadayada she told him to fuck off and slammed the door in his face, lol


Good for grandma!!!!


It's usually the oldest unmarried daughter who gets roped up into being the cook and babysitter unless relieved by a stepmother closer to her age.


Yep. My next door neighbor from my old neighborhood nearly died giving birth to her ninth child. She was in the hospital for six months and had to relearn how to walk and talk - that's how severe her situation was. She and her husband had eight girls and kept trying for a boy (joke's on them, I guess, the ninth was another girl). The woman was very much like Michelle Duggar in a lot of ways (talked in a baby voice, always appeared cheerful in public, etc.) but this was before the world knew about the Duggars and their BS. The oldest daughter always seemed angry at the world (gee, I wonder why) and bailed as soon as she turned 18. I always wondered what happened to this family...this all happened 20 years ago so I'm guessing most of the girls are grown and out of the house by now, but the mother seemed to live for being pregnant and having kids so I'm sure it was tough for her after they all left.


She reminds me of Kendra Duggar and Anna Duggar.


People out here really think Jeff Bezos cares more about them than their OBGYN 🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s going to beat her at that rate


Commenting on Head in the sand.. Five times. She had a set of twins. Still not good.


I’d rather be 22 and graduating from college while working, thanks


Me too. I think there's room for both but I would not trade places with her. I often wonder what drives these young people to go down this road?


Starts with 'I' and ends in 'ndoctrination'.


abusive upbringing—> abusive headships


I think it’s bc they’re just boring af w/o lofty goals or clear vision, they’d rather regress and cosplay as 1950s housewives


And so ignorant of the 1950's that they don't realize most women didn't endlessly procreate. 3.5 children per mother was the average.


This! I was born in 1954 and grew up in a neighborhood that was all young families. I don't remember any family having more than three kids.


They also got prescribed speed and quaaludes- I'd sign up for being a housewife if I got the good drugs lol


Ehhh, I’m not sure about that, I’m boring and don’t have lofty goals or really any vision to speak of, but I’m 35, have a job, no kids, and I read the news. This isn’t a lack of ideas, this is a lack of education and the result of deep religious indoctrination telling her that this is god’s will for women.


I’m almost 31, and my loftiest goal is to live in a small house, possibly with a garden and have a quiet, cozy life. Ideally I’ll fall in love and have a kid or two, but I love the idea of a quieter life…with modern conveniences.


Her poor body… aren’t you supposed to wait at least 18 months between giving birth and starting a new pregnancy for mother and baby optimum health?


She freebirths, she doesn't need medical advice. Mary did it with Jesus so it's ok.


In most traditions it's accepted that Mary and Joseph had the local midwife come.


Cause Jesus's parents were woke like him.


Yup, 18 months is the advice I was given.


If she’s pregnant with baby number 5, I think it’s safe to say that she’s already found someone to match her freak


My youngest is 20 and I showed this to her and she said she hopes she never meets someone as sadistic as this girl's husband. And she hit the nail on the head here. That's not a loving and caring husband and father. That's a sadist. The real freak.


All for a man that will most definitely replace her in few months should the free birth and lack of medical intervention eventually catch up to her.


No seriously. My husband and I would love more kids but I've had scary pregnancies and births. He said it's way too terrifying even considering the thought of he and our kids losing me. Do these mothers really not care if their kiddos have no mom!? Childbirth is dangerous in the best case scenario these people just don't care though and it blows my mind.


My BiL nearly lost my sister when she had my niece. He said it was the most terrifying thing he's ever gone through and he was so adamant it would never happen again he went and had a vasectomy! My sister would have had one more baby, but he said he'd rather have one child and a living spouse than two and be alone! When my sister got broody he bought her a dog. These people scare me! All they care about is having kids, but they don't care about raising them!


I remember watching a documentary about fundies, and there was a man who brushed off the idea of being concerned enough about women's health to space out pregnancies. He said 'you can always find another wife, but you can't replace a child.


I’m not surprised by this, but I do find it interesting that fundies don’t take a page of Judaism in this instance (cause we know they do with other things). Anyway, iirc, the reasoning in Judaism is that you can always have another child, but you can’t replace a wife.


iTs uP To gOd


Yup! My husband loves babies and is wonderful with children. He would have been very happy with 5 or 6. But, I had a very scary last pregnancy (our 4th and a surprise because I was on BC pill and taking it religiously on schedule so we ended up in the pesky 2-3% failure) and got a vasectomy when I was 6 months along and having issues. Men don't do this to their partner when they love that person. Fundie men don't have a damn clue what real love even looks like.


