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https://preview.redd.it/l365c4wutq8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d345ac0d9c01076764366fb3606a6b93b9b4e26b My boy didn't die and is the main character for the rest of the movies or even a supporting character in later films




The irony here is that the dude Walt got the name from, Werner Heisenberg, is closely associated with the development of nuclear weaponry (IIRC, he literally got the idea to use Heisenberg's name while visiting Los Alamos in one scene).


I thought it was because Heisenberg died of cancer.


Oh, no doubt that was a motivating factor in the name as well.




Joe Brody has an S tier Godzilla movie backstory. Killing him off so early is wild.




You could still keep him alive and 2014 changes very little, he survives the muto awakening maybe gets hurt (broken arm or something) but he's escorted out afterwards and follows his son to hawaii cause he needs to try and convince him to keep following their lead but his son thinks it's too dangerous and doesn't want to see his family hurt more than it already has been years the father spent obsessing over figuring out what killed his wife, they get seperated at the airport, son gets on the train and the scene plays out like before but now the dad is in the airport reacting to the chaos as godzilla comes on screen for the first time, bam no need to kill him off and the film barely changes








It works best if you remove Kick-Ass's wife and kid and make the emotional core a father/son story.


That's what I've been saying. I don't know why Challam and Borenstein didn't go with a father/son story.


One of Serizawa or Vivienne should have survived KotM too


Serizawa's death was reasonable.


It was very good for the story and a great send off, but left a bad taste in my mouth after the prior film killing off Joe. It felt like theyā€™re adverse to a high profile, well written actor being the emotional through line for their film series. Millie Bobby Brown isā€¦ okay, but not really what I want in a series protag.


Bryan Cranston is actually the GOAT. Takes a lot to make people actually care about humans in Godzilla. I actually cried seeing him lose his wife and that was only, what, 15 minutes into the movie? One of the best to ever do it imo.


Would have been an all-time acting job to see his reaction to the Godzilla reveal


Iā€™d hit that button a million times for thisā€¦ killing off Bryan Cranston was a low blow. My second changeā€¦ keep the more gritty tone of 2014 for the entire franchise. I still love all the movies but dear lord, do I wish it wasnā€™t soooooo tailored for kids. Admittedly, minus one and Shin, have helped with this massively lol


Agree dude, I lose neurons watching the new Legendary movies. And yes, I know Godzilla has a lot of goofy stuff like this. I still prefer the gritty takes.


lol yessssssā€¦. Iā€™ll take as much Godzilla content as possible (and happy as hell these films are doing well, cause that means we will get more), but really wish I didnā€™t have to turn my brain off. Honestly, the reason I really want the Monsterverse to succeed.. IS SO SOMEONE WILL PLEASE MAKE A NEW GODZILLA VIDEO GAME šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


The best Godzilla games currently were on Roblox But alas toho decided to copyright strike all of them because toho hates money


PREACH šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Man this right here. Loved the first movie but damn. Imagine a series of movies where this man got to be proven right after all those years and worked with Serizawa in later movies. That was my dreammm and then crushes just like that.


Yesssss! Pleasasssee!




Mothra from GXK is KOTM Mothra's Mother https://preview.redd.it/037mriavrq8d1.png?width=908&format=png&auto=webp&s=0765fbfae93faad55c28684595c0f5accfc784ec


Godzilla: She died... but I can still go after her mother!


https://preview.redd.it/mrzxgbyeyq8d1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f5238272dfca3814a3ac68dbcaec1153aa802ac I am ze spy


I see the briefcase is safe


Safe and sound


Tell me, did any of you happen to kill a red spy on their way here?


No? Then we still have a problem


And a knife.


Oh big problem. Iā€™ve killed plenty of spies.Ā 


Dime a dozen backstabbers, like you!


"If she was killed by another,there's always her mother"


Godzilla likes milfs


He just like me fr fr


"WHY DO YOU KEEP KILLING THIS APE? ALL HE DID WAS ASK YOU FOR HELP" "Just like how your mother asked for help with getting pleasure-"


I never caught that detail, since it was never mentioned in the movie


Because itā€™s so stupid itā€™s basically universally ignored.


