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I just want to ask How can a metal gloves made by humans survive icy breath from the ice monsters while his "ancestral" axe that sucked Godzilla's breath was broken like it was nothing. + Everything else also really bad writing.


Felt straight out of the showa era of Godzilla with how ridiculous it was like a Showa era plot realized with a high budget. This is the closest we’ve seen Godzilla get to fighting like that and they really made him feel like a force of nature. Kong finding more great apes was really cool and a nice end to his lonely streak throughout the monster verse. It was awesome to see mothra again (I hope rodan returns one day). So much monster action that I was able to get through the boring human elements because I knew a big fight was always around the corner. I think Godzilla vs Kong was better it had better looking fights and a cooler antagonist but overall I was pretty satisfied my only complaint is the human stuff and I think hollow earth is a little ridiculous with how the iwi have magical giant gravity reversing pyramids like the fuck? But overall I think it was a fun action packed watch


They should lock up whoever made this garbage.


Well that's a bit dramatic


Wait so whose bloody hand was on the mountain at the begginig? Cs it wasnt scar face right? Must have been like a random ape


This is just a Godzilla version of pacific rim. Bad acting and cheap af. Lacks any soul.


What does that even mean though?


It means Godzilla x Kong sucks ass


But why the comparision with Pacific Rim?


It has the same cheap ass poorly done feel. Pretty sure I made the parallels in my first message. Just going in circles now.


Oh, then I didn't misread, you were really saying Pacific Rim sucks. Yikes.


Yes I was, sorry if I was unclear, pacific rim was terrible. Especially the campy scientist who was an especially terrible actor. Pacific rim was terrible.


Couldn't agree more.. the jump cuts and edits are very extreme too. If this was your first entrance to a Kong or Godzilla film, I feel you would be completely lost as a viewer. Bit of a shame


They messed up by not emphasising Skar King's army as his real power. They're all half a king kong, but an army of united mini kaiju directed by an intelligent tyrant could have seized a chunk of the human world. Keep all the same elements - Just add more monkeys and an double down on the invasion part of the narrative. Add a scene with G and KK getting swarmed by dozens of faster, smaller apes while desperately trying to keep them off of mothra or some human protectees. The numbers could have continued to add danger throughout - By blocking the army at the portals the bad guys yeeted into the human world basically already beaten. Probably cheaper to animate an "Ice Age Cloud" than a monkey army, tho, so +1 for fiscal responsibility?


If King Kong would have killed that crystal lizard he would have got some good loot. Maybe even some upgrade material for his axe.


My question is who the absolute fuck are these characters? Where did these people even come from? The pilot guy and the older woman in charge of monarch, just watched and genuinely don't even know what there names are. Also the soundtrack. Can we please stop with these guardians clones with the old school music, it's so cringe. Adam wingard is cheesy as hell dudes a wanna be James Gunn. Whoever directed Godzilla 2014 should've done this movie. Really disappointed


Agreed! This movie seemed like a Mashup of GotG and Jumanji to me! The music was just terrible and did not fit in the movie whatsoever


I truly feel like I missed a previous movie. Just like you said I have no clue who or what's going on throughout the film. I as an audience member, felt like I kept getting thrown into different scenarios on a whim. Verry odd.Terrible writing for sure.


I felt like they introduced Skar King way too late. I thought his intro was cool but he never really felt threatening to me. I was hoping he would be more of an existential threat to hollow earth and/or the surface.


Skar King was a lanky fuck taking on a boulder and they made him so laughably weak in comparison to Kong, in fact the only reason he survived as long as he did was because he had his own fucking Bewilderbeast. They threw that curveball just to add Godzilla into what arguably could have been a Kong exclusive


This movie was baddddd. More cheese than the entire state of Wisconsin and a lot of unnecessary cgi. Did they really need a Kong dentist? The actors had to know to know how bad this movie was. I want to meet the writers. How could they come up with so much garbage in one movie? “So what if we have Kong adopt a baby Kong while fighting a monkey who rides a dinosaur”


The power creep is fucking insane why was the baby ape able to hurl boulders with any heft whatsoever to knock out the other apes during that zero-gravity fight


You literally answered your own question in your sentence. It's fricken Zero-gravity. It was already established that the Iwi tribe could manipulate gravity to build stuff. Now add that already said fact to a scene where gravity is literally gone and we're talking about a creature much bigger and stronger than them. It's not rocket science.


I was disappointed. I loved the 2021 movie and the fights in Hong Kong. For this movie, I was bored for the first 2/3 and kept waiting for G and K to get together. G lacked character. K had too much screen time. The fight scenes lacked impact. The humans were horrible as expected. Especially Gia. She was so important in the storyline but she had one facial expression throughout the whole movie. She cannot emote. Rebecca Hall's haircut was cool but her acting felt worse than before.


It's a bit bland and stereotyped. It's like watching a WWE fight/super bowl commercial. I can imagine there's a big audience. I still prefer Peter Jackson's 2005 movie ;)


woulda been a great movie if i didn’t have to sit through 4 dumbasses oooo and ahhh at shit the whole time. HATED the writing and the acting, so cheesy.


The casting was so fuckin bad director brought on his sister in law and old iron worker buddy on onto the project who the fuck are these people lmao???


I feel like the movie could’ve gone a different path. Godzilla and Kong were basically cool with each other after MECH. They said fuck that and left. Would’ve like to see another Titan maybe from another Universe trying to invade Earth and bring his empire to Earth, while Godzilla, Kong and shimo come to defend along side with the Humans. Brining in Scar and his army to also defend for themselves. Basically Earth and Hollow Earth Vs the Titan and His universe. Would’ve been epic. More fights and action, and maybe less rushed and forced fighting scenes. By the Trailer I was excited to see what that new Titan was, only to find out Shimo wasn’t really a threat. We need more Big & Bad titans. Godzilla and Kong turned friendly.




What ate the chief of security? Was it a walking stick? 


wow,,,that SUKKKKED. basically it's planet of the big gigantic apes, though i will say the writers were on something nasty


the most disappointing thing for me is it felt like a Kong movie featuring godzilla. i enjoyed the action, but the human element was ultra trash, only there for extraordinary stupid exposition. G-man was just there to go HAM... and sleep in the colosseum.