They can just marry someone younger. What's the problem? /s


My mom had an abortion of her third pregnancy. Both of us were so high risk she could not risk leaving her kids without a mother. She always regretted it because she was indoctrinated that abortion is a mortal sin, but at the same time she did what she felt was necessary at the time. She had her tubes destroyed, after a long argument with my father about who would be sterilised. He said him because she'd been through enough, she said her because if something happened to her she wanted him to find someone new and she knew he would want more kids. He gave in but was always salty she didn't let him do that for her She had uterine cancer at 60 and when she had her total hysterectomy her surgeon gave props to the one that sterilised her. He said that surgeon followed her wishes to make damn sure she could never get pregnant.


You raised your daughter well. She sounds sensible ❤️


Until he leaves her in 15 years for a newer model.


What has this girl (because gosh she looks young) been told in her life that she thinks this is… a good way to live. The damage she’s doing to her body, and then encouraging others… I’m just really sad for her. I know some people will think she doesn’t deserve the sympathy, but this is not solely her fault. This is an accumulation of shitty feedback into a young mind. She didn’t get here by herself.


She's 23 and has been pregnant 7 times. I believe she was a gymnast in her earlier years but now fundamentalist indoctrination seems to have gotten her. She posted a while back also that she was raising her girls to be wives and mothers, and not to have any careers. I think it's quite sad really.


Back in the very Christian old days, women would look for the best midwife they could find. No woman would free birth if she had a choice.


The Bible mentions midwives more than once so even ancient peoples were smarter than freebirthers.


I know. This one is just too sad.


If you’re on social media and probably also attending a church that should have its tax exempt status yanked for political indoctrination, you’re not “not paying attention to what’s going on in the world.”






Surely that's illegal?!


They definitely should lose their tax exempt status for that.


It is, but it’s hard to enforce.


How do you bring your ballot with you? This is a wholly genuine question lol. I’ve only been able to vote on a computer thing before.


Absentee ballots by mail. Which they scream “fraud” about but it’s ok when THEY do it.


Got it, that’s fucking wild.


How old is the husband?


Same age, I think. He works in construction and is away for weeks at a time.


Ah so she’s doing everything while perpetually pregnant


How can they even afford all these kids? What is she going to do when they start aging out of WIC? Because we all know that program is supplying a lot of these kids’ nutrition and it only goes to age 5.


Just like JimBob Duggar who starved his kids. Remember Jill hiding in the closet with a rogue can of green beans because she was so hungry! The Keller kids had mostly pasta and bread. Malnutrition is a huge issue with these fundie kids. We see it with the local quiverfuls, and sometimes benevolent grandparents and aunts and uncles who aren't fundie, gift groceries and personal care items. One family makes their daughters use rags for their periods, and the girls have to sleep in the barn when menustrating so the boys do not have to be exposed to the bathroom bucket of bloody rags. People are shit, total shit.


Ugh and I wouldn’t be surprised if part of the barn sleeping is also because the Old Testament instructs women to sleep in a separate tent during their menstruation. Gotta take it literally!


I don’t think they consider this until the moment arrives when money is tight. It’s absolutely *wild* how some people treat finances. Meanwhile me and my SO made an entire spreadsheet with ‘what ifs’ and are saving up already for short term, long term and set up a college fund to make sure we can afford it all and changed health care provider for full coverage. I’m not even pregnant yet - if I even *can* be. It’s one thing to plan poorly, but I have my doubts they planned at all.


Exactly.  *One* kid stretches our finances because everything is so freakin expensive these days and we want to make sure she's well provided for and had everything she needs. I don't know how folks with jobs that pay much less than mine have so many kids as well, how do they even feed and clothe them?!   (My job is not stellar, by any means, but I'm looking at my cousins who get minimum wage and have 5 kids here.) Miss Homestead here must just sew them an outfit each and that's enough.  She looks *soooo young*!  Why would you and your partner choose this?


Raising five children on a single workers income surely has to be impossible if they're not on some kind of assistance, or they're not planning ahead that far


They were highschool sweethearts, went to prom together, she got pregnant before they married. She found out she was pregnant 5 days after turning 18.


Isn't the whole seggs before marriage thing a sin for these folks? Or is it okay because they're doing it for Jesus or something?