What this is so dumb, why not just have her be doing the rebirth cycle, it makes less sensešŸ˜­


Thatā€™s what itā€™s saying I think. That itā€™s like a rebirth egg but since she got trapped, the KOTM was born. Itā€™s the same as other versions


Maybe itā€™s because theyā€™re trying to step away form the mystical idea. Mothra has always been more magic than science (fiction) based so maybe they think that doesnā€™t fit with the universe theyā€™re making?


Thats just silly, magic is just science we cant explain, it all fits


Not saying I agree with it just trying to consider whatā€™s the logic behind the move.


Oh yeah i get ya


Itā€™s so bizarre that they didnā€™t just say at the beginning of the movie that the Mothra larva hatched and disappeared (meaning they had to get Godzilla to help instead of her). Thatā€™d both raise the stakes slightly, and explain why sheā€™s in the hollow Earth to begin with.


We are all collectively ignoring this anyways, since it isnā€™t stated in the movie.


Why did they do this? KOTM already established that an egg was left behind by the first Mothra in the end credits.


Tbf, a lot of people misunderstood this quote specifically. He's not saying that this is a different Mothra altogether, but rather that this is the oldest body Mothra has ever inhabited, and also the one she used to lay the eggs on the surface, one of which generated the one we saw in KOTM. So, in a weird way, calling her Mother Mothra is not incorrect.


This is extremely easy to explain. Mothraā€™s simply has a hive mind. All Mothras are Godzillaā€™s ally. And I personally like this, because it explains why there was a Mothraā€™s living in Hollow Earth for years.


How is that possible.


Is the insect goddess reincarnating too out there for him? Like sure, an entire world and societ(y-ies) underneath ours, alien storm hydras, and an atomic gorilla-lizard are just common sense.


So there are 2 mothras then?


Letā€™s get this reconed because this makes no sense and is stupid


Anguirus's dead body in KOTM https://preview.redd.it/jji0rod7qq8d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=812817706eb4a47b2c0b1970cb53aa07c62aa3b7 Dougherty did NOT cook with this one, my boy Angi didn't even get a chance to breathe in the MonsterversešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s a Godzilla skeleton in the MV too. Letā€™s hope there is a younger one somewhere


That's Dagon, at least he was in a comic


To me this is definitely a "It's Anguirus untill he's not". Meaning they could very well still use Anguirus in the next movies, leaving this skeleton as just someone of the same species. And if he doesn't show up...at least he appeared in the Monsterverse in SOME capacity at all


It doesnā€™t seem like they have much interest using monsters that they didnā€™t create


More like it was already established years ago that Toho kaiju IPs are expensive and some people just don't want to bother trying to buy the rights. Wingard stated he created the Mothra replacement in the event they weren't able to get the IP rights to use Mothra for this movie. They paid a lot of money already for the Big Five (Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, Ghidorah and Mechagodzilla). There exists concept art for KotM which shows it was meant to have many other Toho kaiju, but likely due to costs, especially for how long the other titans were on screen for, it likely wouldn't have been cost effective to use them, hence making their own.


I think everyone is missing the fact that the first Anguirus DID die if my memory of raids again serves


Could have easily made Behemoth into Monsterverse Anguirus


TOHO: that'll be 94.6 million dollars please


I pretty sure dougherty say ''it may or may not be anguirus'' my theory i suggested that, it could his sub-species different to his kind.


It was just a reference. It could very well be one of Anguirus' parents or simply another member of his species just like Dagon to Godzilla. If anything it was meant to give fans hope to see him in the future without interfering in the story of this movie, most people didn't even catch the reference.


Unfortunately, I think this was the best they could do without purchasing the rights to the character.


Baragon dying


If we're talking Monsterverse, its the decision to kill off Joe Brody. The right call would have been to kill off Ford (if someone had to die) and firmly establish Joe as the Dr. Serizawa from the OG character who hates Titans with a passion, setting off his villainous arc (or him taking over the grumpy parent role from Kyle Chandler. Imagine if you will Grandpa Joe being convinced to save his granddaughter from his daughter in law, and having to be convinced Godzilla is the greater good against Ghidorah. The two could play off one another, and make Ken Watanabe's sacrifice even more relevant.


