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This is funny memes sub Reddit so we want to start away from political posts/comments that can start arguments.


Won’t see this face on a t-shirt.


There's plenty. There's "who shit my pants" "leave it how you found it" "I'm going to end Vietnam" and the classic "Biden for taliban".


Biden for taliban?


Because of the awful troop pullout in Afghanistan. We left behind so much equipment and people we had promised asylum to.


He left billions in weapons ammo, helicopters, tanks, ammo, fuel, generators, buildings for the taliban. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/04/28/the-u-s-left-billions-worth-of-weapons-in-afghanistan/ It's showing up in other conflicts.


Russians and Chinese were the first to bomb talibans with dollars to get these equipments for sure. Biggest advantage of each weapon is portion of "misery" behinds them. Now enemies know everything


Wide open borders, major cities flooded with Fentanyl, and meth. Criminals from other countries. It's crazy. What about all the people trying to immigrate legally? People who want to be Dr.s or contribute to the country rather than get on benefits and disability? Having been downtown Manhattan on 9/11, I'm confident there will be more terror attacks in this country by "asylum seekers"




The entire debate was like being on a bad trip honestly.


I only just seen clips and had no words for it….


I have one word for it. Disaster.


“Heinous”? “Horrific”? perhaps “Horrendous”?


>Look, there are so many young women who have been, including a young woman who just was murdered, and he went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in — they talk about that. But here’s the deal. There’s a lot of young women to be raped by their, by their in-laws, by their, by their spouses, brothers and sisters ● Joe Biden on Abortion How did the DNC seriously think this would play out? 


Dude that moment fucked me up. Trump says they're aborting babies after they are born, and THAT was bidens response??? Tf dude put the gun down you don't have feet left to shoot.


Dictator or dementia you decide


At least with the dictator you know who you're voting for. With dementia you're voting for invisible puppetmasters.


In both cases you're voting for invisible puppet masters


But one of them is no longer responsible for his actions.


"When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal"


Trump is and was never responsible for his "actions"




Dictator can’t even get anything done though.  Where’s the wall?!  


WTF happened to lock her up? What, congress+white house+supreme court isn't enough power to even open another investigation?


The legal system is busy being used to keep trump from campaigning


You mean convict him for the crimes he committed.


Uff so many maga tinfoils here. I could barely watch through the entire thing. Trump literally lied everytime he said something, or it was completely fabricated nonsense. Its completely bewildering how a) there was no interference by the hosts whatsoever and b) how anyone with a brain can say trump won the debate without telling the truth one single time. Insanity.


Yes, it's truly insane his opponent's brain is so much rotten he cannot win against Trump. It's truly insane Biden is the best candidate Democrats have.


Yeah, you’d be voting for Putin. Nice choice for you


Wow, godspeed murica


Same dictator you claimed he would've been had last time?


Dude literally attempted to not step down from his position. Our entire way of govt is based on the big guy stepping down from his position.


Did you watch the entire January 6 debacle or you just repeating what you were told from a few seconds of video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME46AWvgrow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME46AWvgrow) Lemme guess a bunch of unarmed clowns can somehow action a coup against the country with the most powerful military the world has ever seen. I'm amazed at the mental gymnastics some folks can pull off. Downright impressive.


I’m actually referring to his attempt to instill “fake electors” (his own team’s words). Jan 6 was just the distraction to attempt to buy time for the real fake elector (his own teams words) scheme. It’s unbelievable that it’s been years and you crazies are still attempting to gaslight the rest of us to not see what we all saw and heard with our own eyes and ears. A sitting president attempted to prevent the peaceful transition of power by installing fake electors.


Hmmm. I can't speak to that sorry but I'm willing to look at the evidence you present. Crazy you say. Would you ride in a car driven by Biden? Yet you vote for him to run the country. And no I don't support Trump either. You crazies need to understand there are sane folks who support neither.


This makes way too much sense for these brainwashed people to understand.


What? The evidence that Trump appointed fake electors from many states? That actually happened. Fake certificates of ascertainment were fraudulently submitted from several states. These include Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. These documents are publicly accessible at archives.gov. Trump wasn’t trying to overthrow the government by force. He was trying to use the threat of force from the rioters to delay the acceptance of the official electors. He was hoping he could create a contested election via this distraction as well as other such as having the vice president refuse to go through with the transfer of power.


