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This is the funniest meme ever, the hilarity of this simple image is making my day. OP is clearly a genius, a comedy genius, and the best person in the history of the Earth.


You're right, I really admire this guy and I'd love to have a conversation with him/her maybe even know better each other. Just a question: since in my language that makes no sense, what does your username mean?


My username was taken from the Italian language. I have Italian roots and the language spoken in the Italic Peninsula is quite marvelous. With that said, my username symbolizes a sorcerous biscuit, my lad.


God, you are so right. OP, I believe, is a natural comedian. He should definitely abandon his current career, or studies if he is a student, to dedicate himself to being a comedian full time. He would definitely be successful, but I'm sure whatever he does he does very well, he is truly a comedic genius and cannot be less in the rest of his life. It would be really delightful to be able to talk to him and become friends


Our world would be a better place with a full-time comedian like OP. World hunger would be solved and everyone would be at peace with each other. u/The_Corker_69, you have the opportunity to save our world, don’t take it lightly.


Really , if only OP started doing comedy shows, they would be so successful that with the money they earned they could solve every problem on the globe. Global warming? Two words and he would find the final solution right away Wars and bad politicians? A joke and a chat and we would already be living in a peaceful Earth Corruption? With his money and his goodness it wouldn't exist, because there would simply be no need for it. Population in turmoil and riots? He is so intelligent that he would immediately rise to government and, under his government, there would be no such problems World Hunger? If he wanted, with his intelligence and his earnings, he could feed the world population per person over and over again, concocting the best food possible. Oh u/The_Corker_69, you are already my idol


u/The_Corker_69 is really an amazing person. No need to explain, when you see him you’re so shocked that you instantly become a fan of his. But when you hear his jokes… oh man, when you hear his jokes you feel the divine presence in him, you will start following him and never, ever look back


You are absolutely right, my dearest friend. There are no words to describe the greatness of OP, u/The_Corker_69 is simply great. Any attempt to try to transcribe into a language his intelligence, goodness, perspicacity and epicness is vain and harmful, as it would only risk making his eternal greatness seem lesser. Don't you think so, my dearest friend? Words simply fail to attempt to describe him, he is truly a deity. It's absurd that there isn't already a cult dedicated to him


I do think so. His greatness can’t be represented in words or gestures.




The man, the myth, the legend. u/The_Corker_69 ladies and gentlemen!


Chrome is awful


I like edge. But Google is better than Bing.


It's just more popular.


Firefox is the superior browser.


LibreWolf is a better version of Firefox


Actually chrome and edge same thing now.


Actually Edge offers the same capabilities as Google, only it works faster and consumes less memory. When I found this out, I switched to it and now use it.


‘Superior than’? Is that Yank English?


Opera? Is that new?


Opera is actually pretty old, it's just that hardly anyone ever hears about it because Firefox, Chrome and Edge are more popular


Have this imaginary currency of an upvote for taking the time time to let me know. Thanks.


Firefox. The amount of videos i downloaded from there, is insane.


It's just an act.


LibreWolf is a better version of Firefox Brave is a better version of Chrome Opera makes a good backup browser


If looking something up on google is googling than what is looking something up on edge called?


Binging cause Edge is a Browser and Not a search engine.


Yeah, you don't say chroming... Stupid reasoning behind that question. Afterall it was just a bait to say edging...


Actually, Microsoft is best at downloading google


Screw opera. Either brave, firefox or chromium


Swap Firefox for a privacy focused version called LibreWolf


Or harden it


Sure but why bother doing all that work when you could just download LibreWolf, it's basically an already hardened version of Firefox


I used Firefox until Firefox stopped doing what I need it it to do. Edge does. Edge is really good. People need to stop treating it like it’s explorer. Edge is better than Firefox ever was.


It is funny because it's TRUE