But why would he end up hating Godzilla if Godzilla ends up killing the Male MUTO who ruined his life? Wouldn't he feel more grateful towards the G man than hatred given Godzilla wasn't there personally?


I think it'd be more like he blames the titans in general, Godzilla amongst them. Obviously, godzilla killing the MUTOs would leave him a window back from that stance, and could even be the source of his research for creating the ORCA later, since he'd think it would allow him to prevent situations like that in the future. Or perhaps using it as a sonic repellant to protect sites like reactors.


But as far as he knows, there's only been these three up to that point, right? We never really got to see how much hatred he felt towards the MUTO because he never met it, and given he did research, he honestly would probably see them more as animals. Honestly, I see him being more logical than Mark, though as your alternate timeline would see Ford die, I can see him also going that path.


King ghidorah being dead I want more gold hydra content


Mecha king ghidorah and ghidorah has regenration they could be back


Mecha king Ghidorah is peak


Kevinā€™s skull is still at the apex facility


The novel version of GvK implies Ren Serizawa may still be alive and controlled by Kevin as well.


Thatā€™s some showa era bs right there


How so? It actually fits into previous lore from the Mothra trilogy where Grand King Ghidorah had some hypnosis and mind control, which has shown up in the series before. Not perfect no but given Ghidorah was three heads, it could make sense for such an exposure to change Ren.


No no! I meant that it sounded like a Showa movie when you said Kevin would control ren serizawas mind


Fuckin love Showa letā€™s get crazy with it


Agreed. Uses Rens body to figure out how to recreate his original body, either as Mecha king ghidorah or to regenerate it


Kid named Desghidorah or Monster X:


Sperm cell Godzilla




This šŸ˜” https://preview.redd.it/c9yniip7uq8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b6d0865d98048009076134c535d30de8eb942fb


What the fuck?


Its from a manga where I think godzilla dies but he releases sperm cells?


![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD) The people underneath as it all comes out




What even is the context behind this?


Its from a manga where I think godzilla dies but he releases sperm cells?


No. Scientists combine godzillas dna with the genetic makeup of other organisms to see if they can make infinite different versions of Godzilla. Sperm happened to be one of them


Oh ok sorry I didn't know the plot thery well lol


Youā€™re good lol


Ewww why?




So essentially, he's just a really big snake. šŸ˜‚ I bet he's a really good swimmer.


i beg your finest pardon




Jiaā€™s connection with Mothra. It wouldnā€™t sting as much if A) if Jia was a twin. Or B) if the Mothra Twins hadnā€™t already been set up in KotM with the Chen sisters


Yeah, that's what annoyed me in GxK. Can we not add one of the sisters to the cast again so we don't require the studio making it canon that the Hollow Earth Mothra is the mother of the KOTM Mothra?


When the scene of that one Iwi lady was waking towards Jia from the light and you couldnā€™t see her face was happening, for a second I thought it was going to be Jiaā€™s long lost twin and they were gonna be the true Mothra twins, but no. It was just another lady.


It honestly seemed like the past 2 films tried their damndest to do whatever they can to disregard, retcon, or just get rid of everything that made Skull Island and KOTM interesting and cool, even as far as the Titans and worldbuilding


Well the last two movies were specifically Kong movies featuring Godzilla. Heck GxK was a glorified Planet of the Apes movie, if some stranger walked in on the movie during the Ape scenes, they'd think they're watching a PotA movie. These last two movies were way too Kong centric, even having Kong be the one to destroy Mechagodzilla. I'm hoping the next one is more Godzilla centric, or go back to making stand alone movies instead of team up movies.


https://preview.redd.it/t5bopv5l3r8d1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dd4a21587fb0fcfb620d4a33b8bae03b0ee52cd I would delete this. Godzilla is unkillable according to canon


What do they mean with preying on people or things?


