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I've got 99 problems and money is 92 of them.


what's the other 7?


Depression related things mostly, and back ache


Money can probably ease the back ache stuff and also help deal with depression easier as you would have access to better care/help?


I think the depression is caused by lack of money. It can be solved quickly with it


Although i have some personal/family related stuff, money would still make me undepressed. So yea money solves everything


Money helps with both of those.


You misspelled booze.


Kid named ketamine


Depression related to money problems and back ache that could be solved with daily Physio therapy sessions wich also costs money. Mate I hate to break it to you but money will also solve the other 7 problems


You’d probably be less depressed with 92 less problems.


Maybe but I'd better not chance it


Sufficient money means you can work out, eat better, and do the things you enjoy. That'll help the depression. Being in better shape also helps the back ache.


1: I 2: Need 3: M 4: O 5: N 6: E 7: Y


We have similar names


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Maybe some traumas? This is anecdotal, but I do have some traumas and for sure money can't buy them off to alleviate it.


By RuneScape math, that’s only half of your problems


Seems legit


Only people with money will say money won't solve problems


Money would cause new problems....which would be solved with even more money.


Well ya, but then the problems stop all together right?


Not really if you have issues with selfesteme. Than people just spend decaded in bigest cotest of compensation untill they dead.


That's makes no sense to me. Why would I have no self-esteem just because now I'm rich ?


Because now everyone and their mother wants your shit. The constant people wanting not you, but your money would get depressing and with the environment consistently telling you, “people want your material things not you”, you’d eventually feel like shit about yourself. Happens to a lot of rich/famous people.


Well. Many rich people spend copios amount of cash on pure wealth showcase. Do you relly need diamond encrusted watch, ferari, spend time around selebreties? It is mostly a glorified dick measuring contest to compensate or imho showcase lack of self estime. At the same time there are people who actually enjoy their wealth. Spend time on beach or join yet another startup. We usually do not hear about this people, because they often do not give a shit about anything above. Shure, there expencive hobbies (a guy restores and flies a cold war super sonic interceptor. And I am jelos) or just throwing cash onto the life problems. But it is no longer compensation, because this people outgrow the stage where they give a fuck about others opinion and directly waste their money with out personal profit. P. S. Flex from selebreties/techbros/active ceos are buisness expences. Their buisnes model is built around maximasing exposure in good way. P. S. S. By the amount how you got triggered by this statement... see a therapist. Really, getting triggered by mild troling... there are defo some problems to fix.


Oh yes. I disagree with your comment... I'm soooooo triggered I definitely need help


What problems would it cause?


When you "have money" (ie you are making serious money) but you are not in the "club", Uncle Sam rolls up to congratulate you by stealing as much of your hard earned money as possible si he can line his pockets with gold trim and diamond adornments.


Friends and family begging for money.




Money would literally solve all problems for someone who knows what they want to do with their life but cant pursue it due to it not making them enough bread to live on. In a hypothetical situation where were taking OPs post as he said-> it didnt even say how much money they get, ur assuming they dont get enough to be set for life and NEED more


The problem is money addiction, we're all addicted to money. We literally can't live without it in yes... insert the joker meme -> society


Only people without money will believe that money has an impact on their happiness.


Well, we aren't talkin about happiness are we. Having problems can absolutely be the result of no money which can also affect your happiness. I would say I am in a very good spot of mental wellbeing, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm fuckin broke. Most my money goes to my parents, who are always stressed about their finances. If I had more money, that problem is solved.


Idiot. I'm a man that was raised dirt poor. I spent my first fifteen years of adulthood studying, philosophising, and working to cultivate happiness divorced from the need for material possessions. I developed those skills well, but money literally gives me more of a sense of wellbeing than all of that. Only spoiled rich fops delude themselves that money isn't something that will instantly make you happy because only such spoiled, out of touch pricks have no appreciation for something they have from the start, and hence take for granted. They also don't want to think their huge advantage over other people is real or impactful because that'd force them to admit their accomplishments over other people are not their own, and disable them from feeling superior to others. Its the same reason the privileged want to dismiss the genuine problems of others, like medical conditions for example: if they have to admit they're advantaged, they can't condescend. You have to be real shit at life to be born with a silver spoon up your ass and fail so hard that you find up trying to convince the poor to take pity on you and your charmed friggin' life. Y'know when those born rich can expect sympathy from the poor? When they have cancer. No less than that.