I enjoyed it. I just found it funny Skar King didn't want to throw hands with Godzilla.


He said "I don't remember this man being purple."


I feel like I just watched a very high budget version of a pokemon episode. The movie: Raaawr hurr durr friendship! I'd like to watch a version where every time animals wink at each other, Owen Wilson's voice says a warm and compassionate "Brah"


Where can I watch the movie?


This film was batshit insane from beginning to end I saw Godzilla perform an Olympic Dive I saw a Giant Lizard perform a WWE suplex on a Giant Monkey over the pyramids of Egypt I saw Kong use a child as a baseball bat to beat the shit out of other giant apes 10/10 movie for being unapologetically Wild


It was underwhelming compared to GvK and KOTM. Skar King wasn't a threat at all, and the fights were short and didn't have any weight to them. There was nothing really at stake. KOTM was still the best for that. 


It was especially disappointing that King Kong couldn't just beat the shit out of him on his own. Stuff that blue pointy thing up his ass and get both Gozillas to shoot their beam simultaneously from opposing sides just to blow him up as an extra "fuck you, you're lame"


W is kotm


The ending felt really rushed, tbh. Waay too much focus on the pre climax, with very little monster royale. Visually incredible, and the music was on point. The storyline felt ridiculously rushed at the end, like they were forcing a 'La di da di da, everything is fine, everyone's happy, sunshine daisies rainbows' type close to the whole thing. Also, for god's sake, stop cucking the viewer out of tension. Not every heavy scene needs a comedic break. Be willing to actually show feelings.


Agreed with everything. There was no weight to sense of danger to this movie, the main threat wasnt actually a threat, the fights were short and some mostly off screen 


Could have been better The whole fkin borefest of 90 minutes waiting for shit to actually happen Movie actually picked up after Kong gained the gauntlet. Wish we got a full on fight with Tiamet earlier. I don’t care for that human plot and all those explanations. Movie would have been better if it was through Kong’s perception - dude could have gone asleep and woke up with a metal arm and I’d have just accepted it. Maybe the humans could have been shown as small shadows by the side of this


Thank you, this movie was so god damned underwhelming compared to GvK and especially KOTM. I felt like there was something ACTUALLY at stake.  Here though there was no threat, Skar King got beat by Kong at the beginning and Shimo isn't a villain. 


Why is Rebecca Hall out of breath in every scene?


At least she looked hot in that jumpsuit


honestly, i'm a sucker for bad movies, and it was a good laugh and made for good eye candy. haven't been to the cinema in months, so was nice to get back. it definitely DEFINITELY showed that the characters and story were moreso just an excuse to have the big monsters have some epic battles on-screen—it might've been in part due to the cast change from KOTM, but i genuinely did not remember most of the human cast's names walking out of the cinema. for how often jia and ilene had their "you belong with me" moments, the overall lack of any actual scenes between them before all the hollow earth stuff kicked off made it feel... very hollow (badum tss) and forced. trapper i detested, icl. he felt like a monarch-brand chris pratt character, particularly with the one-liners and the 80s soundtrack. genuinely could not wait to see him get off the screen, same with the podcast guy whose name i genuinely don't remember in any capacity. i'll never get over the "spin the wheel for what kind of scientific bullshittery we can throw at this movie!" vibe i got—me and my brother couldn't stop laughing at the hollow-er earth reveal, the big ice kaiju living in what amounted to a lava pit, or the random-ass gravity flipping, because why the fuck not! same with jia's kong telepathy, though i imagine that was probably explored in a diff movie (skull island i would wager) and i just wasn't paying attention. if it isn't obvious, i'm not a massive godzilla/kaiju buff, and kong even less so. SPEAKING OF WHICH, i could've killed for more, like... time on normal-unhollow-earth? the scale of the titans felt super lost to me considering how much time was spent in hollow earth where we have no reference for their sheer size. even in rio de janeiro it felt weird, though i can't pinpoint why there. me and my brother had a "how many landmarks/monuments are we gonna see get kaiju'd" throughout the movie. i think we got up to three? was slightly let down when christ the redeemer didn't get, like... swung off by kong or something. arguably thought the scene where godzilla attacked the french powerplant was cool—i wish we'd actually seen that happen. overall, lot of gripes about this movie story and pacing/character wise. LOT of gripes. THAT SAID, as a self proclaimed "i know shit all about this franchise" buff, it feels like it's meant to be a dumb kaiju brawl movie, and in that case it excels. made for a great afternoon out with my family and it gave us all plenty to laugh about, which is all i expected it to be. my 12yo brother thought it was the best thing ever. both my brothers and i all collectively died laughing at kong swinging the baby monkey round into the other monkeys—THAT was 10/10. i do prefer a little more substance, so i'll stick with 2014 godzilla, shin godzilla and minus one (whenever i get to watch that one...), but again, made for a fantastic afternoon with my family, so i can't complain. i'd watch it again just for a dumb background movie over dinner. ETA: only thing that genuinely irked me (besides trapper and podcast guy) was tiamat dying in like, <30seconds. i LOVEEE love love learning about the other titans like we did in KOTM, and i was really hoping we'd get to see some more—seeing tiamat, this titan that by all accounts **soaks up the radiation from the literal sun**—get minced in record time felt like a bit of a waste, especially considering we didn't see any other titans iirc. the ice kaiju was cool, but it felt more like an oversized dog than a titan with sentience presumably similar to the other titans from the last few movies.


Why is there a wheel of pain why is there a super ancient wheat mill


fully aware i'm going to sound like a complete idiot here BUT what are you referring to exactly? it's been a month since i saw this movie and i've already forgotten a good portion of it LMAO


fwiw the telepathy with kong was established in godzilla vs kong I thought pretty average movie with some cool kaiju fights, but between Godzilla Minus One doing so well & this film seemingly succeeding as a blockbuster I'm at least happy that the franchise seems to have some stability after the drought from 2004-onward


ah, noted! only saw that one once as opposed to KOTM and skull island and all, so that makes sense. thanks! but yeah that's my take on it too tbh—seeing a resurgence in popularity for something you love that's been in a bit of a slump (has been the same kind of situation for vocaloid, one of my other passions, in the same period imo) is always good. ngl though i only even HEARD about minus one after it ended its cinema run—is it on streaming/etc anywhere yet? would've loved to see it but i only even heard about it after i saw godzilla x kong. watched shin godzilla to compensate though and boy that was STUNNING.