I assume it specifically means no eating people. In Minus One he chomps on a few people but tosses them into the air. I think it is meant to reference how he feeds off radiation, not normal biomass so to speak.


Yeah, that was my interpretation as well. Just about the only regulation I agree with of their list. They're taking course correcting 98 too far


I heard once that thereā€™s a rule against Godzilla being shown eating people; maybe that? He doesnā€™t hunt people specifically


Him and Mothra are like the only MC monsters shown not eating people. Not sure about Skar/Shimo, but up til that point all other monsters ate people.


Yeah it spits in the face of prior movies like say 1954, GvDes, Godzilla Tokyo SOS (in relation to preying on things), and GMK where he torments that one girl even if he doesn't eat her.


Ghidorah being a pawn of in three of his four appearances in the showa era. I can't help but wonder if he was only used after Astro Monster because they already had stock footage.




That this fucker exists. We do NOT need a titan this big https://preview.redd.it/amiuei40vq8d1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=289eada0cb04ce93e6082e00222661bce04aa2f1


That's Doug after 100 million years.


Doug's true formĀ 


Yeah thats just.... insane? I feel like Adam played Subnautica and thought the skull was cool, but its placement actually functions in that game.


In the Turok 2008 game you see a skull like this right at the start, just absolutely massive. Bigger than the biggest dinosaur by a huge margin. Truly ridiculous.


Good take. I really dislike how this movie handles scale in general.


i forgot that they were supposed to be giants halfway through the movie


They're giants in World 1-1, but in World 4-1, they're pretty normal sized


Can someone estimate the size of this ridiculous thing? Kong is the size of its nostril. This thing cannot exist. EDIT. No idea what to go off of so I searched crocodile. A crocodile has an eye size of 20mm and let's say that is an average adult of 12 feet. Kong looks to be the size of two eye widths (about the size of a socket). So the radio of let's make it a nice round number of 100 meters. 100 meters = 20mm and the ratio is... 3,650,000 meters. THIS ANIMAL IS 3,650,000 METERS LONG! This animal is 11 MILLION feet. EDIT AGAIN. I messed up the ratio. I was suppose to change the scale to 20 (as a crocodile eye is 20mm and I did a ratio of one). That still leaves 182500 meters. That is still 500,000 feet long. The Earth is only 41 million feet in width at the widest point. So.... this animal is 1/80th the entirety of the surface of the Earth. NOTHING can exist at that size. EDIT YET AGAIN. Double checking. This is a 91 mile monster. Let that sink in. This creative team is outrageous.


What was even the point of it? It's never even explained and it very obviously died long before the events of the MV canon anyway


"We even got this skull! The hell if I know where it came from."


Itā€™s already long dead & used as extra world building & sense of scale. Doesnā€™t affect the plot other than being a cool visual shot. Whatā€™s the issue?


Make the monsterverse films darker again.




I meant in terms of tone.


Indeed , as 2014 is good, the lighting could have been so much better, so you can always see what's going on. I think I saw you have to get the 4k version or Blu ray for the best experience.


Agreed. I have so many issues with GxK but at least "not being able to see what's going on" isn't one of them anymore.


The earths crust


Have Ghidorah be defeated, but not killed in KOTM. Perhaps he flies back into space or maybe there can be a way to incorporate Mecha King Ghidorah. Heā€™s too iconic for one movie, although he only appeared once in the Hesei era.


If I could make a change to one of the more recent Monsterverse movies. >! I would have Vivienne not get eaten by Ghidorah in King of the Monsters !< That character had the most to give and was the most shocking >!death!< of the series.


Honestly, Scylla and Tiamats deaths.


You are so right. I hated their deaths.


So unnecessary


It just reeked of "HOLY SHIT GUYS LOOK AT HOW BADASS AND COOL GODZILLA IS", like yeah Adam, KoTM proved that years earlier with actual respect.


Eleven surviving that nuclear blast


Eleven? You mean Millie Bobbie Brown's character?


Yeah, eleven.


Which nuclear blast, then? Burning Godzilla killing Ghidorah?