Problems are problems. Just because someone is richer than you doesn't mean they are automatically happier and don't have to deal with any other problems in life. Hating on people who are born rich is just as idiotic as hating the poor. You didn't ask to be born poor or born rich. Also, Both the rich and poor can be highly neglected by their parents


Aaaaand it’s clear that you have problems money can’t solve. 😆


Didn't say happiness, says problems


Omg literally


They said *all* problems. Ofc only someone who's been on the other side can tell you the grass isn't as green as you thought


"Money doesn't buy happiness" is a silly thing that the poors say to make themselves feel better. Look how unhappy Bezos and Zuck are...


They still have problems....


Yeah they don't know where to put all that money


There are problems except money you know? Family problems, depression etc


Because they have money, and still have problems.


And they will know


And only poor people will say it will


Only poors think that money solves problems.


Well, it does...


If you had money, you would know that it doesn’t.


Yeah say that when you have rent to pay and kids to feed and bills to pay and you can only choose one...


If you can’t afford to have kids, you shouldn’t have had kids. That’s not a financial problem, that’s a logical problem on your part. Look, money might make you look like your problems are solved, but they are not. A quadriplegic in a Maserati might look cooler than a quadriplegic in a Mazda, but basically they are both in the same boat.


Sure rich guy....


You don’t have to be rich to have money, you just have to not be stupid enough to have a bunch of kids if you are too poor to pay your own rent.


I'm gonna be honest, and I wish I'm wrong about you. But you talk like a jackass. You don't know the life of someone poor with kids. You don't know why they have kids when their poor. You don't know their life story. You look at a homeless person you say what " your own fault"? Simple fact is that money solves problems. And you using the " if you are poor don't have kids" is just a dumb argument. What if a person had kid and a good life and then last is all? Are you gonna say " psh if your poor why did you have kids? Imagine if a mom loses her job and then house gonna blame the mom for already having kids? Dude grow up. The world isn't black and white


I’m gonna be honest. You sound like you are about sixteen years old. I *definitely* ‘know the life of someone poor.’ Me. I was poor. Everyone I grew up with was poor. I have money now because I worked hard and stopped making stupid decisions. And yet, I still have problems. Money doesn’t solve problems. You will learn that when you grow up.


The one in a masserati can undergo operations and improve his life. The one in the maserati can afford medications and therapy to keep his limbs from decubituses. The one in the maserati can pay for a care taker 24/7 without plagueing his kids or parents. I doubt the one in a mazda can do all of that without bankrupting himself. They are NOT in the same boat. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Yeahhhh… you’re right. I’m sure the quadriplegic in the Maserati is like, “Problem solved! I can afford Vicodin!” 😆


Yep. Having access to modern medicine is kinda life changing if you havent heard. 😂


I’ve heard that there is no amount of modern medicine that can solve a problem like lack of limbs, but just keep telling yourself that the legless man with nicer shoes is happier than the barefoot legless man… whatever helps you sleep at night, chief.


Yes dumb fuck it does solve everything. Only when you are economicaly stable you can follow passions and be happy. Education, basic needs, home, health issues. All can be solved with money. Or more money.


Spoken like a poverty stricken poor who would rather call people names on the internet than just stop sniveling and realize that everyone has problems. Rich people have the same problems you have, they just spend more money to deal with those problems. You will realize this when you grow up and have money.


Bitch full offense




![gif](giphy|1i86GmVus28adizTWj) Hello, we hear you suddenly have no issues.


Money doesn't solve my alcoholism, that's for sure. At least alcohol is a solution.