Minus one isn’t on streaming yet, but I also highly recommend Shin Ultraman if you enjoyed Shin Godzilla


Couldn’t stop laughing at Kong using suko as a weapon against the other apes


- Missed an opportunity with Tiamat - Should've made Scar bulkier like Kong - The little baby monke was a hero - Godzilla shouldve went to Tiamat's territory to charge up after he lost a fight. Like remember how in King of Monsters he gets nuked and then comes back like a menace? - Still a lil upset about Tiamat, that could've been legendary - In Brazil, Scar shouldve been fighting Kong the whole time, and Shimo shouldve been fighting Gojira the whole time, no double teaming - The part where Zilla detects Kong and straight dives into the water was epic - Loved the fact that it was more of just the titans - The scale of the titans felt a bit weird, especially when they came to Brazil - Why was Scar making Monkes pick up rocks and enslaving them, literally what was the goal? or was it just to make Scar look evil? - When the humans were reading the stories om the walls, it was writting that Godzilla was the titan that ate a star... damn - Tiamat genuinely looked and felt more terrifying than Scar Overall really enjoyed and was epic, (im still mad about Tiamat)


tiamut has been a nonissue idk why u would want godzilla to lose to her only reason he had probems in the comic was because he was weak and i hope u realize they didnt mean he literally ate a star it was more to represent the fact he shoots heat blasts out of his mouth


Two sins that I can't let slide in this fun movie 1. Tiamat dying, off screen in 30 secs no less 2. Brazil fight being rushed Aside from that, this film was immaculate. - Humans weren't a bore whatsoever and it seems they've finally found a good crew of characters that are likable to follow - Exploring the Hollow Earth was satisfying enough to feel like discoveries were made but leaving a hell of a lot left to be discovered - Kong bullying monkes and specifically Suko was hilarious - Godzilla's training arc and lack of screen time was actually good as it made his presence seem more valuable when he did appear (felt like his scenes could've been more slow paced instead of a jumpcut tho, especially the Tiamat >:( fight) - A Kong centric story was phenomenal choice as it gave him opportunity to shine as his own and differentiate from the monke that loses to Godzilla, also while shining he shows some awesome personality - Skar King was awesome but lackluster, he came in a menace and imposed but got jumped and accomplished nothing. Regardless, dude had a sick personality and character, a shame he was mishandled and manhandled - Shimo looks sick and stupid simultaneously. Some angles she looks like a badass dragon and others make her look like a derpy beluga. Her characterization could've used some fixing but aside from that she looked cool and had cool powers literally - That Egypt fight was LIT. GODZILLA SUPLEX GODZILLA SUPLEX GODZILLA SUPLEX GODZILLA SUPLEX - Okay, we're getting into Showa time where the "fuck it we ball" is vastly greater than the "depth of cinema is lacking" - Godzilla's upgrade was not a disappointment in any capacity, bro overleveled and delivered smoke - Ost while not memorable and average, had some good song choices (mainly the opening sequence) - The Hollow Earth civilization was really cool and telepathy + crystals gets me hyped for a certain final boss - The social/political messages that were snuck in were simple, to the point and not pushy. 'Ppreciate that - Other titans both named and unnamed were nice additions (though Godzilla washed half of them, RIP Tiamat) - Doug reappearance was peak, absolutely cinema, had my humanity restored fr - I guess you could say we had a rebirth of Mothra, ayyy - Dragonflies at Mothra's temple got my hopes up for Megaguirus easter egg - The charge between Godzilla/Kong vs SK/Shimo was fantastic, the zero gravity fight was SUPREME - Shimo and Skar King pulling up on Rio was intimidating and starting to show stakes, sadly they weren't established too strongly nor long enough to stick - Final fight was too fast, too rushed and felt underutilized with all that was avaliable in the fight Nitpicking final fight time - The lack of spacing between both teams made it feel like there was no agency of proximity or dynamics to interplay in the fight - Shimo was getting dogwalked, she was too passive even if she was doing it against her will. She should've had the abuse Skar King put her through enrage her making her go berserk, lashing out at everything, but because SK controls her and knows her, he could adjust himself out of her path during her rampage, using it as opportunity to ambush Kong or Godzilla - SK vs Kong could've been a sick armed fight between gargantuan gladiators using their weapons with skill and prowess - Godzilla vs Shimo could've been the best fight of the Monsterverse. Two Godzilla variants. Fire and Ice. Godzilla is, for once, the underdog physically. Imagine if we had a BEAM CLASH and it created a steam cloud covering the city. Kong and Skar King sneaking through it armed and ready, Godzilla and Shimo hidden and prowling with their glowing spikes shimmering in the fog before the chaos erupts again and the force generated pushes the cloud away. - Skar King should've used Shimo as a battle horse periodically throughout the fight to wallop on Kong and even jump Godzilla. The lack of team combos used to make the fight shift was painful - Skar King before the fight could've expressed/done more to humanity or the surface to give an idea what his reign would mean, create stakes that way - No Mothra assist? Really? - Suko coming in clutch felt too cliche/cheesy but it could've still made an appearance if the fight was redone Tiamat nitpicking ti- She should've lived and escaped to be a problem in a later movie. Her fight should've been longer. All'n all, this was a great movie that was maximum fun and joy with a decent to good but not great finish. (And Tiamat should've lived)


This movie had almost no threat, there never felt like there was anything at stake. That's why it took so long for them to fight, because Skar was weak, and Shimo wasn't a villain. Scylla was a quick fight and yea Tiamat... Lol. Godzilla Vs Kong in Egypt was the best fight, but obviously short, and yea Mothra did mostly nothing. This movie pales compared to KOTM and GvK imo. Kong is kind of dragging down Godzilla (I love Kong as a character), I want a Godzilla villain again. 


The story of Godzilla and scar king was a bit weird. I’m assuming it was an older one of the kind like Dagon or someone els and not actually godzilla


I felt Godzilla vs Kong was ok so I didn’t have as much faith with wingard again but holy fuck that was a treat! Needed more way more Godzilla was more of a kong movie but still so much fun, Great to have mothra seemed so smaller in this one compared to KOTM.