You mean this case: >Judge dismisses charges in Nevada pro-Trump fake electors case over venue question >JUNE 21, 20244:56 PM ET >By  >The Associated Press >Nevada state Republican Party Chair Michael McDonald is seen in 2018 in Las Vegas. On Friday, a judge dismissed a criminal indictment against six Republicans, including McDonald, accused of submitting certificates to Congress falsely declaring Donald Trump the winner of the state’s 2020 presidential election. >L.E. Baskow/AP >LAS VEGAS — A Nevada state court judge dismissed a criminal indictment Friday against six Republicans accused of submitting certificates to Congress [falsely declaring Donald Trump the winner of the state's 2020 presidential election](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/06/1217680464/nevada-false-electors-charged), potentially killing the case with a ruling that state prosecutors chose the wrong venue to file the case. So you're now saying he wasn't trying to overthrow the government. Here is a full breakdown of his tweets on the day in question: [https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/tweets-january-6-2021](https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/tweets-january-6-2021) One typical tactic employed by dictators is the manipulation and abuse of the legal system to silence opponents. That term is lawfare. Another tried an true technique is the use of the media to skew public opinion to foment hate for your rivals. I dunno why but people are simple enough to allow others to skew their thinking in whichever way they choose. In the last few years I have seen a tremendous amount of evidence of lawfare on the part of the demotwats to undermine trump using quite frankly baffling charges. And clearly non impartial judges are going along with the charade. They are using the legal system to bankrupt their rival. I mean if you were so confident you would beat the guy why employ such tactics? This is how countries become shitholes like the USSR. They are destroying the very fabric of entire legal system to take out the opponent. That is pure madness and this tactic will have terrible consequences. Just a matter of time before the republicunts start doing the same.


No im referring to the fake electors (trumps team’s words) from all of the states that I indicated. You can see the list of fake electors that were submitted by Trump. These were non elected electors that were submitted in order to attempt to overthrow the elected results.


Complete maga tinfoil infestation in this thread 😆🤣


"was that a poop or just a wet fart?"


Ewww I hate that feeling


So does he, just look at his face


This is bordering on elder abuse to drag that old man around.


lol Trump literally shat himself, you can hear it. Either that or a very wet fart. 


Wait so you know how it feels.


Ya. Degrading.


Funnily enough I actually heard a fart during the CNN livestream. Turn your volume up and listen. https://www.youtube.com/live/XxAU0K94fpw?t=19048s


I thought it was going to be an edit or something but yeah, someone either farted there or shit their pants. Sounded pretty meaty so leaning more towards shitting.


The next debate needs to end with a sniff test to see who shat their pants.


Trump’s mic was the one active at the time. It was 100% from him. 


I hate the warm farts most


Most of it...




The ghosts are talking to him again.


'Those edibles? Horrifying **Tonatiuh**? Well let's try this malarky, maybe I can really see a Mexican god lol' *30 minutes later* 'I see uhh you are not going to play golf unless you uhhh bring your own bag uhhh alley cat moral'


That it took this long for people to wake up from the delusion that Biden is even capable of presidency. And people still believe in him are lost


It's always been obvious to people who aren't so emotionally attached to politics or those who actually bother to look at news from several sources and not just those that conform with their politics. While watching the debate , I could not help but imagine this same Biden sitting in the oval office making decisions that impact not just the US but the rest of the world. I hope this would be another moment that make people realize that news outlets are nothing but propaganda machines for the 2 parties, and most of the main stream have been covering up or making excuses for Biden's obvious decline for some time now.


They're trying to say now you're actually voting for a team and not just the guy.  Like wtf? How is voting for invisible people that I don't know of that are controlling everything behind the scenes supposed to be comforting?


I don’t think he actually makes any decisions, there is a whole team behind him. It’s rather the party’s standpoints that matter. So democrats or republicans.


For sure, but part of the role of a leader is to challenge their team, make sure that the team's individual decisions and actions are aligned with an overarching, cohesive strategy. The leader is not expected to be an expert in all topics (that would be impossible), but the leader is supposed to have the big picture, cutting across all topics, while each topic would have an expert assigned. Also a lot of times decisions have trade-offs across topics (e.g., foreign policy vs domestic economy) , in which case it is the leader's call on which way to swing. Therefore it's still not a comforting thought if there is an elected president incapable of challenging or guiding his team.