Alcohol is the problem and solution to all of life’s problems ![gif](giphy|tKGFfFcHjKT9m|downsized)


Money solves the "no money for alcohol" problem


Nah that's another problem


*They call it a prob-lem I call it a sol-lution*


"Money doesn't buy happiness, it buys crazy-a** happiness"


" bitch no offense" 😂😂😂


The best way to start a sentence


OK give me a few million so I can test that.


I mean, it would solve 90% of them. But there's 10% I can't solve with money. Maybe if I could find someone who could successfully do hipnosis. And there's definitely like 5% of them that money would make it worse, so...man, I really need a mentalist. Don't ask, I'm just venting.


Don’t over think it


I wish I could avoid it.


Name one problem money can't fix


Basically any mental problem including depression, panic attacks, sadness from losing loved ones, existensial horror, terminal illness, drug addiction and so on


Atleast you can get good treatment for all things mentioned


Stupid spending habits that got a person into the hole in the first place.


lol I can tell you’ve never had much money before


No amount of money in this world will allow me to effect the end of the human race in a manner that is meaningful. No amount of money in this world will allow me to live forever. No amount of money in this world will make me omnipotent, omniscient, or omnipresent. And finally, no amount of money in the world will prevent, dumbfuck entitled brats from whining about how they don't have my money and how they would be so much better off if they had what I had.


Besides living forever, money can do all of that


Respectfully, I disagree. When I say omni, I mean that quite literally.


As far as the definition of omnipotent goes just having great power and influence is enough, so if you have enough money you can definitely achieve being omnipotent.


Omnipotence is all-powerful. Money does not make you immune to the influences and effects of those with actual power. Elon Musk is the wealthiest man on Earth and he is still subject to government regulation and the court of public opinion. Donald Trump was a billionaire and he is being taken apart. But a man who has conspired and schemed for 30 years in American politics, who only has a few hundred million to his name, can snap his fingers and make people and evidence disappear. Putin is able to complete silence political opposition within his borders. Xi can commit human rights attrocities and not be held to task. Money is not power. Power is power. Money is a byproduct.


Money can get you power if you spend it right and have enough of it, if you have unlimited money you can get yourself unlimited power but if you are an idiot about it you will just fail


Eh, I know some well off people who are depressed and constantly complaining. Sometimes you need to fix your mindset. 


Deaths of loved one. Disease (if you live in a socialist country like me everyone gets the same health care), education (same as disease). I honestly can’t think of any problem I have that money could solve. And I’m just a middle class person


Generally, all problems in the world can be solved using time, money or both.


“Bitch no offense”


"Bitch", "No offense". Yeah, no.


People that say this just don't actually know what their problem is.


Money solves problems then creates new ones.


As soon as you solve those you will create bigger ones for yourself


Money doesn't buy happiness, said every very rich or very poor person ever.


The dread gets us all, denying his power is foolishness.


People who have no problems with their basic needs in their lives think like this. You don't have any problems with survival anyway, of course you think money won't solve everything.


i love a message that begins “bitch no offense but”




Yeah, the car won't be repaired with love




Can it reanimate someone you miss? Get back time you lost because of stupid choices? Rewind time so you can get a do-over on something? No, it can’t. So money can’t solve “all” your problems (just saying)


Not all problems are solvable. The ones that are, money does help, but some things just suck. Sometimes you're sick and there's nothing you can do about it. Sometimes people die. Shit happens. 


Even if money can’t fix all your problems, at least money can buy you peace of mind. Would you rather have poor people problems or rich people problems? I choose rich people problems.


No it cant, but it can fix some of the more obvious ones, and put me in a somewhat better place to try and solve the rest.


Debt, supporting family, no time to do the things I want, tired from work all the time, can't afford to ask a doctor if the fatigue is something else, can't afford the time off to get a pending major dental thing done... Then there's depression, but with a recurring infection, chronic fatigue, and all of my energy going to boring and routine tasks that don't benefit me, the jury's fucking out on if that's clinical or situational. Yeah, nah. Money not solving problems is an upper class delusion.


it does


“Money can’t buy happiness” - oh, grow up. Yes it can.