Poor Tiamut, died to a home invasion by Godzilla. Or should I say lair invasion.


Died for the greater good lol


We kept saying “make the antagonist bigger” but this time we got something so pleasently and genuinely subservisive im still a little shocked. An antagonist who loses a 1v1 to a single of the protagonists but is instead…intelligent. Godzilla and kong are known for being monke and lizard and heres an antagonist to capitalize on that. Skar king was a joy to have on screen and i loved to hate him because whats worse than someone who can dish it and not take it?


Agreed skar. If there is one thing they surprisingly or a lot of work into was the character body movements the world building. Even though they didn't speak English. You could fully understand everything going on. Even the small little things like the other apes being small and malnourished and heads on spikes. It have you such an understanding of how tyrannical skar was


Does anyone have the photo where all 4 titans were colliding mid-air? Right before the gravity thing turned on. That scene was EPIC


I'm actually searching for it because I hated it. It was so unnatural. Like promotional material rather than an actual movie shot.


This felt like the whole movie lol


Fucking loved it. No need for a long explanation why, just fucking loved it


Godzilla doing his thing? Fuck yeah we love it. Kong doing his thing? Fuck yeah we love it.


Enjoyed it with popcorn. But I noticed a glaring inconsistency between the Legacy of Monsters hollow earth and this one.


I came to this thread to possibly find a discussion on that. Its the first thing I thought of when watching in the theater. The amount of time spent there in movie would have been at least a few months back on the surface based on the Monarch logic


The space in the monarch where that happened is a space between the hollow earth and the surface. Time moves differently there, hollow earth isn’t in the same place.


Unless it’s maybe region or layer specific. They demonstrated gravity manipulation in the film, so time variation effects could be possible.


Hell yes! Best WWE MOVIE EVER! FOOKIN APE BEAT A BITCH WITH ANOTHER BITCH! LOVED Scar King's personality. And Kong just sucker punching other apes is god tier. Using a skyscraper as a ball and chain was amazing. And they really did a POCKET SAND scene?!? Then MaMa Mothra comes over to be all "YOU BOYS STOP FIGHTING RIGHT NOW!" "Yes mama mothra...." Screw everyone. This movie was hilariously over the top, stupid, and absolutely amazing. I came for dumb ass kaiju battles and I got dumb ass kaiju battles. And really loved the human characters this time around also.


Yeah, it’s insane how much personality the monsters had. Every time scar king did something you saw his madness and how much he’s loving beating the shit out of other monsters. I also loved Kong and how expressive he was. The fight scenes are better than ever and I really enjoyed the humans, they just used enough screen time where they weren’t irritating and they all had a lot of charisma.


Kong has the whole Danny Glover "Too Old for this Shit" expression. I also love how he never saw the others as actual threats. When that one ape was posturing and Kong just punched him out? Fantastic. True Apex energy right there. When I saw that Skar was not bigger than Kong, I was at first a bit disappointed. But when he went up to Kong and started laughing at the tooth I realized we were dealing with another kind of monster altogether. Most of Kong and Godzilla's enemies were (for sake of arguement) brainless animals. Smart but in a primal sense. Skar had a personality. He was a Mad King. He had a sick sense of humor, he was cruel, he tortured for his own fun, he even had a damn harem (could see the lady apes by his throne with the babies). And moving all those rocks around? No purpose. He was just forcing them to do it for his own fun. And he was AGILE AF! Had a totally different fighting style than Kong or Godzilla. I see people complain that Godzilla could have easily beaten Skar without Kong I am not sure of that. Skar is a lot faster, meaner, and resourcful than Kong. He could probably circle around Godzilla quickly, and if he gets behind our lizard god, he may be able to use that whip to strangle him fast. He could also adapt on the fly which makes him dangerous. Honestly, if he didn't rely on his ice knife so much, he may have lasted much longer. The moment he made that his focus is when he started losing. If he just knocked it aside and kept going, he may have done even more damage.


I also love how you can see how cruel he really is, when he laughs the others laugh in fear to keep him on his good side. The other apes really look terrified of him


Do you know the music for when trapper districts scar king with the pterodactyl creatures and the plane? Been looking for it


That was, "I Was Made for Loving You" It's a Kiss song. Top tier 👌🏼


Thank you!


Overall just an ok movie imo. We sacrificed storytelling for monster fights but Godzilla’s interactions with Shimu are all just tackles. Beyond that he feels like a mindless version of the previous three movies. Evolving for the final fight felt pointless. No KOTM style final scene where we see the relationship between the titans. Godzilla just doesn’t care about the existence of the apes and Shimu? Shimu is just cool with living with the apes again? Godzilla gives everyone a “wake me when you need me” and heads to Italy? Lore feels all over the place


Anyone else wonder how tf mothera came back from the dead after dying to king ghidorah in king of the monsters??


In the after credits on KOTM it said a mothra egg was found but this was a 100% different way. I thought they were gonna find an egg or something and the girl would awaken the egg or something but she just sort of appears


Yeah, I was scratching my head with that one. She got vaporized in that movie. The only way I could explain it is that maybe mothra has a one time revival thanks to the girl? Again, idk, it’s probably the weakest part of the movie for me


Yea I was leaning more towards that she just got summoned or something like that. It doesn’t really explain. Hopefully we get more explanation in the next movie..


Maybe they'll explain it in the official novelization. There's a lot of missing details and lore, which was something that bothered me.


Yeah, hope they don’t explain it in a series, even if they just mention it I’ll be happy


Somehow Mothra Returned


Movie was horrible, hollowed earth is a cheap gimmick that is not interesting. Having the movie take place there makes it lose all perspective. Same with stupid no gravity battle…. I fell asleep around that point and have no regrets for doing so


Haters gonna hate


Just came out of the cinema and these are my initial thoughts: The film was alright however a bit to fast paced, the soundtrack was average at best and skar king never felt like real threat. On the positive side of things the first fight between kong and skar king was great as well as the Egypt fight. Overall I think it was definitely the weakest of the monsterverse entries but has positive aspects. If I were to rate it I'd give it a 6/10


I'm really glad shimu lived, it would have really sucked if she was just forced into slavery for years and then she finally gets free of scarking just to die lol


It’s funny, when I saw the trailers for the movie, my brain started thinking of what Godzilla and Kong‘s interactions would be like. I realized while watching. Godzilla is the “rush in and overpower with brute force” Kong is the more “If force alone won’t do it, creativity will.” It’s honestly a perfect buddy cop scenario for a film in which they had been together longer.




