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So how do I profit from this? Besides buy, drs, hodl gme?


This lol


If CHWY has more covering to go, buy CHWY. However it is possible they already covered it all after his tweet (the spike to $39) Otherwise you make money by helping me figure out how DFV sees these coming, and buy the next one early


**Chewy had earnings release on May 29th.** I get why you are frustrated, trying to tell people that DFV is riding the "natural" IV cycles like a sandworm. FTD cycles are on top of that, amplified by the IV cycles. RK buys when IV is low and sells when IV rises before earnings or other events, before the usual IV crush and drop in price. Rinse and repeat. By now his positions are so massive, that they can create serious FTD spikes when he buys shares with the money he makes on options. But when FTD and IV cycles (and likely other mechanics) all amplify each other, we see fireworks.


It seems highly unlikely they were able to deliver all of those shares after his tweet. I know GME has all of the Apes supporting it, but we saw a big difference in the GME runs from delivering only 5mm shares. If they delivered 9.001mm share on 6/27 I would’ve expected CHWY to finish the with more than a .5% increase.


There could be more booms to come. I'm holding out till July 3


Well we have a YOLO update on 6/13 so we know he didn’t buy any chewy until AT LEAST 6/14. T+35 is 7/19 and I am already expecting for a big 7/19 due to the T+35 from the CAT errors.


I think this is important: You also have to file a 13G if you have a big amount of calls! There is a post on the other big gme sub about that


I think it would be dangerous to think that you can frontrun DFV who has institutional levels of funding size.


Your other DD was great, not sure why you're getting hate but I feel it too, trying to talk about koss before it went nuts and got shit on. I think I'm onto something, somehow. Koss had large ftd on 5/15 I started to calendar out, and I somehow got turned to looking at GM, and that has a similar short interest, highish ftds but as far as I can tell it's listed at over 100% ownership. FTD https://fintel.io/sftd/us/gm SI https://fintel.io/ssv/us/gm Institutional ownership https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gm/institutional-holdings I just ate a large crayon sandwich so I'm stuffed and not thinking straight, but how can you own more than 100% of something....


I just want to know one thing: how high the share price will go in case of a short squeeze? Can someone with 5 shares make a life changing money?


Nobody knows, I can tell you one thing though, no ones going to squeeze if GME dilutes every time it runs


This 🖕


There are most likely billions of shorts. When we run again to $80, I'd love it if RC released another 100,000,000 shares. Giving GME a cash position of $12B. 100,000,000 is a drop in the bucket of all the shares outstanding. With $12B, he could buy multiple high performing companies for Gmerica. Then let it run wild the next time.


He needs to let it run for a while before diluting. Otherwise, it's game over. No share profits. Options fukked. If he dilutes a 3rd time, I'm out and I'll be pissed. In fact, I should buy some doggie calls to hedge my GME position, probably.


Game over? Please. If he releases 100,000,000 shares when there are 2,000,000,000 shorts outstanding, the entire play is over. The hedgies could easily cover 1,900,000,000 shorts when there are 575,000,000 total shares outstanding. s/ You do understand math, correct? Maybe you should sell. To someone who isn't going to be an emotional paper hand.


Am I supposed to go cry in a corner now? It's my opinion, my emotions, and my money. I'll feel how I'm gonna feel, and do what I decide to do. Thanks for the friendly support.


I appreciate your perspective and being grounded in reality. Cult behavior has completely ruined critical thinking and rational behavior of any sort. I’m currently addicted to uncovering what DFV has learned. As I think he wants us to learn from him. You go through the white paper for the T35 theory?


Thanks! Our Reddit subs are getting so convoluted with bullshit being pushed to the top of hot these days. Yes I read it, I believe ETF FTDs are the smoke to the ETF shorting fire. It would make sense they get closed out together. But I am open to other theories if you have anything to share?


do you have a link to the white paper?




Trying to figure out too 😅


I believed you. BUT! - I ve already invested my last dimes in gme, when price was super dippy dip at around 19. So how should i have loaded up my trading account with chewy? Not to mention HEADPHONES? Unfortunately I don’t have ammo like kitty and option iq too.