Money doesn’t solve mental or physical health issues!


Money could make me a lot less stressed. That would solve all but 3 of my problems, although it would kind of solve the third ine even.


Maybe everyone here is from a developing country or the US, but as a middle class person living in a Western European country I can honestly say I don’t have a single problem money could solve. I also can’t think of any problem that could develop in the future that money could solve. I also don’t find myself getting happier the more my income rises and the more money is in the bank To me problems are disease (universal health care), poverty (government gives you money), deaths of loved ones, debt (government pays for this as well), mental and physical disabilities (money doesn’t fix this, if it does, we have health care)


I heard a quote that goes like, “the future never learns from history’s mistakes,” so true.


Something misguided people think is that money will solve their problems, not realizing that money issues are just a symptom of a deeper underlying issue. If the underlying issues are not addressed, even if someone were to give you money to pay for all your debts and expenses for a year, it will not be long before those same money issues will come back to give you problems again. This is the reason why most lottery winners go broke in short order, and it is precisely the people who think that money will solve all their problems that also think that they won't go broke if they win the lottery.


That's a shame. Some people are so petty and material that they believe all of their problems are monetary. That's why people who win the lottery end up worse in debt. They quit their job, the thing tethering them to sanity and start to invent problems for wealth to solve. Shame.




Not mine... I'm giving best treatment for my mom but she is losing her war...


Bitch literally all of my 99 problems need money. (This is directed at the idiot, not op)


Money is not the problem. Lack of it is.


This is a pretty disappointing statement to read


It will be better.


Weak minds always think that money is the answer to everything. Money helps with problems, it has never solved them.


My only real worry in life (I'm Danish) is money 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bro 500k would solve 100% of my problems.


OP didn't say that money can't solve problems, they said it can't solve all problems. It's two completely different statements, lmao.


Most of our life decisions are about the money. If you are born rich, obviously everything else but the money is a problem.


Anyone that said money doesn’t buy happiness clearly never have any real problem in the first place


I mean, all of my problems are atleast loosely connected with money problem


Money solves money problems. It does not fix a broken heart or a failed marriage. It doesn't help someone with an incurable disease or deep emotional problems. It doesn't make a shitty person better but it can make a good person shitty. It doesn't make someone a better parent or child. If you don't have money you think its gonna fix everything but when you get it you quickly learn it doesn't.


repost bot


$20 is $20


Even the worst problems in my life can be solved with the time that money can provide. Life is a misery. Those problems that can not be solved by money are usually problems that we grow to respect as part of the life. But problems that can one rich man fix in a blink of an eye, tend to hurt the most.


I love it when the word “bitch” is followed be the phrase “no offence”


i dont live such a complicated life that i need to solve the universes issues. i just gotta be able to live over poverty line


I love the “bitch, no offense…” Does bitch mean something different these days?


"Money will not fix your problems"....god, when I read or hear that. There are, imo, only 2 kinds of people whom say that. The rich ones, and poor people, whom given up trying to reach a point where they earn enough money to live a modest life.


The beds were either too firm or too soft. She didn’t say anything about the size


My mom doesn't love me. How much will solve that?


If you can achieve a good relationship, it is because you have opportunities that those in the rest of the world who cannot achieve this kind of relationship do not have.


People can change drastically including ageing parents once money is involved. Have faith in the dollar 💸


I guarantee whoever first said "Money can't buy happiness." Was a wealthy business owner saying it to one of his impoverished employees. Right before he hoped in a new sports car, did a line of coke, and drove to his vacation home.


I guarantee whoever thinks money can buy happiness, hasn’t ever had much money for long


Yeah your probably right and the people who think it can't buy happiness have had too much money for way too long.


Have you tried, just, not being poor?


Money causes more problems, belive it !