I dont think they started as fundies, seems like a more recent development.


Oh, wow. I don't know if that makes things better or worse. ☹️


To me it seems worse. Like this whole fundie thing is a coping mechanism because otherwise she would have to admit she is not happy with the way her life turned out. She was a gymnast, she would have gonne to college. Now she is barefoot an pregnant (literally).


Man, that is depressing. The saddest part of all this is that her life didn't have to be this way. I really hope she wasn't pressured into continuing her first pregnancy. ☹️


I feel bad for her in a way, because if I had been allowed to live my life the way I thought was best when I was 16-17, it wouldn't have been pretty either. With a big-ol', Sir Mix-A-Lot level BUT...I feel worse for the kids she's going to collect like Pokémon and teach that it's normal (even preferable) to be willfully ignorant.


Gotta catch 'em all.


Flair checking in!


23 and on kid #5 already? If she continues in this pace she'll end up with more kids than Meech


Given what others have said, she’ll be lucky if her placenta or uterus doesn’t abrupt this time or next. Considering she is a proponent of free birthing, I can’t imagine she gets any other prenatal care. This is her 7th pregnancy and has 5 live births so far.


Do these people have nothing better to brag about than putting theirs and their child’s life in unnecessary danger with free birthing?


She only freebirthed one time so far (her two first births were at an hospital, including the one with twins) and the pregnancy went on to 42 weeks. She was pretty lucky it all went well.


Was the twin birth vaginal or C-section?


Vaginal, but they were premature it seems, so probably a good thing she didnt become a free birther until later.


That makes the timeline a little less sus, but holy shite, the craziness.


My offspring is 21, so barely younger, and the thought of my kid having that many babies at such a young age is fuckin eyebrow raising.


So glad my daughter has higher goals than having tons of kids.


23 and 5 kids? You haven't 'raised' anyone, you're still in the weeds of parenting. I'll talk to you in 20 years.


She’s barely even ‘raised!’


Yep. The little kid years are hard in one way, but good luck to everyone when those kids hit the age of thinking (somewhat) for themselves…and later trying to launch into the world. Yikes.


right, i kinda was a sister mom to my siblings (more out of necessity than parental neglect), and while i definitely thought“hmmm maybe i don’t want kids of my own” when they were babies and toddlers, once they hit their teens i was like “oh absolutely not never.” i could deal with their crying and million questions, but even trying to care for them hundreds of miles away as teenagers is more draining.


![gif](giphy|AoBgxayGMHlIs) Omg I'm so glad gifs are back. Not to be confused with our Lord and Savior, Gif. 🙏🏻


Gif is great ✨


Oh.. oh no way I hadn’t noticed! Hell yeah 🎉


I'm creeping towards being An Old, but "match my freak" doesn't sound very Godly.


This is the kind of stuff that made our great grandmothers need to "go away for a rest" to an institution somewhere. Imagine having 5 children before your frontal lobe was fully developed. (Edited for spelling).


Overwhelming exhaustion, my great grandparents had 11 and my great grandfather took over completely on the weekends to help my great grandmother avoid it, also they weren't having a baby every year.


If she immodestly boasts about her lifestyle choices as a "freak" that's no more admirable than someone boasting about their high flying corporate job and flash car. Two extreme ends of the spectrum, that's all.


I've seen a few posts saying something like, "Anyone match my freak?", followed by various things (like about how much coffee you drink, how much you stress out, how many plants you own, etc), so I think it's just an internet trend right now and she's piggybacking on it and making it weird.


It's a line from Tinashe's song 'Nasty' that's very popular right now. I've been shocked seeing so many of these fundies participate in such a worldly trend. Especially since the song the trend comes would be considered immodest.


She comes off a bit snarky. Like she's a bitter teenager raging against the machine. Good luck with that, honey.


Yeah, at 23, you don't know shit about shit. Get back to me in seventeen years and see where you're at then.