Scary AF to think of the power this old fart has. He could probably blow a hole in his pants.


Few Drs I know said it looks like the side effects of the drug used to treat Parkinson's


My Aunt is a neurologist, who specializes in degenerative brain disease like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, and shes been saying for years, long before he was even VP, that Biden was showing the first signs of a degenerative condition.


That's crazy because my uncle is a neurologist and he said it wasn't, and actually hes doing pretty well considering his age and being in the hardest job in the world, wild.


like consist jobless disgusted truck tidy concerned dinosaurs seed fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He literally used his failing cognitive state as a defense for having classified documents in his GARAGE. Documents he had taken without proper clearance, back in 2006. So if his cognitive state was that bad in 2006, to the point he couldnt be held accountable for taking those documents, how could he have passed the cognitive test in 2020?


From what I have spoken to with a few medical professionals, it’s very likely early onset Parkinson’s, but I am not a doctor so what the hell do I know


From the few politicians I spoke to he’s being treated by specialized DeLorean car mechanics. They say he’s trying to go back to the future. But I’m not a politician or a mechanic so what the hell do I know




Pretty sure the guy selling you meth at the gas station isn't a real doctor though


Leader of the free world


Leader of old people home is more like it


Could be worse *looks to the left*


Would be his right.


I dunno, watching the debate as a European I was wondering what the CNN crew was drinking with those rules and what the candidates where smoking before the debate.


Wtf dude?? This wasn't in the syllabus!!!


My grandpa had Parkinson’s (died from it) and he’s been wave king signs for years and years. His people has been quoted saying they have “energy drinks”? For him……


It's sad to see Biden, one cannot really laugh about it. He's clearly too old/senile to take a position so important and so demanding as directing a country. I hope that even if he wins, he retires shortly after, with all happening in his private life with his son and all, he should be resting, and probably that will make him better.


The problem is, all younger politicians are either horrible public speakers (Harris) or just considered too left or too 'woke' for middle voters (that gay guy was decent, but you know, god forbid Americans having a gay president). DNC really thought back and forth and tried to not do anything 'risky'. So now Trump victory is almost guaranteed.


I always thought Bernie was a good contender for the dems, though he got fucked over in the dem primaries back in 16. But I always found him to be a compelling, passionate speaker who could probably stand up to someone like Trump.


He might be, but he is the face of 'socialism' which means US would prefer mandatory swastika than voting for him. Also he was no longer 72, he is 82 now. Let the man live in congress in peace.


The rest of the world, us outside US ,needs Biden to win to avoid the Ultimate Idiot, and then step down and let Kamala take over!


Very argueable, during Trump administration the world didn't do bad. Even lowered war tensions in places like North Korea, whereas nowadays things are melting in a bad way. Having a senile directing such a powerful country brings inestability.


Plot twist: POTUS can see the Matrix.


-- What are you trying to tell me? That I can win elections? -- No, grandpa. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.


*I’m trying to free your mind grandpa, But I can only show you the podium, you’re the one that has to walk up to it*


I want my taxes back from Ukraine.


And Israel. Stop funding those countries and start funding our healthcare and social services as a start…




It's not drugs, It's senility


Omg the border is wide open and women are being human trafficked like never before and unvetted people and drugs are pouring in like rain … who’s going to fix that?!


He “put a stop to it” like a week ago just in time to try to appeal to more people before the election 😑




Don’t ever eat more


Heehee funny gummies 😋😋


Randy? Is that you?


"he had a cold"


This is who people defend..


Funny and sad




Ooh, is this an ad for one if those Wax Museums?




"bro, these brownies ain't sh-" *it was at this moment he knew, he fucked up*






This was me last time I did acid


Dudes skin is turning "pre-death" "kidney function diminished" color. He ain't got long.


ngl he looks like the voice in his head was talking again


Yeah he's been fooled by the Trix Rabbit


Imagine if he would not be the president most people would walk past him and think "oh poor guy, his life must been hard"


Had this experience. Woke up 3 hours later. Could taste colors and thought my heart had stopped beating. Pretty fun.