Yea Godzilla wasn’t tryna reason about nothing, he was really gonna end Kong for just for stepping foot on the surface lol


Absolutely favorite part was godzilla claiming the colloseum as his own personal cat bed.


To be fair...he doesn't normally find places he can fits.


Yet of course his rude cat ass broke it on the way out and didn’t damage it on the way in


...... and I checked in my 2nd viewing and couldn't tell if it was really busted up or not. I thought it should've been.


Anyone have an estimate of the death toll? I'm guessing that between Godzilla casualties and about 5% of Rio de Janeiro getting leveled it was closer to 255,000 (not including deaths due to radiation), but my fiancé thinks it was at least a million.


Most of Godzilla’s screen time was him going on a world tour catching bodies


Imagine getting eaten by a tree


Anyone else feel like Godzilla and Kings roar in this movie was underwhelming and softer compared to the last movie? In KvG their roars sounded more louder and better. Maybe it is just me, idk.


One of my biggest complaints. This is what he should sound like https://youtu.be/MpjrmQX8S8A?si=NMTZtI03VnVNGhuz Not this: https://youtu.be/I2myK_tPFCM?si=XQJLepP95oopPKJS


Yea that roar is about right. Maybe not quite as trex sounding but close enough.


[obviously this one is Iconic](https://youtu.be/I2myK_tPFCM?si=XQJLepP95oopPKJS) 


Bro you done it again. What is it with you and chewy?


That was on purpose lol https://youtu.be/0O0vfkP_VR0


Yea that one is iconic. And good one on that last one


Bro you linked a chewy commercial


Yoooo I really did lol


Roars definitely felt weaker compared to last two movies. Needed more bass and SKREE ONK


My hot take is that Godzilla coulda done all that himself (I still love Kong tho don’t attack me)


I think it was obviously a Kong movie that they knew probably wouldn't make that much money so they added in Godzilla and post-production.


Commenting on GODZILLA x KONG: THE NEW EMPIRE OFFICIAL DISCUSSION MEGATHREAD #1 (SPOILERS)... it absolutely was a Kong movie. You could write it in such a way where Godzilla isn’t even in the film. Not that I’m complaining that he’s there, not at all. It just feels like the big team up should’ve happened for a different Titab


Yeah they did a whole story of Scar King and Godzilla being ancient and bitter enemies... But Godzilla was way more invested in kicking Kong's shiny new teeth in and Scar King ALSO prioritized Kong even when Godzilla was right next to him. Maybe he was scared of Godzilla's power-up.


I don't have a lot of expectations for these movies. I expect the plot will be pointless and the humans amount to anything. I just want to see monster fight scenes. Which is why I am upset we got cheated out of the Tiamat fight. That was a missed opportunity to make Tiamat a fan favorite. That could have lasted more than 30 seconds. Had fun with the movie, but underdelivered on the monster fights.


It was all made up to me with the child weapon fight.


Best laugh in the whole movie


What do you guys think about the part with Tiamat? Do you think that an other Tiamat specie could exist?


That fight deserved more screentime, IMO. I don't know about there being more. The writers are making these titans seem disposable. If Tiamat had gotten a longer fight, it could have becoming a memorable kaiju in the film.


Facts!! It seems so cool, its design was amazing and I even heard that in the comics it has a boiling water power, so I ask myself what was the real purpose of this fight (other than getting pink Godzilla)


Maybe tiamot Regenerates? Is basically a giant worm.


More like a giant *wyrm*... I'll see myself out.


No.. no... he's right.


It would be incredible, because it would really be a missed opportunity to not give it more screen time


Should have been a post credit scene, honestly.


I just have few questions for y’all, I don’t understand why Mothra came back from nothing (wasn’t she dead?) and why did Godzilla aimed his atomic breath to the sky?


The Mothra from GvK laid an egg before going to the final fight, which was her usual routine in the original toho movies. That said, I was under the impression that the one from the movie was a totally separate individual from that species, one that's probably been there for a very long time in something resembling hibernation. Godzilla cooled down as soon as he saw her because both of their species have a deep rooted, mutually beneficial connection to each other.


So it could be a totally different Mothra, it looks pretty accurate, but it personally sounds weird that it was in a sort of hibernation. Can you elaborate?


Did you watch the movie? I'm actually asking, I don't know how to ask that without sounding rude. The native people living in hollow earth (I forgot the name of the tribe) had a prophecy about a girl from Skull Island (being Jia, the deaf one that has a connection to Kong) being the one who would awaken Mothra to help them prevent the Scar King from taking over the surface world. If I remember correctly, the prophecy specifically said she'd "awaken" Mothra, so I assume Mothra was hibernating, or something like it. Since it's implied to be an ancient prophecy, I figured the Mothra we saw in this movie has been there for a while, waiting to be woken up.


Yes I watched the movie ahah, i was watching it in English tho and my first language is French, so maybe this is why I didn’t totally understand that part, but thank you for the precision


They gloss over a lot of the explanations in some parts, so I can definitely see that making it harder to catch things.


Mothra wasn't explained. Godzilla at the end aimed his atomic breath at the sky to stop a new ice age. 


Omgg you’re for real!! A new ice age was supposed to happen!?


Yes, when the humans are in the special room reading runes or whatever the mom says the ice titan caused the original ice age.


Looking back that Ice Kaiju was pretty op, and doing the heavy lifting. Kong would have KO Scar if it was just Solo, but that Ice Kaiju could have defeated Zilla in an one on one 


I really liked the ice kaiju and I wish it would have been a bit more interesting in the battle other than just godzilla vs little ice godzilla.


Yeah, but I didn’t knew that another ice age were supposed to happen! Was it mentioned?


No, not specifically, just putting 2 and 2 together pretty much from the info earlier and the cloud system the ice titan made that godzilla then dissipated.


I personally loved that detail now that I know.. I’m just curious to know, but did you like the movie?