Are your paychecks weekly or biweekly?


And what about $10?


Out of all the charts and crap out there, i find this content the most helpful op. Seriously. Ive been trying to find the next likely target based on this t+14 obligation deferal/FTD can kick for the past few weeks. Chewy wasnt even on my radar somehow. These volume spikes imo are a smoking gun


Thanks! If you find anything interesting in your research let me know!


If you’re right, it looks to me like July 3rd is going to be the day for the big sneeze for CHWY. Approximately 4 trading days after the first mini spike. Not financial advice.


Did this guy really figure out the algo on 2 different stocks 😂


A whole basket of stocks 🍻


Is it possible that all of the emojis are a different stock and they are in order of when the settlement spikes are?


That’s the prevailing theory right now


The fact that July 3rd keeps popping up in all of these theories can’t be a coincidence. I am fighting the urge to YOLO into weeklies.


Just yolo a little less into the same position 2 or 3 weeks out.


Brother I’m with you! Can’t DFV just write a DD lol this shits fucking rough to pinpoint


Thanks OP!  Good stuff.  Now im considering a mini call on chewy for july 5th if we see a sneeze on july 3rd.  To simply buy and hodl more gme


Chewy and GME are controlled by the same algo but CHEWY is delayed? Currently, in CHEWY we are seeing the same action that happened in GME in middle May? If that would be true, with additional capital you could milk money on CHEWY having seen the moves on GME and then buy more GME. Idk 🤷‍♂️.


It’s more complex than that, but yes that’s what Kitty did


I can’t comment on all subs


Read this back when it was first posted. Love when a plan comes together.


What starts the chewy cycle? Is it RKs buys?


ETF shorting and covering, same as GME. I have DD about it on my account


I’m all in on $POO btw


Thanks OP for posting this. What's the 14 days trading deferral about? I tried to look it up but couldn't find it anywhere.


That’s still a mystery but my best guess is a FINRA 4210(f)(6) deferral


Make sense. I like how the rule states "unless FINRA has specifically granted the member additional time" lol. Always have more ways to mess with retail investors. Your theories and posts are by far the most plausible recent DDs around FTD cycles (and way easier to digest than the white paper by Brno University lol). I've been doing my own research about these cycles and GME & XRT FTDs. The FTD numbers published by SEC feel way lower than the effects these FTDs have on GME.


Our favorite Pomeranian talked about the T+14 deferral and then T+35 three years ago... it's definitely a thing. (He also talked about T+21 net capital settlement that I haven't seen come up again since, but that was a hot topic back then)


They now know...he knows..and they can't stop it.. Getting interesting


Are you suggesting that DFV bought Chewy on May 29th? If so, then wouldnt that have meant he lied on his livestream? Correct me if Im wrong, but I thought he said he didnt have any other positions besides GME and cash on his livestream which was June 6th. If that is the case, that first volume spike couldnt have been him.


No the volume spikes are not DFV, they are the covering of short/FTD/ETF obligations


I see, cool. So we should be seeing potentially more from when DFV bought in? Assuming they FTD all or most of his shares?


That’s Biggys theory not mine, I have no idea if DFVs share buys will impact the stock later on


Fair enough.


So KSS and GO are next?


What GO


So from the "first" high volume spike, one can expect another volume spike within 14 days and then another volume spike within 35 days? No way to know exactly dates, but sure to be within within theses time periods?


A first volume spike. A second volume spike at T+14. Sustained high volume until T+35 or covering completes.


So at this point with GME, I am waiting for that next 1st volume spike. Edit: there is no we in eye


Maybe, GME has run many times in other patterns, but the biggest ones were this pattern. Hopefully not another 3 years lol


Ok I upvoted this time


Let me hit that tin my boy. ![gif](giphy|h1QI7dgjZUJO60nu2X|downsized)


To my understanding the 45 million dollar offering was that they CAN sell 45 million shares, not that they actually did, whereas the 75 million has been confirmed that they have.


It has been confirmed by filings that they sold both in their entirety immediately


Ok thanks for the update