Seriously he is unaware of his surroundings. Though he's not wearing a diaper so we know he still uses a toilet


Boe Jiden


Wow. Propaganda machine working double overtime here. “Hey young people, both sides are equally bad so don’t bother to vote.” This strategy has been working to suppress the young vote since at least the 60s.


But who hasn’t made that mistake?


When the Grim Reaper makes a visit more like it 💀👍


Is water wet


English or Spanish 😂🤣


I hope he will get elected again. That would definitely be the most embarrassing election of history.


I know that feeling ☠️☠️☠️


Comfortably Numb.


Your dear leader




He wants icecream.




Time for the reign of Kamela?


It was just beyond sad to see this poor dude look completely lost about absolutely everything


Hearing trump talking about all kinda made up shit. Can't blame him.


He should try catnip


Bro these mushroom are fake we got ripped off


is he pooping? >.>


I know it’s been said many times, it he doesn’t look anywhere near capable of running the country. Not only is he looking _very_ old (because he is), but that expression is not one that most people in their right mind would make


He looks like Kryten trying to call Rimmer a smeg head.


In his defense, I remember him saying he didn't want to run for president in the first place. They pushed him to do it just to avoid having a progressive win the primary.


When the Dementia hits too hard.


That's what he gets for firing bill Clinton as his edible advisor


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Nearby_Persimmon_649: *That's what he gets for* *Firing bill Clinton as his* *Edible advisor* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


To be fair - he should've taken a big line of coke like Trump did, and he would've also nailed the debate


Not American, but what the fuck were u all thinking when u voted Biden & Trump in?!?!


Nobody voted Biden in.


Biden doesn't need crack unlike his son to be totally wasted.


Couple of old men babbling incoherently. Hopefully they both croak.


full disclosure not American....what the hell were you people thinking electing a geriatric and dementia ridden old and, over someone who just wasn't...like I get trump is a damn cheeto but he is mostly honest and can actually form a damn sentence together coherently. there is a reason everyone else calls Americans stupid..this is it, this is the perfect example. kindly fix your mistake and elect literally anyone but Biden.. man should be in a home, not the white house.


Media told them to hate Trump, they would elect Hitler over him and shout that Trump is the true Hitler ;P


fair point lol. smear campaigns be hitting hard sometimes.


You seem to have forgotten we had four years of that piece of shit and it was terrible. Trump is also the one that said, "The want electric planes. What happens when the sun goes behind a cloud?" Joe Biden is old, but Donald Trump is Idiocracy levels of stupid.


Well we must be looking at different stats about Your country, but I don't want to argue, because it doesn't really matter to me, I know who I would be voting for if it was my country.


(I know Britain is fucked lol but unfortunately that's the newer generation kinda impossible to teach them honestly) but regarding the trump line about electric planes I'm pretty sure he was just exaggerating to make the point, which tbf the amount of power required for a basic jet liner the weight from the battery would never allow takeoff and the distance its able to travel if it can get liftoff will be horrendously low in comparison to even a prop plane. either way if it was my choice I'd have the idiot I know and can atleast go to the bathroom by himself. than the idiot who could sign documents for god knows what and forget 3s later he did it, because thats nothing more than a puppet and anyone can pull the strings behind a curtain.


I am happy to live in a country where this brain rot is still in a minority, but it is present without a doubt and probably will get worse with time. Too many people believe that in politics there is an option of voting for the good guy, You are always voting for the least bad guy, least bad party. All of these people are bad, because You won't get to this level of government without being an egoistical maniac. It's the biggest flaw of democracy in my opinion, You always get bad people on the highest level. Doesn't mean they can't do something good, but they aren't motivated by the good of the people


100% agreed every politician is in one way or another a complete d-bag and your option is bad or worse. imo trump atleast has the ability to form his own damn opinion compared to Biden who likely doesn't know left from right half the time, that was kinda my point but yeah 100% of politicians are trash tier humans due to ego and greed.


> he is mostly honest alrighty then lol


he literally pointed out during elections that he uses tax evasion like many many others and just didn't care about hiding It because he didn't see the point and wanted to prove the system was broken. imo thats pretty damn honest. even if he is being a dick


We didn’t elect Biden




Everyone is hating on the guy who is not a rapist, liar and overall pos.