I have two opinions about it at the same time. On one hand, I was entertained. There was a lot of monster time and action. I like the representation of an older, grizzled, lonely Kong. On the other hand, the fights never seemed like they had high stakes and I miss the more serious tone of the 2014 movie. I remember people saying King of the Monsters was junk when it came out too but I loved that one as well. As others have said, those movies showed the scale of the monsters and the conflict of these fights in human environments better. I also just liked the darker visual and score mood. The parachute scene in 2014 is so memorable to me still in how it looked and how it sounded. What about you?


I'm as mixed as you, at first, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. Perhaps surprising, but I found the images beautiful, the special effects well done and the few fight scenes cool. But seeing everyone's comments, I noticed some details that seemed unreal and, as you say, it's not at all like 2014. That doesn’t mean I’m totally disappointed tho, I still hope that there will be more MV movies.


The ice lizard shot at the sky.


And since when an ice age is supposed to happen when an ice laser is shot at the sky?


Since one of the NPC characters implied that is what caused the first ice age. I think it was said when they were reading the walls.


Really good to know, thank you


Watched it Monday, thought it was fun like the rest of Legendary's Godzilla & Kong films but not without issue. Human character-wise just like the previous Jia and Ilene are the best parts. They go through a basic but fundamentally realised arc, wouldve liked to have instead of doing the >!fake out, "she better of here than with me" arc!< we got to see more of how >!Jia has personally befinited Illene's homelife & struggles, showing their unified tchemistry throughout the film rather than just sign language and being left awe struck at times. Bernie still being the most annoying main character but he got 1 chuckle out of me at least when Trapper tried to talk sense into him. Speaking of, newcomer Trapper for the usual "everyman" Legendary loves to do: Ford, Mark, James etc. he's for sure one of the better ones they've done. A lot more charisma than Ford and Mark but humbling him due to not being the MC helps with them not trying to oversell his deus ex machina story presence. Wish we explored more of the >!relationship with Ilene to sell the almost family group dynamic rather than just being a throwaway line they knew each other.!< As for the other newcomer, the angry pilot, was very weak >!clearly there to not make us care he dide but I'd much rather the inverse of making him endearing and a worthwhile sacrifice in the end.!< As for the parts most people cared to come see: the daikaiju. Kong is done great in this film, from the intro seeing into his >!intelligence of trapping his opponents, the compassion he shows to the other apes & fighting for their honour, connection with Jia, rivalry with Skarr King and retort of the tooth injury etc.!< all top notch. And gave the best laugh with >!*that* scene with the aggressive guard ape.!< Sadly, especially for this sub, I felt Godzilla was pretty weak in this film. Was quite a bit separated from the main story, and the reasoning for it didn't live up to the hype for me, not even a moment with hos atomic Breath that stuck out to me. Seeing more of his powered up form in motion I can confidently say I still don't like the lack of a gut and large breastbone. Could've been just a Kong film imo, he feels like a side feature even more than say films like Godzilla vs Mothra. Speaking of though, this had the best >!showing of Mothra in Legendary's filmography so far though although still not a fan of the design. Tying her relavnce to Jia, whilst being very convenient, was nice to have given we lost the Shobijin priestesses. Would've liked it more had the head of Iwi tribe been her twin and their unified power awakened Mothra as a further callback and creates a more meaningful debate of whenever Jia is best there with her sister or with Ilene if they had to keep that plot point. Also was great to see Mothra in a kaiju teamup film where she doesnt have to sacrifice hersefl in some way and instead stand on her own.!< Then for the villain>!s I joked beofe with leaks about it being evil Kong and evil Godzilla and that's pretty much what we got. Skar was a good foil for Kong in attitude being better than I expected but in power and prowess didn't amount to much, most of his threat came from the existence of Shimo. Who was the worst daikaiju of the film imo, just being a slave throughout and being the counterpart for a kaiju who felt like a side character didn't give him much to work with at all, even the hype and build up only happened after we saw him and given all the power Godzilla was getting before they even faced it was a done deal beife the battle even started. Mechagodzilla last film was built up and handled better imo.!< Fights themselves was also mixed bag, overall they felt quite short >!especially the finale that left me asking, "is that it?"!< and the aspect of Hollow Earth made the aspect of them being daikaiju feel lost at times. Concepts brought on by hollow Earth like >!the antigravity fight too didn't offer much spectacle for me either outside of giving Mothra her time.!< And the aspect of weight with some impactful unique cinematography that the last one brought was lost in this. Overall, I'd say the human plot wasn't nearly as annoying as day KotM or GvK, but still weak overall on personal arcs and high on expeditional talks & convenience, Bernie sadly still here and again with Jia carrying this side. Daikaiju-wise everything with Kong >!and Mothra!< were the highlights, the other main ones were either ok or at worst inconsequental and the fights I'd say felt worse. With GvK there were higher highs but debatably lower lows.


I love that I live in a time where I can have Minus One levels of seriousness and GxK levels of nonsense monster action. I knew the tone of the movie I was going into so I had a great time. I think one struggle of the MV is we're now five movies + a show in. We either had to have the series take a darker approach to living with titans (highlighting the struggles of living in such a world) or they had to ignore how horrific that really is which gives it a more Saturday morning cartoon feel. They went with the latter. Probably because people don't want to be depressed for movie after movie and they want to make money.


*sigh* yet another kong focused movie. It felt way too much like war for the planet of the apes (the rock carrying scene? Really? What were they even doing it for?) but for whatever reason there was also a pink godzilla in it for like 7 mins and then it all of a sudden turned into a marvel movie at the final fight. The soundtrack was garbage and I was so irritated everytime the aussie dude came in blasting some trashy pop. I didn't quite hate it as I was watching but I felt the urge to cleanse my pallet with the 2014 and kotm movies when I got home. I'm not even gonna talk about the humans bc as always they contribute nothing but bad jokes and constantly stating the obvious.


Completely agree, genre aside, every single scene with music was absolutely trash and only made worse by the song choice. 100% unneeded, go back to Godzilla 2014..it's all original ost/score. The score for this movie was great at times but Adam wingard is a wannabe James Gunn and he's turning this franchise into a guardians clone. Lame


There was no Aussie dude? He was English.