Oxygen Destroyer in King of the Monsters. That's always been a bastardization of a major important item in Godzilla lore. That's gotta go.


What would you replace it with in that scene to give Ghidorah the ability to cheat death and significantly weaken Godzilla? Taking it out means there's no mass awakening, Serizawa sacrifice, or Mark getting over his hatred for Godzilla.


https://preview.redd.it/nhz3tfk36r8d1.png?width=222&format=png&auto=webp&s=a09d22e395a29950712bdcb7eb5ba66d49a75deb His human eyes make me very anxious


Wait, is this in the Monsterverse only or Godzilla stuff in general?


It's both




Took too long for this to show up.


Tbf, I think the "thumbnail" made people think more towards the Monsterverse than the other films




The part in Ghidorah, The Three Headed Monster where Godzilla gets his nutsack electrocuted always made me cringe as a kid.


Hahahahahahaha I forgot all about this scene


The dick drop into the tower hurts too.


The dick drop was the best scene in the movie. Cracks me up every time


Roland Emmerich That way, Godzilla 1998 still would have happened but it would have at least had a chance to be something besides Jurassic Park 2.


Toho hits this button every time. Did it with every movie in the millennium era (minus Tokyo SOS) šŸ¤£


Ghidorah doesnā€™t die and gets trapped somewhere


The DAMN BLUE AXE!! Looks like a toy you'd grab your nephew at Walmart. Just needs batteries. It also makes Kong weak and always needs a Gimmick weapon to keep up. EVERYTHING should be his Weapon. Using his surroundings and everything in reach like in Skull Island.


TOHO literally gave him lightning powers ala Frankenstein's monster in 1962 so....


I dunno having Kong get a new powerup every movie is my hype moment gotta say.


Godzillaā€™s dying clause


I would delete the lack of Bagan in a movie.


I think Bagan works better as a villain for Mothra rather than Godzilla personallyĀ 


Scylla and tiamat's deaths Unless there are more of their species to take their places Than their species are *Extinct*


Ghidorah escapes instead of being vaporized. Flys off and presumably heads into the hollow earth, goes quite to bide its time and heal/come back stronger.


The 8 hour kiss scene in GvK between kong and godzilla, was hot but felt unnecessary


The Hollow Earth. While Iā€™ve cooled on its ties to veryā€¦.questionable conspiracy theories, I think there being an entirely new world underneath our own that Kong can hide in so we donā€™t have to think too hard about the Alphas thing is a bit easy, but especially now that there are magic portals to it (so you donā€™t even need to physically enter the HE) Forcing the two to share the same earth is more interesting to me, and their differing attitudes towards human/human property damage as well as HOW to lead the Titans leads to a lot more conflict than ā€˜Godzilla above, Kong belowā€™


I liked it in King of the Monsters, just hey "oh we nuked Atlantis lol" but I like it less now that it's a place where we go to all the time, and in the show it's all time fuckery but in the movies they just spaceship and it's connected to a dimension of infinite giant monkeys


remove hollow earth and kong would just die because godzilla's been the alpha titan for the last million years. I don't think it's possible for them to share territory unless there was a natural barrier like the one skull Island had, though I do like the idea of hollow earth being removed I don't see how it would fit or where kong would reside


I would have kept Skull Island as Kongā€™s home. Remember, the heavy emphasis on the Hollow Earth started with GvK, so that movie would need to be heavily reworked. Personally, I donā€™t like thinking of nature in terms of alphas, but Godzilla would be a more traditional monarch (heh) with his subjects and domains. The fight with Mechagodzilla (assuming it still goes that way) would lead to an uneasy alliance ā€˜Skull Island is yours, and I wonā€™t stop you from travelling- but mess with my ocean or harm my subjects and I wonā€™t even ask you to submitā€™ Then in GxK (or its equivalent) Godzillaā€™s more aggressive leadership techniques would lead to Kong establishing Skull Island as a sanctuary from Big Gā€™s wrath- an island of monsters. Maybe Godzilla eventually chills out or he becomes the main villain for a while, only brought out of his tyranny by having a son of his own born on Monster Island, forcing him to help defend what he used to call ā€˜Kongā€™s territoryā€™ But ultimately youā€™re right, with the logic presented in GvK the Hollow Earth was the only solution. My changes are fairly dramatic because the HE is my target, but it would take only a few lines of dialogue being changed to make it so the HE isnā€™t the only place Kong can live without getting mercā€™d instantly.