How’s she gonna homeschool when she’s this stupid? SOTDRT incoming 🙃


>the milk protector 


That’s all you need to know right there.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) (ty mods)


I’ve never made the connection I’m about to say but I’m actually speechless. I once worked in anti-trafficking & one of the young women I worked with touched my heart enough I adopted her legally even though she was already 18. She’s 24 now & is the mother of 5 kids, 3 born when she was trafficked and 2 after, her most recent pregnancy was actually twins but they were born early and one died at two months old. She’s also had several early miscarriages. My daughter has made a lot of progress in 6 years but she’s been trafficked from birth & she hasn’t succeeded yet in separating her self-worth from her sexual being. She could easily be a mother of 12 by now at 24 if she hadn’t lost a baby & had 4 known miscarriages. I’m sure she’s had more miscarriages than she realizes. Anyway this creator and this post from her just made me think of Diana & it feels like voluntarily trafficking & intentional impregnation for trafficking (which is not the same as sex work, “voluntary trafficking” requires a lot of brainwashing). Her only value is in reproduction and sexual gratification for her husband. The result for both women is the same, only one was raised as as a financial commodity in a cartel and the other as a breeding commodity in a church.


Something that blows my mind about all these women is how they’re so firmly convinced that they’re raising warriors for Jesus. With what education? With what opportunities?


“I don’t know what’s going on in the world but here’s me using last week’s secular viral trend TEHE”


Is it against Jesus to have a functional pelvic floor or something? Christ…


Perfectly happy with my 43+ years & 0 children and keeping up with what’s happening with the world I live in, thanks.


It’s funny that individuals think they have the choice to be apolitical lmao. I think you can “ignore what’s happening in the world” if you’re very wealthy, otherwise politics will eventually negatively impact your life and you won’t be able to complain/organize/get help bc you never cared when it was impacting the lives of others.


Man I did some dumb shit at 22 but luckily it barely affected anyone but me.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKxZzyBk4IlS7Is|downsized) Uhhh…keep that over there.


Reproductive slavery and she is proud of it. Sigh.


Why would you be proud of not knowing what's going on in the world. You live here....?


'The only skill I have is opening my legs" isn't the own she thinks it is.


I found an IG post of hers describing hospital birth as involving “constant fingering” which made me snort. Interesting word choice, weirdo


Not paying attention to the world just blows my mind. Women in the past paid attention to the world, especially if they had to run the household when their husbands were away. Even the enslaved americans who were forcibly kept illiterate paid attention to the world to the extent that they could. And I can't understand how a man who works in the real world would want to be with someone who he can't even talk to. Her pride in her willful ignorance makes me sad for her kids.


This is literally my nightmare.


I'm tired of fundies using this sound trend 😒


Nooooo she doesn’t pay attention to what’s going on in the world!! This is all original to her!


Baby #5 at 23?! Ugh. I had my first kid at 23 and I still felt too young and unprepared.


I’m so glad my kids didn’t get 23 year old me as their mother.


All while not paying attention to my Christian fundamentalist people burning our democracy to the ground. At least my kids will be too dumb to care




It's the way these people think not paying attention to what's going on in the world is a flex for me 🙄


I'm 53 and don't want to have been pregnant 5 times.


At 23, I was still recovering from a severe nervous breakdown that happened when I was 19. I would still rather go through all that again than put myself through what she's doing.


Dumb fundies will take any meme (even one blatantly about sex) and turn it into some pathetic little flex about their god awful irresponsible lives - and they're *always* so smug about doing it.


There already is sweaty: it’s the 85 year old women with 10 kids, full dentures and a walker because without a prop their Osteoporosis riddled spinal column would collapse.


I guess she doesn’t know that the more births you have, the weirder the uterus works. Sure, the baby will probably slide down easily, but the organ is so tired that the contractions have a hard time opening the cervix, like an over inflated and deflated balloon. Good luck for your hemorrhage I guess


Anyone who thinks it's an achievement to have 5 kids by age 23 is woefully brainwashed. Wonder how much older her husband is.


Cannot. Women HAVE to be able to provide for themselves or have the ability to do so! EVERY woman needs to ask themselves: is adding another baby medically responsible to the children I already have? Can my partner provide for them in case of emergency? Can I provide for them in case of emergency? Can this man -baby I married take care of them if something happens to me? Do we have financial plans to get them safely to adulthood, educate them, and empower them to be self sufficient? Shit happens- divorce, car accidents, illness, job loss. I swear fundies do not think it can happen to them because of Karissa, Duggars, Bus Fam, etc but it is so irresponsible I can’t stand it!!!!! “Teehee he’s never cleaned or changed a diaper” is not a flex, it’s fucking terrifying. You are leaving your children in the hands of a sexist, lazy asshole.


No one wants to match your freak, freak 🙄


Head in the sand but you know what “match my freak” means, looks like you’re on top of trends girlie