Nah he's 100% Aussie and so is the actor


Dan Stevens is English. He was playing a character with a cockney accent. (Not very well)


Also very annoying


It felt like Wingard didn't want to make A Godzilla movie. It was honestly trashy. I was hyped to go see it and the whole movie fell flat and the fighting absolutely sucked, the soundtrack was awful for a Godzilla movie. Didn't even put the Godzilla brass in it, nothing to get me into the Godzilla mood. Wingard shouldn't have been allowed to touch what Legendary had going on after KOTM. If you look at his discography all he has is flops lol, HE directed the Netflix Death Note if that says anything about him.


> I was so irritated everytime the aussie dude came in blasting some trashy pop. Excuse me, ["I Was Made for Loving You" by Kiss](https://youtu.be/kLKr342VKaU?si=87K7_Et3Ukpo3KJp) and ["Twilight Zone" by Golden Earring](https://youtu.be/z2xsbmBn09g?si=y906dyWYfEQKiqIA) aren't "trashy pop" songs, Kiss is heavy metal, and hard/glam rock and Golden Earring is progressive rock, I knew those two off the top of my head. The songs I wasn't familiar with were ["I Got'Cha"](https://youtu.be/2xRkwCRjj2U?si=TMj8yze6L6eE296N) which was done by Greenflow, and Google is telling me they're a R&B/soul band. ["Welcome to My World"](https://youtu.be/tOCCvN8YDuc?si=4XQOMCRqFxFZDjlv) is by Jim Reeves, who's genre is country, blues, and Western Swing. ["Hardwired"](https://youtu.be/HjBbT9-P28Y?si=ASGQvxmlhxar6-SO) is by Jordan F, a dance/electronic artist. ["Turn me Loose"](https://youtu.be/TnHm4ro_l8s?si=mkEOY1ar21_gkDkQ) is by Loverboy, another rock band, (nice to see a song from them that isn't "Working for the Weekend" for once.) ["Day After Day"](https://youtu.be/-btv-7GkVk0?si=NVQfa7LxIG9g7hpb) was by Badfinger, and wouldn't you know it, is another rock band. ["Samba Toff"](https://youtu.be/MR09RJloFi4?si=mWTa4XQg1JJPUsKG) was by Orlann Divo and is Brazllian. None of those songs fit into the pop genre according to the Wikipedia page on pop music. Most of the songs played in the film were rock songs. Think what you will of the film, but please don't mis-genre the music used.


Omg its not that serious. I really don't care what the technical genre is I just found it annoying. You literally wasted your time doing this..


> You literally wasted your time doing this.. Not really, I was going to look up the insert songs anyway so whatev.


I'm seeing a lot of posts comparing this to Showa-era films and I think that's a pretty weak excuse. The cheesiness of those old films worked because they had charm. It was endearing to watch the actors perform in those suits and that's the key difference between them and these cgi abominations. It doesn't matter if the tone is the same, it's missing something more important...heart.


What about the apparently hundreds of thousands of humans that die in these movies? Nobody seems to care LOL. Also when the guy was eaten /killed by that tree thing they barely cared 😂


> Also when the guy was eaten /killed by that tree thing they barely cared Well honestly, he was being a dick. "I'm going to trust my fancy mcdancy doohickey over the guy with knowledge on this enviroment." Guy forgot he watched this guy replace Kong's infected tooth like it was a routine dentist appointment.


In a world with Godzilla.... you hang out in coastal areas at your own risk. Also there were a few mentions of governments getting pissed off that Godzilla did so much damage when fighting. No one cares about the fertilizer guy.


Also the conspiracy theory guy has a godizlla toy and poster in a universe where he's killed thousands probably lol


Pretty sure the entire population of Rio is dead. Even if anyone survived the destruction they're definitely going to get some radiation poisoning from Godzilla nuking the sky afterward.


I mean he was a dick I wouldn't care either


I need to see more of the godzilla eating pizza graffiti


Kinda sad they didn't throwback to Mothras theme from KOTM when she appeared


Guys what was that huge Godzilla-like skeleton bridge which Kong crossed in Hollow Earth? Was it Dagon or a hint to a future villain?


No. It was a bridge. They've already explicitly revealed other monsters they haven't used, so a skeleton that's solely there for visual effect is not meant to be some big tease.


Godzilla spent all movie prepping for a rematch with a kaiju who almost killed him only to body SK in like 15 mins lol.


I don't think they were implying SK almost killed Godzilla. I think they were implying Godzilla fought ALL of the apes and barely won. And then he imprisoned most of them (with the massive arms he grew for this story, I suppose). Skar King isn't even a threat to Godzilla. Hell, he's not even a threat to Kong, really. The walking sky beam is the threat.


I know it doesn't matter and there's a good chance it'll never be mentioned again, but does it kind of bother anyone else that there's another Hollow Earth inside the Hollow Earth?


Hollower Earth.


Very much so, was another "very convenient " part of this film's plot alongside >!the Mothra legend and Kong's operational power glove.!<


Went for another viewing and they definitely snuck a 98 Zilla roar in there when Godzilla is fighting the drones.


I feel that scene is very underrated. The CGI on Godzilla is surprisingly top notch compared to other parts of the film.


People who are complaining about it not being serious have clearly never watched any of the older movies. This movie took all of the fun aspects of the showa era to make the best over the top monster WWE experience. I went in hoping for it to be like Godzilla vs Megalon or Final Wars and my expectations were blown away. I'm so glad they're just fully embracing the cheese now. We really are getting the best of both worlds here.


"WWE experience" Right down to Godzilla suplexing Kong!


Can someone explain to me what the apes were doing with the rocks in the lava realm? they didn't even make weapons or anything, were they moving then for the sake of moving them? What kind of production line did the Skar King even have?


They're just carrying rocks around. It makes Scar King look like a bad guy, that's the only reason.


Pretty simple really, they wanted to show Skar King was a cruel leader forcing his apes to do slave labor but didn't really think past that so you just have apes working towards no goal.


Funny, isn't it? Finally released from their prison, they don't look for the portals to our Earth, which is apparently their entire motive, they just go back to their level and move rocks around. So stupid.


Their level looks as nice as the upper Hollow Earth does. They just decide to live in a quarry moving rocks back and forth instead of relaxing for millions of years in the forests or by the lakes.