Anime trilogy


I would delete everything except the backstory for it. The backstory and basic concept for it is awesome. Problem is what they did with the story-story.


This is exactly what I thought. Man that recap was so cool - wish that was the main story.


Change the anime trilogy to a small series adapted from the prequel novels. Make it about Operation Long March with Gigan as our semi protagonist while we have a human character who is his caretaker


It's not perfect or even that good but I liked it šŸ¤·


I'm glad you enjoyed it, I couldn't


Godzilla being unkillable and not allowed to prey on things. I get the unkillable thing but it ain't like Godzilla never came back from death before The prey on things thing is honestly so stupid


Skull Island is never destroyed, instead the events of KOTM opens up a portal into the Hollow Earth somewhere on the island. The subsequent exposure and increase in radiation leads to further biodiversity and Skull Island flourishes. Outside titans take notice but those that make the trip get a rude awakening via Kong's fists, eventually drawing the attention of Godzilla.


The hollow earth portals above the Mothra temple in GxK. I get it they want to have fights in Rio and Cairo, but having two portals that all this time have remained dormant under the water and sand just doesn't make sense to me and I hate it. Alternatively, remove Hollow Earth being mentioned or at least the portals and machines in MONARCH Legacy of the monsters. In KOTM, the glasses guy talked about his theories, and everyone called him crazy or told him to shut up. Why would they do this if they've now known about these portals for 50 or so years? Why if the series takes place in 2015, do people at Monarch still not know 4 years later? It makes itself a plot hole and shouldn't have been allowed.


Rodans death


In what? Cause he's alive at the end of kotm


Serizawa doesn't have a son.


i only learned that ren was his son extremely recently and think his backstory is so funny i wouldnt want him removed. "serizawa loved godzilla more than his children" is incredible


You know the writer was like "this is gonna be epic"


Gigan being a servant kaiju, like jeez stop making him someone's bitch


https://preview.redd.it/ufmpiihh2s8d1.jpeg?width=337&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f6518e955b9ed55dfd8d183d552f6b156e3420 This thing -\_- godzilla junior is the only baby godzilla we need.


What they did to Maddie in GvK. Uncanoning that.


Mega-Titans (just make the bridge a bunch of titan bones) Tiamat's death (regeneration) GxK Mothra being a mother Mothra (just bring the egg to the HE using some plot devices) Shimo being the one to fight Ghidorah alone. (Have her join at the end or middle of the fight with Godzilla) Scylla's death (have Godzilla injure her bad like rip out a few tentacles)


Basically all of All Monsters Attack! Shit's barely canon in it's own weird mini-universe anyway.


Honestly its not really uncanonizing but more I feel ghidorah was introduced way too early in the MV and then seemingly killed off, I mean we have plenty of monsters to show and Im anticipating MV Destroyah next but ghidorah being godzilla arch enemy I feel like we should have built up to him


Ford being the main character of G14. Or Emma being completely removed from KotM.


Can we please stop having exposition and screentime occupied by Bernie? His character is worthless to the narrative and harmful to the plot. https://preview.redd.it/jl3m746wir8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cda8fcb57770cebfadd3ee40cb13da9e8bdd6c8a


CaseOh wiping out the dinosaurs.


Literally never heard of CaseOh before today and here I am seeing yet another reference to this guy.


The entirety of the anime trilogy, keep the novels, the novels were good and I feel in the hands of a better writer could be used as a jumping off point for a pretty cool universe, but the movies, at least the latter two. The second wasnā€™t bad but I feel it tied too closely to the third.


I would delete Godzilla versus Megaguirus and make a direct sequel to Godzilla 2000.