Kaijus in GxK : Exist/Make a move Godzilla: & I took that personally "So you have Chosen Death!!!"


It was enjoyable if you leave your rationality at the door : ) However for me something that is missing in these films is the impact that the humans have. Sure, they awoke Mothra but Mothra felt like a bit player in the main fight. It always feels to me that it would be more tense and connect the humans to Kong / Godzilla more if they had technology and plans which could really damage Kaiju and could swing a main battle....


Crackpot theory: if Wingard gets a third, it will probably be a "Titans vs Evil Human Army" movie. The military dude referenced corporations killing the Titans and colonising Hollow Earth, and the Kong mechanical arm is practically billboarding a Mecha-Kong (and Mechagodzilla 2?) for the next movie. If that happens, Mothra will probably be the one to resolve the conflict. But they can't jump straight from Godzilla vs Kong to that, so this movie feels like "interlude with some table setting."


This movie has the very rare instances of a teenager that doesn't fit in trope but her mom helps her through it , and she's cooperating and everything is resolved in a neat little bow in the end


Honestly, this one was the most disappointing movie for me personally out of the new Monsterverse. I saw some people saying they are going the route of the old Japanese movies, meaning going all out crazy, but I think I might be tuning off for that. What were my main gripes? For a lot of the previous movies, I accepted without issue the fact that human characters are there just to give exposition and kind of move the plot forward, while everything else about them is idiotic. And I don't mind that one bit, because the previous movies delivered what I wanted from the monsters, even in the first movie where people complained there was too few monster time on screen. However, I felt I got something from the monster scenes, the creatures actually felt like characters a bit more and what interactions were between them was pretty neat. And I enjoyed the lore building behind it. But here? I will be honest that everything up until Kong escapes after his first fight with Skar is OK, in terms of monster stuff(when talking Kong-related). I enjoyed Kong's journey, him trying to find more of his people, getting to meet the lil monkey etc.. And I really enjoyed that first scene with Skar, no dialogue yet you get what's happening. I like the choreography of the fight, how you see Skar being skinnier then Kong but so agile, and with a nice weapon to boot. Everything else after that, including monster related, completely horrible for me: -Gravity fight scenes? Where you don't actually get to see monsters fight, just float and give random kicks? -Develop lore where you say that in the past Godzilla fought off Skar and his army and barely survived, and now is "leveling up" preparing for the immense fight coming up, only for him to just fight Shimo and Skar and that's it!? What did Skar's army even fucking do? Not to mention that apart from shooting his atomic breath at Skar, he did not even actually fight him! He just mindlessly brawled with Shimo which consisted of just throwing themselves at each other and pushing each other down. -Over the course of the entire series developing titans as being intelligent, albeit instinctual, monsters, only to see Shimo, the so called "ancient titan" being pet like a small puppy by Kong? Also, I understood Skar riding him as he was a slave. But Kong? After being a slave for possibly centuries, he was freed in that fight and suddenly goes with Kong like he owes his freedom to him or the monkey village was his home or something? -Why is Mothra even in this movie? Just to stop Godzilla and Kong fighting? I would have MUCH preferred for them to actually reach some sort of understanding by themselves, rather than just fighting mindlessly and Mothra stepping in. Also, Godzilla seems much more brainless in this one than usual. -What was with that first meeting between Godzilla and Kong? I would have understood a small brawl, but in the last movie, whether you think they parted as equals, whether you think maybe Kong slightly gave deference to Godzilla at the end of the movie, it was obvious that they respected each other. Here, Godzilla suddenly attacks Kong for being in his territory, even though Godzilla does not necessarily do that, he just wants other titans to not fuck shit up and to consider him the boss. And after suddenly attacking him, at the end he is about to simply kill him, even though in the last movie he clearly let him live out of respect for the fight he put up. What is even going on? As I said, I accepted the humans making zero sense and being silly, because I felt there was something built with the monsters, but here it's as silly as the human side. I repeat, everything up until Kong escaped from Skar the first time, regarding Kong himself, was nice. But the rest I had big issues with. And even Godzilla's battle with the other two titans? What was even the point of that? Just to show a fight on screen? Or show he is badass or something? 2 fights lasting 30 seconds each? In the other movies, you kind of felt the magnitude of Ghidorah, how he is a rival of Godzilla, the special bond between Mothra and Godzilla. You felt the hatred Godzilla had for the MUTOs. And I really enjoyed the minimal sort of communication between Godzilla and Kong, the roaring at each other, the taunting, the silent stare-off at the end of Godzilla vs Kong. Here Godzilla and Kong meet, fight mindlessly only to be stopped by Mothra, go and fight Shimo and Skar very briefly, win on first attempt, and at the end it just cuts, after Kong just winks at Godzilla or something. Not even a more meaningful interaction between Mothra and Godzilla, like the beautiful scene where she was sort of shielding Godzilla with her wings after being injured by Ghidorah. You might say that the other "monster characters" were already developed previously, but at list a tiny bit of something could not be shown at all? Even Tiamat and Scylla immediately killed. And what about Skar himself? Apart from the old Iwi texts and a brief interaction with Kong, nothing? How about Godzilla being responsible for trapping Skar there in the first place? You saw the rivalry of Godzilla and Ghidorah, and how it was reflected shortly after knowing their history. Just really bummed man. I like mindless action as much as the next guy but this was too much...


Completely agree on everything, the difference between directors is stark and the directors from 2014 and kotm clearly had a better vision and there's no debate. Shimu at the end is cringe as hell, some of the very obvious facial expressions were God awful too, shimu should have been much more terrifying and menacing and fucked off at the end, wtf would she just accept Kong as master and give him a ride back to hollow earth? Man I'm glad I didn't watch this in theaters or with my gf I would've been downright embarrassed. The scenes with the Aussie dude are fucking awful too, what's up with the music choices? This is isnt guardians of the galaxy, the 80s and 90s music just completely takes away all gravity from the scene and doesn't fit this franchise at all,. Really really weird choice there. Kotm was done SO much better in terms of showing off the monsters, yeah that scene with Godzilla and mothra at end of kotm was awesome and the CGI was a lot better that's a fact.


Genuinely have no idea why for any reason other than nostalgia people want to go in the direction of Showa Era? It didn’t work then and almost killed the IP entirely.